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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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57466443 No.57466443 [Reply] [Original]

>80 talents
>like 3 time slots, tops

>> No.57466969

Blue Dorito will sooner commit Sudoku than hire an European

>> No.57467384

Good, we don't have tip (superchat) culture anyway. Members yes, merch yes, supa eeeh. You also risk another Kiara that will stream in EU friendly hours, but it doesn't matter because no one wants to watch you and would rather catch up to their US oshi vod. Or just straight up watch JP streams instead.

>> No.57467524

We've been over this already. Fuwamoco streamed multiple times for EU hours and got shit views and SC compared to what they got for NA and JP hours.
It's clear EU doesn't watch streams. They don't tip. They don't donate. They don't buy merch. All they do is whine and whine and whine and beg and whine.
>But we watch HoloJP, not EN
Fuwamoco is as close to JP, but EN, as you can get, if you're not watching them then you just have yellow fever and don't actually care about vtubers.

>> No.57468163

Fuwamoco morning is far more EU than NA or JP, and it does good numbers.

>Fuwamoco streamed multiple times for EU hours
Streaming with such buff games as fucking Sakura Wars 5

>> No.57468247

europooreans deserve nothing

>> No.57468398

>They don't donate
>You also risk another Kiara that will stream in EU friendly hours
Isnt Kiaras SCs pretty high up in EN though?

>> No.57468411

Sakura Wars may be a huge debuff, but the streams are kino.

>> No.57468456
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Why do EU fags always whine about the timeslot?

>> No.57468593

Would you donate to someone whose streams are unwatchable 90% of the time?

>> No.57468675

Don't bother, for these "people" Kiara has the magical ability to be both a shitter and the top superchat earner depending on the agenda they want to push.

>> No.57469041

Funny you post Luna, because she does a more consistant job at streaming during EU friendly hours than Kiara.

>> No.57469085

well there's a pretty simple explanation for that. ever heard of saviorfagging? it's when people artificially try to boost a chuuba with repeated views or large donations because they perform poorly (usually they are the runt of a group). Kiara's fans know that she is the least popular and therefore they are way more dedicated to her then other fanbases are to their oshis. They donate way more and listen to kiara's music on repeat to support her because in their minds, she needs it more then the others

>> No.57469200

>listen to kiara's music on repeat
Poor souls. Your brain has to be built different to survive that.

>> No.57469397

I don't give a fuck about EU, I just want less overlap

>> No.57469569

But this whole discussion started because some claimed that Euros dont watch streams or dono

>> No.57469693

That stream is the necessary chemotherapy that is needed to filter shitters

>> No.57469726

Honestly, why, not like you are gonna watch 24/7 to catch everything, just sticking to like 2-3 streamers is pushing it if you also wanna catch bigger event streams elsewhere.

>> No.57469873

>just sticking to like 2-3 streamers is pushing it
Nta, but chances are those 2-3 streamers are perma overlapping

>> No.57469905

Because it's fucking barren if you don't LARP as Japanese. I want passive listening I can actually understand but I refuse to watch Kiara.
t. US EST but early to sleep early to rise so can only catch EU and JP times

>> No.57469937

>turn on EU twitch streamers
>they get spammed with donations to open their shitty csgo chests or FIFA loot boxes
EU just doesn't like vtubers

>> No.57470034

>Watch non Vtuber streams

>> No.57470053


>> No.57470114

Chicken or the egg.

>> No.57470135

the point was, EU does donate, but not to vtubers.

>> No.57470212

>EU does donate, but not to vtubers
Kiara wouldn't do good numbers if that was true.

>> No.57470315

Most of her Superchat money does not come from Europe though

>> No.57470798
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subsidized by the deep pockets of the US KFP branch
ah ah ah ah

>> No.57470916
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>> No.57471359

Why are you even bringing up numbers and views here? Fucking obsessed number monkey

>> No.57471430

Honestly I wish I wasn't lazy dirty EOP, JP timeslot literally perfect for me, when I go on YouTube there is always JP holo streaming and I subbed to maybe 10 of them at best.

>> No.57471469
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>They all stream at the same time, EN needs more members!
>Council debut
>They all stream at the same time, EN needs more members!
>Advent debut
>They all stream at the same time, EN needs more members!

It's never going to change

>> No.57471789

because not streaming in EU times is a purely economical decision

>> No.57471814

yeah it's like a big buffet, what is the problem here?
>muh EU
oh, lol, welcome more wealthy immigrants from east asia not refugees from the desert and maybe things will turn around for you guys

>> No.57471913

why does Bae intentionally do shit that destroys her numbers? just move to 9pm where you're only starting against shiori. ame has moved her stream at least twice already for this stream. and speaking of ame, a minecraft stream called 'digging dirt' sounds like a really fun stream for viewers. I wish Jap would force them into a reasonable schedule.

>> No.57472450

Euros are all obnoxious schizos so everyone's avoiding them.

>> No.57472825

Everyone is absolutely going to get mogged by Moom karaoke so who cares?

>> No.57472893

estGODS are the only people who matter so this is fine

>> No.57473173

>man this overlap is hell I wish they'd spread out streams a little more
>yeah that'd be good
>and people in other timezones might be able to catch streams too

>> No.57473181

The secret is this:
USA hours = LATAM hours
EU hours = Africa hours

Between these, who the fuck do you think has more disposable income?

>> No.57473262



I don't understand why you are posting these graphs. With a simple photo of the average KFP, you will know that such ample waist could only belong to a 'Murrican.

