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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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72094813 No.72094813 [Reply] [Original]

She left VShojo because she finally found the job she wanted. Then shit happened and now she is jobless

Kson gave her a free job ticket and had a big concert to show off her idol skill, and yet she denied the help and stubbornly left the only place that genuinely wanted to help her. And now her Nazuna model is just her other outfit and I doubt we will see Nazuna on stage or convention anytime soon unless she somehow found some middlemen to help her out or VShojo has contract of helping out the ex members

>> No.72094840

So long as she still has a single fan isn't homeless, she hasn't suffered enough yet.

>> No.72095135

Funny enough she is streaming right now anon.

Imma be real with you those who still have not moved on from her is just plain stupid and went too deep with the Parasocial shit.

I do want to see where she will end up tho. Like will she get kicked out from Voice-Ore or will she stop receiving Supas and less CCV. Will she become Irrelevant to the point that you will feel nostalgia hearing her name even tho only a year has passed?

>> No.72095155

>show off her idol skill
There is no such thing
After she's gone, the average idol skill for sankisei members increased so much,

>> No.72095379

>Imma be real with you those who still have not moved on from her is just plain stupid and went too deep with the Parasocial shit.
This applies to both sides really, imagine spamming bait threads for several days consecutively

>> No.72095871

Hey I moved on from Rushia/Nazuna/Mike for a long time bro so it doesn't affect me.

It just feels wasteful of a talent to have someone like her end up becoming a mess of a human being is all

>> No.72096378

You still need more time to detox your mind from this menhera toxin.

>> No.72096445

Mike threads are fun though
Fancuck still throwing money at her after everything that happened is sad

>> No.72099091

I wish she is gone from internet, so everyone mental health would improve significantly.

>> No.72100506

She wasn't super into the whole idol stuff anyways with her physical health being so poor
>left the only place that genuinely wanted to help her
Anon, it was a job. They only care as much as she keeps making them money. Even then, I suspect they might have been the ones to leak her marriage yab to the EN drama side in advance of Kore's stream
All she wants to actually do is stream, earn money and live an "easy" life suing her antis and losing her lawsuit to Mafu. You're overthinking things. Look at how little she cared about her 3D debut and you'd realise that too

>> No.72102474


>> No.72102586

She made it explicitly clear that she doesn't care about us, so why should we care about her?

>> No.72102775

I don’t think she regrets anything, telling lies to fans, treating her husband like trash, treating the guy she had the affair with like trash, using Kson, abandoning vshitshow for greener pastures, she is a fucking psychopath only conferenced with self gain

>> No.72103054

If Mike is regretting anything was the day she was married to mafu. She had it good in hololive a huge following of fans and most importantly a gold mine She was the queen of gachikois and unicorns and now she's nothing. Not even a shell of her former self. God forbids this happens because I don't wish harm on anybody but one day we will receive sad news about this woman successfully ending her life.

>> No.72103306

The only thing she regrets is getting caught

>> No.72103647

Projecting human emotions on sociopaths is retarded.

>> No.72103749

nah, in their minds this kind of cunts always think they are innocent and everybody else its a rapist.

>> No.72103899

You seem like an experienced rapist.

>> No.72105587

She always believes that she's right, so I doubt it

>> No.72107069


>> No.72108533


>> No.72110659

>Then shit happened and now she is jobless

She was fired again?

>> No.72112160

Not so much "fired" as that her jobs aren't coming in.
She's still associated with Voice Ore but realistically nobody will want to hire her for a voice acting role when she's so controversial and has admitted to slandering a famous celebrity who has ties to the anime industry.
Her voice acting is just "fine", but there are plenty of better and cuter sounding girls out there without nearly as much controversy surrounding them.

>> No.72115643


>> No.72115897

once she loses everything she would have three choices. either do jav work, become a prostitute or marry a rich guy. she seems like an attention whore, so I wouldn't be surprised if she does jav at some point.

>> No.72115964

That's why she regrets Marrying him anon. She got caught. And that destroyed her career.

>> No.72116029

She didn't get caught because she got married. She didn't even get fired for being married.

>> No.72116257

sociopaths like her dont have the part of the brain that gives a shit about societal rights and wrongs so no

>> No.72117135

Well well, if it isn't the consequences of her own actions

>> No.72121400


>> No.72123600

there is demand for such an old women's JAV? I think not. The only thing she can do is decieve weak men with a vtuber model, ASMR, and filter.

>> No.72125480


>> No.72126050

For old woman, I don't know, but what I'm certain, is that I would pay to see her getting BBCd until her fainting on a yakuza porn site

>> No.72126428

She only regrets being caught

>> No.72128473

Shota rape JAV will work better when the rapist is hags like Mikeneko, rather than young cute girl

>> No.72128560

It's Japan. Some hags are just cuter than teenagers, even more than their teen selves.

