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74845280 No.74845280 [Reply] [Original]

Do you forgive her yet?

>> No.74845342

I forgive Rushia I'll never forgive Miguel Catto.

>> No.74846132

If anything, she's somehow even worse than she was previously. Actually psychotic.

>> No.74846174

Literally who?

>> No.74846689

As a person, yes. Only because I fucked up like she did in life.
Careerwise, hell no

>> No.74847621

I can fix her

>> No.74848145

I just saw this set. Hot as fuck. I love this artist

>> No.74848180

I was always on her side.

>> No.74848247

I can fix her

>> No.74849122

artist name?

>> No.74849159


>> No.74849174

No, and we don't forgive Mori either. Trash, all trash.

>> No.74849313 [DELETED] 

oh nooo she made some tranny's life a living hell how will i ever forgive her
kys moralfags

>> No.74852151

>defending mike in 2020+4
your paypigging enables her mental illness you know that?

>> No.74852434

Who can actually fix her?

>> No.74852489

A VERY dominant man.
nice numbers there.

>> No.74852513

She is worse now.

>> No.74853043

Yuzuco is a funny one.
She used to draw Rushia, Mike and Nazuna, but at some point early last year, she completely stopped drawing Nazuna and Mike. This naturally made Mikeneko furious.
Nazuna used to follow Yuzuco, but then unfollowed her sometime around May of last year. Imagine your own fan artists refusing to draw you while drawing Rushia nearly every month

>> No.74853339


>> No.74853384

Kek. I only started supporting Yuzuco within the last 4 or 5 months because of his great Rushia art (some of the best out there of any holo), so I had no idea about this. This girl is the perfect example of how people like her model and what she used to be, but generally dislike how she has been since the drama started. Heck, I probably would still support her myself if her drama didn't involve her being with another man.

>> No.74853636


>> No.74854931

i hope she can find some peace of mind in the future, this year has been rough for her. i will always be thankful to rushia for helping me ease my loneliness back in the pandemic era of c19, i wish her well and only good things.

>> No.74855031

i can forgive her
if she stops streaming because anytime soon she will just go to that jp forest that logan paul visited

>> No.74855109

You know what's crazy is that I liked Rushia so much I'd even have looked past the Mafumafu shit, and kept supporting her as Mike if she handled it with grace and just moved on, but no she has to make everything get worse and worse for as long as possible.

>> No.74855171

For a while I no longer consider her an equal human, but I consider her a retard
Same as with nijisanji, I just laugh at their fuckups and don't treat them seriously

>> No.74855218

Man, Rushia is probably one of those special cases where I'll let it slide if Cover pulls a Kizuna AI and hires a new person to play the character.

>> No.74855236

I guess I'm in a similar situation. Despite what I said in the prior post, I still supported her, just a bit less fervently, at the time. I still cared about her and wanted her to succeed. And there is still a part of me that can't let go and still catches her streams from time to time. But after bad things kept happening and she still can't seem to learn from her mistakes, I've been slowly disillusioned from her. If she fixed herself, I probably would come back fully. But as of right now, I'm still unsure if I even want to be a fan anymore. It's a weird feeling.

>> No.74855380

it's one of those situations where an insane person can't get away with their abnormal behavior anymore but then they double down.
remember in death note when yagami light is confronted in that warehouse, goes apeshit and tries every last trick in the book and gets shot

>> No.74855382

Such a waste of a SEX model, I agree. It would be nice for it to be used again.

>> No.74855397

Everyone deserves a second chance.

>> No.74855417

Literally the most superchatted vtuber of all time.

>> No.74855440

It's been two years and almost nothing has gotten better, though. The majority of her streams are unarchived half-assed Twitcasts. She's afraid of streaming on YouTube because her subs are dropping each stream. And part of her definitely resents her current position and would rather fight with antis than ever admit that she fucked up
Realistically speaking, when I heard she had started streaming on Bilibili, I realised she really will never change. Imagine knowing full well that a rather significant part of your fanbase (Taiwanese) hate that website with a passion and still choosing to stream on it presumably to make more money. It's the exact same shit she tried to pull on her Unicorns with the Apex Matsuri
All the Mafu shit proved is that there never was anything worthwhile in her. She was willing to hide a Christmas marriage from her fans at a time where she apparently loved them far more than she does now. There's no reason not to trust her to go behind your back yet again.
If you really want to, are you going to watch her stream in half an hour where she'll be throwing yet another pity party for herself after getting kicked off of Pony Canyon?

