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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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5657495 No.5657495[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If I was to start vtubing and shilling things about my debut here.. would any frens here wanna support me?

I'm currently doing concepts, so it's quite a few months away.. I'm just debating whether or not to do it desu.

>> No.5657564

If that is your avatar YES

>> No.5657652

Post in /wvt/ if you want to be groomed and admit you have no talent

>> No.5657657


No, but she is going to be a bunny girl. I would like to have special events and things eventually to be able to donate to charities to help bunnies, that will be my kinda plan!
I could make my chibi version all cute like that little guy though!

>> No.5657708

id rather not be groomed lel, just trying to have a bit of fun and maybe help a good cause out of it

>> No.5657958

>not wanting to be groomed
>would any 4chan frens here wanna support me
Choose One

>> No.5658058

then you never get anywhere near our daughter Bea's popularity

>> No.5658442

fine, i will be groomed. I have chosen :(

>> No.5658785

Start by posting a vocaroo and tell us more about yourself

>> No.5658837

What's your twitter?

>> No.5658938

Now let /vt/ experts measure your autism level

>> No.5658956

Groomers, assemble!

>> No.5658969

skinned rabbit screaming in agony as a model

>> No.5659037

Enact Autism containment protocol on this thread

>> No.5659058

dude that's creepy

>> No.5659077


Here, no bulli pls

>> No.5659108

Here we go again.

>> No.5659143

you sound like a child
fuck off this is an 18+ board

>> No.5659175


I'm not a child :)

>> No.5659198

Groom On!

>> No.5659225
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>> No.5659259

go to /asp/ fucking attention whore a thread died for this

>> No.5659308

I hate seeing threads like this, you are asking for the wrong crowd. These people will not help you raise money for rabbits.

>> No.5659322

Nyanners 2: Electric Groomaloo?

>> No.5659340

perfect, more effort is needed to clear out all these Holoshit threads

>> No.5659368

Oi m8 we got ourselves a Brit lassy

>> No.5659384

I just want to be able to follow her so I know when she debuts. I also want to send some tips over DMs.

>> No.5659393

I'm Aussie

>> No.5659400

No. Correction -> Beatani 2 : Electric Groomaloo

>> No.5659448

kek yeah, this entire board is filled with hololiv

>> No.5659457

from the beginning I was trolling you, but now you are unironically doxxing yourself please stop.

>> No.5659487

You have chosen the correct path would be Daughteru No 2

>> No.5659495

im sorry ah, im retarded

>> No.5659528


too deep in now, fugg

>> No.5659562
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>> No.5659589

like literally? Yes, i take very good care of my rabbits, I've done dog grooming and stuff before too, making animals pretty is comfy

>> No.5659873

ever tried applying for a pet care center as a side gig, they pay good money for that?

>> No.5659885

It's too late, saviourfag. She already gave herself to /vt/

>> No.5659914

Oh... so it begins.... which anon will be brave enough to follow first and out themselves?

>> No.5659922

a pet centre? That actually sounds like a good idea. Sometimes it's just tough to find a job that will take me because sometimes I can get quite busy studying

>> No.5659942

I know right, let's wait and see!

>> No.5659956

do share your youtube channel when you create one, will sub

>> No.5659975

sure, I will once the concept design is finished

>> No.5660004
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come on cowards kek

>> No.5660008

How about not catering to this shithole and jeopardizing your chances of succeeding?
Or use anons to pump then dump later. Anons don't seem to mind that.

>> No.5660039
File: 286 KB, 1440x1370, Screenshot_20210626-025053_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yoooo congrats on being first Anon. I'm sure she appreciates it. Nice new account... a little cowardly, but hey still first.

>> No.5660061

how exactly would this jeopardise anything for me except find comfy people who are willing to support me on this journey. Maybe its cringe but I've been lurking around these sites for years, wouldn't want the normie twitter retards coming in and ruining it

>> No.5660082


very much appreciated. Hello new fren

>> No.5660116

Another Anon.
Depends on who you will choose to follow. If you genuinely like VShojo and ever show it. Well.... you started here and you can be damn sure the schizos will hate you.

>> No.5660163

hmm that's a good point. Guess I gotta be careful... its ok though, I just want people to be nice yk

>> No.5660175

>and you can be damn sure the schizos will hate you
Why would you care about the schizos opinion?

>> No.5660240

does anyone have any name suggestions?

