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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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57936795 No.57936795 [Reply] [Original]

>ruins your minecraft collab

>> No.57937043

Seethe numbertranny

>> No.57937419

I HATE her so fucking MUCH now for ruining this collab, fuck Biboo, fuck her very sensually

>> No.57937512

needs pickaxe correction

>> No.57939676

I wanna pinch her cheeks. Have any artists drawn that yet?

>> No.57942997

I want to be spoonfed the drama
What did she do/not do?

>> No.57943200

Her ISP shit itself and she couldn't play and the others didn't want to leave her behind.

>> No.57943385

internet issues so the girls decided to nuke the collab in solidarity
Pretty dumb all things considered, it's not like they all went on break when shiori took a vacation

>> No.57943402

Trannny sister thread

>> No.57943487


>> No.57943539

karma for being too greedy
Instead of testing the game before playing, she instead plays another game to steal viewers before collab

>> No.57943553

How the fuck can't a professional stream afford decent internet services?

>> No.57943602

based biboo, saving us from minecraft hell

>> No.57943641 [SPOILER] 
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if u want to point fingers, put the real shit first.

>> No.57943681

i can not even begin to comprehend the levels of dogshit a computer has to be for fucking minecraft to be unrunnable off the bat

>> No.57943787

Well, even without her, the stream was pretty lackluster if you want to be completely honest. Shiori seemed to be the only one trying to get the conversation rolling while Nerissa was opining over Kiara and Fuwamoco was looking at cats. There were some good parts there but overall, not that great. Especially if you compare it to previous minecraft debut collabs. They didn't even build anything at all. They'll probably do better when Biboo gets her internet sorted out. Maybe we'll get stuff like Gura pranking Mumei while invisible levels of collabs.

>> No.57943793
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>the others didn't want to leave her behind
I was going to shitpost but that's actually pretty heartwarming.

>> No.57943875

Anon she literally streamed earlier
All the girls were basically robbed superchat revenue for today, except bijou, all because they wanted to do some all 5 member thing that no one was particularly attached to

>> No.57944014

u don't watch her fucking stream, faggot. she got the same problem in that stream too. i know this is a low quality bait but man it's too delicious to ignore

>> No.57944052

Yeah, and she stopped that stream early because her internet was fucking up then too and she wanted to try to fix it before the collab

>> No.57944057

>Unity of Advent gets hard filtered by what's supposed to be the easiest collab producer ever

>> No.57944090

>not even reading the threads
There is no hope for you cataloganon

>> No.57944188

Her Hitman stream was shitting itself

>> No.57944230

I did, I'm not shitting on bijou here I'm shitting on the other girls for this solidarity shit
It's a normal part of streaming for this to happen and this isn't some sort of major event collab that they should reschedule

>> No.57944275

US ISP's suck dick unironically

>> No.57944312

She should have tested minecraft before everything else, but heck, this girl is just trying to prepare to raid on her own instead

>> No.57944321

impregnate bijou
and praise shiorin for helping that blind brat navitate

>> No.57944349

>There are people this livid and hateful towards a one off fuck up
>They will spout this shit for a few hours then samefag themselves and call it nijiseethe

Jap moot PLEASE bring tripcode to /vt/

>> No.57944362

>robbed of superchat revenue
If superchat revenue was such a big deal to them no one would ever play fromsoft games

>> No.57944400

See >>57944230
This is an issue on the other girls, call it out
Bijou will probably continue to keep having these issues until she moves like ID, Kiara and some of the JP girls did in the beginning

>> No.57944489

She always did that, huh?
Just starting first and overlapping everyone isn't enough I guess
I'm impressed that not many people are repulsed by her greedy behaviors

>> No.57944501

It's like having a half day at work, imagine it like that

>> No.57944588

Minecraft streams are lazy filler that aren't fun nor engaging.

>> No.57944688

I don't think bijou is greedy I think gura streaming over her just taught her wrong lessons
I'm not shitting on gura really either, people thinking gura was intentionally overlapping and not just streaming in whatever freetime she had left after recording and practice are ridiculous, gura was obviously bored and just streamed with no thoughts about anyone else
And I think that's what bijou learned from her

>> No.57945066

Since Biboo has a Minecraft stream tomorrow. My question is this: why does Biboo get to play without them tomorrow but they cannot play without her today? Here Biboo could actually manage to make the first real Minecraft play about her, while canceling on the others. I don’t care that she is known for exploiting everything else to her advantage, like her use of self-raids before collabs, but this would just be too much.

