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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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57178029 No.57178029 [Reply] [Original]

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@KosekiBijou
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kosekibijou

Next stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnAf5icLn-c
Previous stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Efg3pLvdss
Debut stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpAQib0T5v0




PSA: In the event of diggerposting (trolls, doxfags, holo vs holo baiters) do not engage, it's a waste of time and sanity; report trolling/doxxing and rock on.

>> No.57178105

Biboo love!

>> No.57178140

Mean cartoons hate!

>> No.57178157

What kind of household was Biboo raised in?

>> No.57178160

>Doesn't like The Simpsons
I guess I'll have to keep looking for an oshi

>> No.57178161
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Based Biboo :D

>> No.57178170


>> No.57178175
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I want to do horribly explicit things to the cunny wife

>> No.57178187

Biboo just don't want to talk shit about western mid shows, please understand. She's wholesome and accepts you even if you have shit taste.

>> No.57178200

A loving and protective one?

>> No.57178233

Kind of like mine from the sound of it, also my dad wouldn't let me watch Fresh Prince, or anything on UPN, because they were black

>> No.57178237
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>> No.57178240

>'uv breaking bad
>'ate the simpsons and futurama
Wtf biboo?

>> No.57178243

She just doesn't like mean spirited humor.

>> No.57178246

>it's okay to be mean if it's plot-related

>> No.57178253
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>simpsonsfag filtered

>> No.57178254

cute rock

>> No.57178274


An Asian one. All my Asian friends weren't allowed to watch TV and most movies growing up. Some of them are pretty savvy with pop culture, but it's because they'd seek it out in high school and beyond.

>> No.57178282

man.. her shows of choice and the whole "mean" thing leaves me to believe biboo is a filthy pronoun weirdo which sucks but oh well

>> No.57178283

How is The Simpsons/Futurama mean spirited?

>> No.57178294

>Membership stream
>Starts exposing her negative taste in shows once people have already paid in
What did she mean by this?

>> No.57178322

Rent free. Kill yourself.

>> No.57178328

It's because American "humor" consists of being an asshole to your fellow man and thinking that's inherently funny in of itself. Characters killing each other due to plot reasons is perfectly acceptable which is why she likes Breaking Bad.

>> No.57178335

>Loves Steven Universe
No one is perfect, I guess.

>> No.57178340

If she never watched it she's going off of assumptions
Happens all the time.

>> No.57178366

Well yeah she literally grew up being a tumblr girl so that's probably a given

>> No.57178368

Fender probably. Based but also a mean motherfucker

>> No.57178390
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>> No.57178397

She probably thinks homer choking bart is the core of the show or something.

>> No.57178400

What I got is that evil for comedy is bad

>> No.57178403

>she likes The Office
>I like The Office
A perfect match.

>> No.57178404

Better Call Saul watchalong let's gooooooo
I have literally never watched anything Breaking Bad related that wasn't clips or summary videos, yet I still reference the memes. I have no idea why I'm like this, I spoiled the entire franchise to myself for some reason.

>> No.57178408

>She hates Skylar

>> No.57178411
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This picture is now accepted and SU posting is now allowed.
Hope you're ready, Clods.

>> No.57178419
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>> No.57178451
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>The show with Bender
>Not mean spirited

>> No.57178466

I honestly liked it until the final arc. There’s just so much teasing you can until I get burned out

>> No.57178473

i grew up in a very christian and conservative household and my parents never let me watch the simpsons or futurama for the same reasons
being mean just for the sake of it is not based, anon
still watched and enjoyed both of them later in life though

>> No.57178479


>> No.57178491

Make it an Armored Core 6 Decal, then we'll talk.

>> No.57178496

But he's Bender! The lovable rascal!

>> No.57178501

If she's seen and likes the office, then she probably just hasn't watch Simpsons, etc. She just hasn't been exposed to the memes from those other shows.

>> No.57178505

What she's essentially saying is: So long as it isn't a "comedy" where all the humor is based on insulting and being mean to each other, then it's fine.
Memes can get an occasional special pass.

>> No.57178511
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Well specifically bratty teens but lets not split hairs.
Do... do you not?

>> No.57178515

I feel like having sex with Mumei would be... an experience.

>> No.57178519

my cute sheltered rock waifu

>> No.57178524

Kiss his shiny metal ass.

>> No.57178526


>> No.57178530

She's so cute when she hics mid speech...

>> No.57178551

She'd be a dead fish

>> No.57178552


>> No.57178557

>I like Community

>> No.57178571

Does Biboo believe in an afterlife and God? Is she a Christian?

>> No.57178573

I decided to sub to a holo again

>> No.57178581

She's either a dead fish or she'll wring you dry like a dish towel

>> No.57178583

>Big Bang

>> No.57178592

The fuck does she mean by mean though? i don't get it, how is self deprecating, ironic, absurd humour mean?

>> No.57178602

Christ.. no.. I want to believe Bijou is just wholesome and thinks the show is wholesome too without looking too deeply into its creation/creator or politics, but maybe I'm just coping.

>> No.57178601

no shes a rock. rocks dont have souls.

>> No.57178604

Dead fish is my fetish so it's a win/win either way

>> No.57178605

"Eh" is pretty accurate for big bang theory. It's not the worst show ever made like some people say but it's not really good either. it's tolerable

>> No.57178620

>doesn't like BBT

>> No.57178628

She's basically saying she doesn't like trashy western tv show toilet humor in the gentlest way possible for a chat full of people who like those shows
Pretty basic differences in humor across cultures
Asian parents, or even people gravitating towards weebshit like Biboo herself, are obviously going to be less likely to sync with fucking Rick and Morty or Big Mouth or Beavis and Butthead whatever
You can argue that Simpsons etc were in a different boat but that's like trying to convince someone not into weebshit that (you)r favorite anime is different from the most basic shounenshit etc

>> No.57178625

>hates big bang theory

>> No.57178639

Delete this.

>> No.57178649
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>> No.57178650

Cartman and Kyle interactions basically.

>> No.57178653
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Your negative response only accelerates things.

>> No.57178668

>literally turns you into diamond

>> No.57178679

>Doesn't like Big Bang Theory
>Is the very definition of "bazinga" comedy
People hate what they see themselves the most in I guess

>> No.57178694

Evil Biboo loves mean spirited shows.

>> No.57178713

Posted in the dead thread, fuck.
>She doesn't like Big Bang Theory
HOOOOOOOOLY shit, I would have had to disown her if she liked that fucking absolute garbage.

>> No.57178716

She doesn't watch these shows. It's just that when you look up or find its memes the Simpsons you just see shit like Homer choking Bart or the characters making fun of each other in various crude ways and shit and that's probably what turned her off from it. She's probably just not a big fan of that kind of comedy.

>> No.57178742

I can't believe seconds after seeing this image we got biboo shouting HAAAANNK HAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNK on stream

>> No.57178743

Hey /gem/, maybe we should be more friendly if she has the thread on auto-scroll. She might not like us otherwise...

