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File: 500 KB, 984x1080, shiori hot topic gf[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fhvji6y.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57777178 No.57777178 [Reply] [Original]

You get more donos than you normally would without doing it but you also get the most schizo fans, nearly all GFE vtubers have stories of being harrassed by their own fans

>> No.57777289

It's fine as long as you're not retarded and understand what your audience wants.
If you don't understand the medium (Shiori probably does), and also can not have a woman moment where you randomly disparage your own fans, then things will be fine.

>> No.57777344

>He lacks the information
The house of cards is already folding

>> No.57777451 [DELETED] 

GFE is only good for quick cash. Great if you're looking for fast income, not if you want a career.
It all comes crashing down sooner or later. Viewers eventually find out that her "brother" isn't really her brother, her "manager" that helps set up streams is more than her manager, or that she met her husband on FFXIV years ago and is married with a four year old.

>> No.57777480

why is that so fucking common with vtubers? all you have to do is shut the fuck up and pretend to be a cute anime girl and rake in cash. like not even just GFE, but they've had some absolutely stellar examples (like the cow chick and lia doing a wee bit of cucking) but can they seriously not just keep their opinions to themselves when they're on the clock? if you have a job, you know what that's like, you just do it. you don't go into work and start telling paying customers and coworkers to "improve themselves" or do things they don't want you to do. it's so weird.

>> No.57777565

>why do women act like women?
beats me

>> No.57777631

Gee it's almost like any woman over a 5/10 doesn't have to work for a living if they don't want to and therefore never develop and understanding or appreciation for such things.

>> No.57777683

Women can only ever delay the Woman Moment. They may be able to put it off for years, but eventually it will happen.

>> No.57777859

Icarus type of lifestyle, menhera or 3d bfs will wreck your shit forever. Very tight path to walk. If you were smart you would be asexual until you graduated, but we know that doesn't happen.

>> No.57777966

please tell me these are real life examples cause that'd be funny as hell.

>> No.57779289

The first two or generic, but the last one is too specific of a jewel to not be real.

>> No.57779671

What happened?

>> No.57779809

>married with a four year old
This is what happens when you leave your rrats in a warm damp place

>> No.57779815

>not even trying to be gfe
>gfe schizos gaslight themselves into thinking you're pandering to them
>have schizo mental breakdowns and turn into antis the moment their delusions aren't believable anymore
truly the best fans to have

>> No.57779922

Why are you even asking the question when we know the answer ?
unikeks on a certain doxsite have literally gotten to the point they've triangulated her location lmao
not only is it dangerous it's also fucking retarded and shortsighted, nobody is able to keep that shit up too long, there's no reason to do it other than if one is planning to make quick cash and bail
that said I can't feel bad for anyone involved in this type of shit, both the retarded "talent" who puts themselves in that position and the fans who delude themselves into thinking the anime girl on the internet is their faithful girlfriend just like for the thousands of other dudes watching

tl;dr : GFE/BFE is made by mentally ill retards for mentally ill retards

>> No.57780069

only if you're completely and utterly incapable of keeping promises, respecting your fans and not being such a whore that you literally cant just have your male interactions in the other 100+ hours a week you arent streaming

>> No.57780095

My thoughts too, what has Shiori done that's so much more "GFE" than other holomems?

>> No.57780768

That site is fucking nijisisters with some crossover for starsEN, it's seething women doxxing the girls in retaliation for the ignoble exit of Magni and Vesper (though they would have done it anyway)

>> No.57780989 [DELETED] 

Last one supposed to be Biboo, but I haven't seen anything suggesting marriage aside fucking with LDR BF

>> No.57781141

That's cope, while I'll agree the sisters are fucking toxic dramawhores, for this one there's a lot of retards from /here/, they were spamming their doxx everywhere yesterday.

>> No.57781339

I go there too to check some girls when I'm not sure, obviously I don't read any posts there, I wanted to tear my eyes out when read few accidentally.

>> No.57781442

Implying the first thing the sisters do when they dox one of the "pure" hologirls isn't run straight to here to rub it into peoples faces?
They are literally talking about upsetting people in the girls splits and cackling about what kind of schizo supas they might recieve on their next stream right in the comments.

Unicorn sentiment is downvoted 99% of the time on that hellsite, the only reason you see some
>NOOOO not my pure biboo/shiori/nessa
falseflags both there and here at the moment is because falseflagging as upset holo fans is their preferred method of delivery.
It's fucking obvious if you are in any way familiar with the denizens of that place what they are doing.

>> No.57781700

Funny thing how Nerissa comes out of it fairly pure, purer than others atleast, dumping a guy for girls/vtubing or whatever.

>> No.57781847

Who cares, none of them deserved it and """unicorns""" here despite the efforts of the sisters to paint them in the worst possible light are not the ones actively doxing these girls. Yeah some people get upset when the dox does get spammed here, but all the dirty work is coming from the doxsisters, make no mistake.