>> No.74855446

Yeah I'm in the same boat. I'm legitimately trapped by her like I've never been parasocial for anyone ever but I really cannot find an oshi other than Rushia, which has made me realize I'm way more down bad for her than I ever thought. I've tried to move on. I've even liked others a hell of a lot, but still not as much as her and it fucking sucks when what's left of her is just some salty and psycho shell of her former self. It's literally like necromancy was performed on her but it went horribly wrong and we just have to live with the result.

At this point I would accept it. I miss her THAT much.

>> No.74855465

She's on her like 8th chance dude.

>> No.74855496

>it fucking sucks when what's left of her is just some salty and psycho shell of her former self.
This was my view of her until the Mafu news dropped. At that point, I realised that the shell really is just all that exists. No decent person could get married to a rich celebrity while still selling engagement rings to her fans without a single shred of remorse.

>> No.74855566

Do you speak Japanese?

>> No.74855591

Everyone deserves a ninth chance.

>> No.74855599

Anon, I've been watching this girl for years and she has been around for a lot of formative times in my adult life. It's hard to imagine stopping completely. I've been sucked in by this woman more than you can imagine. Yes, I have my own limits. But she keeps proving that my limits are extremely high apparently.
>I'm legitimately trapped by her like I've never been parasocial for anyone ever

>> No.74855612

I wish the artist put just a little bit more effort into their sets

>> No.74855624

What do you mean?

>> No.74855637

I'd forgive her before forgiving Elira

>> No.74855638

No I'm very low level; Enough to understand context and some casual banter but not actually keep up with most conversations. Did you want to tell me I've missed something important?

>> No.74855643

I have no reason to. I'm never going to engage with her content again, so she's out of mind anyway.

>> No.74855649

Did you aka super her last Valentine's Day stream?

>> No.74855683

No I'm just confused how a girl wraps her tendrils around your heart like this when you don't even speak her language.

>> No.74855724

She owned me a dozen of nakadashi action

>> No.74855878

>It's hard to imagine stopping completely.
That was how I felt before I finally dropped her when she crossed the final line. In my mind, her marrying Mafu proved she never really loved her fans and that she really just wanted attention and money at the end of the day. A lot of stuff really fits together when you realise that.
You'll find other things to replace her. I'm not saying to go be a whore and chase after other Vtubers, but there are definitely hobbies or friends you've been neglecting to keep up with her constant guerilla streaming, random menhera Tweets, vague posting, etc that's just using up valubale time that you'd enjoy elsewhere.
You don't even have to hate her, but nearly everyone I've seen who has moved on from her has experienced some improvement to their mental health and enjoyment of life

>> No.74855960

>a quarter or so russian

>> No.74855970

Yeah, you're probably right. I mean, full blown romantic parasocial love was stamped out with Mafu, but it's still hard to not feel attached or the "I just want to ignore everything and support her" mentality. Well, it's not like she does nearly as much content as she used to, so I definitely haven't been spending as much time on her as I used to.

>> No.74856070

Some of them are knockouts, a lot of them are incredibly small face changes, pretty.dull. The art is great, don't get me wrong, just wish there was more variety in a single set.

>> No.74856089

Keep in mind that, unless her fans have just been hiding the info, she hasn't shown a single ounce of guilt for lying about her marriage in the three months since it broke.
Assuming you can read her Fanbox (or know of ways to read it even without paying her), go through all of her posts since the start of January. It's entirely a pity party she's thrown for herself, without a shred of guilt about having maintained a lie for so long. She had a breakdown over her fans watching a female Nekofami stream on Twitcast (presumably because the girl is nearly half her age) and chased her out of her fanbase while complaining about being "betrayed". Just a thoroughly hypocritical person through and through.
There are plenty of other people out there more worthy of your support than a serial liar.

>> No.74856124

You're right about that. Unfortunately, I bet the consequence of giving more variety in the sets would mean producing fewer sets per month. It's a give or take.

>> No.74856241

I am well aware of what she posts, what she talks about, and how she feels about everything. It's hard to put into words about the affect she has on me, so it's hard to explain why I don't hate her. But I will say that she handled it all poorly, and she has not learned any lessons at all.
As for your point about supporting others, I would not be able to feel this way about a chuuba with an already established fanbase that I'm multiple years late on. Every holoJP has been around long enough that getting into one would feel like I'm too late. But I definitely think they are all pretty great. I just don't think any would be able to replace her. And if I abandoned her completely, I would have a massive hole in my heart.

