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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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66636911 No.66636911 [Reply] [Original]

Over the course of the last few days I have uploaded several videos about K9Kuro that have painted him in a less than flattering light to YouTube. The videos were about him blowing his money on crypto and insulting a viewer for being poor, respectively.
Both of these videos have since been issued copyright strikes. By the same group that took down videos about Froot.
Really makes you think.

>> No.66636946

get a life

>> No.66636963

I'd rather have them remove your shitty dramafag videos than have them remove their talents music videos.

>> No.66636969

Not a corpo btw

>> No.66636991 [DELETED] 

Vshitshow or nijinigs
Same shit

>> No.66637036

Hello nijisister. We should date!

>> No.66637088

Just a pure coincidence. Nyanners said so and it has to be true.

>> No.66637104

hololive uses muso to do takedowns too so it's ok

>> No.66637152 [DELETED] 

nijinigs please take your fans back to your shithole. dont drag this bugs to vshoujo thanks

>> No.66637177

At least False, Rev, and Ant have enough sense to grift the drama by using an avatar. But you OP? Fucking retarded faggot.

>> No.66637225

Post a link to a streamable or other backup and we'll spread it around if it's juicy

>> No.66637311

Rebecca stop being a faggot and show your tits

>> No.66637395

Rebecca for the love of god install tinder

>> No.66637471
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Why'd you delete this comment, Rebecca? Didn't want people finding out the truth?

>> No.66637475
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Rebecca, you had one rule

>> No.66637478
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Hi Rebecca/Horayo

>> No.66637499

Jesas Rebecca. Are you still at it?

>> No.66637500

>blew his money on crypto
somehow that explains more how he ended up hundreds of thousands in debt and blamed his financial advisor. There are a lot of idiots with money who ignore their financial advisors and do stupid shit and then get angry they lose it all.

>> No.66637526

Here are the videos that were removed.

>> No.66637561

If he still has the bitcoins he should be chillin right now, it was reaching 50k not so long ago

>> No.66637568

Wow, I almost gave a shit.

>> No.66637590

>Insulting a viewer for being poor
Bitch that was your fucking hate dono and you are mad because he ignored you lol

>> No.66637606

show tits and vagene pliz

>> No.66637701

Be an anti, get trolled by the legitimate company, get hit by their big dick. I laughed thanks for being the joke.

>> No.66637812

omg you are right, she deleted it lol what a bitch

>> No.66637815

When are you going to collab with ant, rebecca?

>> No.66637824

Nijisanji is not sending their best

>> No.66637865
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Also her

>> No.66637884


>> No.66637980

Try videoing you hang yourself

>> No.66638050

Kek what a pathetic bitch

>> No.66638062

Is VShojo ready to take the NijiEN fanbase in all its glory under its wings after their poaching spree? Rebecca in all her pathetic existence is hardly the worst of them. You wouldn't want another incident where a talent gets harassed over a "your mom" or "Koreans do a lot of plastic surgery" joke.

>> No.66638107

Sorry rebecca but vshojo will actually put an effort to protect their talents unlike his first home. Maybe you should just make an onlyfans so i can pay for your tits

>> No.66638123

Luxiem was a mistake

>> No.66638148


Proof that AFanISwear is Rebecca:

He identifies AFanISwear as one of her alts at 52:35

Whole section on her insanity is from 48:09 - 1:01:48.

>> No.66638159

Yeesh, anti free speech much? I'm sure if you silence all your critics some people will like your draconian authoritarian methods but I will never abide by this while I am a free man. You should never prosecute someone for wrong think or their opinion like this. If you don't want people to clip things and post it then don't say those things.

>> No.66638185

>Rebecca is such a lolcow that /vt/ is defending censorship now

>> No.66638193

Most of niji’s toxic fanbase are fujo chinese which gets filtered by kson and twitch

>> No.66638267
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Ant and Rebecca singlehandedly made anti-ing Vshojo cringe. Like how do you even manage that?

>> No.66638272

Welcome to Vshojo!
Talent Freedom only works when it suits Twitch.

>> No.66638274

Rebecca arent you busy grooming 16 years old kids now?

>> No.66638323

Funny that you say this when Hololive recently made huge steps to target antis as well.
But I guess you won't complain about that now, will you?

>> No.66638332

Who? Ah dog from the otherside.

>> No.66638352

If you don't want haters or schizos to have ammunition then don't give it to them. Obviously schizos are retarded but it doesn't change the fact that they're overreaching here and just censoring things. Are the portions of the stream removed from their vods?

>> No.66638355

She complains about the censorship of her harassment, yet deletes comments on her videos that provide context and call out her bullshit. And she's a disgusting femcel loser.

