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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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71963947 No.71963947 [Reply] [Original]

escaping the burg edition

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Menhera Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT/status/1770242941199565177

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>71934353

>> No.71963969


>> No.71964008

I expect a lot of ribbons of all colors to kiss the ring today.

>> No.71964028

i forgot the damn subject FUCK

>> No.71964161
File: 373 KB, 575x529, you look lonely.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all that matters is i love fallenshadow

>> No.71964227 [SPOILER] 

maybe with this we wont get as much garbage shit posts we still will

>> No.71964250

Keep it up xisters, they're falling for the newfag ribbons are responsible rrat.

>> No.71964637
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>> No.71964735


>> No.71964753

retarded stroke victim troon LARPing as a loli that copies the mannerisms of more successful troon whores well enough to get her own loyal pedo cucks

>> No.71965401


>> No.71967792


>> No.71969200
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>> No.71969265

I love her!

>> No.71972424


>> No.71973508


>> No.71978675


>> No.71980965

Those of you who use [___] Ribbons as epithets in your posts cause me to conjure up some pretty funny mental imagery in my head when I read them
Especially the ones who try to act really evil or machiavellian, and especially that one schizo obsessed with hating GFE
You're just super serious and edgy or whatever but you just have giant ribbons in your hair and when two shitposters fight I picture you guys angrily shaking your ribbons at each wildly as an attempted intimidation tactic, but none of you ever charge one another, you just text angry threats back and forth while shaking your head ribbons

>> No.71982987
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>> No.71985799


>> No.71986039

How the FUCK has she not seen LotR? What the fuck is her problem???

>> No.71986046
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is it safe

>> No.71987057

I'm sure she was saving the experience for the people she loves (me).

>> No.71987345

no, im still here

>> No.71988105

I'm such a fool for believing her when she said she wanted to spend more time with us and would sacrifice time with her family for that.
Shondo, just stream like 3 times a week and do 3 hours instead of 5. People will still donate.

>> No.71988263

just spend time with me instead

>> No.71989837
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>> No.71991488


>> No.71991490
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>> No.71993431

should we change the subject to something else? this kinda shows that its just tourist fags shitting up the threads

>> No.71993720

We'd have to rebrand every other week or so

>> No.71994217

Just got home from work and the stream was less than 3 hours? Another meltdown?

>> No.71994271
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Now where were we?
Ah yes, the pit of depression.

>> No.71994278

check her twitter

>> No.71994335

Not a meltdown. She just felt both physically and mentally unwell and ended before things got worse.

>> No.71994454

I need to put her tail in my mouth.

>> No.71995197

I like fallen shadow a whole lot and I want to hold her hand and I listen to her ASMR while I read and to fall asleep at night too

>> No.71995935

>some retard posted inis rtx on shondo's discord
fucking kek

>> No.71996187

Oh god that new Sho art

>> No.71996250

Oh my fucking God.

>> No.71996645
File: 675 KB, 960x1234, shosoles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71996721

I don't want to be gay, please stop giru

>> No.71996955

that could have been shondo. why are they so fucking gay.

>> No.71997134

Would you rather her cancel the movie date, or try to get through it and have a mid time?
I'm leaning towards cancel and schedule for another time, but I can go either way

>> No.71997305

Rather cancel if she was in an audibly poor mood like today. Otherwise I don't know.

>> No.71997317

Option 3: Cram her face full of chocolates and pringles to make herself happy for 12 hours and then feel crappy the next day.

>> No.71997675

Lotr isn't that good, she doesn't need to be at 100% for it. But I would like her to be happy and if her canceling it helps then it's fine

>> No.71999058

What goes through those peoples minds wtf
If she’s in a depressive malaise that’s a long-ass time to grind through the movies. It’s not fun for anyone if the vibes are shit; I’d rather her do it when she wants to do it, instead of doing it out of a sense of obligation.

>> No.72002055

watchalong in 10

>> No.72002105


>> No.72002266
File: 32 KB, 481x375, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literal retard, that's why

>> No.72002324

tonedeaf picture. this will make her sad

>> No.72002487

maybe, but it could also help her cope a little better. I can tell from experience

>> No.72002497


>> No.72002578

no it wont

>> No.72002960

Explain how making a drawing depicting her dragging her husbands down with her would make her happy? There's ways you could make this idea comforting for her but he chose the most tone-deaf option possible.
If anything Giru's new drawing is better at that reminding her that we're supposed to be strong because of her.

