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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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56917417 No.56917417 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.56917619


>> No.56917730


>> No.56917830
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>> No.56917869

This man is a 10/10 for soul but a 0/2 for shit models. I feel bad for him, but damn bro make something good

>> No.56917991

Kek homos already forgotten

>> No.56918006

Sana's model had infinite soul, so much soul that it being kind of a wack design didn't even matter. Her smile cured aids.

Also Vesper's bara (?) model was pretty good I didn't really get the hate.

>> No.56918122

Third times the charm Pako. Get in on ID 4 or JP 6.

>> No.56918240

Give Aloe's artist another shot

>> No.56918298
File: 198 KB, 518x265, vesp2fix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pako makes his stuff way too saturated. Vesper being bright orange after having a muted colour scheme was like looking at the surface of the skin, and didn't go with his character.

>> No.56918370

This. Sana's I grew to love due to it's 90s anime art-style combined with how her L2D moves. Unfortunately it filtered a lot of people.

>> No.56918419

understand homo-hatred is a waste of time

>> No.56918551

He's too good for this world
Why do good people like Pako and Yagoo love menheras so much? They keep making the same mistake because they trust rebels and traitors

>> No.56919002

you do know that they can adjust saturation on obs right?

>> No.56919276

and look at how well that worked for IRyS with any collab she did with her 1.0 having obvious brightness differences

>> No.56920234
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Sana herself literally made pako's design look MUCH cuter.

>> No.56921167

I will pray for Pako.

>> No.56922650

Or you can just tell the fucking artist that this color is wrong please redo faggot

>> No.56923091

Pako is literally colorblind

>> No.56923417

Honestly I'm really happy that Ina always treats him so well, even calling him "Papa Pako". She's the only member of Hololive who I've seen having a really big admiration for him (probably because he inspires her as an artist mainly).
He lurks a lot in her chat, it's very cute to see.

>> No.56924056


>> No.56924380


>> No.56924508

They should've just leaned into the little brown girl style. Making her lanky as fuck was a bizarre decision

>> No.56924599

I'm not one of the schizos seething over male vtubers, but Vesper's new model looked awful to me. It like someone made a poal on /pol/ about what the ideal male looks like, then removed the swastika armband and added glasses. Also out of place compared to most other corpo models and especially the rest of starsEN so it'd probably clash in larger collabs

>> No.56924672


Pako you didn't deserve this shit man

>> No.56924824

Pedoshit only appeals to your braindead minority, cover is big enough to not crutch on closet childfucker numbers.

>> No.56924870

>Gura has the most subs out of anyone in holo

>> No.56924904

Compared to what?

>> No.56924924

Man is probably HoloEN's biggest Japanese fan, yet he got cursed.
Irony really is a bitch.

>> No.56924935


>> No.56924940
File: 528 KB, 828x665, 1674840853973628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will never forgive sana and vesper.
if anyone deserves to be abused like this its redjuice

>> No.56925021

>closet childfucker numbers
Pedos are only like 3% of the male population yet Gura averages more viewers per stream than any other Myth/Council other than Fauna by a factor of 2. So clearly a lot of non childfuckers like loli anime models

>> No.56925071

The road to hell is paved with good intentions anon

>> No.56925417

EN management being a dumpster fire wasn't the fault of Redjuice.
>rush IRyS' design, commision an artist with an atypical style, who doesn't do vtubers, and give him no instruction
>rush the rigging so that it looks extra dogshit
>IRyS asks for a redesign for months, everyone think Redjuice is ghosting her
>turns out he was working on it, but only after management actually bothered contacting him
And people wonder why Dimitri Jap is worshipped for looking semi-competent.

>> No.56925459

Sana just left on gracious terms and without any real controversy.

>> No.56925835
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>> No.56926627

Redjuice still made the fumble requiring a redesign. I will concede it’s likely all parties were retarded on the initial planning stage as they all suffer from nip autism and he has the artist ego syndrome and irys is just dumb as well

>> No.56926974

based Pako
third time is the charm, hope to see you in JP7/ID4/EN4

>> No.56927369

True her model isint that great but for some reason all her fanart instantly made me cum

>> No.56927892

Poor Magmo...

>> No.56928121

Vesper new designed is based on a josei style that I know for goddamn sure I saw but I can't find an example now. It's kinda mid 00s VN.

>> No.56928253

Look up his FGO art, the guy loves cock.

>> No.56928726

Fuck him

>> No.56928780

Retard it’s every member except the new debuts

>> No.56928813

The original model is good it just didn’t translate well to l2d

>> No.56931017

Sana left to suck on that juicy Chinese cock and lied about the reason, seems controversial enough to me.

>> No.56931086

Stop lying about her, she never said why she graduated.

>> No.56931138

The only controversy there would be that China is handing out ultimatums if any artist wants to work with hololive
A quick reminder for you uneducated peasants that FGO had to cut out a bunch of servants out of the game and some of them werent just "bad" historical figures in China

>> No.56931389

If you bend over for the Chinese government you deserve no respect, doubly so if you work for shitty gacha games.

>> No.56931433

With cover and CN possibly making peace, we could see sana return. Sounds like a win to me.

>> No.56931472

Never going to happen

>> No.56931696

Do your reps

>> No.56932025

>Immediately tweeting not even a day after her final stream in her RM about how healthy and how a burden is finally lifted from her shoulders.

>> No.56932378

feel so bad for this guy, two of his creations are so short lived. never cared for the talents themselves but it suck to see such a supportive papa lose his two children so soon.

>> No.56932550

Post where she said that she graduated due to health issues.

>> No.56934006

Pako, please draw Mori.