>> No.57178752

you're trying to hard

>> No.57178753

that's an extreme though, simpsons doesn't have any of that

>> No.57178756 [DELETED] 

I think the earlier seasons of R&M have a lot more in common than weebshit personally. The last episode I watched and enjoyed was Ricklantis Mixup. Plus now they're making an actual Rick and Morty anime.

>> No.57178757 [DELETED] 

She'd barely spread her legs enough to stick it in her and mutter an annoyed "don don" when you brought yourself to coom to fucking an unresponsive corpse, pushing you off and sitting in front of her computer watching tik tok videos in her gamer chair.

>> No.57178773

>Is the very definition of "bazinga" comedy
How so?

>> No.57178779

Shut up mother beeper!

>> No.57178790

judging by her blanket statement of "mean people shows = bad. Nice people shows = good" I highly doubt she even knows about the politics behind that show

>> No.57178810

Bro Homer literally aggressively chokes his son.

>> No.57178822


>> No.57178837

favorite death same unit.. cancel membership

>> No.57178839

>flandre is my favorite touhou character
I didn't care about the Steven Universe thing but this one hurts a little bit

>> No.57178844
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>> No.57178845

That was one of the worse parts Biboo…..

>> No.57178859

Bros... Biboo is so pure... she's like a mirror reflecting back my sinfulness... I feel so dirty...

>> No.57178865

Someone please clip all these attempts at Flan's name please.

>> No.57178883
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>> No.57178889


>> No.57178893

Yeah her sister is better

>> No.57178897

>if she has the thread on auto-scroll


>> No.57178899
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>> No.57178913
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>> No.57178916

the mixing was so bad

>> No.57178947

>I can't stop gushing

>> No.57178951

I get the impression she hasn't sat down and watched television since 2013, tops when Breaking Bad finished. She knows shockingly in-depth little about anything that wasn't either the biggest TV series or comedy central, everything else she just mindlessly quotes like a Reddit NPC

>> No.57178955
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based biboo

>> No.57178959

She knows absolutely nothing about Touhou other than some of the more popular music does she

>> No.57178961

i thought you was talking about the jew jokes, homer choking bart is just dumb caricaturesque depiction of them fighting, that's like saying tom and jerry is mean

>> No.57178964


>> No.57178969

She's the most memorable design by far. And her song is legendary.

>> No.57178970

I don't know anything about touhou but I always thought that crow girl was very cute

>> No.57178977

Bijou cover when?

>> No.57178981

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNFW5ic6_Jg It's this song.

>> No.57178982

I too love Bad Apple

>> No.57178992

Fuck, I didn't know they'd sing THAT song, now I gotta watch Day 2 because I love that song

>> No.57178998

ran ran ruuu~

>> No.57179020

just like me

>> No.57179022
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She's talking about this song, btw.

>> No.57179033

So shes your average tohou fan?

>> No.57179037

>Nothing nice to say about Big Bang
Sasuga mesurocky
>Sending my ass straight back down memory lane 10+ years talking about that Flan remix
Blessed mesurocky even if I'm willing to bet she likes Flan the most due to ran ran ruu

>> No.57179051 [DELETED] 

Do you think Biboo knows AZKi is the one that sung the original version of that Touhou song

>> No.57179059

I used to have this on repeat for hours.

>> No.57179060

Did Biboo find out about the correction meme yet? Maybe she did and is just going to keep it to herself

>> No.57179075

If she isn't a secondary and still likes Flandre then I begrudgingly respect it. If she just knows it through memes/fan songs and likes Flandre because she's one of the most publicly visible 2hus then I'm a little upset (but only a little). The latter seems more likely to me.

>> No.57179086

And I just want to fuck Yukari.

>> No.57179092

Man the shows she watch fucking sucks, my little pony? gravity falls? the fuck
is she a tumblr retard?

>> No.57179090

Is Biboo an actual child?

>> No.57179111

Help i can't unhear the squeaky sound effect laugh. Is there a meme for this yet like with Pekora's laugh? I love my cunny Bijou but its dropping my immersion because its too fitting. What do i do?

>> No.57179110

That's very nostalgic, I'm moved

>> No.57179119

Most people familiar with Touhou don't know anything about it other than the cute girls and the fact that it's a bullet hell genre.

>> No.57179130

I will introduce her to EraGames

>> No.57179137

Bring it up on the members stream.

>> No.57179154


>> No.57179158


She's very babygirl

>> No.57179160

She loves MLP, Gravity Falls, Steven Universe. So yeah probably.

>> No.57179166

She's a zoomer girl what do you think, she plays Genshin

>> No.57179174

She would have been the target audience, not everyone was in their mid twenties when those came out

>> No.57179202
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Speaks in references with almost no prompting, she would be pic related if Portal came out today

>> No.57179203


>> No.57179208

ToT corrupted biboo

>> No.57179217

Are you really watching an asian zoomer vtuber not expecting her to be left leaning? c'mon man

>> No.57179226


>> No.57179242 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.57179244
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You can only post on /gem/ if you post your no death TH06 Extra 1CC clear.

>> No.57179250

Man I remember the old days where someone would post this animation but replacing Flandre with Pekora as an OP in /jp/ and touhoufags would swarm with hate

>> No.57179257

I blame Towa for being a bad influence

>> No.57179275

SEAwomen are innocent jungle angels.

>> No.57179276

Bible's emotes are so cute.

>> No.57179280


>> No.57179288

No way.
She might recognize the name, but there's no shot she knows much of anything about any of her JP senpais past lives.

>> No.57179307
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>> No.57179309

Biboo* Wtf

>> No.57179308

Seems like it. That just means we gotta force her to play Touhou games, make it a challenge.

>> No.57179312

I know one of you has THE mumeisex webm
She's literally a girl. Shocking I know.

>> No.57179314

Biboo will wear Towa's outfit, piercing included

>> No.57179349

Good with feet huh

>> No.57179345

>she's really good at using her feet
I'm ascending

>> No.57179365

I don't disagree, but the literal first episode has the kid on the floor screaming for 1 min+ trying to pull a giant seed or w/e out of his butt while the old man screams and spits on him, and all the shit that gets clipped is probably them killing and insulting the dad or other disgusting stuff like the old man literally defecating all over a room

>> No.57179367

wait what

>> No.57179366
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>> No.57179368

wtf... they knew?

>> No.57179390

Does she actually think beatsaber counts as exercise?

>> No.57179393

CUTE (and in character!)

>> No.57179399

She sang https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNFW5ic6_Jg this song?

>> No.57179400

Bijou's rock candy feet tapping to the beat...

>> No.57179409



>> No.57179413
File: 384 KB, 782x801, file(10).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shes really hard and good at pumping and beating lets goooo

>> No.57179421

She talked about beat saber since day one or at least week one, retard

>> No.57179459

She's my wife, of course I knew

>> No.57179465 [DELETED] 

It still kinda blows my mind every now and then when I remember she's azki now.