>> No.66638356

I dont think you know what talent freedom means eslkun

>> No.66638420

He will never fuck you ya know?

>> No.66638423

She hate dono’mystua back then and mystia insulted her for being a poorfag. She has been on a nonstop autism rampage ever since even to so far following him to his next career

>> No.66638458

not your personal army

>> No.66638476
File: 408 KB, 1080x1621, SmartSelect_20240113_103717_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's okay when hololive does it

>> No.66638518

Chink fujos left NijiEN years ago, and they didn't know shit about kson in the first place.
Still the remaining fanbase is mentally ill don't think most of it will transfer over if nijis do a mass exodious to vshoujo.

>> No.66638519

Vshoujo build on sand they will crumble on instant. That's why they scared of the clips and taking them seriously.

>> No.66638538

She was constantly sending schizo donos using multiple different names even before then.

>> No.66638561

The poor one us our of context, he's doing a bit pretending to be mad about cheap donos. The crypto one is true.

>> No.66638564

Ok, and she should have the right to do the same thing every other free person in the world can do. If someone bullies someone for something, then they should be able to raise awareness about that bullying and if they want to spend their free time highlighting all the negative shit that someone does then they should be allowed to do so. Was there ever an apology over the bullying the poor incident? And I don't give a fuck if it was a hate dono, he should have just ignored it.

>> No.66638576

Holofan isn't opposed to companies doing quality control.
A community, however, denounced this "quality control" as a violation of talent freedom.

>> No.66638582

Rebecca, it's over. Nobody is standing with you.

>> No.66638624

Shutup mystakes i don't care about rebeccow but you fucking sound like her, like a mentally ill femcel.

>> No.66638662


>> No.66638691

Mysta is an ugly seanig with a gay voice, why are you so obsessed with him?

>> No.66638717

A community cannot have talent freedom and Rebecca or any other anti isn't a part of the community.
Please learn english before using this site.

>> No.66638752

Ofc that dono was from her, no wonder why she is so mad about it now

>> No.66638754

>thread infested by SEA ESL femcels doing sister on sister violance.
What a shitshow of a fanbase, don't think it's a good idea for vshoujo to voluntarily invite nijiniggers mental illness in their community, but if they still want to try then whatever.
Get some help sisters your glory days are over, go back to kpop or something.

>> No.66638760

This. I look way better than him and I'm not a mentally stunted zoomer who might qualify for actual retardation, and my model is pretty cute too, but all I get are gay men watching me. Where the fuck are the sick in the head femcels? Come watch me on Twitch please, I won't treat you dirty like he did

>> No.66638824

Vshoujofans finally understand that luxiem is a mistake.

>> No.66638825

It could be Rebecca attacking and defending him at the same time
she used to do it back in /nijien/

>> No.66638878

Why are you referring to yourself in the third person?

>> No.66638980

vshojonigs are mentally ill trannies, trash attracts flies

>> No.66638983

Because I'm not the retarded anti who's free speech is being suppressed. I just care about censorship and the such. The hilarious thing about this is that it's exactly what the Chinese would do. They would censor and cover up any negative thing said.

>> No.66639106

>Free speech
Then why is she deleting comments calling her out on her videos?

>> No.66639161

Damn, it has reached the point that it's not even funny to make fun of you anymore, everyone is just sad about you

>> No.66639192

She shouldn't be doing that either. Both parties are doing something they shouldn't.

>> No.66639267

That's now TWO British VShojo members with antis so cringe that people don't want to be associated with them

>> No.66639282

What in the hell is this thread? bruh even nijiniggers VS holobronies shit wasn't this bad.

>> No.66639444

If Rebecca was not an ugly troll, I would fuck the shit out of her.

>> No.66639775

Are you also supporting posting doxx and samefagging like that one kiaraschizo did considering it wouln't be true free speech if that were censored or where do you draw the line?
If you oshi had an anti who manipulates videos of her to put her in bad light would that still fall under free speech for you?

>> No.66639933

They can have Kuro fans back when Pomu reincarnates into VShojo.

>> No.66639959

Manipulating of the content would not fall under free speech unless it is labeled as such, if it isn't then it would be slander and defamation. Also doxx is literally also against the law. If someone just rips a clip out of a stream and posts it then that is fine.

>> No.66639974

That is the most blatant fear mongering possible. By fullest extent of the law they mean they’ll do nothing. Just don’t monetize or if you do put an almost inaudible beep somewhere in the middle makes it transformative. Depending on how you already edited it could already be transformative and the best they could do is claim it. You won’t make much off of it afterwards but you could put back up immediately. Vshojo doesn’t even own the characters so if they aren’t even allowed to strike it. Take it to court it’ll cost you a bit but they’ll settle and pay the fees for you. Just don’t back down

>> No.66640088

>if it isn't then it would be slander and defamation
Then you shouldn't defend Rebecca because she's done that.