>> No.57945069

>nobody mentioned gura
>shifting blame to gura
Weak defense anyway
Bijou is greedy to the point of raiding her own waiting room instead of helping her reclining genmates

>> No.57945101

Internet problems are one of the things that is hard to fix unless you are lucky enough to live in a place that has good options. If possible Bijou needs to switch to a more reliable ISP.

>> No.57945239

It was a retarded stream anyway, I lost all interest when I realized this was literally just Advent alone in Minecraft. How fucking retarded is that, the point of debuting as a Gen is to get a tour from the senpais. That's what HoloX got.

>> No.57945526

But their senpais are Myth and Council, they basically have no senpais. EN server is barren as fuck.

>> No.57945555

>Let's not blame the culprit and blame everyone else instead

>> No.57945621

Based fuck Minecraft.

>> No.57945639

>Bijou is greedy to the point of raiding her own waiting room
The issue here is this:
1. Biboo plans a collab.
2. Biboo streams just before the collab for her stream to then become a waiting room for the collab itself. This boosts her viewers on the earlier stream.
3. Biboo then self-raids the collab with the waiting room that is waiting for that collab. This lowers potential viewers for the other Holos who agree to collab with her.

>> No.57945715


>> No.57945741

It's not her fault. Could happen to anyone

>> No.57945770

I'm literally shaking sisters, this is so so fucking yikes.

>> No.57945831

watch stream catalog fag. she would usually ask the group before doing anything

>> No.57945882

Nerissa is playing it tomorrow too.

>> No.57945917

I mentioned gura because I literally think gura taught her what is okay to do in hololive
Haven't you ever worked a job in your life?
You obviously look at your more experienced coworkers for social cues and whats accepted in the workplace

>> No.57945919

watch stream. she even pinned the other girls and told them to watch their pov

>> No.57945970

More of an indictmemt of EN. They should just have Kaela show them minecraft

>> No.57946030

You didn’t account for any points that were made. In fact, you ignored them.

>> No.57946042

You're right their EN senpais probably fucked off considering they also ignored the Summer Festival, but you don't have to get everyone. Just a couple Council members and maybe a Myth one. The truth is, they had to do this as a group so they skip to the part where Nerissa could collab with Kiara, Bijou with Kaela and Fuwamoco with JP. So this was always just a filler stream to introduce them to the server now that the collab ban's over.

>> No.57946101

>gura gura gura
mimicking gura means streaming once in a week at most
is bijou doing that, huh, bitch?

>> No.57946123

This is called being smart. And making as much money from losers just playing games. IryS asks her chats in members what would they want her to play to boost her own numbers too. You don't have to like her but you have to respect her hustle.

>> No.57946131

based biboo fuck autismcraft

>> No.57946141

Anon I like gura, stop being defensive

>> No.57946330

Or, you know, it is her usually streaming slot and she doesn't want to drop it just because of the collab. But yab as you will

>> No.57946378

>people thinking gura was intentionally overlapping and not just streaming in whatever freetime she had left after recording and practice are ridiculous

You're the only ridiculous one here

>> No.57946460

>This is called being smart.
Yes it is, but it’s also exploitative.

>> No.57946495

I really don't think gura cares enough about streaming to even think about competition

>> No.57946539

That actually doesn’t answer all the points listed there.

>> No.57946555

Has to keep members paypigging anon, can't let them see the shiny new toys.

>> No.57946715

You clearly don't watch Bijou, faggot. She literally just loves streaming. And she likes the mentality of 'I'm gonna play this anyway, may as well stream'

>> No.57946757

Except that the dogs had the majority of the viewers. 14k and no one else in advent was over 10. So I don't think it's that big of a deal

>> No.57946781

no you don't, stop lying, otherwise you won't attribute bijou's greedy behavior to an aspect of gura

Yes, that's being greedy

>> No.57946920

If people are still giving yandere dev $1,500 a month for a unity asset flip game that's been in development for 9 years, I'm sure gura could take off a whole year and it wouldn't kill her numbers

>> No.57946939

What I posted was how things typically go when Biboo can self-raid without connection issues. That didn’t happen today, because of her connection issues. Also they didn’t play for real and just chatted a bit, because of that as well.

