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File: 375 KB, 604x1000, F016sm5WAAYxSMN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53320236 No.53320236 [Reply] [Original]

Is Pomu's mama using AI when they drew this? Looks suspiciously like AI.

>> No.53320753

Might as well be. Just looks like some generic genshit

>> No.53322045

The Kiara she drew looks even more like it

>> No.53322152

The Japs have always hated him for being a tracing hack, what do you think?

>> No.53322402

This is 100% traced AI art or AI art entirely.

>> No.53322683

Have Iofi check it and see.

>> No.53323065

that's definitely ai
you can tell by the eyes and brows alone and the strands of hair much less the shape of the body

>> No.53323253

There is nothing there to indicate its ai you schizo retards
>it LOOKS like the artstyle of ai so it is
You are all braindead

>> No.53323387

hope False covers this

>> No.53323410

Her right ear.

>> No.53323544

just look at those ai clouds

>> No.53323652

Three different styles of waves and splashes.

>> No.53323753

>ridiculous amounts of flesh rolls

>> No.53323799

pomu's mama doesn't like her enough to draw art of her anymore.

>> No.53323824

everyone uses ai for backgrounds
thats not the point here

>> No.53324005

>everyone uses ai for backgrounds
Now THAT'S a cope. Just accept that Pomu's mama used AI

>> No.53324696

The reason so much AI art has look-alike soulless tells is because it was trained on soulless art.

>> No.53325435

everyone calling this AI is braindead, holy fuck
and it's not a "hm perhaps this could be AI, I'm not sure", you're doing it with CONFIDENCE

>> No.53325564

hardly anyone cares about their backgrounds in the first place
but yeah this does look like modified AI art
You can do the entire body with AI but fix the hands and add the face in your signature style and get something near identical to this
I'd like to see someone reproduce it though

>> No.53325753

as someone who masturbates to a lot to AI art, I can see where they're coming from. I don't think it's AI-generated but I think it's probably traced from AI or drawn-over AI or some combination of the two

I don't really know why an artist would do this since it's not that much less effort than drawing it yourself and you end up getting shit that looks stiff and incredibly generic

>> No.53325799

I don't think this is true

>> No.53325866

Pomu, I know you desperately want your mother to love you, but it’s time you face the truth

>> No.53326062

>I don't think it's AI-generated
Yeah, it's not, there's obvious tells when something is AI generated
>I think it's probably traced from AI or drawn-over AI
>I don't really know why an artist would do this
Why even come to that conclusion then?

>> No.53326250

>Defending this hard
Even if not ai aided (it totally could be) it looks mediocre anyway

>> No.53326260
File: 396 KB, 600x587, 19f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really gotta suck if you spent a long time refining your painting style only for it to turn out as the generic AI style

>> No.53326278

don't get autistic about it, it's just a hunch. I wouldn't accuse someone over just one picture. it just has a similar stiffness/awkward composition/awkward proportions that I'm used to seeing in ai generated art
>Why even come to that conclusion then?
not everyone acts rationally or cares about the lower quality product

>> No.53326300

>AI copies art that it sees online
>"Hur dur why does this art look like the AI style?"
I'm not gonna say this is the best art I've ever seen, I mean the splash on the bottom right isn't even cropped properly, but chill with the AI accusations. Can't someone just be a generic artist without being AI?

>> No.53326546
File: 201 KB, 604x1000, 1689185036147032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's not ai then it's probably ai assisted, this background looks really wonky, and the lightning here looks like the trademarked ai lightning. if feel like if it was full ai then details on her headband would come out wrong.

>> No.53326639

Her ear looks like it's far too out, and her right arm's shading doesn't make sense for what looks like some time near noon, or after noon.

>> No.53326818

>and it's not a "hm perhaps this could be AI, I'm not sure", you're doing it with CONFIDENCE
this is an anonymous imageboard, anon. if you want to say something, say it like you believe it. this isn't reddit or twitter, nobody is going to scroll through your posts and call you out for being wrong that one time. there is no reason to act like what you're saying isn't the undeniable truth.

>> No.53327081

No that's just her style, but it looks generic enough that it might be

>> No.53327095

Itiso is a guy.
I know you're all desperate for controversy because your brains are broken but you can go buy one of his artbooks if you really think that and compare all his work to a bunch of ai stuff.