>> No.5660270

you are doomig yourself to only ever having /vt/ followers who pump and dump indies. look in the archives for temako. plus if you market yourself as a /here/chuuba you're turning away the normie market, who actually have money and aren't NEETs living in mommy's apartment. you seem like a person addicted to attention so you'll attract the most desperate schizos. good luck!

>> No.5660304

I guess I understand what you mean yeah... hmm I think I need to maybe rethink this through. Although your comment about me being addicted to attention isn't really nice I appreciate the advice fren

>> No.5660310

>I like to play hentai games on twitch
Normies play that shit. A true hentai connoisseur would play Bible Black or
Sadistic Blood and complete all routes on stream in a single sitting.

>> No.5660348

If your entire fanbase is based out of /vt/ then yeah you need to care about /vt/'s opinion, schizo or no.
Also honestly pandering to /vt/ this hard is a dumb move that will put a hard cap on your growth. At some point you will have to choose between being stuck as a 100 view indie with a fanbase that will scour your every move for signs of wrongthink or ditching them and going for a widespread audience.

>> No.5660356

yeah as i said they're all normie as fuck, but I'm open to new games. So if you have any suggestions I'm happy to give them a go

>> No.5660380

As ive kinda seen, /vt/ doesnt seem like the nicest place. Maybe ill give into the jews

>> No.5660411

Still better than indies no one know with less than 10 views a day lol.

>> No.5660425

is it?

>> No.5660454

this is 4chan for god's sake reply troll posts with the same of level of trolling if not more, not like this

>> No.5660459


>> No.5660463
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I'll pass. As you said you're months away, you don't even have a character design or a name, yet you seem to be more concerned about gaining numbers rather than you know, actually just doing it and having fun.

>> No.5660466

anyone can watch a literal who indie but tell me beatani is marketable to anyone outside her schizophrenic thread
if you want to do content like her then go ahead, if you want to be groomed like that other girl nade-whatever then stay here

>> No.5660529

How is Beatani unmarketable?

>> No.5660645

sorry lol, as i said I'm fucking autistic

>> No.5660692

Only if you're a superior asian women

>> No.5660700

Ok, so, unironically my suggestion would be no hentai games especially not that shit Huniepop.

Try open world games like Skyrim & Zelda - Breath of the Wild or even Watch Dogs as they are action packed only when quests come up so, when exploring, it would be a comfy chat stream + casual gameplay stream.

You could also try any RTS like the Age of Empires series, Civilization series or even the Starcraft series as none of the popular vtubers ever touched RTS genre till date so it could be your breakthrough.

Last but not least after coming home from studying and assignments try Halo MCC mulitplayer and spill your frustrations out when you get T-bagged weebs love that shit

>> No.5660723

As if normies never get triggered when vtuber do something they don't like. Look at Coco and Aloe

>> No.5660724

The things I'd do for an asian australian vtuber

>> No.5660729

How bout try RPG like ass effect or DAO or even fucking divinity

>> No.5660734

oi Retard, you come to 4chan and start shit talking about our daughteru. You got quite the guts.

>> No.5660753

yes, you are all embarassing

>> No.5660765

Double tap yourself in the head with a Deagle you twatter turd.

>> No.5660766
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Try to follow any of the big ones like Koopa Fortuna,Eira Woolcott,nadechama or any of these because if there anyone who know how to be a Vtuber it would be the ones who came from this hell hole

>> No.5660794

>ass effect
Isn't that the Brazzers porn parody video of Mass Effect they made in 2018. How will one play that shit on stream

>> No.5660831
File: 3 KB, 111x125, akuaretarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if you're being retarded on purpose or genuinely autistic

>> No.5660833

Please don't OP other than Beatani, the rest are pure shit and Koppa already betrayed so no absoluety NO

>> No.5660842

that sounds like a great idea honestly, watch dogs I have played before and have really enjoyed so maybe ill try playing that.

Age of Empires would be great as well, and yeah that's a good point. The hololive girls are always playing the same games, maybe instead of doing whats popular I could try and do something a bit more out there.

WoW could be a good idea as well, something grindy like that.

Any fps game would be fun to rage on, I think it just may be hard to rage and not say the most racist and vulgar shit.. gotta train myself to have a filter I guess.

Hentai games would be kind of cringe now that I think about it... yeah. Honestly thank you sm for the suggestions its really nice to hear!

