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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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56926921 No.56926921 [Reply] [Original]

>you live and die by your own solo conten-ACK!

>> No.56927955

"New girls to collab with? YAABBA DABBA D-ACK"

>> No.56928021

And delusional faggots ate it the fuck up along with every other lie and made up bullshit story. Good riddance.

>> No.56928041

If he was allowed to collab with the girls he would have had a graduation stream.

>> No.56928238

Did he ever collabed with Tempus 2?

>> No.56928298

It's still hilarious to me how these Vespiss rats unironically went "s-so what if he's a pathological liar?? H-he's playing a character!"
Like how much copium do you have to be overdosed by to pretend that fake stories someone is very obviously trying to sell as "real" is a normal behavior, kek

>> No.56928368

What did he say?

>> No.56928370

He took a big steamy shit on his fans on multiple occasions and still they're making an orc thread because it's totally gonna be different this time guys.

>> No.56928480

I think he's an autist but not a bad guy.

>> No.56928548

>>56928368>pretends to be an IT nerd who dumpster dives for hard drives
>gets completely exposed as clueless in his pc building stream
>pretends to have bought fishing gear only to realize it was illegal to fish in japan
>it literally isn't illegal
>pretends to eat moldy burgers and goes "ahhh, I'm feeling it" as if he's actually experiencing instant food poisoning
>later completely backpedals and says they were't really expired but "kind of" expired and he didn't have actual food poisoning (but still tummy hort, right??)
>pretends to have crippling social anxiety that prevents him from collabing (somehow this only happens half a year in though)
>is completely fine collabing with girls (who are his senpais rather than peers) cracking jokes constantly and belly laughing
>pretends to have been in an archery club just because he read Fate/Shit
>coincidentally has had more "crazy happenings" and "strange encounters" in his life than every single story-telling subreddit combined
>"by the way have i told you yet about the 76th time I got stabbed by an asylum escapee at the gas station at midnight"

>> No.56928556

Fanbases reflect the vtuber and vesties are really just trying to stir the pot. They were the most volatile and obnoxious fanbase in Tempus from day 1

>> No.56928680

the fact that he disappointed his fans and ghosted them many times (Vesties even got kicked out of MANS at one point)
and yet they STILL come back like needy faggots and made an orc general is hilarious and sad at the same time... those can't be guys, right? those are trannies and femcels

>> No.56928783

It's worse, they are fatherless subhumans who who simultaneously look up to him as their father figure while also self-inserting as him. Basically they think he's a gigachad version of themselves.

Basically the Andrew Tate zoomer fans of the vtubing world. I have interacted with enough of these pathetic faggots to say this with absolute certainty.

>> No.56928797

The last part you’re just combining his 3 stories into one. You really hated him for taking Kronii away, huh?

>> No.56928989

>coincidentally has had more "crazy happenings" and "strange encounters" in his life than every single story-telling subreddit combined
The sad part is a vtuber with wild outlandish stories could've been so fucking good if it wasn't played by Vesper and wasn't done with the intention of actually deceiving people

>> No.56928993

>coincidentally has had more "crazy happenings" and "strange encounters" in his life than every single story-telling subreddit combined
I'm actually pretty sure that Kiara hast more insane stories, but she's basically a living Yakuza protagonist

>> No.56929092

You tell him sister

>> No.56929116

Kiara's stories are completely down-to-earth, how are you gonna compare "I almost became a flight attendant but they dropped me for taking meds" to "I TOTALLY GOT STABBED AT A GAS STATION GUISE"

If anything Ame is closer to having lots of insane stories, but she doesn't overdo it like the pathological liar does, so it doesn't seem fake.

>> No.56929157

It's called irony you fatherless cuck.

>> No.56929222

To be fair, if you dig in a bit, I can believe her having crazy life lol

>> No.56929226

My father is still around. Your Clockwhore rarely laughs at your supas now.

>> No.56929263

Truth sister truth

>> No.56929405

He didn't die by hisncontent though, did he? He left the company willingly and, given wording, on his own accord.

>> No.56929439

at least he proved his statement is true

>> No.56929458

>the pathological liar said he left on his own terms guise!

>> No.56929687

That's not one of the crazy stories anon.