>> No.57947051

>otherwise you won't attribute bijou's greedy behavior to an aspect of gura
Are you even reading what you are typing to me?
I'm saying what bijou is doing isn't bad

What's bad is the rest of advent shutting the collab down on their own

>> No.57947252

Huh? Of course I don't watch bijou www
I watch FWMC and Nerissa
And bijou's greedy behaviors are negatively affecting them thus I'm anti-ing her
Is this clear enough for you?
The worst threat to Advent is not ReGloss, it's Greedy Bijou, mark my words

>> No.57947414

You're somehow way more retarded then I thought possible. Imagine anti-ing the sweet girl who FWMC and Nerissa love the most. They both mention Bijou more then any other advent in their streams.
Schizos are truly like looking at zoo animals.

>> No.57947498

>Admits he doesn't watch streams expects people to give a fuck about his opinion.

Every fucking time.

>> No.57947538

Biboo could’ve easily told them to continue playing without her, because she has a Minecraft collab tomorrow anyway. Shutting their Minecraft down only to later play without them, when people are particularly wanting to see the first ones for Advent, seems very exploitative to me.

>> No.57947667

Are you retarded? Her isp has nothing to do with minecraft.

>> No.57947670

she raided her own room an hour early hoping the internet would be fix. but since it failed, she pinned the pov of the other girls. didn't ignore your points when it's been given you an answered to your points

>> No.57947713

Can you go one post without lying? It's clear as hell you don't watch anyone and your oshi is the catalog.

>> No.57947749


>> No.57947752

I think it's easier to explain that she's stupid, she just listened to 1 guy in chat and factory reset her modem and now she probably won't be able to stream tomorrow

>> No.57947794

obviously gura warned her to have a decent amount of streams and a solid number of paypigs who will keep their memberships up for months on end first before she can use the secret technique that ayame and gura are now famous for

>> No.57947883

>she just listened to 1 guy in chat
It was several retards, but yeah she was dumb for listening to them.
Good thing is she will never trust them again after this.

>> No.57947906

she did tell them to play without her and they chose not to. watch stream

>> No.57947950

you're dumb and you should kill yourself catalogfag

>> No.57947995

>Good thing is she will never trust them again after this
Anon how long have you been in this hobby with dumb women in it?

>> No.57948140

Heh, I wonder how long that love will last. These days, despite advents streaming around the same time, only bijou AND biboo were trending, bau bau can't even trending anymore. The inferiority complex is creeping in anons, don't avert your eyes from reality.

>> No.57948141

Longer than you. They may be dumb but do seriously, genuinely believe she would ever troubleshoot or ask chat for help again after she killed her router by listening to them? Come on, anon.

>> No.57948182

Yeah I wish they at least experiment more.
>when Biboo gets her internet sorted out. Maybe we'll get stuff like Gura pranking Mumei while invisible levels of collabs
Doubt it, out of all in EN Bijou is closest to Ina in terms of personality but with Bijou around the chances double that Advent actually built something.

>> No.57948844
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>but do seriously, genuinely believe she would ever troubleshoot or ask chat for help again after she killed her router by listening to them? Come on, anon.

>> No.57948986
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>> No.57949474

Gura ALWAYS streams at eight, anyone echoing anti's "overlap" schizo lines is retarded. If anyone blame Keala who Bijou worships; the latter took only ONE thing and that's "pushing stream button = good v-tuber." When Bijou was asked what she liked about Mori for example the only thing she could answer was "hard worker" and knew nothing else about what Mori did or any what the other idol girls are about. Bijou's going to burnout once she has to do other idol stuff that requires moving around and has the spotlight on her more.

>> No.57950208

No, I’m saying those points are typically followed all the time, but this time it actually failed on her. My issue is more that the whole thing in general feels exploitative to me. Like Biboo shouldn’t be doing that, while her collab partners are too stupid to figure what is going on. I didn’t actually care about any of this before to be honest, I just been wondering lately if this is actually okay to do. To her credit though, Biboo is clever as fuck. I mean Goddamn.
>I think gura streaming over her just taught her wrong lessons
There is nothing wrong with overlap. JP has that too BTW. The only issue people had with overlap was in the first week, because Advent probably needed a little more time to establish a fanbase first. It seems people don’t realize that after some time to do that, it is then no longer the issue. Overlap is no longer an issue now.

>> No.57950807

There are many more factors than money, anon.

>> No.57951044

The issue is non-biboo advents are forced to raid biboo since not only she overlapped them, she also outlasted them most of the time. I wonder how does it feel being forced to raid a genmate who has greater ccv than them.

>> No.57951162

oh how gracious of her to copy paste links

>> No.57951475

I can tell you, anon.
They don't fucking care you schizo pos.

>> No.57951730
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thanks to Biboo, I get to have a 2 hours zatsu with my girlfriend!