>> No.74856302

I feel sorry for her. She needs help not hate

>> No.74856378

Well there's not much else I can really say.
Have you thought at all about the implication the Mafu stuff had on that weird "friendship" she had with kusoneko/yuchineko almost immediately after. I'm aware the cheating allegations are a case of, "he says she says", but really that post-marriage friendship is just really suspicious the more you think about it, especially considering how difficult it was to get her to admit that it was a mistake.
The guy was shitposting about how she should fuck him on her 5ch thread and he was posting about visiting Tokyo during the time when they were still friends. Basically, the idea that she's been 100% single post-Mafu is something that I don't necessarily entertain.
The only reason we found out about Mafu was a tabloid leaking his lawsuit. If it was just a "regular" person, you'd never hear it unless said person decided to come clean and leak everything.

>> No.74858551

tranny lover

>> No.74858573

She's live right now. It's kind of sad though...

>> No.74858613


>> No.74858637

Bad things happening to bad people is good

>> No.74858837

at the same time it's sad and crazy that she straight up made a second rushia model

>> No.74858846

Things could have been a lot better, you stupid menhera. Why must you keep sabotaging your own success?

>> No.74859236

I want to hug her.

>> No.74859321

Why? She's legitimately a terrible person

>> No.74859339


>> No.74859379

I mean there's really nothing to forgive but by her actions she has shown to be somewhat unstable and she should probably seek professional help

>> No.74859424

>why would someone want to hug an attractive woman who actively has made you parasocial for her
This is what you're asking. It should be obvious.

>> No.74859426

Lying and deceiving her fans, slandering multiple people online, seething about some Hololive girls on stream or otherwise shitting on them. Take your pic

>> No.74859544

She "doxxed" Flare so she cannot be forgiven.

>> No.74860106

But she will take any tentative to be helped as hate, so there isn't much you can do anon. Her only "chance" left for the longest time have been to stop being on the internet, but she just can't.

>> No.74861421

Will there be a TL:DW summary of her stream? I assume there was shade thrown at you-know-who

>> No.74864743


>> No.74864824 [DELETED] 

I never liked her to begin with but why would I ever wish for anything but death for this subhuman whore? She is the worst type of grifter and deserves to suffer. She is the real life embodiment of every doomposting menhera unicorn fantasy come to life, that's literally her, she proves it real. Honestly suicide is too merciful.

>> No.74864880 [DELETED] 

If you were parasocial for her at any point let alone a gachikoi or a unicorn and you still want to hug her you shouldn't be allowed to call yourself a man or even an invertebrate, you are an absolutely spineless worm of a cuck.

>> No.74866348

* and you deserve all the pain and suffering from continuing to be her fan.

>> No.74866724
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>> No.74866890
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>Menhera slut
>User of men
>Made several stupid and rash decisions that hurt her coworkers which forced Cover's hand
>Zero remorse, complete sociopath

>Was betrayed by a close confidant
>Did nothing wrong, career has just generally been mired by horrible luck and other people fucking her over
>Issued a sincere apology anyway
>Only instance of termination where Cover is completely unjustified, usually self righteous western fanbase is completely silent on the issue

You don't care about justice, of course. Only drama and the whores that are magnets for it.

>> No.74867013

>This girl is the perfect example of how people like her model and what she used to be, but generally dislike how she has been since the drama started
I wish I could look at it that way but this drama also revealed that she was going behind her fans backs since at least early 2021 because she was dating mafumafu for at least a year before they got married end of that year. Somehow she's even managed to retroactively ruin half of her Rushia legacy too, and it certainly wouldn't surprise me if she was up to some shit in 2020 and 2019 too.

>> No.74867046


>> No.74867196

god I wish I was her

>> No.74867217

someone she said was a friend of hers

>> No.74867255

The guy who got into contact with her again post-termination who she "told everything to". She used to play Apex and other games with him behind the scenes.
She cut contact with him in May 2023 because it was causing issues with her fans and he was shitposting about her on 5ch

>> No.74867395

nahone. he is her sex friend.

>> No.74868663

You could give the regloss girls a try if duration of fan base is an issue.