>> No.57781957

I have no stake in it, I see the dox, I appreciate it, not because I'll use it as a fuel to anti someone, but for myself to see if I want to support those girls, without actually delving Into dox sites myself. I remember when Rissas dox came out and people being "angry' about it, I was so surprised because it's a laughable nothing burger which made me feel even more for her. With Shiori it's kinda sus, with Bijou it's nothing burger, but kept in the back of my head.

>> No.57782132

Obviously I don't like when people use it to shit on the girls, but if there is genuine irredeemable dirt on them which exposes them as lying cunts then it's good, even if it's maybe a bit over the board.
Like remember this chick from small corpo, which pandered to unicorns and coomers, only to be found out that she hated them in PL and her possibly gave away to highest donor her brother's friends gaming chair as hers or whatever.
Chicks like that absolutely deserve whatever comes to them.

>> No.57782193

Fumbled a bit on the chair part, but you get what I'm saying.

>> No.57782212

>its [other team]
This is o tedious man, just stop. At some point you have to acknowledge people just like you are capable of doing bad.

>> No.57782217

Comfy Shiori threads are over... when's the next gen?

>> No.57782250

>I see the dox, I appreciate it
It's never worth it, for every GFE chuuba who gets exposed for grifting they are causing stress and anxiety for a bunch of girls who did absolutely nothing wrong, made me sick how much pleasure they took in fucking with Biboo who just plays good games and is cute with zero gfe.
Yeah Kiki was a scumbag, my point still stands though, the doxsisters are terrible people.

>> No.57782313

Rissas and Bijou are nothing burgers because of how they conduct themselves on stream

>> No.57782417

You shouldn't dismizs everything as a false flag, you're gonna drive yourself crazy. It's better to assume good faith than bad. Being tricked all the time is better than dismissing someone genuine

>> No.57782505

But she isn't doxxed. PL shit isn't dox. PL shit is allowed on /vt/, its insane that we can mention one of her previous channels, but not something she said on those channels

>> No.57782530

It's better you goslings were woken from your delusions of her before it got too late. You should be grateful. Those who she continues to deceive after this are there of their own volition. You can't cure stupidity after all.

>> No.57782554

GFE in the west is a thousand times easier than in the east. You can even get away with having a BF.

>> No.57782611

Why would I assume good faith from that place of all places? Like I said, if you are in any way familiar with the site you would know they shit on unicorns and gachis of the girls ALL the time, it is a sister hangout zone through and through and everybody knows it. I am not denying the result of their doxxing upsets people on /vt/ that is that exact reason they are going to hard on the new girls right now.

>> No.57782627

What is there to be anxious about for her? Oh no they will know she is X or whatever, unless she doxxed her house and number then it's no big deal. Most of the anxiety comes from themselves overthinking it, because of how vtubing culture presented. No same person will leave her because they saw that she is OMG an Asian, few people will leave because she isn't single, which is good for both parties instead of deluding eachother about reasons why they are here. And most people will support her no matter what kind of doxx will come out, unless she crushes kittens on a video.
Ofcourse it's was to say for me an anonymous, but vtubers truly overreact about doxx stuff. How many people left Okayu because she is fatto gatto irl? Or Azki because you know what...
As long as you don't mislead people like >>57782313 implied, you won't suffer anything bad.
If any chuuba is here right now, don't look at antis, look at people that support you after the case, and your stress will be gone.

>> No.57782660

playing video games and pretending to be an anime girl online isn't dangerous and never will be

>> No.57782663

Read the sticky, there's a word in there that makes it clear as day why you can't talk about this specific instance.

>> No.57782724

Easy for me to say*, a lot of typos, sorry, it's 3 am in Jakarta.

>> No.57782824

>Girl presents herself as something
>Turns out she isn't something and she's the exact opposite of that thing
>People get mad at the ones who expose her
I'll never get this. I understand you're upset you were tricked, but it's not my fault she chose exactly how to behave and she stepped out of line.

>> No.57782849

>actually damaging controlling for them
>What is there to be anxious about?
Why don't you see what they are doing to the girl who recently cold shouldered the boys in the HLZNTL OW collab and think about what you just said? Real life and family are constantly brought into it over there especially when they have a grudge

>> No.57782896

Adding to this
>Girl goes on incensed rant about how she specifically hates a thing she was engaged in
It's straight hypocrisy. I don't know how anyone could support her in good faith after this. But like an anon earlier said, you can't cure stupid.

>> No.57782925 [DELETED] 
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NijiEN has the same problem of schizo fans, much more drama, harassment going too far and they have 0 GFE and actively make it hostile for it to exist. So no GFE is not the issue. Vtuber fans will go crazy at some point no matter what you do.

>> No.57782980

That makes no sense, plenty of holo discuss their real lives and events and stories on stream, are we not allowed to discuss that too? I'm confused
You're gonna find yourself splitting hairs pretty quickly. It's not like someone dug up a real name and found exclusive stuff. It's public info on an actual vtuber channel. It's fair game. If she didn't reincarnate it'd be fine to discuss but now that she's attached to holo it's somehow against the rules?