>> No.53327189

>>533270>akshualy, his art is just so bland and generic it's easily mistakable to indistinguishable form AI art
I honestly can't tell if you're trying to defend him or not.

>> No.53327494


>> No.53327659
File: 140 KB, 1547x512, pomusen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't look like it. And since AI tools are appearing in every somewhat advanced drawing software nowadays, it's not going to be a capital crime to use them. Art purists will have to adapt or go broke eventually.

>> No.53327706

would make sense

>> No.53327710

That AI art detector thing doesn't work for shit though

>> No.53327724

The style looks like a novelai product but it's very easy to tell this was drawn. There's zero micro deformities.
What do I mean by micro deformities? when you zoom in very close, there's no weird unexplainable brush strokes, squiggles, or artifacting.
If this was done by AI you'd see this present within the eyes but ESPECIALLY the water; there's no way AI could produce that without seeing fucked up shit going on when you zoom close.
Btw I find it really funny that we've gone from "I can tell it's a shoop from the pixels" to "I can tell it's AI from the pixels"

>> No.53327760

Using AI to develop a quick layout of an image, a foundation to build off of, can make things go a lot quicker.
Sometimes you might be stuck in deciding what layout of limbs you want, the background or whatever else.
Some people just randomly look through some art, some get the 3D poser apps / programs out, some sketch random shit until it looks nice, now they have AI to randomly throw out a pose for you as well.

I personally made some really shitty basic creature generator forever ago to give me ideas for monsters to draw.
It was buggy as fuck, I originally wanted it to generate sensible creatures, but I thought it was funny that it would generate absolute monstrosities so kept it buggy in one version for inspiration.
Likewise a general theme generator for images, just smashing random shit together and seeing what I could come up with.
I made a few memes that way. Some still used fairly regularly. It's fun keeping that to myself though, I'm not an attention whore that wants the association with them - I create for creations sake.

>> No.53327801

>We investigated ourselves and found no wrong-doing

>> No.53328041

no see this professional artist with a jillion contracts and a years-long career used AI guaranteed to get found out so he could get into a social media scandal, deliberately endangering his career to give SEAnigger /vt/ schizos a win in their imaginary corpo war.

>> No.53328691
File: 1.98 MB, 1024x1536, 1686387047712673-02817-2014175237-cute princes at the beach, highly detailed high contrast hd masterpiece of best quality in high resolution_, nekomata okayu, hol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who's worked with Ai art a lot, you can tell this was generated but she drew over it and fixed/remade a lot of the image from.
>the eyes, the spacing and emptiness
>grin and stomach are are the same as in 90% of ai art
>some pattern folds appear and disappear out of nowhere, instead of in places where the material would naturally fold - artists usually don't throw in this many useless folds to begin with
>senseless hand positioning - ai just threw those together from 2 different images
>highleg straps are a trademark of ai at this point - in how many senseless ways it throws them in - here the side-ties are just generated randomly at the back, where they don't make natural sense
and the biggest one
>she's standing in 2 oceans at different angels
When generating, the ai doesn't understand backgrounds very well. Tries to work with everything, so 1 figure in the center ends up splitting background elements apart.
Here, the ai generated an ocean in the left, at some angle, and a totally different one in the right, at another angel and with different waves.
The artist painted over it and of course, at least matched the water for both.

And ofc, you can just ask yourself "where is the light coming from?"
Because all artists do that while creating an image, but when tracing ai art, they just go with what was rendered and some light fixes.
Here, there are 3 different sources, none of which would have shaded her right arm.

>> No.53328799
File: 791 KB, 850x1228, Screenshot 2023-07-12 at 16-22-58 玖条イチソ@C101新刊委託中 on Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Damn... dude just couldn't be assed to complete this after a year and gave in to using AI to finish it for him.

>> No.53328875

>She would have been flat

>> No.53329103

your mom's an AI cuz i just stabbed her to death

>> No.53329538

False should kill himself

>> No.53329628

Nah, he should definitely cover this. No reason not to, and it'd be a big deal to come out with a scoop that a Niji artist used AI.