>> No.5660843

Katawa Shoujo for full 4ch experience.
Alien: Isolation - too scary girl rarely touch it
Or a game you're really pro at, to show off skills

>> No.5660865

I am someone who you would call a troll or a common 4chan dweller ESL newfag

>> No.5660873

I see this as more of a comfy cave than a hell hole... idk

>> No.5660901

Play any western rpg game that isnt grindy as fuck and fun. Bonus if its story driven and lots of reactions. Take a hint from other vtubers. Shit like yakuza, wild dogs, kane and lynch, deus ex, dragons age origins etc.

>> No.5660907

I fully support yuou efellow Auzzie

>> No.5660908

>You could also try any RTS like the Age of Empires series, Civilization series or even the Starcraft series as none of the popular vtubers ever touched RTS genre till date so it could be your breakthrough.
No one streams them because almost no one wants to watch them compared to other games.

>> No.5660910

AoE too slow and require a long time to master, stronghold crusader is faster, can lure some old fags and have meme potential

>> No.5660918

this humble troll is always happy to help

>> No.5660931

If you need a music person contact me

>> No.5660951

thankyou fren <3

>> No.5660970

oooo a moozy person, by all means pls gimme a follow!

>> No.5660973

Do you know Haachama?

>> No.5660995

that's just you bro the whole RTS community is hyped for Aoe 4 that is coming out this year and as the saying goes strike the iron while its hot. if she even casually plays it and gets noticed by the RTS reddit community (who by way browse reddiy & youtube 24x7) will be a good boost.

But do keep in mind the streams must not be too OWO type they are even ok vubers (not cringy ones) taking up rts and will gladly enjoy it

>> No.5661032

PLEASE, I BEG OF YOU. Please don't follow Koopa. Literally anyone else besides Koopa. She betrayed anons twice and we still have people supporting her. They shouldn't.

>> No.5661050


Not a big owo kind of person, I think the whole act is kinda cringe, I think with vtubers there's a big divide between the fake cute ones and all the others

>> No.5661081

I will never betray the anons, shame on koopa

>> No.5661129

Did you even watch Houshou Marine's RimWorld gameplay that's a semi RTS / RPG game and that was her second most viewed series just after her Subnautica playthrough

>> No.5661148

>we still have people supporting her
This shows how loyal anons can be. The whore fucked with anons twice with the discord stuff and the spacer stuff and the anons will still crawl back.

>> No.5661182

What did she odo exactyl?

>> No.5661218

RimWorld is bretty gud and easy to get into. Plenty of room for customization and literally made to tell stories.

>> No.5661245

she collabed with a m*le

>> No.5661322


>> No.5661344

She join a secret discord made of only of vtubers and close friends then make fun of anons at /wvt/.

She went to california and had sex with a male vtuner who was an anon and was her fan. She the made a pastebin about how she never tried to do gfe stuff eventhough that was literly half of her stream.

>> No.5661409

Pls understand her brain not working good because no one with a working brain ever become a Vtuber or even be here

>> No.5661451

Wow bea schizos took over this thread super fast

>> No.5661458

>people are mad because their oshi laughed at them

Also damn, bit of a weirdo

>> No.5661481

Not just make fun of them. They plan to shitpost the thread with rumors about Koopa having an e-boyfriend so they can see anons suffer.

>> No.5661494

My main piece of advice is to stream on twitch. Don't listen to hlgg groomers who know nothing about indie vtubing and doom yourself to eternal stagnation on youtube

>> No.5661531


>> No.5661536

Also reupload the streams to Youtuber after

>> No.5661585

Yes of course.

>> No.5661716

Please don't laugh at the anons. Sure they're pathetic but they are our pathetic anons.

>> No.5661761

Are you planning to make minecraft streams?

>> No.5661777

Of course of course

I need a girlfriend bro
Maybe Marine to shart in my face y'know

>> No.5661793

We should really make a kind of dog whistle so that we can identify vtubers from here. Maybe a kind of twitter tag.

>> No.5661848


>> No.5661867

this. youtube only if you are realistically big enough to get traction on the algo (like 400 or 500 viewers minimum) or are so autistic you dont interact with anyone (bea).
twitch raids work if you network, even if it is essentially just passing around the same small pool of autistic viewers. that pool slowly grows since there are also vtubers more palatable to tourists. no, i dont say you have to network with any of the chuubas /wvt/ watches, any networking is fine. but especially the ninja will give pretty much anyone he finds remotely interesting a chance does a ~3 hour collab with, which is better than 0 views.

not like i expect anything from a vchanner, though