>> No.57783066

Nah GFE is 100% the issue. Not doing any GFE basically makes you immune, even if you are doxed and have a boyfriend or whatever, nobody cares.

>> No.57783086 [DELETED] 

That site is literally just seething roasties. They come here to spam it.

>> No.57783093

It's just women things. Actually males can display this behavior too, it's just that they are much mentally stronger to keep the menhera lid shut longer. Women fucking loves validation, they keep craving for more and more. They must be kept drip fed for attention, force fed them too much attention and they'll steer themselves into whatever situation you have described thinking they are unstoppable.
Jealousy plays a big part too, especially if they're surrounded by female coworkers. They'll hound each other up to the bones, and start deviating from group identity to appear unique. "I'm not like the other girls!", or "I'm not like the other vtubers", "I'm not like the other Holo members".
They'll deviate from what works for their numbers, because they are solely motivated by validation and attention. They'll get a panic attack when their CCV starts dropping, they don't reach fan engagement as they used to be, or below par compared to other talent usually within their own gens, and they'll usually quick on reaching for the nuclear option of e-celebs mentions/collabs, or normie shit like react vids or IRL relationship discussions.
Which is why you see they have to include a girl as the "runt of the gen", or a wildcard debut in streaming group for long term group cohesion. They'll serve as a reminder "At least I'm not as bad as this girl", and appreciate with what they have.

>> No.57783126

A few months ago I’d call it bullshit but I recently met squchan and her fanbase of cucks so I don’t even know anymore

>> No.57783157

Irys? They are saying mean messages? She can address them on stream and saying how she doesn't enjoy being treated like that, maybe redditors will fly to her defense.
As I said I don't like the sisters etc, but girls panic hard even over minor dox/pl stuff. Look, I get it, being an internet persona comes with things like that, very mentally taxing, I feel sorry for them, but on 1 vocal anti they have 50 supporting people, they just need to ask for it.

>> No.57783176

Wow, next time maybe don't title your streams with "pamper me" "take care of me" "I'm your goth gf" when you're a faker and a poser.
Not that hard.

>> No.57783211

She did? Qrd what she said?

>> No.57783263

Seething about a friend who had sex all the time.

>> No.57783278

I might be wrong but there is no doubt as far as I know. Just PL stuff

>> No.57783296

>they are much mentally stronger to keep the menhera lid shut longer
Apparently not in vtubing kek

>> No.57783340 [DELETED] 

If that were true nijiEN wouldn't be a shitshow filled with parasocial doxxsisters.

>> No.57783393

Bahwajaha, well you know who was that friend!
But maybe she just didn't get laid a lot despite bunch of boyfriends(cope)

>> No.57783476

Obviously it's not just mean messages or I wouldn't have even brought it up, it's posting RL stuff including family member dox, and surprise surprise, it all ticked up in activity after the sisters started seething about her comments in the karaoke about not talking to the homos. They do that shit all the time over there, the only shit that gets nuked is home addresses like when they hard doxxed Zaion after the niji drama.

>> No.57783483

Yes it is, if you accidentally leak that you talk to your dad or brother when you’re not streaming you get hard doxxed and harrased by schizo unicorns for the rest of your life, even if you never fuck up you will eventually get murder raped by some schizophrenic stalker unicorn who thinks you’re his ”girlfriend” anyways.

>> No.57783565

It doesn't matter what they do though, and you gotta stop with your tribal company stuff. Holo has plenty of fans that do. Im not arguing against existence im arguing against effect.

>> No.57783617

Online relationships are a thing, you know. And we know she's been terminally online for years. Not saying there's no way there was no sex but it'd be normal to guess that half of them fizzled out before it got to that.

>> No.57783627

>pretending there weren't doxfags before EN males

>> No.57783674

And that site was still the premier place for it outside of shady discords

>> No.57783728

Bullshit. Where's my online relationship ?

>> No.57783759

Zamn, that sucks, can't really do anything about, other than deleting bunch of stuff and keeping opsec tight, but too late. That's why I said I appreciate doxxing, because if it happened it happened, however Ill use it to satisfy my curiosity and maybe talk some sense into anons, but I won't try and hurt the talent over something stupid like that.

>> No.57783880

>0 GFE
True, but they have BFE, which generates parasocial schizo fans on steroids.

>> No.57783925

>fizzled out before it got to that.
That would mean she didn't like her whore friend because she was jealous lol. Sorry, I'm a bit in the mood for some light hearted baits. Well yeah, you don't know, but assume the usual, so you don't have to have your copes crushed some day.

>> No.57784153

She does do gfe. Shiori said she loves me. Trust me bro.

>> No.57784222

Well, when a woman says it to too many people, it starts to lose meaning. You're not special, you're just another sucker being taken for a ride.

>> No.57784404 [DELETED] 

Then you should realize GFE is just one possible cause when nijien is in a much worse state than most corpos and it does not cater to unicorns, gachi or GFE.

>> No.57784540

GFE is only good if you care about money and literally nothing else. Even after you graduate the schizos are going to stalk your PL for life and make shit weird. Inmy opinion unless you are a complete stonkfag who only cares about the shekels you make, it's not worth it.