>> No.66640167

Vshojo is US based, yt despite being shitty is US based, and same with twitch. Freedom of speech you can say and post anything you want about anyone, long as it doesn’t end in death and I mean from a third party. He may own the character but long as the content is transformative it doesn’t matter

>> No.66640177

I won't defend the instances she does that, but I will defend the instances she doesn't do that. Just because someone is guilty of one thing that doesn't mean they are guilty of everything all the time.

>> No.66640347

Nigger you are fucking retarded

>> No.66640427

Holy enablers. Man you are gonna get this girl killed.

>> No.66640573

You know IP owners can give other organization's the right to issue DMCA strikes on their behalf right? You're not just an ignorant child with no real world experience right?

>> No.66640743

That's just not how US law works in regards to speech at all you retarded niggerfaggot.
See libel and defamation laws for further reading on the subject.

>> No.66640794

What does that have to do with what is currently happening? Anon said he posted a video and it was taken down. He’s a schizo for doing whatever he’s doing but well within his rights at the very least it’s an almost famous decently wealthy streamer what he’s doing is nothing new. Your obsession with antis is objectively worse go make videos about her if she gets you that obsessed at least you’ll make some money off of it.

Most states have defamation as a civil tort so at best it would lead to them having to pay damages to vshojo’s talent. Manipulating content is too vague because edits and clips are manipulated content as well as there’s a whole stream but it would have no bearing on the point in question. It would very much fall under free speech and always will. What you’re thinking of is taking an unrelated and innocuous statement then using it to attack their character or cause harm in someway. However comma that has no bearing here because you can take anything said twist it however you want and just post it on yt. Long as you aren’t posting it with “malicious intent” which pretty much means don’t say you did it with malicious intent.

>> No.66641260

women, am I right or amirite?

>> No.66641485

You know this isn't DMCA strike worthy and illegal right?

>> No.66641528

Loser find something better to do

>> No.66641637

Man just how much does this girl hate kuro

>> No.66641890

Yea they can multiple music companies issue bs take down strikes all the time. Not relevant to the point and if you consider youtube the real world you live a sad life. DMCA is producing and distributing copyrighted works bypassing the holder. Clips of the stream do not fall under that which is why they go to yt instead of the courts to issue takedown strikes. It’s why people make videos reaming celebrities for the dumb shit they say celebrities try to get it taken down and then it’s back up a week later. This isn’t reuploading his music, or his model pretending to be him it’s a clip from his stream that’s been edited. They can go to yt and issue a strike then he can send it to team yt show that it’s transformative, take Kuro to court not vshojo and have it put back up within the week. Become a youtuber and learn the rules before speaking on things you don’t know

Libel is defamation it’s not two different things, opinions can’t be considered libel because it’s your opinion a point of fact has to referenced, and here’s the big one it HAS TO BE WRITTEN to be considered libel. What you’re looking for is slander which is oral defamation. Now if the clip had kuro saying “I hate puppies” and then the person went on to a rant explaining why this makes him a bad person that could be considered slander emphasis on could. Long as he continues to frame it as his opinion it’s safe. It’s why you can be racist on social media and not get arrested. As long as you’re not doing something that could cause active harm with your speech like screaming allah akbar in an airport or yelling fire in a crowded theater things that could cause panic and trampling you’re good. That’s how I know you’re from some pussy country like Europe or Canada where you could be arrested for bad words.
Oh unrelated but telling someone you’d kick their ass or any threats gives them the right to defend themselves and strike first. If you call him racist slurs however and he strikes first you can beat him then get him arrested even if you lose you can get him arrested

>> No.66641905
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>Over the course of the last few days I have uploaded several videos about K9Kuro that have painted him in a less than flattering light to YouTube
get rekt

>> No.66642013

He wanted to sound smart so he used things he didn’t understand. I know china doesn’t let it’s people use google but is it like that in SEA as well? Take 10 seconds type in your questions and you won’t have to look retarded

>> No.66642142

>Libel is defamation it’s not two different things, opinions can’t be considered libel because it’s your opinion a point of fact has to referenced, and here’s the big one it HAS TO BE WRITTEN to be considered libel.
This is wrong. It also makes you come across about a pretentious dick that has no idea what they're talking about.