>> No.53329768

Does anyone actually give a shit about artist using AI though?

>> No.53329803

When you lie about it like Pomu's mama did? Yes.

>> No.53329856

False trying to scoop the bottom of the barrel for any drama trying to make himself relevant

>> No.53329967

Doesn't he get better views than over half of NijiEN?

>> No.53330120
File: 3.78 MB, 2440x3320, __pomu_rainpuff_and_pomu_rainpuff_nijisanji_and_1_more_drawn_by_kujou_ichiso__a39fc108797fed579298ab5435147a42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really has that AI feel to it. Compared to a year ago the shading looks so different.

>> No.53330166

wouldn't it be simple to compare it to all their other artwork to determine whether they drew it or used AI to generate it?

>> No.53330474

Nice joke

>> No.53330563

What a fucking hack. Pomu deserves much better than this.

>> No.53330957

If you're a professional artist and outsource most of the work to an AI you're not much of an artist at all

>> No.53330973

What the fuck is going on with her skirt on the right side??
My oshi deserves far, far better

>> No.53331027

>AI "tools"
There has to be a line drawn somewhere, man

>> No.53331658

Your argument is:
>her face looks uninspired
>"too many folds" (not even remotely the case)
>you don't like the hand pose
>unrealistic strap placement
>curved ocean waves (???)
>her right arm is being shaded by her body (you misunderstood ultra basic shadow construction, fucking retard)

Do you realize how retarded you sound? You went so far in your quest to prove that an image you didn't like was "AI-generated" that you threw together some complete nonsense arguments. "Senseless hand positioning"? "Empty eyes"? What the fuck? It's so easy to prove something IS ai generated, and YOU know it since you've seen AI art. Why did you even write paragraphs and paragraphs grasping at straws?

>> No.53332064

You people need to admit that mainstream anime has become such a generic and overdone art style that there is virtually no difference between it and AI.
Over time, AI condenses the most popular and overrepresented elements of its training set into one homogenous style. The fact that it was able to do so perfectly with anime art from the get-go speaks volumes on the state of the medium.

>> No.53332566

It looks similar to Stable Diffusion but not quite. If it was it would be immediately obvious.

>> No.53332620

>It looks similar to Stable Diffusion but not quite
Almost as if art like this was used to train Stable Diffusion. Curious, might require more investigating.

>> No.53332854

>As someone who's worked with Ai art a lot,
>I typed so many prompts I am now an expert about drawing

>> No.53332965

>no melted fingers
>is this AI

>> No.53333030

I'm glad you finally understand

>> No.53333085

Nah,, it's like saying that it looks like a Rembrandt painting, as in someone that was purposefully copying Rembrandt's artstyle. Stable Diffusion has its own unique drawing style that doesn't match with any existing artist.

>> No.53333134

>AI Art was the necessary deterrent to make artists develop an actual style to stay relevant and not be accused of using ai
The future is bright

>> No.53333199

If it's not actually AI art then it's still functionally AI art to consumers

>> No.53333286

>Stable Diffusion has its own unique drawing style that doesn't match with any existing artist.
Okay fine, you know what? Describe this style, then.

>> No.53333299

>splash on the right cut off in midair

>> No.53333384

Looks more like a photoshop mistake than an AI one to be desu.

>> No.53333422

Not really, that's one part it looked like he did himself and misplaced the layer, AI art doesn't abruptly end in a dime like that

>> No.53333552
File: 1.07 MB, 873x1200, 109868186_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The other day I stumbled upon a porn animation made by Speedoru. I didn't know the guy made porn so it took me a moment to realize it was the same guy as in those YouTube animations. I cannot quite describe Speedoru artstyle with words, but it's immediately recognizable.

If you see many Stable Diffusion images you see many of the patterns that are common to the style. This guy >>53328691 actually describes some of the features, but I think a lot of it is much harder to pin down, like the unnatural coloring and lighting.

>> No.53333622
File: 194 KB, 840x620, 511D51D5-94D6-4C99-B36C-7D90AD95FB18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53333702

It would be a pretty big hit to the artists' reputation at least. That said, the ones who would screech about it the most are self-righteous and holier-than-thou Twitter artists. Imagine a bunch of Iofis basically.