>> No.57784625

Or if you have opsec tighter than a horse pussy.

>> No.57784726

For the rest of your life anon? Schizos are in this for the long haul. Even after you fucking graduate the really hard core ones will harass you, even if you are a 40 year old woman who wants to finally settle and have a nice trad family instead of appealing to genetic dead ends on the internet forever.

>> No.57784846

my oshi is japanese so i support them graduating and having a family with biological children one day, schizos can seethe

>> No.57784868

Hmmm, I don't know, maybe? It's probably hard for a woman, but I basically limited my presence to what's up, Viber and Telegram. Obviously if after graduation chuuba continues to do YouTube stuff it can be troublesome, but some job in IT? Or just settling down after getting a bag? Sure no problem, as long as you didn't dox your face, otherwise, no Instagram for you.

>> No.57784943

>If you dont do GFE you're actually immune to being stabbed or having acid thrown in your face by some fat fujo femcel chink psycho
t. fat fujo femcel chink psycho

>> No.57785105

I think you're just misinterpreting things on purpose. There will always be crazy people. But honestly it's not clear what you're even arguing for anymore. I'm simply agreeing that non GFE drama isn't as effective. You an see this with advent. Nobody gives a fuck about Bijou or Rissa dox.

>> No.57785135

>Is GFE a dangerous path to take as a vtuber?
There is some risk involved yes, you have to be very clean with male interactions, but the fans going full schizo? Dunno, some turn out like that of course, but I believe most of the schizos are just drama stirrers. The true risk come from your whales leaving forever once you make one or several mistakes, they usually leave and find other girls
>muh death threats
Roru, rumao, nobody follows up, even not Lulu was more pissed with management than with her schizos

>> No.57785300

Basically this, obviously you don't want to step on that random landmine that is serial killer schizo chuuba chaser, but what are the odds of that guy in your audience? The same odds as stepping on some random mine in real life.

>> No.57785318

Everything has a first time anon, does anybody want to risk being the first one where the death threat Isreal? It's gonna happen eventually.

>> No.57785404

On the other hand non-GFE/BFE chuubas also have whales, not doing GFE/BFE doesnt mean you can't have any. It just depends on what kind of audience they have cultivated.

>> No.57785516

Women say "I love you" to strangers over the phone anon. To then it's the same as saying "hello" or "goodbye", they don't really mean it like that.

>> No.57785528

>Is GFE a dangerous path to take as a vtuber?
No. But GFE is an incredibly stupid thing to do if you have a boyfriend and bad opsec.
>nearly all GFE vtubers have stories of being harrassed by their own fans
And 99% of said stories are probably made up.

>> No.57785577

Why's it so hard to separate fantasy from reality for you guys? A woman can enjoy giving people a GF ASMR and also play games with guys. Anyone in an actual relationship wouldn't give a shit about that, just you insecure fags

>> No.57785660

>A woman can enjoy giving people a GF ASMR and also play games with guys

>> No.57785721

>i made insecure lonely mentally ill men my primary audience and now they are insecure and acting weird because I have a boyfriend, how did this happen

You can do GFE
You can target the crazies
You can't do a GFE that targets the crazies

>> No.57785725

Anon have you heard of mental illnesses?

>> No.57785839

Not many people shit on Bae for her clearly labelled GF RP streams she does like once a year.
But that is an entirely different thing to the pandering
>I am alone like you guys
>Can anyone fix me?
>All the men in my life are fictional
mindfuck some chuubas visit on their lonely, mentally ill male fanbases.
One is okay one is exploitative regardless of if they are hiding a significant other or not (that just makes it worse)

>> No.57785837

If I was a woman I wouldn't do GFE unless I planned on being a permavirgin or having a single autistic fucked up child at the ripe age of 50. If doing GFE means not even having a life on the side fuck that noise.

>> No.57785916

>If you are a 500 pound disabled ugly woman who has zero hope of getting any dick in her life, do GFE
That makes sense

>> No.57785961

If she needs to go out of her way to find male vtuber friends then she clearly doesn’t care about you

>> No.57786040

(You) being the schizos? Yeah, she doesn't care about those, probably because she doesn't want to cultivate an audience full of em. (You) are being filtered on purpose at that point.

>> No.57786104

I mean, you can always dox the doxxers.
"[Insert name here], living in [insert home address here], has doxxed [insert vtuber here], have fun with this information"
It's illegal and probably would result in ruining the guy (or girl) life, and it's not always easy to do, but it does have that "karmic justice" sort of feel.

>> No.57786248

There are some girls outside holo, that say they won't date anyone until they are no longer vtuber, believing them is up to you though.

>> No.57786380

But how long is that? Until their late 30s or 40s? By then my eggs would be gasping for breath unless I got them frozen beforehand.

>> No.57786459

Yeah I can think of plenty of vtubers like Bae who do stuff like that and its in good fun. There are plenty of fun vtubers for that if you actually unicorn for and dox people would just laugh at you and not care.. There's a specific kind of GFE vtuber that just plays a riskier game.