>> No.66642196

This is a stream from 6 months ago and you have time stamps ready. Please tell me you’re stalking rebecca or you’re at least a woman

>> No.66642382

Would you like .org, .gov, or are you fine with .com? I can offer them as speeches, statements, articles, web pages, books and dictionaries as well. Take your pick or you could save us both some time and you could google it yourself. And I’ll take pretentious over being rude

>> No.66642469

Find me one that says opinions can't be libel.

>> No.66642605

Vshojo has more shills than niji

>> No.66642656

I think Kuro should hire bodyguards because I dont doubt this bitch might fly to Indonesia to kill him (and Mika)

>> No.66642807

Ant did nothing wrong.

>> No.66642876
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Oh shit we got her here too? Lmao how do you ruin your career over a garden variety slut?

>> No.66643555

>An opinion is not libel. Libel refers to specific facts that can be proved untrue.

>The most important aspect of a potentially defamatory statement is that a reasonable person would think it's a statement of fact. Opinions are not defamatory.

>Can my opinion be defamatory?
>No—but merely labeling a statement as your "opinion" does not make it so.

Is this enough? As long as it’s your actual opinion it can’t be libel. Pretending a fact is your opinion CAN be considered libel but at that point it’s down to the courts. So claiming it’s an opinion even if it is a fact could be considered a fact because opinions aren’t libel.

>> No.66643631

Two of those are blogs, but you somewhat got the point. Opinions are not exclusive from false statements of fact, so an opinion can also be a false statement of fact, which can be libel.

>> No.66644094

First one is a forum not a blog those are different and the second is written by an accredited lawyer. I wanted to be as diverse as possible.

>> No.66644317

if its clips then streamers have the right to take them down if they want. clippers only exist because streamers let them

>> No.66644384

What's wrong with crypto...

>> No.66644397

That's fine then. It's also important to note that not every statement of fact can be proven true or false. The only thing that categorically can't be defamatory is a provably true statement of fact.

>> No.66644607

Make a longer video commentating on the situation and only include those clips for context, if they strike you again you have a valid counterclaim due to your video being protected under fair use for commentary or criticism

>> No.66644732


>> No.66644915

Kurosisters have been nothing but behaved wholesome and cool 95% of the time in vsj+ but when kuro streams they turn to the horniest people on earth and yes i watch melody and her community alot. They have been more than welcome and been a fun addition to the community. They do have the weirdest zoomer memes tho and has too much dancing chibi kuro gifs

>> No.66645019

It’s not important to note that because a statement of fact implies you made it to court. Opinions aren’t libel so you won’t even get to court which is my original point that he could make whatever video about Kuro he wants as it’s just his opinion. True and factual statements can’t be considered libel but a provably true statement can be libel because you have to prove it’s true. If you can’t prove it’s true then it becomes libel. I think you’re confusing the point a bit but you do know what you’re talking about. Are you looking into becoming a lawyer or just someone that likes to know his civil liberties?

>> No.66645048

It's a stupid investment that's almost guaranteed to lose you money unless you randomly end up lucky. So a dumb thing to do, but not something so bad that is worth raking him over coals for. Especially since it sounds like he learned his lesson.

>> No.66645119

based anon fighting the small fights, dont give up!

>> No.66645132

If it’s a clip with some form of edit that could be enough to be considered transformative even if it isn’t commentary like the people who post anime or tv show shorts with music in the background or adjusting the visual fidelity

>> No.66645223

Theyre not even fighting about kuro or rebecca theyre just spurging about legal issues and youtube shit

>> No.66645407

I wonder how many of them go into those tribalistic anti-Twitch threads and talk about how YouTube is so superior.

>> No.66645448

I just like law. By true and provably true, I mean that the you have to prove, if it's not plainly obvious, that the statement is true. If you cannot prove that the statement is true, it can still be defamatory. It means that baseless conjecture, even if somehow true, can be defamatory.

>> No.66645535

You the real reason people here defend youtube? Its free data with alot of SEA countries and its easily accessible in china with a vpn

>> No.66645627

Crypto is like buying a lottery ticket you should never spend more than $20 on it. If you invested in NFTs though you should be raked over the coals

>> No.66645644

I already knew where the shitting was coming from, because it always comes from those hellholes.

>> No.66647611

I get that antis are cringe or whatever janny is saying but fuck dipshits who abuse DMCA. So many good old vids lost to petulent companies abusing that

>> No.66648026
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>mocked a fan for being poor.
Isn’t this nigga a fugitive on the run in Indonesia because he owes the UK government approximately $330,000? Lol.

>> No.66648044

Besides vshojo, nijisanji and idol corps fucking themselves, how is hololive and phase connect avoiding drama that makes them look like they are blacked companies like them?

