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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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75572679 No.75572679 [Reply] [Original]


Previous Thread >>75562075

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream

>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)

>Thread Template

>> No.75572757
File: 885 KB, 1280x720, pledge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75572868
File: 142 KB, 1084x1437, BringToTheLight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuwamoco fan flowers in tapiei

>> No.75572901
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Fuwawa is for kissless virgins ONLY

>> No.75572922


>> No.75573003

OK but do you have the names of the people who contributed and paid money and didn't get their names on it because otherwise this is nothing.

>> No.75573083

Ever since fuwamoco have mentioned wanting us to follow our dreams and not being afraid to fail I've been doing more and more singing reps. It's hard knowing if you're actually good though.

>> No.75573107

totally wasn't for attention right?

>> No.75573141

Not sure how I'd get that, I didn't contribute because I don't trust them after the book. They'd be the only ones with receipts, maybe they'll come forward. I'm going to bed. Good night.

>> No.75573165

>I'm sending flowers to the girls

Itta literally snitched on himself and his thought process.

>> No.75573178


>> No.75573207

Even in the discord messages he uses "I'm" instead of "we". If he's like that in the discord no wonder he doesn't give a fuck publicly, other ruffians never stood a chance.

>> No.75573225

there's third name there

>> No.75573274
File: 1.23 MB, 2447x2761, pm9186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, tranny janny, this right here is NOT FuwaMoco, I know, it's confusing, it looks just like them! Maybe if I add porn your retarded brain will realize that something against the rules is going on? Let me try.

>> No.75573283

Did anyone record their hour?
I saw some chum record the audio of the last hour.

>> No.75573347

why are Fuwawa's tits so small? They're full gorwn puppies, ya know?

>> No.75573362 [DELETED] 

>light mode

>> No.75573373

>the girls
Anyone who refers to another person like this does not respect them as a person. Fuwamoco deserve better.

>> No.75573388

So did anyone give any money?

>> No.75573416
File: 327 KB, 1536x2048, GLRllWpaUAA29L5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The /baubau/ clique is the absolute worst part of the ruffians, and I hope you all die a slow, painful death.

>> No.75573418

the florist

>> No.75573427

I'm curious who the >two dudes that did everything are. Why weren't they credited?

>> No.75573447

the mediator between them and the florist

>> No.75573477

Because the card is printed by Cover and the pillar(s) chose the message to go on it.

>> No.75573507

It was the Taiwanese ruffians who helped them. They have their own flower stand written in Chinese.

>> No.75573553

>ask baucord whether they want to start flower project
>proceed to literally ghost the whole baucord and don't give them chance to contribute shit
>suddenly ask for contact for flower guy
>given contact
>doesn't ask the dude giving them contact to contribute tho ;)

>> No.75573581

So Zai was the guy bitching in this thread earlier?

>> No.75573584

There's only two options with this sort of thing. You either go full scorched earth on the bad actors in the community and get rid of them. Or the more healthy option imo is to just live well, be happy, work on yourself and ignore them, these people doing this shit are too invested and will have a menhera breakdowns and will end up leaving once the attention dies up.

>> No.75573643

>You either go full scorched earth on the bad actors in the community and get rid of them.
The problem with this approach is that the people who take it never have the self awareness to realize they're among the worst actors and kill themselves too. Would be great if that happened. Let the menheras all kill each other and everyone else can move on.

>> No.75573656

I mean he already show his true colors during GW though? Pretended he is okay with JP streams but didn’t show up for any.

>> No.75573664

it's fucking vile
they fucking knew thy gonna have at least 200 names there if they give even a sliver of a chance for someone to pool money, so they just don't

>> No.75573725

The norm will be to put from ruffians or from baucord if there are so many names. Then just credit everyone on twitter.

>> No.75573733

you didn't ask ;)

>> No.75573775 [DELETED] 

this toshiro fag seems like an even bigger queer than itta

>> No.75573788

Yep. It was all about having their name clearly visible. That bullshit first message was a way to have an excuse of
>hey I did ask!
Not sure if others gave money or not or if the option was even offered.

>> No.75573836 [DELETED] 

niggers could have at least had more names for fuwawa’s card

>> No.75573881

Fucking disgusting, these two are the cherry on top of the clique shit pile.

>> No.75573893

You can seethe all you want, but Fuwamoco will always care more about the clique than they ever will about you.

>> No.75573922 [DELETED] 

let em know itta

>> No.75573935
File: 19 KB, 256x273, 1714193845576298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone record the concert?
I want to watch it so bad...

>> No.75573957

dude fucking abandoned the clique also

>> No.75573975

Alright Itta, you tranny waste of human life.

>> No.75573984

These two betrayed the clique even. They are going it all alone now.

>> No.75574039

Yet from what I can tell, nobody is talking about it or they don't care so.

>> No.75574041 [DELETED] 

someone definitely did if photos were taken with their phones, it’s just a matter of time until either the full concert or at least clips are released

>> No.75574103

You're not wrong. If anyone speaks put these two can destroy them though. Ban from all communities and posting from their blackmail folder.