>> No.57786740

Sure, but I wasn't talking about owning the sisters in that way, rally your viewers to support you, saying nice things to you, nothing wrong with that.

>> No.57786756 [DELETED] 

yeah, i heard about the bijou husband thing and had a poke around on warosu but couldn't find anything conclusive. would love a stream name or a timestamp if someone has it.

>> No.57786794

crap, I thought you replied to my other post, but my point stands even if it reads weirdly.

>> No.57786858 [DELETED] 

Yep the other side of GFE harassment are the sisters who don't watch you nor want to getting upset and hard doxxing because you don't want to collab with homos.

>> No.57786880 [DELETED] 

It was some Reddit post screenshot actually, where she was talking about how she met this guy on XIV and then met him and they were together for a month(like in non LDR) and she felt happy or something, don't remember, dont really care that much.

>> No.57786961

fair, can't say i'm interested enough to take it further. thanks for the info though.

>> No.57787032

damn i would be so much less alone if i didn't grow up in the era where you need to be paranoid and schizo about all online activities and stay anon forever. I'm honestly jealous of younger people. I wish I could do that stuff. I'm limited to local real people and none of them have ever shared my interests and only watch mainstream movies and music.

>> No.57787062

Holy shit. I will now watch your chuuba

>> No.57787309

I guess, just because internet is safer it doesn't take up schizo our of you. I don't interact with anyone on the internet outside of 4chan and my friend, that I met 12-13 years ago on the internet(I'm a zoomer)

>> No.57787462 [DELETED] 

You said you couldn't find it, but I just typed Reddit bijou and bunch of deleted screencaps came out. Look for it if you are still here.

>> No.57787696

I understand what you mean, but what you are talking about are things that are more... "passive" in nature. Fine if it's limited to hurtful messages and light shit like that, not fine if we start talking about hard doxxing and the like. In this case, passing on the offensive and showing that there can be actually consequences for being too much of a schizo online can be only beneficial (and I know it's something that can be done - just look at what happened to the people that were harassing Pikamee)

>> No.57787732

thanks man, i guess i just need to learn how to use better search terms.

>> No.57788536
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Are you the eighth "and hopefully last one", anon?

>> No.57789293
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Yes. GFE is toxic for your own growth, like a tumor it will slowly kill you from inside. E-Thots have proven this and VTubers aren't different.
Collab preaching is ALSO bad, and this is coming from me a homobeggar. Don't moralize your fans, let alone doing something to "Own the haters/antis"
Basically, avoid GFE but don't preach. Do what you want based on what you're passionate about. Even if you end up a runt, you end up having a better time streaming.

>> No.57790048

You can go that route, but if you are someone like hololive it'll just being more headache for you, there is one of you and atleast few dozens of those schizos, and getting more headache over every schizo will not feel good.
I think if you don't resort to doxing them back the only thing you can do is endure and ask your audience to help and self regulate themselves to be a bit nicer during hard times, because I know sometimes when chuubas experience something bad in their lives even a light hearted joke can set them off and ruin the mood of the stream, which will make them feel even more bad later on.
There is loophole too, like with Pikamee, by indirectly saying who is harassing you and over what to your viewers, you encourage them to harass and dox them back without dirtying your hands.

>> No.57790249

This is good advice honestly, you can't really fail as a holo, yes, even you Ollie, you shouldnt do gfe if you don't want to, you should collab with males if you really want to, I won't watch tho.

>> No.57790621

Ollie is a bad example because she caved in and flip-flopping. Bae is a much better example for being a runt, yet beloved by Cover because how earnest and hard she worked, without compromising her passion.
She had many failed projects, but that's fine if she enjoyed the process.

>> No.57792811
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Pretty much this. Literally just be nice to your fans, and don't betray their trust as the vtuber (most failed to do this), unicorn and gachi will look past your past-life if it isn't something catastrophic to the level of being cancel-worthy.

All this new information about Shiori's past-life won't even make a dent to her status, although she did panic delete it and I think it was a rather overreaction. It's literally being used only here and on that site as material for the most dedicated mentally ill individual from BOTH sides, the casual DO NOT care.

>> No.57794670

I love my girlfriend Shiori

>> No.57796080

are there even that many GFE vtubers left?
I can name a few but given how many vtubers there are it's still a very low number

>> No.57797445

uhhhhhh she says hello to 500 people in chat before stream and uhhh she uhhh looks like she wants to be my girlfriend so she must want to
reminds me of when every armchair psych faggot thought kaela was kronii 2.0 and depressed all the time because of the tone of her voice

>> No.57798820

>unicorn and gachi will look past your past-life
roru, rumao even

>> No.57801434 [DELETED] 



>> No.57801714
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Yeah GFE is worth it what could go wrong?

