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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 228 KB, 950x535, Screenshot_20210711-170313_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6413714 No.6413714[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

vTuBeRs ShOuLdNt bE POlItIcaL

>> No.6413797

What in Allah's name is that font?

>> No.6413826

This, what the fuck OP?

>> No.6413828

Comic sans

>> No.6413848


>> No.6413894

>shitty bait
japs are detached from american political insanity

>> No.6413909

>cries about mixing politics with vtubers
>have no qualms about portraying the hololive dragon as their Taiwanese freedom fighter
why is /vt/ like this?

>> No.6413931


>> No.6414048


>> No.6414310

general health politics shouldn’t be political anyway.
The government and the left and right have brainwashed you into thinking it’s political when it’s literally a public health safety measure for everyone.

>> No.6414378

What's political about being a NEET?

>> No.6414424

stay home nigga

>> No.6414454

That font is more political than any of the contents in those videos

>> No.6414501

"it's only politics if i don't agree with it"

>> No.6414563
File: 649 KB, 800x900, 1614287702353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay home, bitch

>> No.6414565

>That font
Are all schizos, indogs, shitposters, discordfags and tourists actually.... girls?

>> No.6414598

Only if they wanna be

>> No.6414634

Why didn't my emojis work

>> No.6414647

I'll express my disgust about this font in my native language

Ja naprawdę jestem tolerancyjny. Nie mam nic do gejów, transseksualistów, panseksualnych, czy w ogóle innych. Jestem w stanie nawet zaakceptować to, że jest 714 płci. Jeśli ktoś się identyfikuje seksualnie jako pojedyncze drewienko z parkietu starej sali gimnastycznej, to ok. Jak najbardziej wspieram. Najważniejsze, żeby człowiek był szczęśliwy. Szanuję też wszystkie wyznania. Chrześcijan, Muzułmanów, Żydów. Każdy ma prawo wierzyć w to co chce i ma prawo uczynić wiarę najważniejszą rzeczą w swoim życiu, nie należy kogoś za to wyśmiewać, ani uważać za głupszego. Oczywiście jeśli ktoś jest ateistą, też dobrze. Jest tak samo wartościowym człowiekiem. Jeśli ktoś lubi np. dać ananasa na pizzę, albo ogórka, czekoladę, cokolwiek, każdy ma prawo jeść to co lubi. Ale wiecie co mnie naprawdę wkurwia? Jak ktoś ma ustawioną na telefonie tę taką kurwa czcionkę, która wygląda trochę jak comic sans. No kurwa, jakie trzeba mieć spierdolone życie, żeby uznać, że dobrym pomysłem jest ustawienie tej czcionki. Że niby co? Że kurwa sobie myślisz, że twoje życie będzie ciekawsze, albo weselsze bo sobie ustawisz taką WESOŁĄ, FIKUŚNĄ CZCIONKĘ? Otóż nie. Twoje życie jest chujowe i takie pozostanie. Np. Czasem wrzuci ktoś (przeważnie laska, ale faceci też czasem ustawiają, co już jest w ogóle jakieś zboczone. Dla ścisłości - ruchanie się facetów nie jest zboczone. Ta czcionka jest) screen z podpisem "PATRZCIE JAK STULEJARZ STUPKARZ PROSI MNIE ZEBYM MU POKAZAŁA STOPY, BO JEST NAPALONY XDDD" i tam screenshot z rozmowy tego stulejarza z nią i tam jest ustawiona ta czcionka. No ja pierdole. Jak tak kurwa można? To już bardziej rozumiem tego stulejarza, bo każdy ma jakieś potrzeby seksualne, no i poza tym kto się oprze widokowi zgrabnej stopy? Ta czcionka jest tak brzydka, tak obrzydliwa. Już azjatka, która sra sobie ryja w wannie (mógłbym powiedzieć, żebyście nie googlowali ale i tak to zrobicie) jest mniej obrzydliwa. Ogólnie to powinni robić obozy dla takich ludzi, którzy używają tej czcionki.

>> No.6414670

Whom's't've are you quoting?

>> No.6414687

Idk what this says I only speak english

>> No.6414712

go back.

>> No.6414735

It okay when it the Japanese who do it until it something i don't like

>> No.6414770


>> No.6414793

In short.
People whu using comic sans like font on their phones should hang themselves

>> No.6414798


>> No.6414807

gO bAcK!

>> No.6414824

Blocking both of you

>> No.6414879

You absolutely should go back you god damn redditor
YOU is what is ruining this website and YOU is what is ruining this country. neck yourself.

>> No.6414897

Wtf is that font? Is this an Android "feature"? If so, why would you want to show us that you are a poor person?

>> No.6414937

You shouldn't poor-shame people also my typeface (not a font) is cute I like comic sans

>> No.6414995

Not political, just common sense.

>> No.6415020

>also my typeface (not a font) is cute I like comic sans
godlike bait right here

>> No.6415023

Tell that to all the MAGAts on this board

>> No.6415058

You are a slave

>> No.6415067

>yOu AbSoLuTeLy sHoUlD gO bACk yOu gOd dAmN rEdDiToR
YOU iS wHaT iS rUiNiNg tHiS wEbSiTe aNd yOu iS wHaT iS rUiNiNg tHiS cOuNtRy. nEcK yOuRsElF.