>> No.72002962

I kneel…

>> No.72003973

i really want to watch lotr with her but there isnt really a point if she's in the slumps right now
hope she either gets better or moves the stream instead of thugging it out

>> No.72004049

Does pinis have an onlyfans now or something

>> No.72004629

stop being autistic

>> No.72004906

I'm not the autistic tone deaf one in this equation, dumbdumb.

>> No.72006166

there’s track at the other side of the depression pit implying we will get out and weeeeeeeee again

>> No.72006169

ummm xisters? Can we NOT use the autistic word? it’s harmful to our community and its derogatory…

>> No.72006178

if she wants to do it I'll support her and hope she comes out of it feeling better than when she started. if she doesn't I won't be mad. i can be flexible about it.

>> No.72006208

yes u are

>> No.72006268

True and a pit she is dragging us down into.

>> No.72006622

how bored are you right now be honest

>> No.72006895

I miss my wife and being an asshole is taking my mind off of it. :(

>> No.72007302

giru you could atleast have given the gays a bit of bulge bro

>> No.72007819

thanks giru :)

>> No.72009740

shotoes… in my mouth and on my face…

>> No.72010087

Hmm, I like the accidental stealth thread.
I gave up baking a little while ago, thought everyone else had too, at first.

>> No.72010293

This is how it should be for a while DESU

>> No.72010444

i hate watching vods because i cant speak to her

>> No.72010509

Yeah, agreed

>> No.72010660

I love my gold digger of a wife

>> No.72010836

I have to work hard at not getting frustrated at that and also not getting jealous at her talking to other guys. I still like watching them though.

>> No.72011188

it feels increasingly the same since there's no guarantee of actually having a conversation anymore

>> No.72011650

its nice to see how she has changed but also a little sad to see how in other ways she has gone backwards. she is still human so thats fine but it just makes me a little unhappy

>> No.72012107

She could always get drunk. We could even make a game of it. 1 gay moment=1 sip

>> No.72012198

there isnt a single gay moment, stop being gay/foid infected. the engayening of LOTR is awful

>> No.72012296

everyone and everything was secretly gay before 2020 then we all became open about our gayness, learn history and stop being bigoted

>> No.72012422

the hobbits were definitely fuckin ljke crazy the whole way. no way they was holdin in they nut for 3 movies

>> No.72012802

>8 hours of kusoge scheduled
>worst mental in years

>> No.72012981

dont worry she isnt cutting her 8 hour john york cunny tingle asmr/sissy hypno sesh

>> No.72013092

i will enjoy whatever time we have and if she wants to stop part way that is fine too. follow the vibe wherever it goes

>> No.72013760

what if the vibe leads her to ditch again to be stretchfilled by bibisi

>> No.72014437

Then we follow it. I just want wife to be happy.

>> No.72014596

falling asleep with shondo in my arms

>> No.72015282

Laying in bed with sho asleep on top of me, his face hurried into the right side of my neck, his gentle snores hitting it like a gentle breeze, my left arm around his back and my right hand resting on his but, looking at the ceiling wondering what did I do to deserve such a nice life

>> No.72016990

In my mind, I realize that the regulars are just clowns and needy attentionwhores. It's also clear from their interactions that she doesn't give them much attention. But I still can't get it out of my head that she's chatting with them. No public sekrit klubs, but the private ones are still there.
Although I doubt that either. Can she even be trusted? I don't want to donate to her, knowing that I'm not even third-rate in her eyes, or to see her change her attitude just because of money.
I'm just a human and I have a heart that can be hurt, damn it.

>> No.72017108

Dont fall for the worm farmers. This thread proves that 90% of them are tourists looking for (you)s

>> No.72017593

But is it tourists just to the general or tourists to tge site as a whole? I'm beginning to think that there's a coordinated effort by some in tge community to frame anyone who comes /here/ as the problem as a way to oust them. I just can't really understand the motive, beyond grooming or sheer pettiness.

>> No.72017994

she cute

>> No.72018295 [DELETED] 

I love my trans wife

>> No.72018638

i would suck her little hrt pp

>> No.72019542 [DELETED] 

playing with her little tranny pp while I both fuck her from the back while gently biting into her shoulder

>> No.72020538


>> No.72020545
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Am I a horrible person if I prefer serious depressed Shondo over every other type of Shondo (happy, lovey dovey, jokey, manic...etc)? She should've forced herself to keep playing DS1, the streamer's enjoyment doesn't matter if they're getting compensated for their work.