>> No.53333895

Within a year most successful artists will be using AI tools.

>> No.53334182

It's 100% AI-assisted, no doubt about it for me, I already said the same thing about the Kiara drawing.

They both just stand out jarringly compared to all his other art. You dont even have to look at the background for it.

Just look at Pomu's bodys shadow. First it's too detailed and 3DIsh and then too desaturated and gray. Kujo's colors usually pop.

and for people saying more details of the bow etc would be wrong, artists can overpaint.

>> No.53334209

You can identify features that are overrepresented, however they vary by checkpoint. Vibrant shadow edges is one that some checkpoints really like to do (seen on thighs and pillow in your pic), I'm guessing a combination of several overrepresented traits like that ends up making the "AI look" some people are talking about. What's funny is these are all things real artists do, often to a high extent (thus why they end up being overrepresented in AI).
>>53328691 is a dumbass, though.

>> No.53334355

this, a lot of artist dont realize the usefulness of AI and decry it just because they dont know better.
Back in 2006-2010 artists cried about digital art not being art.
Then they cried about photobashing.
Then about using 3D for help.

Its gonna take a few years, but eventually artists will come around and start utilizing AI widely. There's so much potential, even if they just use it to find a good composition or get a different perspective.

>> No.53334374

>Desaturating shadows is a mark of using AI
You people are insane

>> No.53334458

I genuinely thought this was AI when I saw it on my feed and was shocked it was by Pomu's mama

>> No.53334503

It is when it looks nothing like his usual art for the past decade.

>> No.53334562

My assumption when looking at it was it was AI generated or img2img generated from a sketch, then drawn over, cleaned up and corrected manually. I always assumed a pipeline like that would be inevitable for mid-tier artists looking to increase volume and artwork complexity.

>> No.53334643

This is a 100% AI generated and then he drew over it to fix some mistakes. The hand looks stupid, the head and hips look awkward and the whole body has the generic ai shading

>> No.53334651
File: 624 KB, 2393x4096, F03vcKGaYAAFEmS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Here, the ai generated an ocean in the left, at some angle, and a totally different one in the right, at another angel and with different waves.
>The artist painted over it and of course, at least matched the water for both.
Here's a high res of the isolated character, just to laugh at your 'split background' theory.

>> No.53334804

>simplified every explanation I gave to refute it, by only arguing against the simplified version.
You are presenting yourself as a simpleton.

>> No.53334844

runs in the family

>> No.53334857

I don't see how cropping out the art proves anything?

>> No.53334986

Reminds me when hololive got in trouble for tracing Namori's art. Except that was way worse.

>> No.53334996
File: 56 KB, 294x294, aiwot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys... I don't think it's AI.

>> No.53335057

What are you pointing at? Lines? AI art can very easily to sketchy linework.

>> No.53335066

>Its gonna take a few years, but eventually artists will come around and start utilizing AI widely. There's so much potential, even if they just use it to find a good composition or get a different perspective.
back then the people using those 3 features when they showed up are in to learn and improve workflow, right now is not the same thing for AI
We just have talentless folks wanting to brag about "what they did"

>> No.53335082

My bro it's an artist he can paint over AI.

>> No.53335090


We have to convince everyone it is AI because we hate Nijisanji and they live rent free in our heads...

>> No.53335141

>generate AI Pomu
>Paint over it
so simple

>> No.53335192

>doesn't know AI artists fix small details on their own

>> No.53335207

I didn't simplify anything, those are your arguments near verbatim. I didn't omit anything, and in fact I strongly encourage you to elaborate on these arguments or remind me of the specific points I've misrepresented. (But we both know you'll come up with some excuse not to, because you, in fact, don't understand what you're talking about.)

>> No.53335242

Pomu is my oshi and i hate that if that fag did indeed use it it could affect her

>> No.53335320

Why is it so shitty then? AI would have done a better job.
Is this next step of your argument?
That the artist shat it up on purpose?
That they generated a 5 second AI sketch and spent hours rendering it by hand, instead of doing, you know, the opposite?