>> No.57951836

all the money in the world can't convince a jew isp to roll a cable to your US home, anon, there's like, territories and shit, the local ISP even owns the fucking ultility poles.

>> No.57951834

What did Nijisanji or Phase do this time?

>> No.57951870

Well I didn’t mention Biboo’s stream length, but that’s actually correct, insomuch that she can start as a waiting room and finish with raids because of her very long streaming time. Basically, taking advantage of both positions at once, with both giving a nice bonus. But people will probably say that’s just her being smart though. Make up your own mind on it.

>> No.57952018

Really now? I already saw some "ruffians" who finally refused to switch after using biboo's stream as waiting room. Can't you blame them? They always got redirected to a buff stream nearly every day.

>> No.57952102

Comcast user detected
They've been dropping packets all night

>> No.57952350

Like clockwork

>> No.57952368

If you live outside a major city in the US, you pretty much have one fucking choice for an ISP and it usually blows. I lived in rural New England and my only available ISP was Atlantic Broadband. Paid $101 a month for about 60 MB/s down, 2 MB/s up on a good day

>> No.57952592

>TFW barely getting G-Fiber in my neighborhood
>Mildly better top end speed (projected) for the same exact price of Spectrum
Thanks for nothing i guess, or i guess thanks for the illusion of option

>> No.57952681

Bijou lives in Thailand

>> No.57952780


>> No.57952931

>There is a non-0% chance Bijou is a ladyboy and will wring me dry for practically nothing

>> No.57953023

loves streaming so much she's dropped ff and zelda already for shit numbers while spamming a million elden rings huh

>> No.57954175 [DELETED] 

pebblenigs can't handle this truth that they all left this thread while crying

>> No.57954428

I live in a major city in the US and I can't even get fiber

>> No.57954604

They are still here deflecting to ISP

>> No.57954926

Watch streams. In so many of her streams she has said she's PST. Her Portal 2 collab with Mumei she said multiple times when her MonHun collab with Ina and Advent MC collabs were, using exclusively PST. She asked specifically to be told times in PST since she's PST.
Thailand is 14 hours away from PST. She mentioned her mother was Thai in at least 4 of her streams, including her debut. In her Hitman stream she said she was going to call her mom because she was going to do the Thai VRCon and was nervous about her pronunciation since she doesn't speak Thai much.

>> No.57955116

Streaming is her addiction, it's how she gets her dopamine levels up.

Knowing she's playing a game while hundreds of people watch her is what makes Biboo happy in life. Only thing that will make her burn out is if she's forced to play a shit game that her community hates, that will kill her motivation fast.

>> No.57955201

>Kill her numbers -> kill her motivations

>> No.57955221

She only wanted to play TOTK for the Sidon joke.

>> No.57955334

>Watch streams. In so many of her streams she has said she's PST. Her Portal 2 collab with Mumei she said multiple times when her MonHun collab with Ina and Advent MC collabs were, using exclusively PST. She asked specifically to be told times in PST since she's PST.
Wait hold up, then what is she running on? Comcast is in the eastern half of the US, the west has Cox and for all of its shittiness, Cox is significantly less shitty than Comcast plus we have other options

>> No.57955348

Anon she was supposedly a 2 view, she's used to streaming to a handful of morons

The Blue Dorito means she'll always have at least that.

>> No.57955577

Clearly something changed within her with how she dropped ff and zelda while also gleefully sabotaging her own gen to get numbers

>> No.57955666

Cool beans.
Then explain why she suddenly stopped streaming once the debut hype ended even though she promised to stream "tomorrow" after her last stream?

>> No.57955691
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Why can't thirdies just get proper internet?

>> No.57955707

>isp problems means she deliberately fucked up the collab
retard detected.

>> No.57955795

>dropped ff and zelda
nta, but that part is actually fine though, because it doesn’t affect the other girls at all. It’s just a smart move by Biboo that only affects herself. There are other things mentioned in this thread that are very questionable though, because it does affect the other girls. I think this distinction is important.

>> No.57956109

How is she sabotaging her own gen, she's in third place in her own Gen behind Fuwamoco and Nerissa.

Also none of the rest of her Genmates even play the same kind of games she does. The type of people Bijou attract aren't the people who are going to be watching the other girls in the first place.

Fuwamoco play two player games, comedic spooky games, and nostalgia retro games.

Nerissa plays walking sims, development sims, and meme games when she's not doing her singing

Shiori doesn't even play games for the most part just does her usual weird and quirky streams.