>> No.57801953

retards on here just think you can't discuss PL shit if it in anyway paints the vtuber in a bad light.
But honestly I blame inconsistent moderation on here more

>> No.57802178

literally a woman moment, her fans had already accepted it was a misunderstanding

>> No.57802343

this is why i can only tolerate holos and a few indies. it only takes one bad opinion or take to sour the whole thing

>> No.57802555
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>her fans had already accepted it was a misunderstanding
You serious? >>57665889

>> No.57802773

I'm talking about that one time not everything else she did in her life

>> No.57803281


>> No.57803291
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I'm way out of the fucking loop. Quick rundown?
>Do your reps!
I have no clue where to even begin looking, so that really won't help me at all.

>> No.57803529

Michael's lore is too deep for a qrd

>> No.57804389

>if you have a job, you know what that's like, you just do it
Vtubers will do GFE for a few years to earn a lot of money from unicorns, spam male collabs to get rid of their unicorns, and than continue with a smaller but still profitable fan base for several more years. Cover has created a short term GFE model with Hololive were they start as idols and gradually become entertainers.

>> No.57804950

That model will work right up until the first murder.

>> No.57804974

>all you have to do is shut the fuck up and pretend to be a cute anime girl and rake in cash.
because schizo goslings will want more

>> No.57806750

Shiori won

>> No.57809979

Shiori is the fakest bitch I've ever seen

>> No.57811390


>> No.57812513

you know, no one's forcing you to become a vtuber, and especially a GFE-tuber.
you can just have a regular job, the one that doesn't put you under such strict virginity-scrutiny.
like some average whitecollar job if you have a non-meme degree, or you can just go assemble some Subways or lift boxes at a logistics center if you lack education.
but no, those hard-earned money pales in comparison to how much you can make by simulating devoted intimacy.
GFE-tubers are highly profitable because they provide something so elusive in real life. if you think it's okay to charge such exorbitant prices for the illusion of sacrificing something valuable, while not sacrificing them at all in real life... well you do you, it'll be fine as long as you don't get caught.
but when yo DO get caught, DO expect some stabbing because you deserve it.

>> No.57813731

I was just playing but I agree with what you guys are saying. Thanks for looking out for me bros.

>> No.57813968
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my heart

>> No.57814545

JOSE MARIO was very lucky!

>> No.57814577

stupid question honestly
if you try to make some easy money by selling out to the literally most retarded subhuman faggots you could possibly form your "fanbase" from, don't cry if they suddendly try to doxx and/or literally murder you
no sympathy from me

>> No.57814813

gfe is the root of all problems in the vtuber industry BUT its pretty much the main reason half of you nerds watch them (including me sort of). if the literal MOST donated chuuba (rushia) had a boyfriend behind the scenes, that tells you it doesnt matter how much money you throw at them. obviously it feels good at first being fawned over but with all good things there are those who ruin it. stalking, harassment, threats and such. and its not a girl problem either. look at how insanely far vox has fallen when he couldve just continued to do his weird ass bfe. if you take it lightly then its chill. but people forget that gfe and being your ackshual girlfriend are not the same thing and schizo out. i suggest you jerk off BEFORE watching chuubas

>> No.57814835
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>> No.57814915

Look at this from angle: she got to be in Hololive precisely because management wanted an EN girl strictly dedicated to GFE. There's several GFE JPs doing pretty well and without yabs, she can follow their example. Ya know how Rushia performed in her prime compared to other Holos - this is a good investment for Cover.

>> No.57814935

This is cringe.

>> No.57814936

depends. gfe is not done in one extreme. some are chill and others desperately try to convince you that I LE AM YOUR GIRLFRIEND! BUY ME STUFF BTW. theres a market for every service, you shouldnt be murdered for providing a girlfriend-experience.

>> No.57816788

I gave an example of Ollie because even after yubigate and alienating her fanbase by screaming at them in black speech she still does better than 99% of indies.

>> No.57816956

>management wanted an EN girl strictly dedicated to GFE.
Anon, Nerissas gfe is more convincing than hers.

>> No.57818022

GFE chuubas get the most disproportionate do os, the most loyalty and the most love from their viewers.
I recommend only going gfe if you really care and don't see your community as living wallets because you WILL get caught fucking or something and it will ruin everything and hurt people's feelings

If you cultivate boundaries and healthy love your viewers will never do anything to hurt you on purpose. They love you after all.
The issues comes from betrayal

>> No.57818166

Women do not need male friends. Men do not need female friends.
Men and women that are straight cannot be friends.
One always catches feelings. It's how we are hard wired

>> No.57818272


>> No.57819323

lul, this bitch has no idea what toxic relationship even is.
She's lucky she never met anyone like me when she was 18. Cheaters are smalltime. It's easy to hate them. And if they're not blaming themselves, it's not worth it. I'm in this shit for long term psychological damage. When i need to recharge my battery, i check up on their social media to see how badly i fucked their lives up. One of them is still in rehab and it brings me great joy.