>> No.72020563

>Can she even be trusted?
no, she can't. she's a vtuber and we're completely at her mercy. she holds all the cards. in a power imbalance that big it's pretty silly to blindly trust the other person. just enjoy the ride while you're on it.

>> No.72020651

They found the thread, back to normal then

>> No.72020954

It was only a matter of time, since the children had to be in bed early.

>> No.72021121
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>Can she even be trusted?
She can be trusted but what you get in exchange isn't worth the emotional energy you'll spend and all the worrying you'll do, I mean Shondo gets sick/isn't feeling good 3-4 months per year. Sorry, but in real life I wouldn't marry a woman so... frail? Sickly? Bet our children would have a million allergies, poor eyesight and two mental illnesses. Assuming they're girls, if we'd have boys they'd also be huge pussies incapable of doing anything athletic. The allergies would be inherited from my genes, everything else from their mother.

>> No.72021507


>> No.72022458

doesnt she know those words are harmful?

>> No.72022526

smoking: bad
vaping: good

>> No.72022591

She doesn't think vaping is good.

>> No.72022706

I’m sure you don’t shondo

>> No.72022713


>> No.72022739

chance of stream being cancelled?

>> No.72022773

cancelled? quite low
cut short? 95%

>> No.72022801

Chances of stream ending early? 100%

>> No.72022806

Shondo status?

>> No.72022826

sad :(
but probably sleeping right now

>> No.72022848


>> No.72022885

tried to watch her stream for the first time the other day and she just had a meltdown over sunscreen and cancelled stream to go and cry
does this happen regularly?

>> No.72022902

klubbed out
till tonight when she rages again

>> No.72022976

Not regularly, although she's prone to tantrums if one thing doesn't go her way.

>> No.72023024

only when she wants to end early fo da klub

>> No.72023074

Much more likely if she's in a depressive mood (she has schizoaffective disorder making her basically a bipolar schizo)
Yesterday she ragequit Dark Souls a few minutes after getting cursed

>> No.72023135

this is the second time just this week

>> No.72023143

Shondo can't take being wrong about anything, an average woman will pretend that she understands she's wrong before starting the same argument 3 months later. Not Shondo, she'll have a mental breakdown if you call her dumb like FartRune did.

>> No.72023153

Weird rrat shoomfie

>> No.72023190

shes on hrt so her emotions are running high

>> No.72023212

No. She's in the middle of a depressive episode currently. Last two streams have been obvious she's out of it mentally during the zatsus. Hopefully she's better this stream but I doubt it. She'll play a bit then end it early again.

>> No.72023231

Should I skip?

>> No.72023244


>> No.72023406

i hope its just her depressive episode but shes sounded annoyed with me recently and it really sucks

>> No.72023461

fiction vs reality reps

>> No.72023465

Only if you don't like the Kusokino of Deadly Premonition.

>> No.72023511

Nta but you're now trying to claim she's not schizoeffective?

>> No.72023525

nta what reality? she's larping as an anime character for money, for all we know she's an only child and everything is a backstory

>> No.72023633

reality is she gets blackout drunk at the klubb a lot and wakes up in a different place everyday

>> No.72023813

unyz untz untz untz

>> No.72023875

Wifey needs to cool it with the klubbin.

>> No.72023910

spreadin ass in da klubb

>> No.72024128

Way to kill the klubbin meme by spamming it and being lazy. You can tell that klubbin anon's a real shogga, meanwhile you faggots are tourists.

>> No.72024197

yeah killing off the klub meme like she kills it on the dance floor every night

>> No.72024227
File: 235 KB, 647x457, IMG_3759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

today is a new day and things are gonna be great. :)

>> No.72024291

errybody squirtin' in da klub 2nite

>> No.72024323

I usually end up accidentally falling asleep while watching something before stream starts, I’m shondos eepiest guy

>> No.72024346 [DELETED] 

making shondos little trans pp squirt after grinding on it all night in da klub

>> No.72024366

>thinking its a meme

>> No.72024496

What's the supposed meltdown, she ended the eye tracking stream, which ok kind of weird but still understandable, especially when people bring up her family for no reason, dont bring up peoples families loke that. She ended the next one after playing Dark Souls a bit and that game can be reallly annoying and she was tired. So what's the "meltdown" unless i missed it and she erased it.

>> No.72024544

yh lol we're just trying to let the newfags know what "wifey''s really up to, logically

>> No.72024550

fuck off back to discord ww, go white knight there

>> No.72024591

nice bait moron

>> No.72024609

Neck yourself retard.