>> No.57179470

Do you think Biboo would like Spongebob

>> No.57179472

She wants to show off...

>> No.57179524

Touhou games suck. Play a real shmup like Ketsui instead.

>> No.57179528
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Oh sorry, my pebble brain smooth

>> No.57179549

Based retard. I did the same.
She is like me fr fr

>> No.57179550

Spongebob is not terrible (at least early, I have no idea about recent shit), its spawned some pretty funny memes as well.

>> No.57179552 [DELETED] 

Nayuta is AZKi, yea.
If you listen to doujin music at all chances are you've heard her, she's kind of a legend.

>> No.57179559

Every has at some point or another. Classic SpongeBob is great.

>> No.57179577

Post your clears, buddy

>> No.57179624

She said she never watched it cause she didn't have nickelodeon as a kid or something, right?
But I imagine she would love the early seasons like any fun loving person would.

>> No.57179633
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Bro it's been more than an hour and all this time I was wondering when was she going to play the game, holy shit I'm fucking retarded

>> No.57179647

I come from the future. You thought 2D Biboo was cute? You're not ready for 3D Biboo

>> No.57179653
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Pebblephiles, gimme a rundown on your girl
I've not really watched her outside collabs because she doesn't seem menhera enough and is a power gamer who would steal my entire day with her binge gaming sessions, I've been watching this zatsu tho and it's pretty comf'n'cute

>> No.57179663

smartest pebble

>> No.57179667

>She likes the 69

>> No.57179670
File: 34 KB, 514x579, 1676019285861915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like 3D
2D Bros
We lost

>> No.57179672

So you mean to say I've been listening to AZKi since the late 2000's? Geez

>> No.57179678

69 with little rock... nice...

>> No.57179681

smooth brain

>> No.57179683

Welcome to Rock Simulator, Pebble.

>> No.57179684

>wants to show us her boobs in 3D

>> No.57179696

Good with fingers and feet.

>> No.57179706

Biboo said we get to 69, boys!

>> No.57179714
File: 463 KB, 1015x515, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man leave me alone I'm still trying to just clear IN Extra which has my favorite cast
For the better part of two decades I was a secondary who only played the fighting games because I was too afraid of danmaku. Last month I decided to stop being a pussy and didn't stop playing IN until I 1CC'd it. No orgasm I've ever had compares to what I felt when I first saw Kaguya for the first time.

>> No.57179723

holy I didnt know

>> No.57179731
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>> No.57179738

Referring you to

>> No.57179746

good at games likes games and streams a ton literally perfect

>> No.57179751

Yeah but only i get to do her

>> No.57179754
File: 498 KB, 1080x1920, 0eac2cf4f5f2e347e961dc33ad4a44dccffcb9735878845d25512d2a9deb473e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good with her feet
>good with her fingers
Is she unstoppable at this point? What can defeat the rocky rock?

>> No.57179765

I came to a similar realization about IRyS

>> No.57179792

When she says she's good with feet she means those games that you have to step on sensors in arcades? Or what kind of games?
Rumaoooooooo, it took 20 minutes for me

>> No.57179824

I wish the diggers would leave

>> No.57179829

wait a fucking minute is rock simulator just a "game" where you stare at rocks for 30 hours

>> No.57179848

>Muse Dash
Yabe... There goes the archive. That part is going to get cut.

>> No.57179883

Dance Dance like games. Anything with the directional foot pads/buttons.

>> No.57179889

Who's tedtalk?

>> No.57179896


>> No.57179899

Rockwife is peak cute and funny comfy. She also doesn't suck at video games unlike the rest of holo en which is a huge plus.
Also i'm glad you like my pebblesona.

>> No.57179901

Are there any rhythm games with PvP?

Like all gaki she is powerless against large bodied ojisans.

>> No.57179911

pebbles are smooth brained today

>> No.57179915

You never had a pet rock before anon?

>> No.57179916
File: 342 KB, 1632x2193, 1673385958686448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very good Biboo, very good, you seem to be very proficient with all those things.
Are you good with your cunny too?

>> No.57179953

quick record her kiss sounds

>> No.57179960

Staff-san please become friends with their publisher again, not only the goob but now even the biboo have expressed a desire to play it.

>> No.57179965

>doesn't seem menhera enough
You're a novelite aren't you?

>> No.57179968

If this was the 90's it would be a screen saver.

>> No.57179977

guitar hero was

>> No.57180012

She's very consistent, if you like this you'll like her playing games too even if it's sweaty gameplay she knows how to talk and game at the same time. If you don't want to lose all your time though you can safely drop out and do something else then dive back in whenever since she stops saying anything worth of substance once she gets into it

>> No.57180023

This confirms Biboo has never once stepped foot /here/ because 4chan is too mean spirited.

>> No.57180022

She's a true gamer

>> No.57180047

>ignorant to the splendor that is rock simulator
ngmi turn in your pebble card

>> No.57180050


>> No.57180066

she's not too wholesome to ego search, there's no way.

>> No.57180072

Elite English...

>> No.57180077

never gunna happen, owned by china

>> No.57180089

I love my cultured and well-spoken rock wife.

>> No.57180114
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You dont know the peak of screen savers.

>> No.57180115
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>> No.57180120 [DELETED] 

She plays Genshin and likes Steven Universe, she probably thinks this site is where a bunch of schizophrenics pray to their Hitler shrines and make threads consisting of nothing but the word 'NIGGER' repeated 90 times.

>> No.57180179

Gura's 3 and 4 million gifts should have been for Cover to buy out the IP from the developers

>> No.57180192
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Yes, formerly deadbeat
Love me autistic wack girls

>> No.57180217

true she wouldn't want anything to do with the hacker known as 4chan

>> No.57180235
File: 146 KB, 1007x695, 1641924760464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they don't know

>> No.57180237

>a bunch of schizophrenics pray to their Hitler shrines and make threads consisting of nothing but the word 'NIGGER' repeated 90 times.
What that's not what 4chan is?

>> No.57180238

>It's not?

>> No.57180266
File: 424 KB, 1920x1370, 1626136751256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shes a cunnychad

>> No.57180284
File: 670 KB, 1042x471, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>favorite cast
Holy based. Keep up the good work, anon.
I used to play a lot more back in the day, and I literally had the same adventure as you're having right now - moving on from being a secondary and finally challenging danmaku. The Kaguya fight is still one of my favorites with the whole "X hours until morning" stuff and the special spellcards at the end. I'm not a good player by any stretch but it's fun clearing hard/extra stages. Lunatic is still hit or miss - I can't beat the harder lunatics like SA and LoLK.
>replays from 2014
Holy crap, time flies.

>> No.57180319
File: 2.36 MB, 1465x2750, F4PhJPfaAAAm4Y-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As expected.

>> No.57180327

Who will be the first JP to take her collab virginity?