>> No.57819450

>2x+ something year old woman in 2023 has had a boyfriend in the past = distasteful to me but I'll look past it
>vtuber has a boyfriend presently while vtubing = unforgivable, should not be supported by anyone, condom money tier
>vtuber is unknown to have a boyfriend presently but has in a past life decided to tell her viewers all about her irl boyfriends = "what the fuck are you doing actually?" unforgivable tier

>> No.57819539 [DELETED] 

>breaks off a 5 year relationship with the first good man she was with>”we started talking less and less” = she was bored and wanted to ride the cock carousel>”eventually we lost contact” = she broke up with him after getting new dick>”I sometimes wonder why he never bothered finding me” = she wanted him as an emotional support pillow while she fucked her new guy but he noped the fuck out

>> No.57819581

By your logic, Biboo is unforgiveable while Shiori is tolerable then.

>> No.57819607

I don't know why sisters are so desperate these days constantly making threads like this, or why people respond without mocking them for lying through their teeth

>> No.57819629

What's the lie?

>> No.57819666

Nice vacation bait but I'm not saying anything about any specific vtubers or in the hypothetical situation I was, I'm not correcting you on your blatantly erroneous information (were that to be the case)

>> No.57819682

"nearly all GFE vtubers have stories of being harrassed by their own fans"
Fat cunt doesn't even watch vtubers, doesn't understand Japanese and doesn't even watch clips of them.

>> No.57819881

sure thing bro.
look, i'm not trying to be an ass here. i'm a fucking male menhera, i understand that, i'm a fucking pathetic human being. I admit it fully.
That being said, i can't help the way i feel and while i won't harass a talent for having a bf, i do feel genuinely upset about it.
It's a retarded cycle i can't break. I know i shouldn't dig deep because i'll only hurt my own enjoyment, but i do it anyway because i'm a retard.
Being a schizo is hard, okay?

>> No.57820029
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Alright Anon you can use some deductive logic. One part of your statement was correct. I gave 3 examples. If there are skeletons in FWMC's closet they're hidden somewhere in Narnia. Knowing that one of your assumptions was erroneous and one was correct, with 3 categories in my post, one being incredibly specific, figure out for yourself why and how your assumption was wrong.

>> No.57820070

If she's making money out of losers and incels who cares.

>> No.57820116

>Virgin pajeet hands wrote this response.

>> No.57820131

You're talking about homocollab? That's a dangerous path

>> No.57820206

Imho they scouted her and FWMC, or at very least they were decided very early on, for the purpose of bringing a GFE and an unironic weeaboo member after the previous gens were anti GFE. You can clearly see some key elements from old designs were kept in the new ones, for example.
Then they decided to round up the gen with a gamer + uuoh and a singer, but these two went through auditions.

>> No.57820235

doesn't count as having sex if you're on the receiving end

>> No.57820271

That is pathetic I must say

>> No.57820306

So because she says hello to all her pay pigs in pre chat it must mean she's romantically invested in you? You guys are beyond saving at this point. Just pay for a prostitute already and rid of your virginity since nobody wants to fuck you which is as clear as day.

>> No.57820326

She literally fits her avatar so well it's scary, pure broken manhera experience.

>> No.57820387

Most women will pull that shit multiple times in their life without thinking twice or seeing anything wrong with it Anon...

>> No.57820474

I’m disgusted that you “people” have the same legal rights that I do.

>> No.57820646

>On the other hand non-GFE/BFE chuubas also have whales
Yes but is easier to get whales doing GFE and they tend to pay more, that's how Rushia got the first place world wide in terms of SC and not Suisei, it doesn't require that much skill as singing or dancing does but it requires a set of skills nonetheless usually focused on milking your fans more efficiently.

>it's gonna happen eventually
Only cases that I can remember from the top of my head that happened to real life celebrities are Björk (and it was a failed attempt) and Jhon Lenon and that one was done by some monarch project guinea pig with the catcher in the rye as his trigger signal. Tupac and rappers alike were killed not by fans but the opposite, so that "eventually" sounds like it will happen way later in the future or it won't

>> No.57821109
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Look, I'm relatively new to /vt/ but not unfamiliar with it, so
>Here's Uruha Rushia, a very popular Hololive GFE tuber.
>Rushia was close with one fag called mafumafu
>He's a very popular, and influential Utaite (basically ancestor of Vsingers)
>One time, his message showed up during stream
>She claimed it was for Apex
>Her fans knows she was honest because she's an Apex whore.
>Antis attacked her for this, she goes menhera and blame EN tourist (retarded take, I know)
>Immediate suspension of activities
>She talked with some dramanigger called Korekore
>Leaked NDA shit
>Got terminated
>Had indie persona called Mikeneko
>Later join Vshojo as Nazuna

>> No.57821345

GFE chuubas are retarded from both sides. If you are a horny anon keep it old school and just get a fucking anime/manga waifu like a smart person.

>> No.57821577

lol, that was pretty mild. I wonder how she would feel if she experienced the situation of the majority of this board, constant loneliness for more than a decade. It's all relative.
I kinda wonder how many women in my life has had the same weird expectation of me contacting them years down the line just because we dated at some point. Why don't they do it if it's so important to them?