>> No.75574106

Both cards should have just said Ruffians

>> No.75574111

you ain't allowed to
and if it's anything like viv:id, there's high chance they won't even allow phone in premise
as in, they confiscate all your phone before it's started

>> No.75574117
File: 603 KB, 380x672, 1695218431600861.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hope every tranny in the clique gets a terrible infection

>> No.75574130

That was the plan all along though. Becoming a pillar was just a stepping stone.

>> No.75574162

What fucking communities? BAUCORD? Once again the people whining about men out themselves as terminal discordniggers, to the surprise of zero people.
They have zero pull anywhere that matters.

>> No.75574190

they're already and still having a fuss in the second steam chat

>> No.75574192

There are fan pictures in the audience, they allowed phones in.

>> No.75574208
File: 2.63 MB, 642x600, 1707995247706647.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time they bring up following dreams I sit there with a completely blank expression because I have nothing

>> No.75574226

Yep, knew about the folder, I even saw my name earlier. back when I got roped in, didn't consent to that but hey. I never said anything anti, so idk if they have anything real on me.

>> No.75574233 [DELETED] 

several photos were taken during the concert from attendees phones

>> No.75574254

Let me suggest a beautiful dream: Murdering every faggot turning this thread into a gossip general. I'll support you on that dream.

>> No.75574270

motherfuckers, then for what reason did I suffer through those 4 hours of literally no phone

>> No.75574286
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>> No.75574291

They are? where specifically?

>> No.75574297

What's the end goal? Sex with Fuwawa?

>> No.75574304

you don't even dreams of living a cushy life of overflowing passive income?

>> No.75574305

Look at you fags arguing like little girls kek

>> No.75574315 [DELETED] 


>> No.75574321

>didn't consent
That shit literally only ever happened on Discord, you can't be "roped in" to Discord, you disgusting falseflagging tranny. Kill your whole family and then kill yourself.

>> No.75574341

That's a good one but it's a lot of more and the consequences are pretty bad.


>> No.75574342

Didn’t Achu do most of the work? That’s what I get from this post. https://twitter.com/Achuachu7_/status/1789037718808523034

>> No.75574372


>> No.75574401

I think so. Still buy the rrat that the pillar is the one that posted that 8 stage plan in the early days. Wonder what stage this is. I trust fuwamoco's sniffers to stay safe

>> No.75574418
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>> No.75574430

Yeah, the one I was a part of for a while and then left you fucking moron. Anan will literally add anyone to the fuckin twitter chat who even expresses a positive opinion about FWMC that's how most of them start. Fucking idiot.

>> No.75574448 [DELETED] 

someone post that 8 stage plan post itta made

>> No.75574455

fuck anon, now I'm hard

>> No.75574487

Yes, and itta buried that in replies on his big announcement post

>> No.75574497


>> No.75574572

>It's okay and normal to make blackmail folders of other fans because it's on discord!
Listen to yourself

>> No.75574591

>it's ok to move goalposts because I'm a tranny faggot!

>> No.75574594

Start a new thread just to talk about yourselves and your retarded drama. Stay classy /baubau/.

>> No.75574614

but achu don't deserves to be in the blue flower tho ;)

>> No.75574620 [DELETED] 

holy meltdown

>> No.75574660

FWMC probably saw it and decided to RT achu’s post instead of itta’s

>> No.75574661

oops, sorry, you didn't ask to not have meltdown

>> No.75574670

Yeah the one they advertise after adding people to the twitter chat? that one? The one people end up joining after they get added to said chat? Are you genuinely fucking retarded or just an expert at pretending to have an empty skull?

>> No.75574705

never watched Fuwamoco but I keep coming to baubau to read about "the clique" better than most drama tv

>> No.75574708
File: 285 KB, 3840x3840, 1698721153216383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's weird, there's 28 posts in this thread now but the post counter says 84

>> No.75574727

He was on the red. Red was for Taiwanese ruffians and blue for EN ruffians.

>> No.75574749

Yes, the one you have to actively ask to be invited, click the fucking link, and have a Discord account. That's not being ROPED IN, you NIGGER, that's you being a gossipping little nigger faggot desperately wanting to be included in some clique for good boy points, you deserve everything bad that ever happened or will happen to you. I hope you die a slow and painful death.

>> No.75574778

>segregating the ruffians
now you're talking

also extra funny because mococo is the eopqueen while fuwawa prefers jpcock

>> No.75574828

Think you'll go before me, your fuckin skull is so empty I'm surprised you haven't walked into oncoming traffic, should get on that you dumb nigger. you're so fucking divorced from any kind of reality its insane, fuck off.

>> No.75574860


>> No.75574862

Both their tits are unironically too small. Mococo's not flat. Fuwawas tits here are unironically the size of Mococo's actual tits.

>> No.75574874

I just want to know why they put names at all. Why did they even ask for support if they were never going to give people a chance to be included? This is exactly the exclusionary behavior fuwamoco hate.

>> No.75574878 [DELETED] 

itta is the pillar of /baubau/

>> No.75574906

can't please everyone
an original song or cover can have millions of views and many will dislike it or actually deem it bad no matter what
just like anyone who puts out covers of their own will (no corporation obligation) you learn to like your voice while improving it if you feel the need is there and maybe you find an audience (if covers are your goal at all)

>> No.75574919

I accept your concession, you fucking dumb brown nigger. Keep running away from the fact that your fanfiction didn't hold any water. You stupid piece of shit.