>> No.66648148

See a therapist, Rebecca

>> No.66648315

He has one.
He hate watches vtubers then uploads clips out of context to make them look bad.

>> No.66648330

>Just don’t monetize or if you do put an almost inaudible beep somewhere in the middle makes it transformative.
Yeah that's not how fair use works

>Vshojo doesn’t even own the characters so if they aren’t even allowed to strike it.
They have a license to the IP (this is why the GoodSmile deals made for Nyan and Vei are VShojo-branded despite releasing after they left) and as their agency are within full right to act in protection of their talents' copyright.

>> No.66648426

>insulting a viewer for being poor.

>> No.66649013

Actual fucking autism

>> No.66649114

Rebecca post your feet

>> No.66649236

Let the schizo samefag. This is how she finds purpose in her life.

>> No.66650684

That is not how free use works.
This does not hold up in court.

Black company strikes again.
Should have been obvious to anyone with a brain since the froot drama.

>> No.66650686

No one is defending youtube no one is shitting on twitch. It’s even harder to get taken down on twitch if anything. You’re retarded

>> No.66650740

All the niji company shills moved to vshojo lmao

>> No.66650831

Is it black company behavior to protect talents from antis and slander now?

>> No.66650911

Yes. According to nijisisters anyways

>> No.66650967

>Have retard opinions that no one cares about
>Falsely copyright strike them
>Prove to everyone that actually the statements they held are ALL TRUE because you desired to censor them.

>> No.66651036

So I get alot of people are shitting on this Rebecca girl or whatever but like this kuro guy from objective view seems to not want to pay taxes. Like there is a couple kind of people who get into crypto. There are those that want avoid taxes at all cost and hate paying taxes and want to money launder. There is those that hate and don't trust the government so they want to have money outside of the governments or a large banks control. And there is those who are into it to mine and scam people with it. And he seems to be into not paying taxes every person I know who has a job knows they have to pay taxes and him having a streamer job means he has more time to figure out how to pay his taxes than the average person

>> No.66651061

You call that a proof? That's retarded. If somebody insults your mother and you block them that doesn't mean that the insult they used is true.

>> No.66651138

Yeah if you BLOCK them, not use a LEGAL system ILLEGALY to take down their entire video and or channel.
You fucking retard.
These two things are not the same.
Niji refugees at vshojo are still fucking braindead it seems.

>> No.66651246

You are retarded because both can be censoring.
For example when they post that as comment on your channel and you delete it. It doesn't prove that the comment held any real substance, only that it annoyed you.

You shouldn't be calling anybody braindead when you cannot even understand that much.

>> No.66651413

How fucking stupid are you?
Did you even graduate your country's equivalent of highschool with these disingenuous false comparisons?
>Perjury and legal consequences: Submitting false copyright claims, particularly those made in bad faith or with malicious intent, may constitute perjury. If pursued in court, the claimant could face legal consequences and the associated penalties for lying under oath.

>> No.66651517

I could ask you the same since apparently you cannot even read english.

>> No.66651952

That’s exactly how fair use works. There thousands of streamers that explain it. It’s why people like xqc can cough every few minutes and call it a reaction as opposed to just stealing content.
You’re misunderstanding copyright claim and strike

>> No.66652251

No, a single beep or a few coughs does not constitute fair use. Whether a work is transformative is determined by the context of its use, the degree to which changes are made, what kind of changes are made, and the amount of original material used in the new work.

Just because people aren't issuing takedowns on xQc's react videos does not mean they fall under fair use.
In a court of law he would lose without question.

>> No.66652605

Is anyone gonna give a qrd on this bitch or what

>> No.66652706

>he owes the UK government approximately $330,000
based if true

>> No.66652739

I don't have the full story but she's Kuro's biggest schizo anti who apparently pesters him across several different accounts and has been doing so for a long time

>> No.66652749

>she hate donos to mystia back then
>mystia being mystia makes fun of her and calls her a poorfag
>she goes full schizo anti hate spams mystia even as to so far following him into his next career

Thats it thats really it. Hella petty as fuck

>> No.66652767

Kurosanji the 2nd, just need a few more to leave the original and vshojo will get shit up just as much. Then people will realise it’s both the “talent” and management responsible

>> No.66652770

It's talent freedom, not your freedom. Taste the bottom of their boot as they walk over you like the piece of shit they treat you as. Oh, thanks for the support.

>> No.66652828
File: 53 KB, 526x511, 355704098_814755633541899_9210368543221213318_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Only Reason why Indie Vtubers want to be part of Corporations is that they protect your branding whereas when you are a indie nothing protects your brand except for yourself.