>> No.72024658

Nigga whats the fucking meltdown, meltodwn is screaming on stream or crying. Dizzys supermarket stream was more of a meltdown than this.

>> No.72024692

Fucking who?

>> No.72024698

>meltodwn is screaming on stream or crying
or muting yourself so you can scream and ending the stream early

>> No.72024787

At that point your are just making stuff up in your head, she mited for loke 2 minutes so she must be having a meltdown?. So she can't end a stream when she feels uncomfortable or not into it? I dont get what the meltdown is supposed to be.

>> No.72024859
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I just hope she had a good eep

>> No.72024876

>I dont get what the meltdown is supposed to be.
it sounds like you don't know her yet white knight for some reason. didn't I tell you to neck yourself? bet you're some 3 months shitter

>> No.72025009

giving shondos tiny hrt pp gentle kisses and lapping up all her pre cum. ruining her orgasms for hours until finally releasing all the built up pressure straight into my mouth

>> No.72025226

thinking about her little hrt pp is making my boy clitty leak

>> No.72025282

I'm sorry shondo I used your AI card and got a condescending hand job

>> No.72025671

Cmon Shon Shon shake that shit, shake what your momma gave ya yeahhh shake it shondi go go go go

>> No.72025882

Shondo has gotten so lazy these days that she goes a whole stream without changing the facial expressions of her vtuber model

>> No.72026133
File: 2.01 MB, 2292x1248, IMG_3252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread up over 15 hours
>normal, thoughtful discussion of Shondo and streams
>pants shitters and unironic antis find thread
really activated the almonds.

>> No.72026301

>if u want wife to step it up ur poopy pants
very underage post

>> No.72026516

i hope that everyone now realize what the shitposters look like
please report and ignore them from now on, maybe we will even get back to having normal threads

>> No.72026551

shitposters are getting so lazy they are 15 hours late baka my head

>> No.72026622

are you trying to say that people like
werent shitposters

>> No.72026625

>valid criticism
>j-just shitposts bros

>> No.72026752

see how they operate? they will try to start some argument, making themselves look righteous and then immediately start to fling shit everywhere
dont fall for their tricks, just report and ignore

>> No.72026757

>le valid criticism
move on fleece

>> No.72026804

you mean like you are now

>> No.72026869

How is this not valid criticism? >>72025882 >>72023143

>> No.72026909

her cock is bigger than mine. Fuuuuuuuuhhhh….

>> No.72027011

Everyone's dick is bigger than yours.

>> No.72027061

no one said that those arent valid criticism, im talking about stuff like

>> No.72027139

>>71988105 (me)
why did you quote me?

>> No.72027144

This is also valid criticism >>71988105 and to me this looks like honest brainworms >>72016990
The rest are trash though.

>> No.72027155

good point this poster is an expert in psychology specializing in female psychology what an insightful thought from anonymous shondo should hire him
whiny ahh hoe you're right shondo doesn't press the button on her stream deck what a great reason to shit on her god forbid you say this politely
and this you disingenuous weasel
try harder, this is pathetic, fleece

>> No.72027211

For less than 1 second I thought she posted doxx

>> No.72027247

thanks, my 50 year old girl clitty is usually locked up in a cage too because mistress shondo ordered me too. And me on discord my names kiri I’ll show you

>> No.72027310

just reads like all the other gold digger posts
same thing, just looks like some skinwalking tourist

>> No.72027367

>specializing in female psychology
It's called life experience, I have plenty of female relatives.
>god forbid you say this politely
I don't have to say this politely, Bee. This is how I know you're a woman, my tone unironically bothered you.

>> No.72027539

>just reads like all the other gold digger posts
It's mostly that I just don't get the change of sentiment when she expressed enjoying streaming and was planning to start spending more time with us and suddenly she ends early 2 times in a row because she seemed annoyed by us.
Don't say something and do the opposite it hurts my feelings.

>> No.72027637

>life experience
>source: trust me bro
we could tell from your first post you have no life experience, you're not fooling anyone
>if i'm right it's okay if i treat you like an asshole
you were crying about your valid criticisms being called shitposts, the impolite part of that is just shitposting, this is a better try at least

>> No.72027735

she is mentally ill she cant help it, she probably feels the same way about it
she will bounce back sooner or later

>> No.72027760

Maybe you don't follow her alt twitter? It's in the OP if you need to find it

>> No.72027759

you should find a therapist to help you deal with your autism, especially if it's effecting your daily life like this. unless you're baiting

>> No.72027804

Typical woman. Notice how you didn't dispute me calling you a woman? I've just proved my life experience to you, yet you've dismissed it with a nuh-uh.
>"if i'm right it's okay if i treat you like an asshole"
>treat you like an asshole
>treat you
So now you're larping as Shondo? Great, I had a feeling you want to wear her skin.