>> No.74868795

as an artist how do I get people to sub to my fanbox/patreon, other than 'draw popular thot' and 'paywall (increasingly degenerate) porn'
there's literally thousands doing the same thing, surely there's a magic trick to stand out

>> No.74872132

Could I get some clarification on this?

>> No.74872541

The Flare one is 100% untrue, so just discount that.
>lying and deceiving her fans
The entire Mafu situation, obviously she wasn't admitting that she had married him until he forced her hand
>slandering multiple people online
Mafu again, to the point that he's suing her. She's slandered some of her fans in the past too by claiming that they were harassing her when they weren't.
>seething about Hololive girls on stream
She's been seething about Aqua since the termination for getting away with doing the same shit that she gets ridiculed for.
When Suisei had that yab back in October 2023, Mikeneko "coincidentally" did a stream in which she tried to sell herself as a "streamer who doesn't interact with men behind the scenes" etc, obviously trying to take advantage of the situation to promote her brand. The funniest part of that stream is that people started asking her about the male collab that she had just done 2 months prior to this stream, which was a bit of a tonal whiplash as she was simulatenously trying to say that she doesn't interact with the guys she collabed with while refusing to give a 100% guarantee about not collabing with men. And even then, she'd go back on her word shortly after when she DMed Kirsch about weird messages she was receiving from an irl acquaintance.

>> No.74873660

aqua getting away with it? this isnt about that one guy that goes to the same beauty as her right?

>> No.74874103

It'd be the guy 5ch has been memeing about for the last year+. Mike's texts with Kore sort of implied she knew stuff behind the scenes about it, but I really don't know for sure if it's a completely certain thing or whether there's just a lot of niowase on it.
The point being that she's furious that she's treated differently from Aqua even though she's convinced they were doing the same thing, rather than simply avoiding doing something that would get her rightfully insulted.

>> No.74874231

oh, those texts.. gotchu gotchu.

>> No.74874537

>Could I get some clarification on this?
Basically what >>74872541 its basically untrue but it basically went like this:

- Flare was stone cold emotionless when Rushia's terminated by Cover. This lead to rrats on here saying that the reason she was like this is because she (Rushia) "doxxed" her (Flare) and it ended up with Flare being raped.

>> No.74874677

Well the seething wasn't just in the texts, she's thrown a few jabs at her on stream too. She's responded negatively to people posting Aqua ascii art or emojis during her streams and has pretty much outright accused her of faking her personality and lying to her fans.
I don't watch Aqua so it's "whatever" to me, but her seething is pretty disgusting when you realise that the basis of her anger isn't that Aqua is (supposedly) deceiving her fans, it's that she's getting away with it unlike Mike

>> No.74874760

The fact cucks exist in this world, only means that she will always be forgiven evidently by those who still send money and watch this harlot infidel.

>> No.74874963

No one gives a shit about the Mel drama because it wasn't really a drama. Mel did an oopsie that unfortunately meant she had to be fired, and she and Cover ultimately parted on good terms with one another which, considering how most terminations go, was honestly the best we could have hoped for.

>> No.74875082

Mel breaking NDA multiple times and given many chances is an "oopsie" but Mike doing it was absolutely totally deserved? You are as much of a cuck as Mike fans are.

>> No.74875148
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Rushia can be saved if she chooses to date a real girl this time.

>> No.74875229

>Your brain on simping for e-whores

>> No.74875270

>Rushia doxxed Flare and it ended up with Flare being raped
man that's quite a wild assumption, assuming there isn't actual evidence beyond flare not showing emotion regarding Rushia's termination.
even the PekoMiko rape rrat is more believable

>> No.74875311

So THIS is the mindset of people who continuously get back together with people who've cheated on and abused them... I just feel bad for fans like you now.

>> No.74875363

She most likely has a very bad case of PTSD knowing her.
I'm someone who struggles with it myself and it's a living hell when you're having an episode. There's no excuse for the ways she copes but you have to understand the feelings of genuine remorse that do come with them, even if they don't seem real.

>> No.74875385

I'm not simping for anybody you stupid retard I just called Mike fans cucks and wrote this post>>74874760

>> No.74875503

>Noooo I swear I'm not a falseflagging retard I just jump in to defend Rushia because ???

