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58431204 No.58431204 [Reply] [Original]

Why do male-female interactions feel more smooth and natural in Nijisanji than in Hololive? It's like they are actual friends.

>> No.58431238


>> No.58431330
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>It's like they are actual friends.
Because they are.
People memed about clique but the best collab stream require two people who hit of well. Maybe three or more. So they need to be actual friends (or at least close enough).
Holostar and Hololive had actual barrier separating them, so only few individual collab groups are formed (and the biggest one on EN had sunk for obvious reason). Most of them don't even have contacts with each other much, like that distant co-worker in different corner of the office.

>> No.58431338

>t. threadreader
I refuse to watch management mandated collabs like this

>> No.58431374

>actual friends
only if you're part of the elira/enna clique

>> No.58431461

>actual friends
Zaion would disagree.

>> No.58431474

>It's like they are actual friends.
Look at this newfag

>> No.58431552

men interacting with hololive have to stay professional and out of the way because if they do something as small as shoot at them in a shooting game, their fans get mad for ruining the girl's fun.

>> No.58431599

Yeah. Friends with benefits

>> No.58431776

>still parroting le epic """""family"""""" meme

>> No.58431859

>group of whores versus group of idols

>> No.58431952

>all this crying seethe from one post
You may be onto something OP

>> No.58431971

Well men and women shouldn't interact in hololive at all so I guess it's only natural you feel that way

>> No.58432341
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>> No.58432640

Because they are actually friends for the most part? But even further to that they're not artificially separated from interacting either... they're fully integrated. So it's not some weird rare thing when they interact for a stream, they're playing games and doing group movie watchalongs and watching other members streams and shit like that with each other regularly when they're not streaming.

>> No.58432901

they have offcollab hotel orgy

>> No.58433022

>It's like they are actual friends
yes, having group sex offline will do that. If you join NijiEN maybe you'll be invited to the orgies too.

>> No.58433154

Also there's less of a need to feel like they're walking on eggshells when interacting with each other. It's going to take a lot more to get a Niji audience to sperg out over the way their male and female members are interacting. Less need to worry about if your fans are going to accuse you of being a whore fucking the male members because you laughed at their jokes or some dumb shit like that. Having to be ultra careful about what you say and do stifles natural interactions. When you have to apologize too and baby your audience to even get to do a collab with the opposite sex members you're going to find it very hard to be natural.

>> No.58433454

>It's going to take a lot more to get a Niji audience to sperg out over the way their male and female members are interacting
Nope, unlike with unicorns you have a bunch of femcels who will encourage it until it crosses whatever arbitrary line they've decided on in their head. That's how you get situations like death threats against female members for commenting during a stream (this was after months of males invading girls streams).

>> No.58433593

Isn't that just Voxnigger, who had very specific breed of fujo fanbase? Basically just male Rushia, DESU.
The fallout with Reimu and their shipping community was both incredibly sad and utterly hilarious to watch. Vox become a real cuck in the eyes of all Niji females for blaming Reimu and defending his rabid fanatics.

>> No.58433898

not just male and female interactions. their female to female interactions are much better too. it's more natural and human-like and their fans love it. one "bitch" from ame to gura broke the minds of the faggots /here/ while it's just a normal greeting for the nijis (and any other female to female friendly relantionship). we can all imagine the 3rd myth collab to be as awkward as their previous ones. fuck, the only collab that they had that didn't seem forced was their first full off collab.

>> No.58434027

Yeah, Vox focused on BFE and built up a fanbase rabid of whatever you call the female equivalent of unicorns, and that was the result.

>> No.58434049

As it should be