>> No.72130712


>> No.72132291

Why do people still give her money after she's been proven to lie about everything. she only see's her fans as money and to feed her narcissistic ego, nothing more.
Is she sending her top donator's personal dm's to keep them attached, like she used to do as Rushia?

>> No.72132460

>has admitted to slandering a famous celebrity who has ties to the anime industry.

>> No.72132890

I say the same thing about Gura but no one listens.

>> No.72134285

I hope you get your anus tongued by a sandworm

>> No.72137500


>> No.72138145

It's not because of stubbornness, but impatience. She felt stuck and alone (only 1 other japanese speaker).

>> No.72141659

wouldn't you? Id feel like shit

>> No.72142319
File: 1.30 MB, 4093x2894, henya-kson-and-nazuna-art-made-by-haroharo-v0-zltjwq4qfnrb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two other Japanese speakers, but she wasn't really interested in Henya collabs and only collabed with Kson a few times.

>> No.72142550
File: 320 KB, 420x420, 1606835291725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imma be real with you
Talk like a normal person you doorknob licker

>> No.72142587

>She felt stuck and alone (only 1 other japanese speaker).
Why are you acting like she would be collabing all over the place if she had a load of japanese speaking women around her?

>> No.72142633

Rushia was my first Holo Oshi, but she's now a fucking mess. I don't think the world would mourn if she an hero herself now.

>> No.72142672

Because unicorns are unironic cucks?

>> No.72142782

Unicorns would've left

>> No.72142830
File: 67 KB, 500x500, artworks-q8UceREVbi3B6eUd-2k8how-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact Mafumafu is now probably deadly afraid of woman makes my fantasy of raming his thight boi hole more plausable
If anything im glad she did what she did

>> No.72142879

she likes men and can't live without men. she collabed with kirtsch and some other ikemen before she would collab with henya. there were rumors (probably true in hindsight) that she wouldn't collab with henya because she thought henya (pikamee) was stealing her viewers.
right now she's trying to sue an 18 year old girl from her audience for daring to livestream and get superchats from some of the cuckfami's. She's jealous of other women stealing men from her and so she takes a hostile stance towards other women.

>> No.72142960

>right now she's trying to sue an 18 year old girl from her audience
Who is this about?

>> No.72143133

Her bitchy parting tweet to Henya's comment about being sad they never got to collab was incredible. The most brazenly petty and spiteful response to make in a situation where you want to part ways on a good note, maybe even retain some VShoujo fans.

>> No.72143199

she likes ikemen streamers and strong men for their status. Her viewers are just maggots to her to give her money, she doesn't love those idiots. what women would love such mentally ill retards that still support this prostitute after she's shown she has no respect for them at all and isn't sincere about anything? the biggest donators probably think she'll fuck them if they give her enough money, lol. quix the king cuckold

>> No.72143301

She does care about monopolizing them for their money and engagement. If those men watch other women there's a chance they realize she's just worse and leave her.

>> No.72143520

Man I often wonder what Mike pussy taste like. I would fucking eat her out like an starving African kid munching on a chicken wing.

>> No.72143589

No one FPBP'd this guy. When you go outside look at the subhuman guatemalan or indian or random white/black guy begging outside with a sign that says "legs broken, 2 hijos, no spek english pluz help" and realized that person is probably a scammer retard illegally in the US and unwanted by their own people and dumped here because this country sucks. And even then, on some level, we can acknowledge their shitty self-inflicted problems are pitiable.

Woman who can make 100k instead of 1m a year being anime online is not worthy of pity, only of people saying "she was a major e-celeb and now she's a joke".

>> No.72143645

sociopaths don't care about their past mistakes, they will blame it to something else and keep doing it.

>> No.72143717

what if her discord notifications were disabled back then

>> No.72143828

Wrong, henya approached nazuna for a collab but nazuna didn't wanted the collab to happen on her vshojo account she wanted the henya collab done but she wanted it under her mikeneko account because she wanted to boost her numbers then threw a tantrum when she did not received what she wanted. And what's this about her suing an 18 year old this is the first time I hear it.

>> No.72143978

this nekofami that is an recently graduated 18 year old girl. some other cuckfami started watching her, gave her superchats, and mike found out and got pissed, then threatened to sue her for stealing her viewers and chastised the people that watched her for watching other women (while she gets married behind their backs and constantly lies to her cuckold brainwashed fans, but they're too brainwashed to see the double standards)

>> No.72144337

I see she managed to drive her off the internet.