>> No.75574941

Attention, they wanted attention. Itta bought a cat he neglects for attention, he faked fucking dying for attention, he's a faggot.

>> No.75574942

Don’t ask me, ask him.

>> No.75574945

As long as we’re talking about shit unrelated to FWMC, Mikeneko is currently having another meltdown after saying she was always gachibaiting and is now going after her current whales for not fighting antis online (including the currently active 4chan thread she just linked on Twitter). No matter what happens, I’m just glad we have FWMC.

>> No.75574947

oh, I'm sorry, I'm not aware itta is a fucking john titor that can see the future

>> No.75574975

Is this nigga for real? It's loli art, retard.

>> No.75574988

meltdown? at 2AM?
more likely than you think

>> No.75575008

Only thing you should accept is a trip to the psych ward you fucking loon, you're a danger to yourself and your family.

>> No.75575011
File: 2.15 MB, 416x190, 72f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75575023

Fuwawa was the one doing translation work during doroken.

>> No.75575042
File: 3.50 MB, 1200x1745, 9a25366aae605258f6119dee454374a2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75575057


>> No.75575062


>> No.75575079

Is funny how she has more people tune in to watch her than most holoEN have viewers.

>> No.75575103
File: 660 KB, 1447x2039, f859adb42c8bfcc339c6727218985629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75575116 [DELETED] 
File: 499 KB, 2048x1536, GJcBSvqaoAA7KuL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont worry friends, i’ll save you

come and get me janny

>> No.75575144

Do people actually still care about her? That's surprising. I guess there is such a thing as too big to fail.

>> No.75575150
File: 361 KB, 1000x1000, 4d99c5e9bd27ee29575d36654e46c67f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75575159 [DELETED] 
File: 625 KB, 640x626, 1710156006723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sex with ally&sally

>> No.75575164

Have a shitty audio recording of the TW concert. Does anyone want?
Also I have some bad news
I thought FWMC had the weakest performance by a long shot. Everyone seemed bored out of their minds and very few cheered. I honestly felt bad for them. I wonder if they saw it on stream.

>> No.75575174

that's pero possessing her

>> No.75575176

All this whining but nothing will change. The master manipulators will continue to bend the community to their will and no one will speak up.

>> No.75575193

>male on stream

>> No.75575205
File: 1.38 MB, 2121x3000, a0557135af824e3cc3208f49b06e4c6e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75575210

sisters don't watch streams

>> No.75575211 [DELETED] 
File: 135 KB, 827x1329, DHR2mPWUAAMsH2R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my wife

>> No.75575213

She still gets a healthy amount of superchats.

>> No.75575222

Of course, if you’re willing to share.

>> No.75575255
File: 391 KB, 998x1000, 543d69c0aebbb35bcf43505175b6c565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75575257

Did they really do 16 songs? If so I'm mad at them for going out of their way to destroy themselves, I heard Kobo and Gura had 10 and 8.

>> No.75575271 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 648x864, DytEy20UcAATgcX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really? that sucks, share it

>> No.75575273
File: 521 KB, 996x996, 1715217645409521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes pls

>> No.75575279

I had the same feeling, it's sad. Being flat and new didn't help either plus their voices are shot. Compared to the others which are top talents in holo singing, I'm shocked they were even invited but happy for them.

>> No.75575287

>Mikeneko is currently having another meltdown after saying she was always gachibaiting
I mean this was always obvious since she was literally married while gachibaiting.
This shouldn't be surprising at this point.

>> No.75575290

But Mococo voices Pero.

>> No.75575291

In their defense, they weren't in tip top shape, and it was their first time in a long time.

>> No.75575307
File: 300 KB, 1000x1000, 710c4cde25999f68977fc2e432807be3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75575308

It's either that, or he wants to be a manager/work for cover, or become a content creator. Thankfully due to his mental illness and their idol ideals the first one will never happen.

>> No.75575314

Kobo sang 3 Chinese songs. Hard to beat that.

>> No.75575330

he applied for the EN cover office

>> No.75575336

I think each talent only gets to see the crowd during their own section so they should be fine. They're happy to just perform. Also it can't be helped because they haven't had years to build up a fanbase. The fan meetups for IRyS and Bae were huge in comparison to the 20 odd ruffians.

>> No.75575346

>tfw taipei also stole their first RnR post-japan

>> No.75575359 [DELETED] 
File: 80 KB, 480x640, DgSzEdqUcAABR3k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75575361
File: 127 KB, 896x896, 069cb005ea39c5e5eb5a7d9abd428289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75575400

Doxxposter is the pillar of the community.

>> No.75575403

Why are they so ugly?

>> No.75575404

In their offense, they aren't in tip top shape because of their own poor health management.

>> No.75575406

Holy shit that hairstyle is so cute on her

>> No.75575410

What? Jesus fucking christ...He's actually mentally ill

>> No.75575423
File: 286 KB, 715x1000, 91c6bb48ee9535c60c5deb413daefc31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75575425

>he conveniently forgot about the GRAND DESIGN
kek. this guy is easily the most psychotic mastermind ruffian and it's not even close.