>> No.57473767

this gif never fails at making me laugh

>> No.57473893

Just because EU doesn't watch hololive doesn't mean it doesn't watch vtubers you know

>> No.57476106

Just learn Japanese

>> No.57476144
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>> No.57477790

we need EU chuubas NOW

>> No.57478000

They don't watch hololive because there's no holomem to watch besides Kiara. We need at least two European girls in the next gen.

>> No.57478011

Europoors are truly the black people of white people.

>> No.57478816

We do have tip culture, retard.
It is just not required because people get payed for what their work is worth it and so we can tax them harder

>> No.57479890
File: 254 KB, 498x498, 1681396749136023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Average EUR supacha = 6.569,9 JPY
>Average USD supacha = 4.701,4 JPY
Looks like the guys sending supachas in USD actually send less money, but there are just more of them. Really makes you think, they have less money they can spend (i.e. being poor). Am I missing something here?

>> No.57480050

oh really? why doesn’t europe have its own big vtuber agency then? where’s the holo rival, the vshojo killer, the niji destroyer?

>> No.57480057

They do, and she streams uncontested, and has shit numbers.

Why invest in a timezone that has nothing to offer?

>> No.57480241

Look at her streams’ SC currencies distribution, anon. The top is almost always USD instead of any EU currency

>> No.57480780

Most of her streams start at 23 or 24 JST. She should start around 3 hours later to target European prime time and stream until Ameripoors return from being wage slaves so they can send her their money.
Instead she tries to target the late-night Japanese audience and also Koreans for some reason by starting early.

>> No.57480882

I don't disagree, but you definitely can't use it as proof for anything numberwise.

>> No.57481078

does it matter though? the total is still way lower.
youÄd also have to check if you are comparing EU gachikois vs mutts who just toss kiara a superchat because she's in hololive and spend more on their own oshi.

>> No.57481299

EU can't watch chuubas because chuubas are haram. There's literally no point in streaming EU hours unless you're a fleshtuber (which is halal).

>> No.57481607

europoors really try to gaslight us every time this is brought up despite getting exposed over and over

>> No.57481807

If only the total amount matters, clearly the best business move is to go back to China then.

>> No.57484707

pick one, wishy-washy

>> No.57484794

>Botan zatsu
Based. Know what I'm watching tonight.

>> No.57484943

EUs should just give up and take the 2views pill, bigger basket to pull EU hours chuubas from.

>> No.57485820

I wish Europe had South America below it rather than fucking Africa. Then streaming in its prime time would bring good numbers.

>> No.57486090

Hololive has given up on EU primetime, even Kiara starts too early. It's Niji and Twitch vtubers who get the views and money.

>> No.57486534

If Hololive doesn't hire euros for EN4 they're legit retards. EU market is almost untouched, hiring europeans would bring in new fans.

>> No.57486881

lol do you guys even have decent japanese restaurant there in euroland? kek

>> No.57487399

>SEA bros thinks its about EU
>When its really 14 hours or so viable hours for NA streamers and hololive occupy 2 or 3 hours

>> No.57487816

does membership streams don't appear if you are not a member? that doesn't make sense, how come i can't see bijous stream

>> No.57488281

Well at least gura not stream today

>> No.57488702

>Hire Europoor
>shit viewers because they don't like anime or vtubing
>shit revenue because they are greedy as fuck

>> No.57488763

>brown wakes up and starts seething at the streams he missed in EU hours

>> No.57488928

Kiara numbers bad = No new EU talents

>> No.57489145

This is retarded. It's not guaranteed that every single EU viewer will like Kiara. We need some variety. When we get that, we can talk about numbers.

>> No.57489412

FUTchamp vtuber when?

>> No.57490527

Doesn't VAT also play into it? I've heard VAT is taken out of EU donations before they even reach Youtube. Which is super fucked if true since it means the talent is effectively getting taxed twice if they don't live in Europe.

>> No.57490640

this is just how it is. you can whine all you want, but until you start watching what you have you won't get more. every time holo puts something in an eu timeslot, you people never show up. what do you really expect?

>> No.57490868

The EU is actually fucking retarded. Tax me once shame on you, tax me twice, shame on me.

>> No.57490942

And that's a good thing.

>> No.57492230

>thinks putting random streams every other month in a different timeslot will get the same reach as their usual stream time
you're retarded. it would be the exact same if kiara streamed at NA time. it's about building an audience, not the time itself.

>> No.57492543
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Big announcement stream done during EU primetime got her the most viewers this week. Your argument?

>> No.57492867

>FUWAMOCO gets more viewers in EU hours than NA

>> No.57492888

>>57492543 (me)
meant for >>57490640

>> No.57492949

People don't even notice when random EU steam happen, people rely on schedules.

>> No.57493152

>>57492949 (me)

>> No.57494132

>Bad numbers from EU
>Bad first impressions of EU women (Veibae and Kiara)

Why would Mr.Jap hire a Eurowhore?

>> No.57494687

There are many cute EU chuubas around

>> No.57495637

Who cares about european girls, there are 24 hours in a day and people work for 8 of those. 2 hours for travel and eating and that's 14 hours suitable for NA.

>> No.57495956

The reason why EU is cursed because there is no overlap whatsoever
Distance between US and East Asia (+SEA) is literally day and night (10-14 hours), and EU time is so awkward in comparison.
Not to mention weeb culture is not as strong there compared to US and Asia, so there are less interest on VTubers instead of flesh streamers.
Individually, people there would donate more, but there are less individual overall, both watching and giving money, which is bad for Youtube metrics.

>> No.57497101

fwmc morning? i'm fine with that, i watch it too, but if it were much later in the day i couldn't.
gj, keep it up!

>> No.57498491

PT is one of the worst timezones for targetting JP unless you can tolerate a fucked sleep schedule.

>> No.57499464

The africans?

>> No.57500132

still want my eu loli wife