This is bullshit and you know it /vt/. Why is it that people are out to slander others? Because of Clout obtainment? Drama Attraction? People having schadenfreude?

I know people don't like supporting Indies and rather support corporation idols and Vtubers but I am starting to feel that streaming as a Vtuber whereas as a Flesh tuber or hell just a Gameplay streamer is a better outlook on streaming than being a Vtuber.

>> No.66652889

Depends on if the person they’re protecting is in the wrong. Insert Business exec that rapes people being protected by their company. See example and reasoning. Then there’s the fact that anyone that tries to take shit like this down has something hide.

>> No.66652904

very organic, definitely not coordinated

>> No.66652945

Yet why the hell does he still have a job? Because he is a canadian fucktard that has no talent rather than stealing others content?

>> No.66652981

Holy fuck, I wish a femanon thirsted this hard after me

>> No.66652988

Hololive must have a lot to hide then going by your logic.

>> No.66653017

What do you mean why does he have a job
Do you think someone out there can fire him?

>> No.66653149

Yes. Twitch/Kick can fire him and deny him wages and a platform where he just reups content from other content creators.

>> No.66653193

Are you actually retarded? If you block someone the post stays up

>> No.66653271

If it's your channel you can delete it.

>> No.66653297

>Twitch/Kick can fire him
Well, no, not really
They can indefinitely ban him, but he would need to do something that warrants it first

And that still wouldn't stop him from having an audience who will watch him SOMEWHERE, buy his merch, donate, etc.

>> No.66653333

Twitch wont fuck with him hes got gunrun protecting his ass

>> No.66653388

Sorry to rain on your parade, but platforms can ban you for no reason with no repercussions

>> No.66653511

OK so rationalize to me why Twitch would indefinitely ban one of the biggest channels on their site without due cause

>> No.66653525

This, if groups of people were to report him for something he has done intentionally on stream he can effectively be culled and another Top Streamer would replace him. If anything xQc is like Ninja. A has been. Its about time he gets the boot.

>> No.66653557

she is the only based femanon on this board

>> No.66653571

People aren’t issuing takedowns on one of the most popular streamers in the world even though this anon says it’s guaranteed win

>> No.66653617

breaking the law (copyright law) is due cause.

>> No.66653819

What videos have they issued takedowns for?

>> No.66653932

>Freedom of speech in America is fake.
Not even in /vt/ you have freedom of speech, don't expect to find that on Youtube.

>> No.66653951


This pretty much covers it.

>> No.66653994

Idk who rebecca is, but i can fix her bros.

>> No.66654090

everyone knows becky newfag

>> No.66654136

Didn’t Kuro say he was living in Bali? Will be in jail soon anyway since sex outside of marriage is illegal there lol

>> No.66654359

Keep coping.

>> No.66654378
File: 80 KB, 373x409, 1704485186288747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good, you deserved it.
holofags call this based when it's their corpo doing it btw

>> No.66654384

I thought his biggest schizo anti was a male former friend of his

>> No.66654448

>when kuro streams they turn to the horniest people on earth and yes i watch melody and her community alot
i don't watch kuro much at all but I very often post horny shit about him in /vsj+/ because he makes me rock hard

>> No.66654632

Well there’s PhantomLOrd, Dr Disrespect, Adin Ross

>> No.66654788

Coping with what? I’m straight and Mika is ugly

>> No.66654791

Post dick and balls

>> No.66654836


>> No.66654879

Even if they were a bridge troll like Rebecca?

>> No.66654902

I rest my case

>> No.66654928

She mogs you, Rebecca

>> No.66654980

So is kuro so match made in heaven

>> No.66655005
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>the anti vshojo alliance
numbermonkeys from /#/

Will Vshojo survive against their combined might?
Find out in the next catalog bait thread!

>> No.66655035

Watch this guy be 1 view trannyfaggot with pronouns on his profile

>> No.66655078

Not Rebecca lol, she mogs no one, is 1 happy meal away from green peace showing up to roll her back into the ocean

>> No.66655145

Bvtm has lightened up on vshojo ever since henya collabed with pippa and pippa confessed to oshi’ing henya.
Go figure

>> No.66655256

You underestimate us. We didnt come here from /jp/ like you coddled
silverspoon bluebloods, we came here from /aco/. Your idea of fighting trolls is managing to ignore them for the 45 seconds it takes your butler pet mod to delete their posts. We are used to dealing with dedicated autists without the help of any moderation by running them through the wringer until they tire themselves out and stop posting.

>> No.66655277

yeah and they all post back-to-back all at once purely out of coincidence :)

>> No.66655279

Guy seriously has zero principles, he'll side with an actual schizo who harasses multiple talents, both in private and public, just because they're anti-VShojo. His karma can't come soon enough.