>> No.75575427

No? They only did 8.

>> No.75575443

Yeah, things are not going well right now, fellow pebble. Best to not visit for a bit.

>> No.75575453

t. /k/

>> No.75575466 [DELETED] 
File: 74 KB, 864x648, Eqkp4U_VgAIkgdL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take that back nigger

>> No.75575465

I hope you are lying.

>> No.75575483

>tranny can't hold itself from insulting women based on appearances
I guess you truly are female brained, congratulations.

>> No.75575484
File: 247 KB, 715x1000, ee8fabfcee51cc5996dc720a950e3e93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75575488

Damn, thanks for reminding me how beautiful these two are. Needed that today.

>> No.75575489

Stage 4 of his grand plan

>> No.75575500

I trust there are safeguards to block it even if he's qualified
so I am not concerned.

>> No.75575522
File: 88 KB, 216x301, 1715411991186129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't their first meetup because they did one before and I don't consider chinks human

>> No.75575536
File: 168 KB, 703x999, b5e037b342570c2991b30a75e9beea8e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75575538

I wish there was more art of women teasing cocks with paint brushes, that shit is the ultimate fetish to me, even better than rape and guro, but there's surprisingly few entries on related tags.

>> No.75575542

I hope so, he seems more dangerous than most of the others.

>> No.75575556

Based mogogo

>> No.75575564
File: 51 KB, 768x672, aichoaniki2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They look like the Ai Cho Aniki twins.

>> No.75575566 [DELETED] 
File: 147 KB, 645x1000, DlIHWpuV4AIeboA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you’re welcome, i want to smell and eat their buttholes. especially ally’s

>> No.75575573
File: 339 KB, 773x793, 1713893726948566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like doxxsisters have no home to come back

>> No.75575598
File: 157 KB, 942x1000, c63b77bff4b9640af3d7a92f859da567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75575611

Can any of you ask your mom if you can come out and play? This thread stinks and the pizza place just got tekken 3

>> No.75575617

What the fuck kek, that's what you immediately thought based on that cute image? Fucking gorilla

>> No.75575621

If only they aged like japanese... western genotypes never age well

>> No.75575634 [DELETED] 
File: 420 KB, 1536x2048, ERXhKPIVUAEAmMO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75575645


>> No.75575647 [DELETED] 
File: 95 KB, 545x307, sally_ally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75575650
File: 140 KB, 762x1000, 5d284aa09b71092e63d15b909a6e846d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75575651

Yeah, kobo, gura, bae and IRyS are pretty much a stacked lineup. They wouldn’t have stood out even on their best days. And their set list isn’t great this time.

>> No.75575653

good morning, what the fluff is happening here

>> No.75575670

Starting to suspect the pillar or one of the clique defense force are the doxxposters. Everytime people offer constructive criticism on fuwamoco or ruffians behaving badly they go full on spamming to derail

>> No.75575672

I feel like its not Fuwamoco's fault but the audience. Whenever anisong or even hololive song comes up. People really don't know what to cheer. But then again FWMC's song choices didnt help too. For instance? Their animeNYC setlist was way more engaging.

>> No.75575688 [DELETED] 
File: 187 KB, 750x1000, EBfgF8BVAAARwEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75575689

Woah, don't scare me like that bro, I wasn't prepared to see cute girls.

>> No.75575698

Doxxposting, meltdowns, men talk, clique gossip, BauBau has it all today anon

>> No.75575712
File: 206 KB, 698x1000, fab2d15c62400e069e4272490e4df8d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75575720

Share it please

>> No.75575725

She was pretty cute during her recent karaoke. I must have a thing for pink women

>> No.75575726

Don't be sorry it's ok, it sounds pretty hot. But you caught me off guard. Now I want fuwamoco teasing my cock with their fuzzy and fluffy tail tips

>> No.75575742 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 864x648, EAZc1AUUwAMQQGQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me on the left

>> No.75575757

So many cute girls in this thread now, I've almost forgotten what I was mad about

>> No.75575761
File: 118 KB, 372x447, 1714061211776646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>constructive criticism
come the fuck on now

>> No.75575772
File: 225 KB, 750x1000, 17eaff96351ad13a0dfc6e3b91d0c5d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75575774

Imagine getting fisted by her.

>> No.75575785
File: 2.12 MB, 1803x1272, Gorillas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bring the gorillas back.

>> No.75575798 [DELETED] 
File: 89 KB, 648x864, EIrKj-oUYAE27V-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to get ally pregnant

>> No.75575842 [DELETED] 
File: 144 KB, 900x1265, ECfDu9kW4AAubT1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75575846

What the fuck is this? Keep your shit dogs away from Hololive. Bautards once again proving to be filled with retarded faggots

>> No.75575849

post the bowling one

>> No.75575866
File: 1.28 MB, 1920x4230, gorillas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75575873

Feel like they should ditch ltst and rebellion. Honestly, no one gives a shit about those. Put in more crowd pleasers like Ahoy. Hopefully they learn from this experience.