>> No.57180329

Everyone is when it's Gooba.

>> No.57180342
File: 369 KB, 700x395, 408128382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

biboo wants a tail? we can arrange that if she wants...

>> No.57180380
File: 790 KB, 1400x491, 1681289133023200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>real recognizes real
Someone needs to comission this fag to see if he would draw a biboo in this outfit

>> No.57180398

After i fell for the one which was nudes of Pamela Anderson and gave me a virus i stopped looking for screensavers f any kind and used what came with windows.

>> No.57180403

>watching her wings flap around

>> No.57180405

>I have lots of hair!
Biboo's bushy cunny confirmed.

>> No.57180414

Wait until she finds out that this site is where a bunch of schizophrenics pray to their Biboo shrines and make threads consisting of nothing but the word 'CUNNY' repeated 90 times.

>> No.57180416

ID is probably kaela
She mentioned early on that she had already been approached by a JP senpai I believe, would be crazy if it was Foobs with a FF14 stream

>> No.57180438

I don't foresee a JP collab anytime soon desu

>> No.57180443

I NEED to see this

>> No.57180448

>threads consisting of nothing but the word 'NIGGER' repeated 90 times.

>> No.57180461

Ohh, thats a good question.
Realistically, Towa or Lui.
What I want? Korone.

>> No.57180467

I love her long long hair

>> No.57180472


>> No.57180483

Their chink publisher turned on Cover even though Hololive was the only reason the game became popular in the first place. Nobody in their right mind would want Hololive back in China. It's ridiculous having to tiptoe around a thousand inane cultural differences for fear of hurting the feelings of the Chinese people. People who didn't even make up 1/10th of Cover's revenue at that.

>> No.57180492

I can already feel my dick hurting from how much I'd fap to that.

>> No.57180510

has biboo ever said what genre of music she's into

>> No.57180511

biboo can't really speak japanese so it'd have to be lui. She has those learn japanese together collabs with foreign branches.

>> No.57180542

Probably the usual suspects like Lui

>> No.57180541

watch streams

>> No.57180549

>Kusogaki memelord who teases chat and trolls/shitposts around in multiplayer, also regularly gets teased or instant loss'd back
>Loves violence, chaos, high difficulty Fromsoftge etc, goes from "I'm probably underleveled, maybe I'll try this boss 5 times tops and move on" to "fuck it we're here until I download it and rape it, no limits" instantly
>Learns games quickly, unironically decent game affinity/int stat
>Massive stream stamina as you've noted
>Tilt-resistant/tilt-proof, stays genki while learning boss for hours
>Professional/hardworking, preps for new games/streams in advance, either to try to carry collabs or to give starter info/advice/guidelines to the others, has handled technical difficulties due to potato PC well
>Not Marine levels of ridiculous meme ero (yet), but clearly recognizes cunny dogwhistles and happily talks about un-seiso shit
>singing could use some work and she should probably do her JP reps though
is most of the praise I've seen pebbles here shower on her, others can add if I've missed

>> No.57180547

>since she stops saying anything worth of substance once she gets into it
So she doesn't have the typical streamer issue of multitasking focusing on speaking and gaming thus being trash at the game and ignoring all the bright flashing shinies and text?
Instead do her word's just become a head empty stream of weird stuff she forces out unfiltered that makes little sense, or long periods of silence?

>> No.57180552

I thought the rrat was that Bilibili secretly organized the Coco incident in order to kick Cover out of China and promote their own vtubers

>> No.57180556


>> No.57180555

Reminds me of that one anon who wrote a novel that was like 2/3rd just the word nigger in various forms

>> No.57180559

I am uncomfortably erect

>> No.57180609

Might be less crazy than you think. How many JP senpai would reach out to an EN that can't speak JP and why?
Main other contender would be Lui, especially since she can collab in full English but also she knows Thai (probably better than Bijou).

>> No.57180614

That cow? Me.

>> No.57180621


>> No.57180625

can't wait for biboo to get her first greentext fanfics

>> No.57180637

EN Luna but zoomer instead of hag

>> No.57180672

She is nothing like Luna. Stop this meme.

>> No.57180678
File: 395 KB, 1017x1124, 0b6cad1ccb87115b0a835b615bdfddb70c66a2aa7f6e75979008dfab48688aa7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57180702

Fauna's merch is the only good one, kronii's was literally just a jpeg

>> No.57180732


>> No.57180742
File: 53 KB, 581x470, 1688210621608080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd prefer a DILF hat for Biboo

>> No.57180748
File: 3.86 MB, 1276x3200, df64rb6jaz801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's one of the most creatively vulgar things I've ever seen.

>> No.57180753

>does not watch Biboo

>> No.57180760

Head empty style

>> No.57180775

The only good thing I've ever seen come out of /lit/

>> No.57180799

As someone that does watch quite a lot of Luna their personalities are surprisingly similar.

>> No.57180863

>Biboo hitman with Fauna in vc in the future

>> No.57180865

Sorry, whats our fanname again?
Or is it only members that are called gremlins?

>> No.57180872


>> No.57180884

Man, I'm really hyped

>> No.57180928

We are pebbles. Members are gemlins.

>> No.57180942

Hell yeah

>> No.57180950

>I shed like an animal

>> No.57180968

I just saw the members post.
I fucking love this girl so much.

>> No.57180994

jesus christ

>> No.57180997

Biboo's room covered in hair...

>> No.57181010

Thank you. I got confused for a moment when I read gremlins.

>> No.57181030
File: 373 KB, 2048x2008, a367fcc510caff797a92510ff7799d9047a9ff865e28c4db5b3d5184595742a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brushing Biboo's Hair!

>> No.57181031

We'd better all be gemlins in this thread.

>> No.57181048

As a dude with long hair, I can relate to everything she's saying

>> No.57181053

Imagine biboo but bald.

>> No.57181056
File: 237 KB, 1283x962, 1682944196327748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would've gotten this out faster but I didn't save and closed early with the wrong layer copy pasted

>> No.57181081

>Someone needs to comission this fag to see if he would draw a biboo in this outfit
@pocopocoing? Sure, I'll hit up his skeb, though he seems to work pretty slowly so I hope you gemlin shitters are still around when he makes it
Any good Biboo-specific pose/expression ideas, or just
>Bijou in that same meido swimsuit onegai

>> No.57181083

>fan name

>> No.57181090

Fauna roleplaying as gremlin murderhobo Biboo's handler trying to keep her focused and out of trouble would be amazing.

>> No.57181107
File: 565 KB, 865x658, image[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57181115

I'm letting my hair grow and I can already feel some of this stuff, it's crazy

>> No.57181118

I relate but not because I have long hair but because I'm basically a full-on gorilla with the amount of body hair that I have and I'm too lazy to shave for the like 4 hours it would take.

>> No.57181132

Gemlings are still a type of pebble. Can't say the same for Boulders, though.