>> No.66655605

Wait until someone posts grape's cat, and then you'll see a real 'coordinated' attack.

>> No.66658159

Which was ruled to be fair use by the courts.

>> No.66658259

It absolutely is. You can clip a part of a stream and give it a funny title and that's transformative. some bitch sued sargon over this and lost.

>> No.66658806


>> No.66659410

Did you add any commentary?

>> No.66660542

well, fight it. i'm not sure what you expect us to do.

>> No.66660761

thats how they were in /nijien/ except for a few but the annoying ones got brow beaten into being normal because other threads have actual moderation

>> No.66661066

Stfu Rebecca

>> No.66661231

Do you have the video on streamable or catbox? i want to see what so HORRIBLE in that video that every vshojo bootlicker itt somehow accuse you of being a crazy psycho fan. I mean really? A clipper is also the same crazy nijisister? Goddamn that deflection.
Ok, post the video.

>> No.66661375


>> No.66661426

Thank you.

>> No.66661602

>we came here from /aco/
repulsive, come back from that shithole

>> No.66661794

>lightened up on vshojo
he only likes henya to own le twitter troons and he's a huge phasecuck no one with a brain care what that faggot thinks

>> No.66662770

>dislike vtuber
>"I will destroy him/her!"
Can you be any more pathetic?
Is this what a psycho gf is like?

>> No.66665771

shills working overtime

>> No.66666970

Not a single clipper has ever met the standards of fair use. Jamming a garbage meme or two into a video someone else made is not transformative.

>> No.66667157

>vshitters shill gunrun corp
>bring up valid criticism of i.e Froot
>"um that's made up fake rrat, where is the video proof? checkmate"

real convenient, fake copyright claims can make anyone look clean

>> No.66669873

I'm not op and you don't need to.

>> No.66669900

It is transformative despite how low the bar is. The real question is who decided to make the bar that low

Well he’s monetizing his hate and you’re doing it for free.

>> No.66670294

>The real question is who decided to make the bar that low
I know /vt/ can't be so stupid that they are advocating for STRICTER copyright laws.

>> No.66670429

Oh, looks like BVTM posted this and it blew up.
Truthfully I just wanted Kuro to reconsider some of the muhsoggyknee he's perpetuated on stream. I sent him many superchats about it. I gave him many chances. I would have forgiven a lot if he said he wouldn't call women sluts or slags again.
But he didn't. He called me boring and schizo for suggesting it. No matter how many times I breached the topic with him I was dismissed.
So here we are.

>> No.66671303
File: 484 KB, 527x782, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So /vt/, does your org have a league of villains that collab with each other?

>> No.66671460

No making fair use and what’s considered transformative more elaborate doesn’t make copyright stricter. The only people who would complain about this are the ones that put in the bare minimum effort.

>> No.66672116
File: 82 KB, 403x497, 17044268419294211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey rebecca, how does it feel knowing the person in picrel has now directly tagged kuro in public support of you? is this the type of person you align yourself with after all the bs talk of kuro needing to be respectful towards women more? you disusting hypocrite

>> No.66672375

im telling the twitter troons you used as a proxy to post for you about being friendly with ant the doxxer

>> No.66672833

Free men don't ask.

>> No.66672905

>He called me boring and schizo
You keep shitting up the board with these tedious threads and you're demonstrably a fucking lunatic, so he seems pretty spot on there tbdesu.

>> No.66673039

Rebecca I wanna eat your roast beef

>> No.66673466

I feel like you could find worse things on this ant girl than her just calling someone a whore, at least based on what people /here/ say about her

>> No.66673613

post your tits whore

>> No.66673675

It's harder to find stuff on her now after her Discord got banned for hosting CP

>> No.66673807

She wasn't merely calling people whores, she was circulating fake ai-generated revenge porn.

>> No.66673925

the screenshot literally has her admitting to osting multiple vtuber's nudes including ones with doxx info retard-chama

>> No.66674109

>adding more rules doesn't make it stricter
So, yes /vt/ is that retarded. It's one thing to give money to these fags and whores it's another to flush your rights further down the toilet for them.

>> No.66676475

Huh. Yeah.
Becca is so fucking tiresome, that I guess I am?

>> No.66676646

>SEA nigga mocks SEA fan
The fucking Irony

>> No.66677078

>gaylord twink
I fail to read an insult there. Are they even trying?