>> No.75575879
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Do your job mods

>> No.75575896

Man pretty and have good fashion sense? I think I love them more now.

>> No.75575895
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>> No.75575903

Fuwawa was born with large breasts

>> No.75575917

>ditch ltsl and rebellion

>> No.75575947

I want to get Mococo pregnant and awaken her motherly instincts. She’d be the most caring, doting, little bit crazy, and supportive mom. I totally didn’t go to sleep holding a pillow and imagining my life with them…

>> No.75575949
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>> No.75575966
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They aged like fine wine

>> No.75575983

They are just not popular songs and the crowd doesn’t care about it.

>> No.75575993
File: 111 KB, 621x1024, 1715322645527803m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife is so cute fr

>> No.75576003
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So true, still beautiful even entering the hag realm

>> No.75576005
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>> No.75576008

I'm sorry people called put your two faced bullshit, t-shirt.

>> No.75576030

Oh, it's the schizo who thinks only the people being gossipped about hate gossip, alright, carry on. Won't bother with you.

>> No.75576052
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>> No.75576066

I forgot about the cat, does he even still have it? Who took care of it during the life threatening surgury?

>> No.75576079

Damn they bombed? I guess the cheering in the clip they shared was the crowd celebrating that it was finally over.

>> No.75576098
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>> No.75576107
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Any chance of a friend enemy fuwamoco collab?

>> No.75576111

I dunno, all I know is that in every vid I see it looks dirty, its eyes are all crusted up. Just looks neglected.

>> No.75576127
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she’s beautiful even in person

>> No.75576138
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>> No.75576164

Yeah it was bad. I'm happy they got that clip, maybe cover will protect them because the talents can't really see the feed well when performing anyways and they didn't see the reactions others got. Theirs was the worst by far, unsurprising considering the competition. I'm happy they have that cheering short vid, it's hype even if it's inaccurate to the rest of the performance.

>> No.75576180
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>> No.75576194
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Both of them are yeah, their smiles light up the fuckin room, I knew already but its nice to be reminded.

>> No.75576198

recording next thread?

>> No.75576211
File: 170 KB, 421x445, 1715315470897623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to fix /vt/
1. Allow flags
2. IP range ban SEA.
Prove me wrong.

>> No.75576215
File: 302 KB, 1436x2048, GAsWXK7XMA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's FUWAMOCODE WORD is BAU BAU Sex with Newissa!!

>> No.75576221

They might like those songs but they're shit songs. Especially LTST. It works as jingle and BGM basis but it's not a proper song. Rebellion makes sense in places with a lot of Advent fans but that's it, many other Hololive have no reason to care about it.

>> No.75576222
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>> No.75576231

That sucks. But as others have said, they weren’t really at their best and the setlist would really be appreciated by the regular ruffians in their chat, not by a band of chinks.

>> No.75576247

Not sure if flags would fix the problem, but at the very least shitpost attempts would be met with mockery, so it's definitely an improvement.

>> No.75576253

Wonder if it would have been better without all the throat issues, maybe it was nervousness too.

>> No.75576259
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>> No.75576260

I am from Kazakhstan, where are you from?

>> No.75576264
File: 100 KB, 850x1496, Moom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoot hoot bau bau when?

>> No.75576296

Best raid angle in the past 2 weeks, keep it up.

>> No.75576304

>IP range ban SEA
this already done
I know because I'm SEAmen

>> No.75576309
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>> No.75576351

You would forgot banning South America.

>> No.75576354

Clearly nerves and voice hurt didn't help them. But even if they had the performances of their lives the other members are leagues ahead in being experienced and established. They'll get there someday, I hope they aren't down about it because just being at the same event as the other talents this soon is massive.

>> No.75576356
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my sexy little minx wife

>> No.75576357
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>> No.75576362

Yeah, especially when you are competing with other talents in an actual live setting, every song counts. It was just a bad set list. Even Pegasus fantasy is a bad choice because saint seiya isn’t popular in Taiwan. Would have been better if they sang the Uma song.

>> No.75576366
File: 229 KB, 512x512, 1704473139707780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nijiniggers sure are desperate recently
I wonder want happened to their dying en branch

>> No.75576402
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>> No.75576405
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I want fuwawa with this body type. Hope she keeps up the good work.

>> No.75576429

>when you are competing with other talents in an actual live setting
now I do wonder why they set it up this way
I thought they all gonna sing together

but then again, it's not like cover can drag gura into doing karaoke with others

>> No.75576441

They seemed pretty happy about it in their post-concert tweets but I guess we’ll hear more about it tonight before the R&RP.

>> No.75576451

Gura's just there to collect and fuck off again, per usual

>> No.75576454
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>> No.75576455

Yeah is no biggie. They aren’t expected to be the headliner for this event anyway. They can learn from this experience.

>> No.75576485

All our gorillas were killed even for sfw posts. They were always our unsung heroes for defending this thread and keeping it on topic for fuwamoco even if the topic was fucking them.

>> No.75576489

Pekomama is one of the greatest additions to Hololive. We need 40 and 50 year old hag vtubers

>> No.75576496

FuwaMoco's Live2D Karaoke had a much bigger live audience than their concert, someone was seething in catalog earlier today.