>> No.57956147

Good. Minecraft sucks. Turning it into a group zatsu was the best thing that could have happened.

>> No.57956336

Really the largest problem I can see with Bijou is she streams so much fans who miss out on her start running into an archive panic because there's too much of a backlog.

It might even lead to clipper exhaustion because there will be so much of her that eventually people get sick of it.

People joked she was the Gura killer but there's a price to it.

>> No.57956379

Was a bit boring stream anyway. I find it funny nerissa will have a collab tour with Kiara when Kiara has done fuck all in the server.

>> No.57956392

I volunteer for fucking her sensually

>> No.57956546

>once the debut hype ended
Did it? Does something as abstract as "debut hype" have an expiration date? Why didn't she stream today then, given how the new gen finally join the Minecraft server was an extremely hyped event?

>> No.57956718

I think that's what this thread is really about, they're pissed with Biboo and they can't understand why the rest of Advent isn't.

So they keep looking for more and more excuses to go "See Biboo actually hates Advent why can't they see how right I am!"

I think Biboo is starting to get some of hate because she's constantly throwing herself out there and the other Advent fans see that as a threat not realizing that most of Advent has set themselves up so one member can't catch all the fans. Biboo will never be able to Zatsu paint off the walls like Shoiri, Biboo will never be able to tease and Yuri bait like Nerissa can, and there's no way she'll be able to have the twin energy that Fuwamoco has.

But these people see Biboo jumping at claiming Senpai status, trying her best to collab with the big names in Council and Myth, and they see she has Ambition, and that ambition scares them.

>> No.57957288

I kinda wish they'd continued without her. She was on discord call, so she could have talked.
This is not true. If you pay they will literally drag a cable to your house. I've been in a couple of situations, for one they ripped up the street to lay the cable and for the other they used poles. It's just not cheap. She hasn't been paid yet, and it makes more sense to move probably. I work online and it's just a reality that I have to be somewhere with decent internet.

>> No.57957425

Lesson for you :
- Audience taste is not fixed
- Some even doesn't like games and only want to watch cute girls
- Boring stuff is boring, buff is buff

Advent box has been conditioned so much with buff game to start the night it might as well be Bijou's box

>> No.57957540

>they see she has Ambition, and that ambition scares them.

>> No.57957596

>desperately trying to find things to get mad about bijou

>> No.57957682

>peeblecucks don't care about advents

>> No.57957816

She's been on a streak lately

>> No.57957852

>Blaming their genmates even though she is the real problem
what next ? isp deflection ? kys pebblecuck

>> No.57957888

Kiara will presumambly tour her in the EN server, does she even know the merged server exists?

>> No.57958210

She knows, Kiara keeps insisting on using the old EN server tho, for what, idk

>> No.57958232

Watch streams, she told them twice to go on without her. What was all their responses "Nooo, we'll stick with you!"
Advent wants to hang out together because, shockingly, they're all friends. Anons are the only ones having meltdowns over it

>> No.57958346

why were they standing in the JP server anyway and not new server or EN? It makes as much sense as them standing in the ID server.

>> No.57958483

I heard every new player spawns in JP server first and then they move to their respective one. I guess that one's the "main" server, so it's reasonable that newcomers spawn there.

>> No.57958507

Presumably that is where their spawn point was set since when mococo appeared in Miko's stream when logging into MC for the first time, she also spawned there, and since Bijou had her connection issues, they really couldn't go too far

>> No.57958520

I like biboo but this seriously upset me. I got snackies and everything. Now I have to wait a week, but it won't be the same because biboo and nerissa will have already explored the server.
Couldn't she just use her phone as a hotspot? How was she in the call and in minecraft but somehow unable to play? Needs correction.

>> No.57958522

>What's bad is the rest of advent shutting the collab down on their own
you're literally trying to stir a narrative blaming her genmates here. Just admit it already, it's her fault. kys now faggot

>> No.57958702

NTA but I'm not blaming anyone. If this issue happened to anyone else on Advent, the entire group would've stayed with them, as well. I get that you don't know what having friends are like, but they obviously just wanted to stay together.... Because they're friends.

>> No.57958891

Did you check their ccv? Biboo faked connection issue and sabotaged the collab because she was about to be mogged by FWMC despite cheating by playing Hitman before the collab and raided her own MC POV

>> No.57959076

this rrat is dead as fuck, dude. you have nothing but numbers.