>> No.57181134

Jemlins can't stop winning... and bless any Boulders or Moai Moai Kyuns in the thread too

>> No.57181149

dadbyuu used to be a thing
knowers know

>> No.57181158

fuck you dont leak shit faggot

>> No.57181179

Boulders are just big pebbles. The fat ugly faceless bastards of pebbles...

>> No.57181183

Stop me.

>> No.57181186


>> No.57181189

My hair isn't quite as long as Biboo's but half-way down my back. She's right I shed as much as my two cats

>> No.57181193

fuck off

>> No.57181192

Don't be a faggot.

>> No.57181194


>> No.57181197

i'm going to kill you
you STOLE members-only content
*i push you to the ground*
*you are held there by 2 surly pebb

>> No.57181219
File: 915 KB, 900x600, 1sIIKqxDCRwHyzyVIOxhRSg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fitting name.
Average rock enjoyer pic submited.

>> No.57181231

Look at this giant faggot.

>> No.57181241


>> No.57181248
File: 133 KB, 1283x962, Gemling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neat. Can you make one of the original?

>> No.57181255


>> No.57181259

I'd say ask for a pose where she's looking down on the viewer smugly like that one pic, I don't have the pic though

>> No.57181265

Oh ho ho, anon-kun. You know what that means right? You know how the average ugly bastard hentai goes... right anon-kun~?

>> No.57181270
File: 421 KB, 640x360, Tiny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Image is tiny anyway.

>> No.57181282

Doing God's work anon. I've been watching Holos for over 3 years. I'm in too deep to go anywhere.

>> No.57181303

That's the one I edited, I intentionally deleted the leaf because that's obviously underneath the cap

>> No.57181308

It's literally just her ending pic you fucking mega retard why would you go through the trouble of leaking this

>> No.57181320
File: 581 KB, 1422x1729, 110784018_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prepare to get CORRECTED

>> No.57181331
File: 1014 KB, 4000x3000, 1665959718869216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Guy leaks membership content looking for a reaction
>Thread immediately gives him exactly the very thing he was looking for

>> No.57181341

Fauna is already EN Luna.

>> No.57181357

>Biboo Sadako crawls out of your television
I am ready Biboo, take me!

>> No.57181370

The reaction alone is what makes it fun.

>> No.57181379

I hope Bijou is a little lewder in member streams

>> No.57181385

Imagine Biboo crawling of your screen

>> No.57181387

What...? No, Fauna is green Lamy. Bijou is rock Luna.

>> No.57181393

>mahou shoujo gem girl princess president

>> No.57181395

would you prefer I say nothing and then they just continue to do so forever

>> No.57181396
File: 74 KB, 230x227, 1693180490392461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever the pose is, it needs her derpy smile. Maybe eyes closed and smiling.

>> No.57181401

hold him steady and don't make too much of a mess now, there's a whole bunch of us waiting in line next

>> No.57181403
File: 29 KB, 600x338, 1687802515272593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biboo should cosplay one of these for Halloween

>> No.57181413

Crystal panties?

>> No.57181450

Imps more like simps lmao

>> No.57181457

I hope bijou spends a whole stream doing a "loli voice" despite being a loli, then gets mad and does farting noises with her mouth when we say that she's already a loli

>> No.57181462

bandaids uoh ToT

>> No.57181463

bandaids uooooh

>> No.57181466

they're just crusty

>> No.57181469


>> No.57181470

>Biboo wears kids bandaids for fun in lieu of a bra
I have no proof but also no doubts

>> No.57181487

As a hardcore Luknight. Biboo is nothing like Luna nad neither is Fauna. They serve very different niches

>> No.57181493

>Put a bandage across their ni- NOSE
Bro's, what was she going to say?

>> No.57181497

>I like the anime characters who put the band-aids over their n-ACROSS THE NOSE!

>> No.57181498


>> No.57181502

Honestly if you had said nothing I probably would have stopped.

>> No.57181503

Question is, does she wear them on her cunny and butthole?

>> No.57181510

>>57181259 (me)
Maybe a few bandaids as well

>> No.57181511

I'm sure giving him the exact reaction he wanted stopped him from leaking future content. Thank you for your service anon

>> No.57181514

I don't know how people are around your neck of the woods, but in most of the world people tend to quiet down when ignored.

>> No.57181522

I love her so much

>> No.57181526

>no proofs but no doubtsposting is increasing
All according to keikaku

>> No.57181528
File: 1.94 MB, 960x960, 1688575430616557.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is you telling them to 'fuck off' or w/e else going to stop them?

>> No.57181529

I'm sure giving him exactly the kind of reaction what he wants will make him stop and not motivate him to continue.

>> No.57181538

amen fellow luknight.

>> No.57181568

Think I'm gonna dip from this general, I'll probably watch her gamer streams since thank fucking god EN finally got one but her pop culture/media tastes are filtering me so fucking bad. Shame

>> No.57181586

I could. Allready drawn Moco and Shiori, and a halfassed Fuwa.
Sign drawfag

>> No.57181585

vt newfriends please understand, they don't understand the concept of bait

>> No.57181597

Didn't ask.

>> No.57181601

>chuuni rock wife
I'm falling deeper and deeper

>> No.57181618

Not him but everything I've seen of Luna has been
>Luna being a bratty shit to her chat and chat fucking with her back
>Luna opening with a surprisingly strong Dark Souls showing and being up as a big Fromsoft fan
>Luna playing bizarre meme games like Bass Fishing simulator or whatever

>> No.57181676

Did you get filtered by her liking chuunibyou of all things

>> No.57181700
File: 292 KB, 498x420, 1691589735687147.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep filtering 'em Biboo

>> No.57181707

Having an epic battle and impressing Biboo.

>> No.57181708
File: 2.77 MB, 3840x2160, 1683805425852436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57181716

I understand what bait is, I also understand that those people wont actually ever stop, they will continue to attempt to be schizo trolls and leak shit. It's just like the fag who keeps trying to doxx Bijou, hes ignored and even gets the posts deleted but doesnt stop.

>> No.57181721
File: 708 KB, 842x1200, 546564654.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57181755

>I like Dragon Ball
it's so over

>> No.57181759
File: 1.22 MB, 2314x1484, smash em hard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife is filtering a lot of retards today and I'm kinda glad

>> No.57181776


>> No.57181775

Because he pulls (You)s. That's all it comes down to. Report and Ignore, push the little [-] button

>> No.57181781
File: 1018 KB, 500x265, re5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Boulders

>> No.57181825
File: 91 KB, 1200x675, 1682664307076967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57181828

What should I report that as?

>> No.57181834

>Cell arc was her favorite

>> No.57181844
File: 161 KB, 1400x700, 1665627488052383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cell arc was her favourite
She's fucking perfect

>> No.57181847

I have an honest question: Why does leaking upset you? If you pay for it, you already see it, so why does it upset you? If you don't pay for it, you wouldn't have seen it anyway?