>> No.57821696

Or maybe there is no downsides to GFE so there is absolutely 0 reason not to experience a safe version of loving and supporting someone.
The worst thing that can happen to a GFE chuuba is the fans she doesn't actually know breaks her heart and worst thing that can happen to a fan is that the GFE chuuba that they don't really know breaks their heart.
All benefits, nothing to lose.

>> No.57821749

Because they think they're better than they really are, which is common in women. They think they're some incredible catch and that you'll come crawling back and beg to be with them again because they're so great.

>> No.57822603

I don't see why not. Who gives what happens if they have passion and a clean fresh start? Unless their infamy cannot be overlooked, it's a different thing.

>> No.57822620

Oh no no no no

>> No.57823112

Some of them definitely seem very self-absorbed. Sure, she may feel slightly insecurity about not being as desired as she would like to be, but how does she think a guy feels in that same situation? Imagine how horrible it would feel to go out of your way to contact a girl you haven't spoken to in years, and give her that validation, only to receive "lmao get lost nigger" thrown back in your face as thanks.
Fuck that.

>> No.57823356

It's a high risk/high reward situation

>> No.57823438

>men are easy, just be nice to them.
It's unironically not hard. She doesn't even lean into the GFE. She just tells her fanbase
>"Wow, great job! You guys are so smart!"
And the lonely, emotionally alienated men our society produces just melt. I still remember compliments I got from women in fucking middle school because they're so fucking rare.

>> No.57823447 [DELETED] 

Nigger, you are not having a loving relationship, you are simping for a chick who doesn't know your name.

>> No.57823524

How long you would be willing to lie and pretend to tolerate genetic refuse that even a mother couldn't love? That shit is draining.

>> No.57823612

That's not for you to decide.
As far as I'm concerned, I'm in a loving relationship with over 20 very sexy and talented anime girls

>> No.57823635

I think is like a drug, the toxicity is in the dosage.
A light GFE or no GFE, but no homocollab/don't talk about relationships will attract goslings/unicorns (more and better quality whales) AND casual viewers in a more healthy way.
Even if some seething sister or derranged schizo unicorn doxx you, you have plausible deniability, and even most of your fans don't give a shit.
So you can sell normal merch and more "otaku" merch like dakimakuras or figurines, but not wedding rings or wedding themed shit because that will be too GFE.

>> No.57823666

>cock loving faggot says not to do GFE

>> No.57824080

You disgust me

>> No.57824279

ootl on nijis, what happened with vox?

>> No.57824589

She’s gives me kissies

>> No.57824789

Bibou and the twins give kisses too

>> No.57824833
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I don’t want their kissies

>> No.57824840


>> No.57824960


>> No.57825466

There's no hard proof they're still together unless you're willing to accept a game's linkshell is a confirmation.
I actually play XIV for 10+ years and saw an awkward situation where the guy in my static started dating a girl and she even went to canada to live with him but they broke up a year or so later
They still stayed in the same FC / groups because one of them just barely played anymore and didn't really give enough of a shit to burn bridges in the game
So really it could be anything, I can't judge her for something I can't confirm with 100% proof.

>> No.57825649

>all you have to do is not talk to men besides chat for 10-15 hours a week and be nice to them and you can be rich
>most women cannot do this

>> No.57825922

Not really. Gura is still loved till this day and doesn’t have to stream because she was cute, and wasn’t a bitch . To her fans at least

>> No.57826027

You're talking to a seething 2view that uses discord

>> No.57827863

>Is GFE a dangerous path to take as a vtuber?

>> No.57828919
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thats oddly specific anon, show on the little bear where your oshi hurt you

>> No.57832800

Much better than watching homos sucking each other

>> No.57833056


>> No.57833151

Shiori the fujo disagrees

>> No.57834071

Shiori is at least attempting to approach the GFE thing correctly bc she's pretty much always being ironic. She knows she's cringe, and embraces it to the furthest extent. She gains the opportunity to sculpt her fanbase by weeding out the incels&parasocials early, at the expense of catering to the widest audience possible.

All that's left now are the people who are genuinely entertained by her self-aware shit show, and perhaps a few of the fringe parasocial whales who don't understand her angle yet.

>> No.57834528

You should read up on Christina Grimmie then. Don't underestimate the lengths schizos would go.

>> No.57834890

Do you guys know what she looks like or something already?

>> No.57836547

none of you are mentioning what matters to most viewers - gfe is simply not enough. eventually you want more and then some will become schizo, some will nope out and most will just remain vaguely unhappy. being a gosling literally means being unhappily in love.
gfe is simply not sustainable. the risk and responsibility is less than a real relationship but so are the benefits. at least a real relationship will have a small chance of making you happy, gfe never will.

>> No.57839039

well said

>> No.57839690
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>Loibl had shown an "unhealthy and unrealistic infatuation" with the singer and tried to make himself more physically attractive for her through weight loss, hair transplants, teeth whitening and eye surgery. The Orlando Sentinel described his motive as "If I can't have you, then nobody else can – and I'm going to possess you by taking your life."

So this is the endgame for schizo unicorns...

>> No.57840053

Gura is being smart in not streaming a lot because otherwise it would escalate.