>> No.57959122

So you're saying that, despite them having weekly Advent POVs since debut, which she has NEVER won in CCV, she decided this one time to fake internet issues during HITMAN just so she didn't have to compete with FWMC?
Oh wait you don't even watch streams, what am I typing this for

>> No.57959216

I imagine she was on cellular internet for the discord. A technologically savvy person would have tethered, but I don't think she knows how. Piko Park gave us hints a few of them have really shitty internet. Their pings were crazy.

>> No.57959287

Burger internet really reveals what a third world shithole this place has become.

>> No.57959365

blame your stupid pebble friend for trying to stir a narrative then >>57947051

i dont give a fuck about bitchjou raiding her own stream , i only care about advent first MC collab stream

>> No.57959417

They should cancel their minecraft streams until they do the group collab.

>> No.57959573

do you have to pay for the street and pole too?

>> No.57959839

Biboo tries hard in everything as she knows she will eventually become a shitter if she doesn't, it's bound to happen
can't sing
has no charisma
after the honeymoon buff wore off, her model is an eyesore
older than Nerrissa yet has to pretend to be a googoo gaga child for *numbers*

>> No.57959901

There will be no sensual going on here you freaks.
She's into being a living onahole and thats it.

>> No.57959964

This FWMC MC would be special since they got boost due to appearing in Miko's stream. Bijou can't have FWMC returns to Glory and the rest is history.
FWMC daily sub is back to 3k after falling to 1k with the rest of advents (except bijou's which is 2k). Motive found.

>> No.57959968
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The best you people can come up is being mad for a minecraft collab? This is miles away than the usual yabs people make threads of.

>> No.57960013

Yeah most people flip their shit over cookies

>> No.57960039

I forgive her and everything she does in the future as long as she remains cute and funny.

>> No.57960331
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>ITT: catalog watchers and dramafags using this incident as excuse to air their dumb grievances and make up petty reasons to get mad
love biboo
love the doggies
love ope
love advent solidarity
simple as.

>> No.57960478

I see what you did there.

>> No.57960497

Ogey, but Biboo center

>> No.57960542

I really can't tell if you're being serious about this schizo shit or not, but if you are then there's nothing to be said to change your mind. Diamond Dogs are friendly to each other since debut and they'll still get along and collab with each after this MC bullshit is over. The only one who will remember this insane detective shit is you.

>> No.57960819


>> No.57961280

Keep telling yourself that
Fuwamoco complained in mengen about raiding being ruff
Of course Bijou will support the policy since she receives the most raid for being last streamer

>> No.57961368

JWU, you mutts are absolute retards

>> No.57961510

Absolutely. If they don't there was really no point in cancelling for Bijew. Cancel for me but not for thee type bullshit.

>> No.57961523
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uhhh pebbles?

>> No.57961550

This is is my main problem. If they had to cancel today for “Unity”’then Biboo and Nerissa should cancel their plans for “Unity” as well. Completely not fair to FuwaMoco and Shiori.

>> No.57961618

>Completely not fair to FuwaMoco and Shiori
They are going to ditch the lame ass EN scene for sure. Doggos are going for JP girls and Future-Yab machine is going for off-corpo collabs

>> No.57961636

wut...? did she do that or is it youtube fuckery?

>> No.57961670

Why are pebbles so poor?
People here scream about playing buff games and get your numbers up but that is exactly what this loli has done and yet her SC numbers are down the drain. Take the Shiorin~ pill and stream whatever

>> No.57961685

FWMC mogs all of advent every collab everyone knows this, there is literally nothing the rest of Advent could do to stop it.

You really think she would ruin a chance at having another day of superchats in order to... what, give the dogs slightly less numbers?

At this point you're just being retarded and everyone in this thread knows it. Go ahead say you were just pretending and get it out of your system. Here's your (you) now go away.

>> No.57961710

Well, we will see if 'Unity' from Advent is a real thing. Shiori and FWMC don't have plans to do another MC stream this week.

>> No.57961715

Generally speaking, people who give their money away are poorer than those who don't

>> No.57961716

Of course numberfag bijew deleting streams with shit numbers

>> No.57961788

Biboo has everything canceled tomorrow because she broke her internet completely till Friday.

She has no streams at all tomorrow, are you going to say that now all of Advent can't stream tomorrow out of more unity?

>> No.57961800

she deleted the vods that had massive stuttering problems. whats the problem?