I guess I'm failing to understand the rage. It's like pirating a game yeah?

>> No.57181851

Nice pits

>> No.57181863
File: 324 KB, 750x800, Gohanbro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we won Gohanchads

>> No.57181879


>> No.57181882

Is... is that a Christian Sonichu reference?

>> No.57181883


>> No.57181886

Gohans new form is badass

>> No.57181902

>play niche instrument
>soft asmr voice
>in character/soft
>dont collab
>same magical outfit style
>cant sing
You were saying?

And Bijou is some Gura/Luna/Kobo mixture. She's a rare shiny Vtuber.

>> No.57181905

thanks doc

>> No.57181908

Cell Saga was peak DBZ.

>> No.57181910

>Likes DB
yeah she's EN Luna

>> No.57181911

>It's like pirating a game yeah?
Not comparable.

>> No.57181920


>> No.57181927

He doesn't actually get ignored though. A bunch of retards replied to his samefagging after no one bit his bait despite it being obvious as hell.
Even if they don't stop replying to them doesn't help because you're just giving them what they want. Do you want to give them what they want and make them happy?

>> No.57181938


>> No.57181950
File: 3.91 MB, 480x640, ore wa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like Dragon Ball

>> No.57181954

>ywn look up across a field full of your defeated enemies to see Biboo's concerned expression melt away to joy as you smile softly and give her a super chuuni thumbs up.

>> No.57181957

Unironically, they should have committed to making Gohan the protagonist.

>> No.57181989

>bijou believes the goku is bad dad meme
not like this....

>> No.57182005

you zoomers lack fucking respect your generation will destroy the planet

>> No.57182009

Toriyama was planning on it at first but decided against it since he thought Goku made the better protagonist.

>> No.57182011

I think you're confusing me with another anon. I didn't try to dox Biboo, I like Biboo. I just posted the screenshot because I wanted to see the reaction, and I wasn't disappointed.

>> No.57182014
File: 128 KB, 1296x1390, 067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop replying to bait.

>> No.57182043

I heard the writer wanted to do that, but people were going apeshit because they wanted Goku to remain the protagonist.

>> No.57182041

Good rec, thanks.

>> No.57182052

Oh, I guess she finally came up with some basic content to respond to the Frieza spam with
I guess it's less likely to cause a flood of art like the Spiderman shit if she brings it up in zatsu instead of live
Anon, either he keeps going because he gets attention, or he keeps going because he's actually a fucking schizo
Either way, you threatening to rip his head of and shit down his neck isn't going to stop him, it's just going to divert more attention to him

>> No.57182061

zoomers are the one pissed off at piracy

>> No.57182074

Apparently the reception to the idea was poor so thats why they asspulled bringing Goku back.
I didnt mind them bringing him back, but I wish they wouldve kept Gohan relevant.

>> No.57182080

NTA but that feels disrespectful for the chuuba for me

>> No.57182084

I'm 38.

>> No.57182091

Hate Super for making him retarded

>> No.57182096

what bait are you even talking about?
people are just discussing shit she's talking about in the stream

>> No.57182102

her brain is all darksouls

>> No.57182108

I'm not. The first line of my post is talking about another anon, the dox anon. The second line is about you.

>> No.57182117

She sees dark souls in everything and it's very cute

>> No.57182119

It doesn't upset me. I just like joining lynch mobs.

>> No.57182131

>she read my comment
I love her

>> No.57182168


>> No.57182172

Luna is virtually none of those things.
Soft and hyperfeminine? Are you kidding?

>> No.57182174

She's perfect, bros...

>> No.57182175

actually youre right i take it back, he actually is awful in super. but i thought he was great during the cell arc

>> No.57182179
File: 252 KB, 335x506, 1601787379151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mob Chads... I kneel.

>> No.57182184

The reason why you pay for membership is so that you can have access to the exclusive content. If the exclusive content is just there, no one would pay.
Pirating video games is a nothing burger because it's just big companies getting butthurt about money they THINK they're owed but don't have. And for indie creators, generally the distribution services get so much of the cut that even if every pirate paid for a game, it's unlikely they'd get that much more money anyways.
In the case of memberships, it's about supporting your oshi's career. Obviously you'd want as many people to buy memberships as possible. And merch and shit.
Additionally oftentimes piracy is a service problem. Games can be banned or prohibitively expensive due to things like economic differences and import taxes and whatnot. Memberships don't have this issue, if you can use YouTube you can member. Maybe if you live in a total shithole you can't afford even the lowest tier but I don't think that's the case for most people.

>> No.57182190

I also read your comment.
Do you love me too, anon?

>> No.57182193

Regan carried the manga for me desu.

>> No.57182223

I would assume it's just being considerate? Like I member to support the chuuba foremost, and content getting leaked will happen no matter what. I don't get pissed about that myself.
But I can get why people don't want everything the chuuba does "in private" leaked. Some chuubas are kinda dumb and share too much info in members posts too

>> No.57182227

So you only would support her for exclusive things? Doesn't that by definition mean you don't support her, you just want stuff?

>> No.57182247

Name a game studio which releases a vast majority of their content for free and in a complete state but releases some side content every now and then with the expectation that they're going to get most of their support from the relatively small handful who are willing to pay for it.

No, microtransactions are not comparable. That's a practice of intentionally cutting content to be sold later. You can make this argument if Bijou ever cuts a series short to sell the rest in member streams.

>> No.57182259

I stopped watching Mob during the first season due to personal reasons, but now I'm gonna pick it up again

>> No.57182258

Why are we still feeding the troll pebbles

>> No.57182266
File: 4 KB, 201x251, IMG_2961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57182276

I would support her anyways. But I'm just one person. I want more people to spend money on her. If people leak then people who aren't me would have less reason to spend money.

>> No.57182288

>Biboo talking about anime
>Her anal sys of every anime is just describing the plot
This fuckin dope.

>> No.57182301

Please tell me he's samefagging and my fellow pebbles aren't retarded enough to keep feeding this guy (You)'s

>> No.57182306
File: 405 KB, 4092x2893, 734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57182334

I'm sorry anon, I've only posted like... 5 times? People are replying to me.

>> No.57182386
File: 57 KB, 800x600, 1693183268009291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57182393

>implying that only big company makes game
a bunch, if not most indie developers are in worse situation than Holo financially.
there's no logical argument for it, it's simply a bias because you like the individual, and that's fine. piracy is piracy at the end of the day

>> No.57182403

she has kind of basic tastes but at least her basic tastes are on the good side. i like that.

>> No.57182406

Biboo's favorite character is Power.

>> No.57182417

I couldn't imagine being so soft as to not wanting to watch the newest arc of a show because it'll make me feel bad. Is this typical of zoomers?

>> No.57182452

Biboo is a basic ass anime fan.
The twins should give her a real deep dive into anime.