>> No.75576500
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>> No.75576502

>Ruffians! We jerked off a bunch of strangers and they loved it! Aren't you happy for us!? BAU BAU!

>> No.75576545

They are not gonna bring down the mood. Just like the Taiwanese ruffians are gonna be polite and praise them on twitter.

>> No.75576551
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>> No.75576554

No they jerked me off actually, lovingly and drank every drop.

>> No.75576560

Yeah, I'm glad. They seem to be taking it well. They should, it's a big deal. And no one knows more than them that they have so much room to improve. I half expect a debut album

>> No.75576563

>t. resident cuckold

>> No.75576580

that bunch of strangers? all me

>> No.75576611

Horniness always keeps threads in line. /a/ went to absolute shit the moment the mods stopped allowing sadpanda links. Most shitposters are thirdworlders who are super religious and can't stand porn.

>> No.75576613
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>> No.75576639

My left hand is the physical manifestation of fuwawa's paws, floofies or royal pussy depending on my mood. It is no longer the original, I cut that off

>> No.75576652

>the mods stopped allowing sadpanda links
wait what
since when

>> No.75576657

>Most shitposters are thirdworlders who are super religious and can't stand porn.
That's just a zoomer thing. Look how they freaked out about the sex scene in Oppenheimer.

>> No.75576660

That crust eye it has? It got too close to the dilation station.

>> No.75576662

fuwamoco are for toddlers

>> No.75576682

Anon, it's been almost a decade...

>> No.75576685

that's right, me

>> No.75576706
File: 3.37 MB, 3425x2175, 1709663667745381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go away for an hour
>new thread is just cl*quegarbage
God I hate everyone involved there so much. Let them eat each other alive.

>> No.75576714

Yeah. Me.

>> No.75576721
File: 65 KB, 457x1024, 1715436552983855m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody went to watch their concert

>> No.75576727

SG is okay. Rest of SEA can go to hell. I've been in some communities with SEA people and almost every single decent person who was capable of logical thought and wrote in comprehensible English was from Singapore. Indogs and flips were unsurprisingly the worst of them all. Especially ID, it was like trying to communicate with completely different species. They're so fucking stupid holy shit. Asking the dumbest questions possible and misconstruing words in wild, vile ways, making multiple logical leaps at a time. PH aren't exactly as bad but they're really obnoxious with their constant self-hating or talking about themselves.

>> No.75576731

goo goo ga ga

>> No.75576740
File: 59 KB, 463x390, 1665525332802411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, me.

>> No.75576743
File: 180 KB, 319x434, 1715416143447960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So uhhhh can you guys keep your oshis away or something? We don't really want you interacting with Advent

>> No.75576759

I do want to suck on Fuwanees warm titty milk

>> No.75576789

I swear I stumbled on sex threads right beside v/a/lentines thread earlier this year

>> No.75576806

They fucking sang Lifetime Showtime to chinks, an original introduction song that even some ruffians think is bad, to bugs in Taipei who are predominantly fans of the older EN gen?

Was it autism?

>> No.75576833

Jesus...I feel bad for them...

>> No.75576851

Like 9 years ago. /a/ became irredeemably shit after that. Turns out coomers actually watch anime and discuss it.

>> No.75576855

it's because they know none knows them there so they need an intro

>> No.75576869

I think the pillar may be hitting the threshold where even the ultra positive cliquers might be feeling jealous and speak up

>> No.75576912

>tfw old /a/ was filled with kenja-time sages
my fucking sides

>> No.75576915

I mean, /meat/ comes up every now and then despite being banned here doesn't it?

>> No.75576934
File: 727 KB, 2048x1362, 1707932973481258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the anon from last thread who said they want to send flowers to their next US meet up. Do I be a faggot and put the flowers from /baubau/, or just from the Ruffians? Also how much does it cost to do this so I can plan this out a head of time?

>> No.75576947

what are you talking about

>> No.75576958

>Nevermind all the cheering in that video, guys. The crowd was just happy it was over. Fuwamoco sucked and everyone hated it, trust me!
So I'm supposed to believe these totally real testimonials aren't just more bait like everything else being posted in this thread, huh?

>> No.75576959
File: 941 KB, 500x500, brush.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy SEX

>> No.75576969

Honestly, this could be their anime redemption arc when they go there again two years later and have massive audience cheering for them and they can compare it to the humble beginnings.

>> No.75576972

You know, Im starting to worry that since this general is so unmoderated, it might end up like old /nijiEN/ before all the sisters overtook it and spammed with Cheese Pizza.

>> No.75576973

It's okay fuwamoco don't want to interact with advent anymore either. It'll naturally grow apart until they have a chance to join a jp branch. Then I'll have a jp oshis in fwmc and en in biboo and won't have to deal with this weird in-between

>> No.75576994

My japanese studies have finally progressed to the point where I can cut off HoloEN from my life forever.
I am leaving for greener fields among JP chuubas, wish me luck

>> No.75577005

i’m waiting for this supposed recording

>> No.75577016

That's not sadpanda newfag.

>> No.75577025

Thank God it's censored.

>> No.75577036

I was thinking of doing the same but “From your loving/loyal Ruffians around the globe”. I have no frame of reference so I was thinking of setting aside $300 for it.