>> No.57961831

>Shiorin~ has an army of burgerflippers that give her 500k yen every stream

>> No.57961849

Good on her. And no they can stream just hold off on MINECRAFT until their full gen collab. That is all. I like Biboo, but have no hopes for MEMEME Queen and her simp to do the decent thing

>> No.57961860

Every time her hardware has failed a stream she deletes it because having a stream of watching her play 2 frames every 5 seconds isn't fun.

Proof you've never watched the streams

>> No.57961874

so rissa should cancel tomorrow minecraft too then?

>> No.57961908

Well tomorrow was when she was supposed to do her minecraft thing. So she's way ahead of you about not doing a minecraft stream.

Who knows what Nerissa will do.

>> No.57961910

You left one out, though

>> No.57961915

Can't wait for bijew's next zelda stream! oh wait!

>> No.57961962

Yes. I’m sure she can think of a million other things to do with Kiara

>> No.57962072

>plays another game to steal viewers before collab
This is not a thing and I know this is bait. The only reason why I'm responding to it is because I know there are a large number of retards who think this is actually true.

>> No.57962073


>> No.57962122

why? how? what happened?

>> No.57962128

this wouldnt be a problem if they streamed final fantasy 14

>> No.57962158

Next yab for sure my diggas

>> No.57962288

All of Bijou's streams today went to shit and she couldn't join the Minecraft collab because the game wouldn't run or stream right for her.

They played through the game for an hour with Biboo playing despite being unable to see anything and then they ended the stream early because they didn't want to explore minecraft without her.

Now schizos have decided this is part of some evil master plan by Biboo and that she's secretly been hating advent all along

What hurts their theory is that Biboo couldn't stream hitman and now she can't stream at all because she broke her router after the pebbles told her to factory reset it.

But to the schizos this is still all her long time master plan, and now they're claiming that her streaming early is a plot against advent, her streaming a long time is a plot against advent, and her streaming before collabs is also a plot against advent.

>> No.57962355

ISP problems. Not her fault but fags in this thread pretend it is.
I dont watch Shiori but she's fine in collabs. I'm neutral about her.

>> No.57962485

Conveniently skipping the part where while all of advent is willing to cancel their minecraft stream for Bijew, she won't cancel hers for them. A bit two-faced, no?

>> No.57962510

I think his point is that he wants all of Advent to hold off on streaming JUST Minecraft so they can all do that magical collab where they're all pretty much noobs and people can watch their reactions to discovering gameplay and other things at the same time.
It's totally gonna be a different experience if one of them is no longer a noob but the rest still are

>> No.57962568

she deserves impregnation correction

>> No.57962621
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This place if full of women. Only women would talk about things like this seriously.

>> No.57962636

I monitored # and their gap is getting smaller. People switching to Bijou during skill based collab games like EDF and Apex are increasing. The twins novelty is wearing off, their orisong stuck at 100k in a week, and Bijou is trying to deal the final blow and be the top.

>> No.57962659

>/vt/ spent 2+ months seething at Ina's joke during Mori's Jump King stream
No anon, we have man children in here

>> No.57962712

How is Bijou going to have a Minecraft stream today when she's not going to have internet till Friday?

>> No.57962742

Their song is stuck at 100k because they were a month late in posting it, half a dozen clippers had already put the song up themselves.

>> No.57962747

Bijou sucks at Hitman though. She sucks at games where you have to take your time and think out what you have to do while making sure you perform the actions well enough.

>> No.57962770

So whats the issue with the internet specifically, is she still using her parents ISP?

>> No.57962781

Did you even take a look at Bijou's schedule?

Her minecraft stream is supposed to start on Thursday. That is today. You're saying that somehow without internet she's going to "Backstab Advent" and stream minecraft via a cellphone hotspot?

>> No.57962866

I'm hoping for that too, though even if Nerissa minecrafts you know it will be less her exploring the game mechanics and more following Kiara around like a lost puppy.

>> No.57962902

Is Hitman a collab game, anon?

It will get magically fixed in time
Screencap this

>> No.57962924

or even just giving out orders to everyone else on how to do stuff
I'd rather watch them all stumble a bit taking their first steps and getting surprised finding out how different things work in the game.

>> No.57962951

I just though to chime in that Bijou is far from being some kind of god gamer.

>> No.57962955
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Tourist here, just got into VTubers, but I must admit I'm mostly interested in the business side of things.

What baffles me the most is... How fucking hard would it be to get her a producer / manager who is a little tech savvy, travels to her place for a month or so, builds /buys her a couple of PCs (so she has another in case the first explodes), and gets her two decent internet connections? And maybe can get in contact with her when something happens?

I mean, the first fucking thing I'd do in Hololive's shoes is get the streamers a spare everything.