>> No.57182460


>> No.57182462

Has Biboo read Fire Punch

>> No.57182467


>> No.57182468

>why would you buy books from your favorite author? a true fan would just donate to their patreon for nothing in return

>> No.57182472

Good job I guess

>> No.57182500

>>implying that only big company makes game
sorry, ignore this part, but my point is still the same

>> No.57182504
File: 3.70 MB, 1920x1080, Mimic.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bijou wants to be a gem-related monster girl
Someone make her a mimic model.

>> No.57182506

I do that and I'm a zoomer

>> No.57182530

Every woman's favorite is Power.

>> No.57182538

she's not a contrarian going out of her way to read hipster alternatives, so i doubt it

>> No.57182540

>Chainsaw mid

>> No.57182552

Nah, roomie does the same thing and we're 30's. Never understood it. Wont read or watch anything that they know will make them sad

>> No.57182556

She's mostly responding to the suggestions people are spamming in chat, I think
If anything I'm more surprised the people sitting in a cunnytuber zatsu have such basic taste instead of spamming moeshit or at least asking her about chuuni mahou shoujo fightshit like Nanoha or Symphogear

>> No.57182576
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>> No.57182595

Sometimes I'll postpone watching the last 3~ episodes of a show I'm really enjoying because I don't want it to end because it always makes me feel bad and melancholic for a whole day at least
>t. oji-san

>> No.57182606

Whats this from?

>> No.57182608

She's too upbeat to enjoy a doomer manga like Fire Punch.

>> No.57182618

You can do both anon. You can also buy the book and scan it for people who can't afford to to share the love.

>> No.57182623

In her defense, she's only talking about what the chat asks.

>> No.57182625


>> No.57182630

>wait, /vt/ isn't representative of the general population?
Say it ain't so.

>> No.57182679

>everyone in hololive is great

>> No.57182685


Oh yeah, that did happen. Fujimoto is great.

>> No.57182713

Edit with Nerissa, Biboo, and the twins when?

>> No.57182715

>you can have multiple oshi!

>> No.57182718

Another thing I forgot to mention is that leaks can affect the quality of members content. This is why people were seething so hard about gifting. Members streams tend to be more personal and exclusive because ideally there's way less people watching. If everything just gets leaked and spread around like candy then it may as well just be a regular stream.
Yes, the fundamental reason why people hate leaking is because it's seen as insulting to the vtuber. But that's just a quirk of how vtubing works. The "product" is the individually personable streamer. A game is a game, it exists in a vacuum independent of the developer (most of the time anyways). With a vtuber you are constantly interacting with someone even if parts of it are a persona. If you think about it, with the cut that cover and YouTube both takes, a membership is not going to significantly boost a chuuba's income. But what matters is that you feel like you are supporting her.

>> No.57182730

Lost Ruins

>> No.57182754


>> No.57182768

Y-yes... (⸝⸝⸝• ω •⸝⸝⸝)

>> No.57182780

Way to out yourself as not even a clipwatcher. Threadreader scum

>> No.57182783

Yes that's literally what daredemo daisuki means.

>> No.57182799

>doesn't like mean spirited humor but likes Chainsaw Meme

>> No.57182818
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>> No.57182821

2 is my limit, i hate those fags that have like 100 oshi marks on their names.

>> No.57182830

Most of Fujimoto's stuff would break her.
Chainsaw Man is like the only thing he's ever written that's not entirely depressing and nihilistic as fuck.

>> No.57182832


>> No.57182841

now kiss and have sex in front of me

>> No.57182842


>> No.57182861

>complains about drawn-out fights in Demon Slayer but loves DragonBall Z
I love her

>> No.57182863


I think the other anons were right and she just didn't want to say that she dislikes the Simpsons/Family Guy, etc. Why would you watch Chainsaw Man otherwise lol?

>> No.57182864

Thanks anon

>> No.57182870

Isnt it great?

>> No.57182869

You can. If you couldn't the terms kamioshi or saioshi or tanoshi would have no meaning.

>> No.57182872

I thought the Kronie left

>> No.57182903

Pretty sure she just thinks American comedy shows suck.

>> No.57182918

Because east good, west bad. Based biboo.

>> No.57182925

She's right

>> No.57182931

I love her

>> No.57182935

We aren't saplings

>> No.57182940
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>Superchats are FREE?

>> No.57183027

>Gets baited
>Can't stop talking about it, thus furthering the bait
Chat really reflects the streamer huh.

>> No.57183035

Oh God, she's speaking rock again.

>> No.57183064

She does like Bob's Burgers though, so she'd probably like King of the Hill too

>> No.57183067

I'm a permavirgin.

>> No.57183071

I love when she does that

>> No.57183081

>Melia was my favorite
>I felt bad for her
She's gonna be a Niafag

>> No.57183084

Sometimes the streamer is the One Guy.

>> No.57183124

I would assume the general populace doesn't go to anime girl zatsu/SC-reading streams
Especially if the model is a little girl who doesn't have the mascot/YT kids appeal like shark, and it's also a new unestablished Gen 3 EN chuuba
But I guess chat is here to prove me wrong

>> No.57183143


>> No.57183166

Isn't Melia voiced by Ranni's actress in the dub?
Of course she is, Biboo's a based welsh woman enjoyer just like me.

>> No.57183175

pretty art

>> No.57183178

I want Biboo to sit on my lap.

>> No.57183216

>I don't really watch harem
Based Biboo. Harem anime are all the same and boring as fuck.

>> No.57183238

The reason why I know is because Melia was my favorite and then I played 2 and Nia was my favorite and then I played 3 and Sena was my favorite

>> No.57183244

...for what it's worth Fiona has the mecha wings too so I legitimately didn't know which one she meant either when she first started rambling about XB

>> No.57183264

Based, it's the same old formula

>> No.57183277

Bijou threads go brrrrrrrr

>> No.57183280


>> No.57183293

Smart anon. I know nothing about Xenoblade aside from Nia's dub voice so I got the games confused.

>> No.57183318

I dont watch romance anime because it makes me cry, like full ugly cry.

>> No.57183325

My love for Biboo go brrrrrrrrRRRR

>> No.57183339

Harem anime is to the 00's what isekai is to the 10's.
The only difference is I have an affinity for the trashy romcom harems because I lived my teens through them.

>> No.57183341

Is High School DxD considered harem?
I actually enjoyed it even with its gratuitous fanservice.

>> No.57183351

My favorite was the omega retard Kotomi...

>> No.57183354

My love for bijou coats my desk.

>> No.57183392

How did you anons know how fast you member'd Biboo/where do you see current gemlin count?
Or are you just estimating from updoots/comments on the member post?

>> No.57183410

Did it coat a geode though?

>> No.57183450
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>"hakase is so cute!"
I'm patternfagging so hard right now

>> No.57183460

I'm waiting on one to be delivered. I fully intend to grow my own bijou with a healthy diet of seed.