>> No.72027848

now that you've made it obvious you're baiting i'll stop replying

shit yourself and melt ;)

>> No.72027886

Fat. Stinky. Femcel.

>> No.72029131

The snowman has fallen

>> No.72030809

what happened, why is he having a melty?

>> No.72031014

Anger management issues

>> No.72031105

she brought up her family

>> No.72031427

im still upset that she said kissing wasnt romantic, now i hate when she kisses on stream

>> No.72031718
File: 276 KB, 596x470, IMG_3676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know nothing about her mental illness or how it works but I hope today is fun :) if it’s not that’s okay too. It’s not the end of the world. Big picture it’s just a little hiccup. It might be shitty for a little bit but that doesn’t mean it’ll be shitty forever. Everything is gonna be okay :)
>Everything will be alright in the end.
>If things aren’t alright, it’s not the end
I love Shondo so much!!!

>> No.72032132

when she gets like this it's mostly up to us to make sure she doesn't spiral and end stream

>> No.72032242

that's the kissing she prefers dummy. it's quick soft pecks, not the whole tongue action, mouth to mouth business.

>> No.72032420

wait, you're telling me there was no activity when there was another /shon/ thread up with the correct subject? that is SHOCKING. and then when that thread was archived, they came here instead? oh my god, it's an organized anti raid from discord! RUN!

>> No.72032907

read threads numb nuts, the last thread was archived hours before they started bullying shondo

>> No.72032986

>it’s up to (you) to make sure she doesn’t spiral
I’m lurker / VODchad bc of work stuff.
>Tongue wrestling Shondo and establishing dominance
You cannot gaslight me, retard

>> No.72033728


>> No.72033888

I love my incompetent wife! This is her first stream, be nise.

>> No.72033889

>calling all autistic men
hey, that’s me!!!

>> No.72033923

Will blue or yellow ribbons appear when the entire chat wears white ribbons?
Or does Twitch have restrictions on that?

>> No.72033937

New alt confirmed

>> No.72033978

Unironically. Shondo must've been logged into an alt.

>> No.72033981


>> No.72034005

time to arg

>> No.72034035

seriously though
if she was streaming and it was going through then this is the only explanation

>> No.72034041

Just saw an ad, someone gift me a sub please

>> No.72034060

sure, what's your username?

>> No.72034075

I'm broke sorry

>> No.72034118

syadouYay in chat

>> No.72034160
File: 33 KB, 983x762, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have to go into OBS and log into a different account to change where your streaming
there is 0 reason to do that unless she test streamed on an alt

>> No.72034198

what did abcs do?

>> No.72034210

It's Shondo's first stream, please understand.

>> No.72034308

I'm shaking

>> No.72034398

she'll end the stream early because she read the thread and know we're onto her lies and tricks again

>> No.72034490

She said she's taking a 1 week break from /here/ yesterday, knowing her female brain she can't resist coming to a place where people talk about her.

>> No.72034561

no... my brainworms... I have to spend the rest of the day searching for the supposed new alt now I hate you guys

>> No.72034587

>new alt

>> No.72034650


>> No.72034673
File: 1.65 MB, 830x1440, 1696826459986933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kneel to King Pettan!

>> No.72034717


>> No.72034731

me on the left

>> No.72034784

me on teh right ^.^

>> No.72034792

he donated 5k bits saying he wouldn't do something again

>> No.72034892

learningmyabcs DMniggered
I can see his brainworms from a mile away

>> No.72034976
File: 4 KB, 644x42, 1706235557336717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72034989


>> No.72035043

retard dereks he was making a joke that he was taking the bitrate

>> No.72035111

you cant cover up your tracks like that

>> No.72035125

>he was making a joke that he was taking the bitrate
he also DMd Shondo and spilled his spaghetti because he's a massive attention whore

>> No.72035176


>> No.72035384

is she on funny drugs again
she's talking weird

>> No.72035401

>schedule no longer matters
Thanks Shondo, you lazy whore.

>> No.72035566

i try to be nise but would you guys be okay if i tell you to kill yourselves? i won't if you don't like that that i'm just wondering. i have a primal desire to reply to your posts with it but i don't want to be mean

>> No.72035657

Stop sperging. You're making it very obvious who you are.