>> No.53335338

AI has really big troubles connecting lines over layers it shits out which is why you get stuff like top left where it just disappears and he didn't show it in the image there but the ear doesn't connect to her head behind the hair there

>> No.53335504

I think there is more to AI art than just features. Midjourney and Stable Diffusion have fairly different styles but both feel inhuman, like looking into the mind an alien. The way their eyes peer into the non-existent camera is also haunting. That quality remains even if the pic goes for a 3D or realistic look.

>> No.53335508

>converted 181 words to 34
>those are your arguments near verbatim
Just because you're a fucking moron that don't even understand the words you use doesn't mean I need to drop to you level.

And please do tell.
>her right arm is being shaded by her body
How exactly is her body fully shading her right arm, in an open sea, sunlight falling from above, a bit to her right?
That ignoring the 2 other light sources given her shading.
Fucking waste of brain cells you are.

>> No.53335666
File: 1.31 MB, 1008x1008, 1684754438482283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI would have done a better job.
AI usually fucks those small details.

>> No.53335800

That's because rendering funky anime eyes provides the same structural challenges hands do.

>> No.53335828

And a professional artist can easily go in and clean up and correct said mistakes from an AI output. Isn't that the point here?

Nobody in their right mind is arguing the image is a completely untouched raw AI output.

>> No.53335840

This will probably become a bigger thing, artists that are competent using AI to do the majority of the work, then going over it with their own skill and cleaning up the deformed fingers, clothing, and other areas that were generated poorly

>> No.53336011

>And a professional artist can easily go in and clean up and correct said mistakes from an AI output
That's what I was implying before. That aside, I am not sure what's going on in Pomu's pic. Maybe he made small fixed the body and then redrew the hands, hair and face.

>> No.53336217

lots of cope in this thread, yes it is AI

>> No.53336316

>a bit to her right?
The light's not coming from her right, Pomu's mama was just retarded and did whatever with the shadows.

>> No.53336410

wtf pomu mama This is an insult to your fans, we're here to look at "your" art, not this ai shit with your cum sprinkle on it

>> No.53336953
File: 1.38 MB, 2000x580, blerafgdhrt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't think the Wawa and Pomu birthday pics stand out like a sore thumb simply from just looking at this, I really don't know what to tell you.

>> No.53337042

When your only argument is
>you just KNOW
you have no argument.

>> No.53337610

Oh dont worry, I said plenty in another post, I just thought seeing the images side by side to compare them directly might help some people.

>> No.53337690

It definitely helped me laugh

>> No.53338448

This guy changes his artstyle every 2nd image

>> No.53338632

No, he really doesn't. His stuff is easily recognizable at first glance.

>> No.53338723

the first and second kiara are nothing alike
completely different colors on everything and the hair is completely different
proof that its done by the same person? I dont believe it

>> No.53338987

That's the whole point you idiot.
The summer outfit Kiara and bikini Pomu are NOTHING like any of his other art since at least kancolle era (2013) to today.

>> No.53339291

Yeah, radically different way of rendering it. This new stuff is a lot softer.

>> No.53339432

I'm just glad Pomu went with Ayamy for her birthday goods art this year.

>> No.53339823
File: 799 KB, 796x1160, colors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone knows, as an artist, you are NEVER allowed to change shit.

>> No.53341386

Ignore the saturation-obsessed guy for a bit. More seriously, can you genuinely not see a significant difference in the shading styles and style of lineart between the left image and the right one? The kind of change in style that certainly doesn't happen overnight for an artist?

>> No.53341860

>can you genuinely not see a significant difference in the shading styles and style of lineart between the left image and the right one?
Well, yes, of course
>The kind of change in style that certainly doesn't happen overnight for an artist?
You've never tried drawing in a different style?

>> No.53342558

No wonder this kept going, people started using it as tribalfaggotry bait.
If you're actually a fan of Pomu don't go harassing her artist over this.

>> No.53342737

I posted 23 times in this thread and have no idea who Pomu is.

>> No.53342856

Take your fucking meds nobody has done that

>> No.53343445

AI art is based.
The mangaka of Slayers agrees.

>> No.53346260
File: 283 KB, 1000x1428, F04hdWcaEAA1e_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God bless her https://twitter.com/ayamy_garubinu/status/1679317323902222340