>> No.74875588

>She most likely has a very bad case of PTSD knowing her.
She says she was diagnosed but that doesn't justify the absolute metric ton of shitty things she's done

>> No.74875699

I have the same feelings as you regarding the stuff Mikeneko did that got her fired and had trust in her completely lost throughout the years. Yes, Mikeneko will have to lie in the bed she's made because of her actions, and yes, it remains to be seen as to whether or not she finally admits she was wrong to do everything she has done throughout much of her online life, but she is human and the day she does come to her senses, she needs to embrace a real recovery and solace within herself. No one is beyond redemption at heart, it's what we do after our sins that make the difference.

>> No.74875775

Not exactly sure if it was on good terms especially after leaving her out of the Hologura relay. Or maybe it's because I just feel like she wasn't credited enough for what she's brought to Hololive for 5 years.

>> No.74875788

I'm not the defending the whore I'm calling out your obvious double standards. I won't apologize if that offend you pussy.

>> No.74875834

I'm well aware, anon, the point is that you have to understand someone's condition and walk a mile in their shoes before you can really judge a person. You probably do not understand the living hell she has within herself and if you were ever in that situation, how would you feel?

>> No.74875987

PTSD ain't stop her from being an unfaithful whore on what should've been the most special night in her life. Stop it Mike neko is just fucking toxic she is a fucking narcissist who thinks she can't do no wrong and that she's always right. Fuck outta here with that.

>> No.74876092

Anon, that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about imagining what it's like to be her, when you understand that, you suddenly realize an alternative way of thought regarding Mikeneko's situation. I'd hope some people here would try, but I guess they don't want to and I'd understand why, it'd just make me feel a little sad because Rushia was once one of my oshis.

>> No.74876267

In this age of limitless free entertainment porn is pretty much the only thing worth putting behind a paywall, unless you already have fans that would pay to read a blog you update once a week or less like mike does

>> No.74876518

I'm the guy you were responding to.
It'd take a while to unpack all of my thoughts on her, but I'll put it this way.
She had the chance after the termination to back away from courting gachikoi and come clean about her marriage, but she chose not to, and kicked the can down the road. By April, she was already starting to lean back into it. But the post-termination period wasn't good.
It felt like it got to the point of her constantly fighting with antis, getting into arguments or drama with her fans every few months, randomly flip-flopping her promises and just generally behaved atrociously, not getting into the occasional relapse of "oh, maybe I should just get married, guys" that she'd do, not even out of spite, but just voicing her actual thoughts.
Some of the things I've heard her say to people who were fans are legitimately some of the worst things a streamer could ever say to their fans, whether it be accusing them of doing things they never did, saying things deliberately to hurt them, ignoring their feelings or their pain and outright mocking it, etc. I've had enough time away from her and hold a negative enough opinion of her that those barbs don't hurt me anymore, but at the time, it was painful. I'll never forget her basically implying that unicorns weren't people.
And so after all of that shit, it comes out that she was hiding a marriage to a rich, famous, attractive celebrity who she was married to at the time that she was selling engagement rings to her fans? And now, 3 months later, she hasn't said anything that's even implied that she feels guilty about it or that it was even the wrong thing to do? How can you actually forgive someone like that?
I have my own demons to deal with, but I try my best not to make them other people's problem, but Mike will stop taking her meds whenever it suits her and then just unload her mental illness on anything close by.

>> No.74876614

>her basically implying that unicorns weren't people
what did she say?

>> No.74876629
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>> No.74876687

>Post about how it's pretty shitty that the only terminations people care about are menhera drama sponges and how graduations that don't push the agenda get ignored
Last pity reply, go back to wasting your money on grifters, you autistic simp.

>> No.74876694

no they don't wanna pay her royalties anon.

>> No.74876776

>And now, 3 months later, she hasn't said anything that's even implied that she feels guilty about it or that it was even the wrong thing to do? How can you actually forgive someone like that?
If this is the case then she seriously needs to do this, but I fear she won't. We're on the same page, it's just that I want to consider what she may be thinking too.

>> No.74876855

That's basically what she said. I'll try to quote but this is me recalling something that I was listening to while stressed out and underslept
Something like that? I'm sure if someone was more bothered, they'd give you the exact quote. That was just after the Apex Matsuri when she was convinced it was her Unicorns who got her kicked out
In fairness, that wasn't her final word on Unicorns and she was trying to be nice to them in October (the ones who stayed)
But then again, in December, when she was considering male collabs again and someone brought up the fact that her Unicorns would be upset, her response was a curt

>> No.74876865

Wait, if they used her voice the royalties would go to Rica? How does that work?