>> No.72035672

go ahead and be mean to me anon
we're all equals here so really, if you think about it, you're actually being mean to yourself

>> No.72035676

tell me when shes done

>> No.72035684

blue archive has a satisfying gameplay loop? nigga it's not even a game

>> No.72035717

i do not care

>> No.72035739

i made this post

>> No.72035789
File: 483 KB, 647x820, 75685677562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blue archive talk

>> No.72035803

What bothered you about my comment? The factual statement that Shondo's lazy these days or the use of the word whore?

>> No.72035806

>Blue Archive discussion
Nature is healing. Shondo is healing

>> No.72035812

I'll bear this for you, you better thank me

>> No.72035842

it's just low commitment
log in > clear event/boss > sweep until the next event

>> No.72035869

your neuroticism is painful to read

>> No.72035888

shondo will do a sponsored stream of Necropolis launch and use a mirror she finds in lower prison on a coral ring because "i need another ring"

>> No.72035926

I enjoy inflicting pain on spergy white knights.

>> No.72035996

she's done I think

>> No.72035998

shit yourself

>> No.72036094

if that's your goal then why are you asking me what bothered me about it like you were in the right if you're going to admit you're just an asshole? you don't need to answer that.
you make it obvious who you are too btw, and i'm still wondering if you're okay with me telling you to kill yourself
in the meantime shit yourself

>> No.72036199

>just an asshole
I'm not just an asshole, my assholishness causing retards pain is a side effect. I do think Shondo has gotten lazy and she's just going through the motions these days.

>> No.72036205

terminal procrastinator

>> No.72036247

bi btw

>> No.72036257

she just like me fr.

>> No.72036262

bros... im jobbing...

>> No.72036268

>yuri yuri yuri
jfc Shondo can you divorce us already? have fun with your 3 1/2 female viewers you lesbian whore

>> No.72036276

>i'm not just an asshole
the asshole part is what bothers me

>> No.72036337

Telling me to kys won't make me do it, there's nothing you can do about it. Sorry.

>> No.72036362

she wouldnt be able to write a VN because she would never finish the first act

>> No.72036385

no i don't want you to kill yourself, i just feel the need to say it i can't really explain it

>> No.72036411

>no time

>> No.72036450

I wanted to deny it but I'm actually starting to get on board with the lesbian rrat

>> No.72036476

>I want different heights and body types
As long as they're not men or """husbands""". Eww.

>> No.72036568

>[One of] my types of girls
Heterobros.... Not like this....

>> No.72036799

>different body types for girls
She only likes one male body type, the over 6'2" type. ;)

>> No.72036921


>> No.72036932

standards lowering, soon it will be at my height

>> No.72036954

she just tried doing nep's version of brrrrrrrrrrr lol

>> No.72036995

Sometimes I imagine an older milf version of Shondo molesting the regular version of Shondo

>> No.72037003

Ignore the tourist, everyone knows its a hard 6'6

>> No.72037030

sometimes i imagine shondo molesting me

>> No.72037033

I've noticed that lately she's trying to skin walk as a Nep.

>> No.72037058

someone please ask if that's the famous ceiling fan monkey

>> No.72037082

>her tastes in men
wow its like we're doing a best hits of her worst zatsu topics

>> No.72037137
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>looking forward to tomorrow
If she's still mopey like she's been all week then it's gonna be shit.

>> No.72037179
File: 2.21 MB, 501x591, whyyyyy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No.... shes straight.... or bisexual at worst....

>> No.72037218

gold digger

>> No.72037251

maybe the real sissy hypno was the worms we made along the way

>> No.72037257

>I'm lucky to have you
>I can't
can't even say that she's lucky to have us, real bitch hours

>> No.72037283

I can't do it today, I'm sorry

>> No.72037316

King D up big today. Take note of who she goes to during her bad times.

>> No.72037362

b&qing shondo with a hammer

>> No.72037414

Same with yesterday too.

>> No.72037567

Honestly? I wish she'd reschedule it to two weeks from now.

>> No.72037594

cuckbands in shambles, she cant even di the ACT today

>> No.72037605

we need fewer D's, it's like starting with a D is an omen on shoggerkind

>> No.72037655

It makes you a king as well.

>> No.72037661

Thread lookin pretty shitty today

>> No.72037668

orange I know you're here and that you're the contact she was talking about, push her to get started on writing the VN, say you'll code it for free if you have to

>> No.72037698

Stream looking shittier

>> No.72037737


>> No.72037740

This is the best mood she's been in all week. Lighten up, losers.