>> No.57962956

That was chat's fault

>> No.57962965

Then again knowing Rissa and her building game obsession getting her started early on minecraft will mess with things.

>> No.57962998

Cover small company Plz Understand

>> No.57963049

>staying a month at bijou's place to 'build her pc'
Sign me up

>> No.57963092

As long as she's better than other advents, it's enough. Advent box is now Bijou box. She can't steal FWMC's japs fanbase, but reGloss will do that soon, so they are fucked regardless.

>> No.57963110

I think FWMC are just thankful they don't have to worry about rent money anymore and have extra money to spend now to splurge on stuff

>> No.57963115

can't wait to see Nerissa destroy their genmates first MC experience after she collab with Kiara.

>> No.57963152

>monitored #
>is just a dumb numberfag
Aieeeee get behind me Satan

>> No.57963485

The thing with greed is, once you were given power and opportunities, you'd want to get more things. That's why isekai-ed salaryman tends to get harem.

>> No.57963885

If Biboo streaming means she greedy what does that makes Kaela who streams almost 20 hours a day.

>> No.57963991

Oh hey look
Bijou's net is magically fixed
But she won't play Minecraft since she wants to do it with everyone
So sweet
Oh and Nerissa is a bitch btw if she played it with Kiara first

>> No.57964431

I just woke up and faggots are still making up shit over a nothingburger.

>> No.57964448

Good on Biboo.
Now as for Nerissa...

>> No.57964462

Nerissa continues to annoy me. There's no way she'll cancel her minecraft collab. Least favorite Advent member.

>> No.57964542


What a twist!!!

>> No.57964972

>FWMC sabotaged
>Nerissa sabotaged
>No need to sabotage Shiori coz she's inferior
All according to keikaku and peeblephiles are none the wiser

>> No.57965202

So you're just a faggot then, ok take your (you) dopamine and fuck off.

>> No.57965712 [DELETED] 

Cause Shiori is in on it duh.

>> No.57965874

>Biboo could’ve easily told them to continue playing without her
She did. You're just a threadreader though, so you don't know that. But, she literally did.

>> No.57966710

Are you a child, anon?
You don't know how society works, do you?
It's like when a house owner offers you to stay few more days as courtesy, in this case, accepting that and the offer to leaving bijou is the actually not tactful or outright rude

>> No.57967023 [DELETED] 
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is Miran's audio setting low or just me?

>> No.57970184

At least they streamed. Myth would have delayed in 15m increments for 3 hours and then cancelled with 'it can't be helped'

>> No.57970253

got it, thanks

>> No.57970351

It was telling that even though she couldn't see a damn thing Bijou at least still stood there being eye candy for the collab.

>> No.57970368

My honest opinion is that management seen this thread and told her no.

>> No.57970422

>she's in third place in her own Gen behind Fuwamoco and Nerissa.
Sub count isn't a metric of growth or hype.

>> No.57970505

Shitty Thai internet that instead of using fiber uses trains of ladyboys all fucking each other hooked up dick to ass.

>> No.57970560

idk where she is, but i have a few friends in thailand and their internet is better than mine.

>> No.57970594

>ruins Baldur Gate collab
>ruins Minecraft collab
This indo brat needs some correction

>> No.57970772

Instead of shitting on biboo for working hard you guys should tell the rest of advent to improve themselves and stream more. Biboo is not at fault the rest of the branch doesn't have her work ethic. Those are facts.

>> No.57971274

You know who can do whatever they want however much they want? An Indie

>> No.57971617

Like Cover is really going to tell their streamers "Hey stop streaming so /vt/ will stop crying."

>> No.57972216

You are the reason these lazy sluts get away with going streamless for weeks at a time

>> No.57972328

She will continue to stream more than your oshi and there's absolutely nothing you will do about it stay seething and crying on vt.

>> No.57972346

>mines a minor

>> No.57972903

I'm fine with that, just stop the raid since it benefits nobody else

>> No.57974484

She'll be fine

>> No.57975206

Remember when she claimed she was a holofan but couldn't name Okayu and called her "Oyaku"... Yeah she's as fake as they come

>> No.57977898

What's wrong with her?

>> No.57977989

Come on, kiddo, that's not how you treat your collab partner. You can do whatever you want during a solo stream. no one will blame her when her stream gets scuffed. Most of her genmates make sure their stuff is ready for collabs, but your little bitch is preparing to raid her own stream instead. Your little bitch is literally doing the same thing when she collabs.