>> No.75577043


>> No.75577044

I’d say Ruffians is better, or make it a bit more sentimental by having it be “From your Ruffians”.

>> No.75577050

You don't know what sad panda threads are huh.

>> No.75577073

It is a couple hundred for a nice one, including logistics. You won't be an attention whore sending it in a country you've never lived in and aren't attending so it is pretty easy. You get perms from cover to display then make the reservation with florist.
I would just put ruffians. I'll be doing the same with a separate display.

>> No.75577106

what are you talking about

>> No.75577116

It's not unmoderated, just maliciously so. NSFW gets banned even if it's not actually NSFW, doxx gets banned (as it should), off-topic might as well not be on the list for reporting reasons, as far as this general is concerned.

>> No.75577122

Where else am I going to find my loli incest cum inflation doujin?

>> No.75577137


>> No.75577140

I was there I didn't know a recording existed if it does. Back at home so going to bed soon. I think they did great as a ruffian.

>> No.75577186


>> No.75577233

Holy newfag

>> No.75577270

you said links you fucking idiot

>> No.75577296

Let's just all do multiple, fill the space as much as allowed. Drown out the fags that only put their name. I send more than the flowers in SCs weekly so I'm fine finding one fully to avoid money collecting bs. I'd have done one for taipei if I had known sooner but it felt weird doing it for an event I'm not attending

>> No.75577312


>> No.75577327

We're into old hag women not children. That shits for /ehe~/

>> No.75577349

these >>75576947 aren’t deleted, are you going to keep being daft?

>> No.75577362

From the ruffians seems way better, thank you anon, I can't really help you with the costs, so idk. you're a real one though.

>> No.75577407

meant to quote >>75577106

>> No.75577414

>that guy didn't get punished for stealing once, that must mean stealing is always legally allowed
Kill yourself.

>> No.75577442

Do you think FWMC browse exhentai together or separately?

>> No.75577444

Just do ruffians
I'm so fucking tired of all this posturing and people trying to take attention for themselves. I don't even want /baubau/ to get the attention. Just leave it as ruffians
I'll gladly chip in any money if you ever do it.

>> No.75577463

>once when there are many more posts containing links to sadpanda
so the answer was yes to my question before it seems

>> No.75577493

>“From your loving/loyal Ruffians around the globe”.
Ok that's good, I will keep this in mind.
Good idea, I will go with something similar to what the first amon said.
Ah, right, perms. Got it. I'm willing to spend close to $1000 on this, so hopefully cover doesn't pull any last minute BS when the time comes.

>> No.75577498

Mococo can't handle Fuwawa's favorite tags.

>> No.75577516

Please art of Moco-chan using a brush to tickle my cock and Fuwawa blowing air on it

>> No.75577526

Watch one of "them" try to attribute it to themselves afterwards despite doing nothing for it
I wouldn't even be surprised at this point, they want attention at any cost

>> No.75577542

It should always have been ruffians. Anyone who even considered otherwise is an attention whore. I'm more ok with mococo's because those were actual ruffian attendees . Why the hell did the EN names even get added? Neither attended and even complained about missing out.

>> No.75577544

Nsfw usually goes without being deleted in here too despite being banned.
Sadpanda used to be its own thread and it's desth marked the fall of /a/ in the eyes of some of us.
Stop being retarded and accept you didn't know what we implied.

>> No.75577564

So...when are you gonna post it...?

>> No.75577594

They don't pirate their porn, they browse toranoana and melonbooks instead.

>> No.75577613

Just do whatever you think it's better. Doesn't make sense to even plan for it now though.
For the record I don't feel anything regarding the flowers topic. Worrying about it is stupid.

>> No.75577629

Fuwamoco doujin translation services.

>> No.75577642

I won't even post about it on Twitter. I'll let people attending the show stumble on and share a photo. That's how it's meant to be. I'll be there obviously but why make it about yourself?

>> No.75577651

Just something like "from your ruffians, we love you!" Don't say "from /baubau/."
I have a lot of disposable income so I can help out too if you need it. obviously no credit cause im sick of having my name out there.hopwfully you're foreal but knowing my luck I'll probably get swindled like I always do lol

>> No.75577656

Learn English.

>> No.75577688

If someone can make a guide with links of places to order from/how to contact cover when the next NA concert is going to happen I’ll happily drop a few hundred bucks to for another “From the Ruffians” bouquet. I want them to feel loved by all fans, not a couple of attention whores.

>> No.75577712

I fund one myself, but might check here at that time to help choose the best arrangement. Hope I can trust you fags for flowers more than fashion

>> No.75577714

you are a fucking retard who claimed links are banned when they’re still being shared to this day, including in threads which contain posts that actually ARE deleted by jannies
daft, you're daft

>> No.75577744

This, I'm tired of all the attention whoring shit.

>> No.75577759

i accept your concession

>> No.75577777

This would be very helpful if someone can lay out the process in how to do this.

>> No.75577790

I can't wait until nyfco goes back up and you niggers fuck off.