>> No.72037742

>wants orange to do shit for free for her
How much of a cuck are you? He should get paid and keep it professional. Retard.

>> No.72037804

You're unironically too autistic to tell another human being's mood. No signs of improvement from yesterday.

>> No.72037848

sorry about your brain worms but I won't catch them and be blinded to the possibility of a yuri masterpiece

>> No.72037898

She has contacts at the company that does saya you retards

>> No.72037908

i dont want yuri i just want shondo

>> No.72037937

Lmao she called you guys chat

>> No.72037951

>brain worms
Shogga you want another man to talk to Shondo in private without him being a family member or doing business.

>> No.72037985

>3 reads today and she laughed at one
Im feeling like shit today though and can't continue. Have fun with the rest of stream shoggers and remember to be Nise to your wife

>> No.72037987

Zatsu and wiggly spam over? Time to close steam and visit my side hoe.

>> No.72038003

I've accepted reality and view her as imouto only now.

>> No.72038010

>already playing the goodbye bgm
kek its shover

>> No.72038036

Then will you give me your sister's hand in marriage? ;)

>> No.72038100

when she's like this I don't want long zatsu, I turn into a gamebro

>> No.72038101

She would never touch you.

>> No.72038117

Probably almost none of you know what it's like. If I were her, I wouldn't have started that stream.
Hopefully this will help her and you faggots will behave decently and not think smashing her head in with rebar is a fun tease.
If you're bothering her in dm — kill yourself.
If you're telling me I don't know her because I haven't been on her closed unarchived Twitter — kill yourself.
This is what you have to do.
You don't have the right to tell me what to do and what not to do because the situation seems different to me. It's not my problem that you were fed this information in private, I don't know it. It doesn't make me any worse. It makes you a faggot. And as long as that information is not publicly available. Even if she is a completely different person in reality, the fact that it happened raises reasonable doubt. And you're biased here, so your opinion can't be objective.

>> No.72038130


>> No.72038181

wish your sidehoe went live so you could go watch her instead

>> No.72038219

You could only be one of three offline chatters, DM me and I'll tell you what's real.

>> No.72038231


>> No.72038257

jesse what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.72038328

Did she really call me chat I was zoned out

>> No.72038347

The stream she accidentally streamed to is for Orange alone. Ask him for a vod ;)

>> No.72038368

She didn't, she read some fag's anniversary message where he said he loves chat.

>> No.72038453

does she seriously think she's gonna get a shot because she *almost* got to voice in something until she destroyed the whole project over having to do moans that she does on stream anyway

>> No.72038508

JAST literally offered to mod the sex out of a VN and edit the dirty talk if she plays it on stream. A custom VN for Shondo.

>> No.72038522

I think all of the husbands should just start being gay and see how lonely and miserable she feels, you all give her too much power over you and kneel like little betas over her shit tests. Just spam syadouNonderogatory every time a male is on stream and say almost nothing else and watch her slowly get quieter and smile less over time until she's rightfully begging us for our praise again.

>> No.72038565

weird mf post dewd you cant get husbands to open their butthole for you

>> No.72038612

but that's gay

>> No.72038630

>you all give her too much power over you
Reminder that no one can convince her to do anything meaningful like not kill herself with her shitty diet. We have no power in this relationship unless all the whales hivemind and we're strategically mean, not too mean though cuz she'll cry and go menhera. Impossible stuff.

>> No.72038647

i love my wifes outbursts, it would be great when she explodes on a maccies worker over forgetting the ketchup dip for my nuggies

>> No.72038710

do you think that's an especially intensive thing to do for someone who's going to give you advertising

>> No.72038722

she'd love it. then she could date in the open and not have to do so much emotional labour for chat. they need her way more than she needs them.

>> No.72038772

What a room temperature reply. Shit yourself.

>> No.72038783

how many conversions do you reasonably think there would have been from those streams for a VN that is years old and easily pirated and the content would be given on stream for free already?

>> No.72038820

so you've modded games I take it right

>> No.72038958

My point was that they're willing to work for Shondo for exposure, one of their top guys is an actual lolicon shogger unlike the gamersupps guys.

>> No.72039290

>You're unironically too autistic to tell another human being's mood
NTA but I explained that it's hard for me to tell what Shondo is thinking/feeling and everyone derided and made fun of me

>> No.72039342

vibes decent today

>> No.72039350

i didn't make fun of you anon
i wouldn't do that

>> No.72039411

Shondo going to ditch York for Harry now she knows that hes a rich man.