>> No.66677467

You might actually be retarded. In what way is forcing people like IM on twitch to actually be creative a boon for them? In what way does this effect your rights? You can’t give a reason because there is none. But continue to sniff your own farts

>> No.66677542


>> No.66677636

Ok, then what did OP do that made it transformative?
You can't just upload a clip as is and not expect a DMCA

>> No.66677724

She doesn't want to call him a faggot because she's scared of getting her Twitter banned again

>> No.66677855

Even faggot isn't much of an insult anymore. A straightie saying it will ill intent will get shit for it, but fags don't get offended by it at all.

>> No.66679887

Vt isn’t the world

>> No.66679991

Say faggot on twitter and your post gets auto-hidden

>> No.66682755

Extremely based. Death to clippers.

>> No.66684087

He’s definitely a retard but I don’t think that’s true. I’ve called people racial slurs and I’m pretty sure it’s not hidden. How would I know if it was?

>> No.66684252

Jesus what a schizo. No wonder he hates his niji fans

>> No.66684422

Wow, those video topics sound like boring nothing burgers. Good on VShojo management for taking out the trash.

>> No.66685406

I see nothing wrong with these, basic bitch clip and a shit post at worst. Vshojo truly is a black company.

>> No.66685599

>literal crazy person mad because her e-boyfriend made fun of her
>seething 4channellers mad Froot doesn't hate the transes
>chinese wannabe chuuba who made fake nudes who's only in it to get drama views and asspats
Can VShojo get good antis at some point? It's all impotent losers so far.

>> No.66687360

What even is this company?
Why is it even allowed to have a company specially for this purpose, especially one that's working for two other companies that are competing?

>> No.66688022
File: 85 KB, 240x240, 1705201025529078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flip on flip violence
ant is just pathetic at this point, get a hobby or something

>> No.66688094

please continue the good work rebeca, you can destroy him and vshojo. Contact falseeyed or khyo about how they striked you for just posting a clip

>> No.66688733

Be sure to contact Khyo first, False will do his own coverage to dunk on him

>> No.66688967

People who still support him after all of this are stupid.

>> No.66691960

gachikoi rarely work on a logical level

>> No.66693865

If it's legitimate criticism, you can start your own drama channel discussing these clips. Maybe that'll hold more weight against copyright strikes and when you try to appeal them.

>> No.66693921

Based, dramafags get the rope

>> No.66695809

You've gone your entire life without knowing what faggot and gay as insults mean? I pity your father and your community failed you.

>> No.66695862

becca and ant should just get a room and have sweaty gay sex with each other instead of being cringe hasbeens the whole internet laughs at

>> No.66696321

mischaracterizing their criticisms makes passersby thinking less of you and vshojo, not the other way around.

>> No.66696933

>nijien fanbase
Fucking what?

>> No.66697042

/vsj+/ started on /aco/ as /pmg/ before this board existed.

>> No.66697123

Not a single person in /pmg/ gives a rats ass about Kuro or ever has. The only Kuro they ever cared about lived and died as a vtuber 2+ years ago.

>> No.66697129

theres real drama linked to vshojo its just that people only talk about the retarded nothingburgers. like, once the corp didnt do its due diligence and once hired a known soapcat anti to translate nazuna, which blew up and is one of the causes that every nekofami became a delusional schizo. and then theres the whole nux thing. but instead people want to talk about the time that froot backed out of a donation to a supposed childrens mental health charity that turned out to actually be run by pedophiles.

>> No.66697322

the post was about /vsj+/ being prepared for the 'brutal' niji fanbase. which is a stiff breeze compared to the average troll on unmoderated boards and a wet fart compared to the time that nyanners became popular enough that the rest of 4chan heard about her and came to remind us that pink cat bad.

>> No.66697339

>once the corp didnt do its due diligence and once hired a known soapcat anti to translate nazuna, which blew up and is one of the causes that every nekofami became a delusional schizo
If there was a single fan of Michaels who wasn't diagnosed clinically as schizophrenic prior to her Vshojo debut, I'd be shocked.

>> No.66697545
File: 2.17 MB, 2000x1340, wwwww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pmg/'s fags are basically nothing, they're just your average autistic coomers. They'd start crying if you even so much as said the word double nigger.

...is what I would say, but I just checked the thread for the first time in probably a year and it seems like one of the oldest shitposters in that thread actually straight up hard doxxed himself by leaving his address in a Chaturbate bio? So maybe you're right and they're more autistic than I thought, but that's in the most retarded self-harming kinda way. Nowhere near as bad as your average catalogshitter.

>> No.66697724

Rebecca you'll never fail to make me laugh thank you for this I needed it

>> No.66697869

I really don't think the project melody coomer general really gave a fuck about anything vtuber related. Just cooming.

>> No.66700565

You're retarded