>> No.57183467
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>She loves Nichijou

>> No.57183468


>> No.57183476

Nichijou has some shit 'comedy'. I'll say it

>> No.57183506

>likes DKnN

>> No.57183519

>loves nichijou
>loves asobi asobase

>> No.57183547

>she's a clipfag
it's over

>> No.57183562

It's hit or miss for sure. Overall I liked it, but it was no Azumanga Daioh

>> No.57183583

Dont actually coom on any gemstones. Thats cursed and those crystal rocks have like energy memory, or something.

>> No.57183591
File: 132 KB, 720x1560, Screenshot_2023-08-27-21-15-06-585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never superchatted or membered anyone before today, the rock pushed me over the edge to embrace weebdom

>> No.57183594

Most of them are.

>> No.57183623

If you don't take Oshi no Ko seriously, it's pretty enjoyable.

>> No.57183626

Good, I want it to remember as it grows into a fine young lady.

>> No.57183629

>Oshi no Ko

>> No.57183636

Based M.

>> No.57183644

>some of advent
She's talking about FUWAMOCO who particularly despise it for reasons that should be self-evident if you watch them.

>> No.57183665

>Mahou shoujo
>Battle shounen
Based omnivorous rock

>> No.57183667

>most of advent dosent like oshinoko
Holy based

>> No.57183674

Are the OnK siblings going to fuck?

>> No.57183681

Oshi no Ko, where the brother and sister do incest to bring their dead mom back to life

>> No.57183695

You expect every Holomem to watch the full streams of every Holomem, and still have time to stream themselves?

>> No.57183704


>> No.57183712

Best ending

>> No.57183718
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It had its moments.

>> No.57183736

Been watching vtubers for 4 years now, She's also the first I've membered without being gifted.
I blame the warm feelings she gives me whenever she streams.

>> No.57183746

Worst is One Piece.

>> No.57183779


>> No.57183787

>doesn't like SAO

>> No.57183796

Yes, they should be put in the Clockwork Orange chair and shown all streams before debut

>> No.57183815


>> No.57183826

>Hates SAO

>> No.57183830

Based Rock

>> No.57183849
File: 556 KB, 3056x2536, F3iPYNQW8AA_ZNX.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lads I had to work all day, sad I missed so much good zatsu content, any really amusing highlights I should know about?

>> No.57183848

is saying you don't like SAO really based anymore?

>> No.57183855

This stream is so comfy Pebbles.

>> No.57183857

The whole "anti-unicorn" shit only happens in episode 1. The rest of the show is 50/50 harem idol stuff or cynical takes on the entertainment industry based both on the author's personal experiences and real stuff that happened like the wrestler who killed herself because of a reality show. It's pretty fun and I think people just get way too fucking obsessed with the whole "IT'S THE NEW PERFECT BLUE" bullshit, both people who like it and people who hate it.

>> No.57183866

>This is why people were seething so hard about gifting. Members streams tend to be more personal and exclusive because ideally there's way less people watching. If everything just gets leaked and spread around like candy then it may as well just be a regular stream.
not true at all, people who don't care much about that experience will not stick around anyways, if they do, they'll renew their membership, it doesn't make members content any less quality.
the truth is that the majority DO NOT pirate. even when piracy are made so much easier now, especially for big content creators like Hololive when you can literally use Google to find it, most just don't do it
so it's just pretty much what you said
>Yes, the fundamental reason why people hate leaking is because it's seen as insulting to the vtuber. But that's just a quirk of how vtubing works. The "product" is the individually personable streamer.
people don't like losing the exclusivity status that they paid for, which is a common reason why people hate pirating, but for vtuber it's more personal

>> No.57183878

>doesn't like SAO
BASED. I watched the first season but I refused to watch everything after it because it was obviously just milking it.

>> No.57183880

>doesn't like harem either
She's literally me

>> No.57183888

I was making dinner for the past ten minutes, what have I missed?

>> No.57183903

I'm not just impressed with her hating on SAO, but her chat completely agrees. Pebbles proving themselves the best once again.

>> No.57183925

Considering her fairly basic tastes apart from that? Yes

>> No.57183928

I fucking hate that I like her so much. it's easier to hate than to love...

>> No.57183931

>Autism about MMO isekai being actual kusoge
Kek, fair

>> No.57183933

Autistic rambling.

>> No.57183941

Baker, are you baking?

>> No.57183945

I don't think gifting will ruin member streams. I just think that's why people hated the idea so much.

>> No.57183946

*raffs in old WoW weapon skills*

>> No.57183951

I started back with HoloMyth and Ina so I had to include her

>> No.57183953

i still want to know when the definition of based turned into "something you agree with" and not " this is my opinion i give no fucks"

>> No.57183954
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>doesn't watch much harem or SAO and likes Nichibros

that's my beeping oshi right there

>> No.57183965

S2 was a snoozefest, not to mention S3 with the only thing worth it in there was the Artoria rip off

>> No.57183971

>Hates SAO, not for the Harem crap, that's too basic complain.
>But the entire Setting and the badly designed Gamification.
And that's not even going into the other badly written concepts.

>> No.57183980

Did she mention Niggataro

>> No.57183982

SAO Abridged is the best thing to exist tho

>> No.57183985

Chat will agree with anything

>> No.57184008


>> No.57184010


>> No.57184063

Not liking SAO is very standard, but at least she listed her reasons, which 90% of people don't do.
SAO would just be a terrible game to play. She's completely right. The UI sucks and the skill tree system is very unfun and unintuitive.

>> No.57184093

DBZ Abridged exists, sorry.

>> No.57184129

New bread:

>> No.57184162

A natural outcome when people don't gatekeep their language. People parrot others without knowing the meaning of a word, and eventually there are more people using it incorrectly than correctly. By then the fake has surpassed the real.

>> No.57184180

Yugi-Oh's abridged exists, sorry.

>> No.57184218

>Members streams tend to be more personal and exclusive because ideally there's way less people watching.
anyone who genuinely believes this is a groomer sociopath

>> No.57184247

Now I'm curious what she'd say about Bofuri. Many of the reasons she's given for disliking SAO are what Bofuri's explicitly built around, but it doesn't take things nearly as seriously and is just plain fun.

>> No.57184248

I like SAO because I like the lasers and shit I dont give a fuck about the story. The thing I will judge people who hate it for tho is those who are like "theres rape in it" yeah there is and its portrayed in a negative light "they shouldnt have put rape in it" thats retarded, people should be able to write about shit that makes you uncomfortable.

>> No.57184254
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>> No.57184278

Isn't based something that came from that rapper song where he goes "thank you based god" or something? It never was something real to begin with

>> No.57184355
File: 774 KB, 885x707, 11213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The artist has an unwavering taste for turning mundane situations into absurd ones. Doesn't always hit the mark, but I can appreciate it.

>> No.57184360

You win.

>> No.57184484

As someone who plays and actually likes yugioh, man the damage this shirt did to the brains of normies and beginners

>> No.57184566

Why is her tier two membership $15 instead of $10

>> No.57184752

Because she rocks