>> No.72039432

quick, start a discussion about sunscreen

>> No.72039470

nah hes old

>> No.72039535

even better

>> No.72039612

i want to lick shondos flat ass

>> No.72039625

the gold digger thing is so gay and blatantly untrue. i tried to buy her affection and she treated me worse and lost all respect (if any) that she had for me

>> No.72039631

true she can worm her way into that will

>> No.72039687

'Sup Forest Faggot

>> No.72039715

>blatantly untrue
She unbanned two whales and one of them silently divorced her anyways. kek

>> No.72039769

he's not even awake right now

>> No.72039849

>that's a crazy amount of money!!!!!!
>casually spends 10x that amount on a single skeb

>> No.72039898

Update your programming NPC.

>> No.72039985

you should've said
>casually spends 10x that amount on worthless cat shampoo

>> No.72040062

so that's 100x on skeb and shampoo

>> No.72040128

so you're saying that i should stop larping as a millionaire or what? i thought she was a gold digger

>> No.72040184

she'll love harry. we have to get her to play disco elysium no matter what it takes

>> No.72040256

we have to get her to play ape escape

>> No.72040289
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This game isn't anywhere near as funny or cringe-kino as Fahrenheit.

>> No.72040322

no, it's just bad desu except for a few moments here and there

>> No.72040373

Who suggested it?

>> No.72040472

That's what I'm saying Disco is so much fun. It's kinda funnny it's been a detective theme lately, L.A noire now Deadly premonition

>> No.72040715

what a whore

>> No.72040726
File: 68 KB, 1920x796, [crushing sound].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I joke around sometimes and say that I don't really mean it when I say I love her but I do. I do mean it. I really do love FallenShadow.

>> No.72040797

You'll get over it, this woman is an expert at pushing people away.

>> No.72040835

is that why you're still here?

>> No.72040917

i always mean it when i say i love her
i just wish she meant it when she says she loves me too

>> No.72040929

I'm a viewer not a "husband" but I've seen shogger brainworms before.

>> No.72040947


>> No.72040990

i hate /shon/ so much

>> No.72041049

this isnt /shon/ though

>> No.72041078

>i just wish she meant it when she says she loves me too
When was the last time she said she loves )you( not (you)? When you gave her money? I don't know why you'd want the love of such a woman.

>> No.72041104

>I'm a viewer not a "husband"
stinky femcel

>> No.72041154

if i told you that i'm dutchboii, would you believe me?

>> No.72041213

If I was a female viewer Shondo would love me more than one of you "husbands".

>> No.72041219

why haven't you become homeless for her yet, you've fallen behind lad

>> No.72041348

i would never become homeless for her, where would she come to live?

>> No.72041377

you can feel her forcing herself to be happy and entertaining

>> No.72041402

I don't want to live together with a woman that's dysfunctional 3-4 months per year.

>> No.72041437

speak for yourself she's perfect for me

>> No.72041456

well i do

>> No.72041501

its very cute listening to her exploring basic food preparation. the 'tradwifemaxxing' arc is nice

>> No.72041505

thats all women lol just thats their period

>> No.72041510

so she can taste again?

>> No.72041532

he did speak for himself

>> No.72041562

tuffnar... save your husband

>> No.72041583

>i keep trying to feed him
m-maybe that's why he's skinny? because he doesn't want to eat your shitty cooking? god i felt bad just typing this. why did i do it bros?

>> No.72041612

kek you're funny

>> No.72041671

shondo you need to eat more nevermind other people. also
>FT is over 6'
mogged by a teen, its over.

>> No.72041739

i will type "go get something to eat dear syadouPattheshadow" every 3 hours that will fix him

>> No.72041763
File: 7 KB, 335x368, 1679779976855707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that I'd divorce her because I'm too good for her at this point, basically she helped me cope with depression to the point where I can keep a job and I've always been an okay-looking 6'3 man. I'm unironically too good for Shondo, the only thing wrong with me was my mind.

>> No.72041769


>> No.72041823
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>> No.72041824

shondo eat the fucking food you stupid whore, you wont get fat and it will make your life so much better

>> No.72041874

she's anorexic. she thinks mineral water makes her fat

>> No.72041904

are you me

>> No.72041967

don't backseat her she's a nutrition expert because being food obsessive makes you one automatically syadouClueless

>> No.72042084

fucking cucks.

>> No.72042098

dewd you fucking cuck poster

>> No.72042175
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>> No.72042187

also an aside I wonder if this does actually happen on account of how anorexia will make you retain more water in your extremities (possible explanation too for her stubby fingers)