>> No.74876967

>We're on the same page
The difference is I don't follow her anymore and have no intentions of ever supporting her again. Well, it might make for closure for me.
Honestly, even if it was the other way around and she outright defended it, that would also be closure in a sense. It's this weird thing where she's just avoiding giving her actual thoughts or reasoning on why she did it that's so disconcerting.

>> No.74877035

Kill yourself cuck.

>> No.74877043

Genghis Khan?

>> No.74877087

Half of the so called straight white men here would bend this twink femboy over and fuck him in the ass.

>> No.74877283

what is this?

>> No.74877394

Horse noises. I guess that part of Unicorn shitposting didn't translate overseas.
People on 5ch post that and unicorn emojis to mock Unicorns. So she was basically saying "the neigh-ing people aren't human".

>> No.74877911


>> No.74877994

i see. google and deepl can't translate it well.
there was oshi no ko meme of alien fucking mafumafu while rushia crying.

>> No.74878098

Men are easy, just be nice to them and tell them they did good.

>> No.74878588

to be fair most vtubers put in their rules to not talk about others in their chat unless she talks about people first.

>> No.74878756

>kanojo okarishimasu
i was wrong.

>> No.74879165

Right, but there's a difference between politely requesting it and calling the emojis "disgusting".
Her dislike for Aqua is well known among her antis which is why they keep trying to rile her up with it.

>> No.74879409
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>> No.74879655

C'mon, anon. Her reasons for seething over Aqua were literally explained her. It's honestly far funnier than that image.
Did you ever hear about the story of Aqua's "Hololive app" not working at the same time as xxx's internet cut out?

>> No.74879700

>story of Aqua's
Tell me.

>> No.74880188

>Aqua puts messages in pre-stream chat about how the Holo app isn't working (around 12:40)
>the guy in question had Tweeted earlier about the Wi-Fi in his apartment being out, so his stream is delayed (around 12:10)
>at around 12:50, guy Tweets to say that his problem is fix
>literally the exact same minute, Aqua posts in pre-chat saying her "HoloApp" now works
People pieced the two together and laughed at the implication.

>> No.74880856

They're fucking and that isn't even coincidental. Damn is there an chuuba who isn't a fucking whore jesas.

>> No.74881689
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That will only work for her if the woman she's with will put her in her place as a personal footstool.

>> No.74881925

Might be just me but feeling bad and agreeing not to wreck her future with lawsuits doesn’t sound like parting on good terms, more like the bare ducking minimum of a neutral separation. Hell, no one even talks about her anymore despite the claim she is ‘not taboo’.
Whatever supposed space between her treatment and Rushia’s to suggest a difference and it being on ‘good terms’ is so microscopic that I can’t really see it.

>> No.74883468

The mind of Mikeneko is so odd
On the one hand, she always believes she's being hard done by. on the other hand, she always believes that she's doing everything right without mistakes

>> No.74883565

>Hell, no one even talks about her anymore despite the claim she is ‘not taboo’.
Because there's no need to talk about her further. There isn't much drama around her and Cover that hasn't been resolved by the two parties.

>> No.74884107

>rich as fuck
>extracted everything of value out of every relationship
>loved unconditionally by thousands of people
she's right

>> No.74884633

>Damn is there an chuuba who isn't a fucking whore jesas
If Pekora has a boyfriend instead of thinking about numbers every night I would be impressed.
Even holomembers aren't afraid to use the cold chicken meme, since they can't imagine that possibility.

>> No.74885200

>rich as fuck
She's complained about money issues rather explicitly on stream
>extracted everything of value out of every relationship
There are three separate occasions in which she lost her, at that time, top donator due to her own actions.
>loved unconditionally by thousands of people
Define love, here. Regarding actual gachikoi, that number has to be down by quite a lot even if you count people who are ok with her getting into a relationship or marrying. She's also hated by thousands of people for her actions and personality.

>> No.74886267

Anon... You know very well that COVER found out a cesspool of fuckups after they went through Rushia's accounts, they decided to ignored it but literally hours later after the findings and COVER support she spilled the beans to that dramafag, because that incidentally revealed coworker info to him, threatening their privacy, thus having to let Rushia go immediately because she was melting down silently to save face and effectively doxxing her coworkers piece by piece, at random but you know, some actual JP schizos could piece stuff together and that never ends well.