>> No.6415077
File: 275 KB, 895x897, ouina2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Je suis vraiment tolérant. Je n'ai rien contre les gays, les transsexuels, les pansexuels ou qui que ce soit d'autre en général. Je suis même capable d'accepter qu'il y ait 714 genres. Si quelqu'un s'identifie sexuellement comme un simple bourdon du sol d'un vieux gymnase, alors ok. Je le soutiens. La chose la plus importante est qu'une personne soit heureuse. Je respecte également toutes les religions. Chrétiens, musulmans, juifs. Chacun a le droit de croire en ce qu'il veut et il a le droit de faire de sa foi la chose la plus importante de sa vie. Bien sûr, si quelqu'un est athée, c'est bien aussi. Il est une personne tout aussi précieuse. Si quelqu'un aime, par exemple, mettre de l'ananas sur une pizza, ou du concombre, du chocolat, peu importe, chacun a le droit de manger ce qu'il aime. Mais tu sais ce qui me fait vraiment chier ? Quand quelqu'un a cette putain de police configurée sur son téléphone qui ressemble à comic sans. Quel genre de vie de merde faut-il avoir pour penser que c'est une bonne idée de mettre cette police. Comme quoi ? Tu crois que ta vie va être plus intéressante ou plus amusante parce que tu as mis en place une police de caractères joyeuse et inconstante comme celle-là ? Eh bien, non. Votre vie est merdique et elle le restera. Par exemple, il arrive que quelqu'un (généralement une nana, mais les mecs l'organisent aussi parfois, ce qui est un peu pervers). Pour mémoire, les mecs qui baisent entre eux n'ont rien de pervers. Cette police est) un écran avec la légende "WATCH HOW HOW A STULEY STUPKER REQUESTS ME TOES SHOW HER TOES, BECAUSE HE'S FUCKING HOT XDDD" et il y a une capture d'écran d'une conversation entre ce stupide et elle, et cette police est placée là. Putain de merde. Comment tu peux faire ça, bordel ? Je comprends mieux cette sellette, car tout le monde a des besoins sexuels, et d'ailleurs, qui peut résister à la vue d'un beau pied ? Cette police est tellement laide, tellement dégoûtante. Même une femme asiatique qui se chie dessus dans la baignoire (je pourrais vous dire de ne pas le googler mais vous le ferez quand même) est moins dégoûtante. En général, ils devraient faire des camps pour les gens comme ça qui utilisent cette police.

>> No.6415119

Why is it so hard to believe some people actually like comic sans?

>> No.6415140

Spare me the both-sidesism. There are issues where that -ism applies, but not this pandemic. Sane people are just repeating the advice of doctors and authorities like in every other country that is not retarded. Miko and others are just repeating health advice. It's the QAnon-type idiots mainly on the right that say vaccine is a Bill Gates conspiracy, inject disinfectants or other complete BS. This kind of projection is as cringe as when senator Cancun accused climate scientists of politicizing science when he's the politician disputing scientific claims. Their jobs are accomplished once you say everyone else is as culpable as them.

>> No.6415220

You have never read a scientific study in your life nor do you even know how to

>> No.6415353
File: 80 KB, 557x726, pepeloni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look at me im smart
this is a low iq board please leave

>> No.6415389

I spread the retarded qboomer rumors specifically to piss off redditors like you

>> No.6415419

t. mutt
Medicine isn't political.

>> No.6415458

We do a little memeing. Its called we do a little memeing.

>> No.6415573

>please leave
>not "away!"
fake haaton

>> No.6415624

I agree with you but this website much less this board is not the place.

>> No.6415648
File: 51 KB, 718x897, HaachamaGlue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a long time since you could actually see Haachama

>> No.6415669

I stay loyal

>> No.6415712

This is the funniest fucking shit ever why the fuck are you mad.

>> No.6415823
File: 356 KB, 1150x1586, 1625600192663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm torn between her returning to Hololive and quiting and being groomed by Coco as indie.

>> No.6415836

Totalement d'accord avec vous, poster Ina. Le fait que cette police de retardé continue à être utilisée de nos jours malgré les avances technologiques acquises par l'humanité est très triste.

>> No.6415837

I'm not mad at miko I'm mad at the chuds on this board getting mad whenever an English vtuber says something any sane person agrees with but thinks it's okay when a Japanese person says THE EXACT SAME THING

>> No.6415873
File: 25 KB, 579x564, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread has been up for an hour
Well done meidos

>> No.6415986

hating china isn't political, that would imply that china is a real country when its actually the worlds largest bug infestation

>> No.6415993

Its not even comic sans, its rosemary you fucking retards.

>> No.6416025

Whatever it is I like it!

>> No.6416035

You need to be executed in a public square for using this font.

>> No.6416045

How is not getting sick and dying a political issue?

>> No.6416057 [DELETED] 

Taiwan being an independent country is only an issue to smelly chinks. Did you get your ten cents for these posts, chang?

>> No.6416095

trump lost

>> No.6416102
File: 172 KB, 454x374, tenchouEgg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hab nicht gelesen
deine mutter ist fett

>> No.6416109

they're shilling ebooks on 4chan now?

>> No.6416118 [DELETED] 

>inject disinfectants

The fact you literally have no idea what people were talking about is a good reason to assume you are a retard. Please kill yourself.

>> No.6416143

Midwits honestly believed staying home would do something. It's hard to blame them. To add insult to injury the Japanese honestly believe their government is there to help them.

>> No.6416150
File: 28 KB, 720x419, 1625342275515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>politicizing pandemics
the absolute state of burgerland

>> No.6416257

>taking care of your health is politics
Away from here, burger.