>> No.74886354

You're pretty much asking a lot of people like Rushia if they forgive her, which there are many, so it wouldn't be remotely surprising if they did.

>> No.74886502

An Afghani village in the middle of nowhere

>> No.74886589

If you want to write a LARP, how about getting the timeline right for once? Cover's statement "defending" her was several days after she contacted Kore2
This is one of the easiest parts to prove since the information is all public and yet you still messed it up. Aren't you retarded?

>> No.74886670

>still spreading the doxx misinfo
This gets in the way of pointing out the terrible things she actually did to her fans. Are you trying to make her look better or something, smoothbrain?

>> No.74886708

What terrible things did she do to her fans?

>> No.74886775

It's been a while anon, I can't even remember the timeline of events correctly but I remember what went down.
But we know that showing stuff to that retard was what caused COVER to cut her off.
She did it once, and then did it twice if I am not mistaken.

GFE rarely ends well anon. Just take it but never to heart. You end up hurt, critically.
Thankfully, I never fell for it.

>A full minute between posts

>> No.74889277

She is trying to leech from Marine now.

>> No.74889578

how so?

>> No.74889726

She just named her rm out of nowhere for no reason
This is her trying to make it seem like she's totally in with hololive members still.

>> No.74889827

i don't japanese, i will assume you are correct

>> No.74891284

The absolute worst one was when she lied on stream about being harassed in DMs by a few fans and named them.
By the end of the day, even she admitted it was a complete lie. Or during the whole Male Collab thing where one of the things she shouted was along the lines of
>If you don't let me join this tournament, I'll never do Superchat reading again

>> No.74891353

>She did it once, and then did it twice if I am not mistaken.
Whatever she showed wasn't serious but it broke NDA. It wasn't doxx.
I've seen Vtuber terminations where the girl actually had posted dox and the notice made it 100% clear that dox was posted. Neither Cover, her or Kore2 said it was dox.

>> No.74891564

>I'll never do Superchat reading again
Easy, don't send her superchat again.
How stupid is she?

>> No.74892149
File: 841 KB, 1280x720, mikepurgisnacht.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

△ will end her suffering and save vtubing

>> No.74892151

I'm not saying she isn't retarded, but it was such a spiteful reaction to fans being upset about her breaking her promises.
It was about two months prior to that where she was explicitly talking about how she wouldn't interact with men on stream or collab with men
Another thing she was also saying was that she could just attract new fans to replace the ones who would leave over the collab, essentially admitting that her fans were expendable

>> No.74892521

>If anything, she's somehow even worse than she was previously.
Terminal Menhera, she's way long past the no return point.

>> No.74892683

>her fans were expendable
What a bitch! She is right though. She can always attract new paypigs.

>> No.74894046

>She can always attract new paypigs.
Her current problem, actually, is that although she's burning through her fanbase, it's not replenishing. The vast majority of her current fanbase, believe it or not, were Fandead. In other words, the amount of people who discovered her post termination and stay around is very much still a minority, 2 years post-termination. What do you think the implications of that are?

>> No.74894689


>> No.74896557


>> No.74897317

as long as she shows feet and butthole

>> No.74897656

There's nothing wrong with cucking holokeks. I'm happy to see fuwamoco going the same route

>> No.74897726

an abusive deadbeat who doesn't care when she cries

>> No.74898085

Anon, Deadbeats can't even fix themselves, nevermind someone else's oshi.

>> No.74898386

Me with a therapy, but only if she has the courage and desire to face her past memories and her suffering and stops avoiding it.

>> No.74898453

i never liked her, she was always the worst part of gen 3 and gen 3 is now better

>> No.74898819
File: 2.58 MB, 2000x2704, Rushia_19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She will always have fans and she will always have job opportunities because screeching retards on the internet can't do shit but be bloviating faggots on the internet because if they dare do collective action they become """evil""". You're asking if I forgive her though, not for what she did in the immediate after her termination, but yeah, why not. I'm not going to buy any of her merch or superchat her though because my money is best spent on my guitar setup and not because of some braindead "economical sensitive Amerifuck" principle even though I live here. Yockey was right in calling Americans Economictoids back in his day. Anyway, morally? What she did was wrong but MafuMafu is also a morally bankrupt faggot as well, perhaps more than her in all honesty.

>> No.74901256