>> No.75577794

Will do. I've done it in the past, it's easier than you think but helps to have someone physically there. It's an entire industry, which means higher costs Siberia more sometimes in exchange for convenience. Cover usually posts floral guidelines for events when announced.

>> No.75577822

dilate elsewhere

>> No.75577850

No, i am the retard assisting my fellow /a/non who said "links".
And you're the retard who can't grasp the idea that people will continue to post banned stuff and some of it will go unpunished. Doesn't mean we're wrong but it means jannies suck at their job enforcing their stupid rules.

>> No.75577873

>Siberia more
Ignore these words my fat brain is retarded

>> No.75577893

FWMC make my pee pee hard and for that they owe me sex

>> No.75577895

It's gonna vary from place to place right. Just do the legwork if you want to do it.

>> No.75577905

I will say this only once: I don't like being harsh. For anyone thinking about stopping supporting FuwaMoco because of recent events, don't. It is like this in every fandom; people come in and make it insufferable for those who have long been into the hobby, so they can take it for themselves while doing less work and being less involved than the people they drove away from it. Hololive is just the new target; you could see it back at debut. They had to double down on their color choice because of it. Your oshi is accepting, so you think you should be too. You can, but unlike them, you don't need this job. You don't need to avoid causing drama and be liked by everyone. In fact, the only one who can do something about this situation is you. FuwaMoco has higher-ups they answer to; you don't.

>> No.75577907

>some of it
that’s a whole lot to be considered just “some” but continue being retarded

>> No.75577996

Like i said, the posts that show up in your search results are lone posts in threads with hundreds of posts, they are "some" in the great scheme of things, retard.

>> No.75578049

You are delusional if you honestly believe higher-ups are forcing them to show favoritism towards grifters.

>> No.75578051

posts from some threads which contain very clear moderation and yet those links remain untouched, just shut the fuck up already

>> No.75578094

even ChatGPT can grasp the meaning of this post better than you

>> No.75578110

Anyone who would consider stop supporting them for doing absolutely nothing wrong should definitely stop. This kind of spoiled menhera is always a timebomb, better to get rid of them sooner.

>> No.75578138
File: 94 KB, 1080x1025, 1692150417860508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>very clear moderation
How new.

>> No.75578185

alright you're finished

>> No.75578197

Why can't other fans just be more normal and sane like me.
And it's not even because I'm a normalfag, far from it. Terminal 4channer ojisan who's gachikoi for them and yet I'm 300% more sane than most, how?
I'm happy about their endeavors, their success, their event appearances and content with their state in general, they've brought me so much happiness since their debut and given me no reason to stop being happy yet, not even when they are being a bit autistic and weird about announcing things in streams or when they have women moments of their own.
Stop caring about your individual attention and at least half of your problems will go away.

>> No.75578257

Thanks. I’ll do a bit of self research as prep. Only thing I could see being an issue for some strange reason is that I’m an EU fag and don’t live in NA.

>> No.75578282

Right you are.

Anyway i came here for fwmc audio recording but no one has dropped it yet, whats going on. Even chumbuds got one already.

>> No.75578344

the two guys arguing about exhentai links for the past hour are really the icing on the cake for this thread

>> No.75578353

Why do you think a malicious poster cares what you are into when posting IRL CCP?

>> No.75578354

I'd be down to put in some cash as well. NA's got a few cons coming soon, and we got ANYC coming up in August as well. That's if in the off-chance we get another concert or a RnR-mini.

>> No.75578366
File: 756 KB, 1280x720, 1689028336867795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Top (Ken Blast)

>> No.75578372

It was 3 people.

>> No.75578381

To be fair they have to to see the only thing from her all month.
I get to make these jokes as I was a member for over 3 years

>> No.75578432

weird ass setlist

>> No.75578439

Taiwan is chumbud central anon

>> No.75578458

it was a shitposting larper

>> No.75578503

it's meme shit with some emotional songs thrown in that match her voice. It's pretty Guracore I would say

>> No.75578516

That wasn't very baubau from him.

>> No.75578777


>> No.75579003

At least for me the frustration is just on everything surrounding this being their first. If this was like their 3rd major event or just routine like it is for Gura or Bae i'd be able to go all in being happy for them
But so much surrounding this is about it being their first time. Their first meet n great, their first flower display. And these first times matter to them which is why they emphasize them literally all the time
I just feel like I'm less of a fan for not being able to actually do anything for them at times like this

>> No.75579009
File: 20 KB, 312x312, 1696432555126671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75579054


>> No.75579092

You can always make something "their first" if you try hard enough
>their first time they had a double monitor setup during a meet and greet
>their first event in an EN country
>their first performance on a cruise ship
>their first event where Mococo was on the left and Fuwawa on the right

>> No.75579160

You'll always be far from being the first X or Y
Now stop being retarded

>> No.75579284

Actually! I have some, Im doing JP reps! Not many of them tho, im a very slow extra silly wuffian.

>> No.75579384

Not many, I'm just being very silly over my wives.

>> No.75579404

ok larpers if you were there how was mococo voice did like she is dying again?

>> No.75579465

There will always be ruffians that missed up on something. I didn’t get their first limited edition bday sets. Stop whining and be happy your oshis are progressing.

>> No.75579547

Distraught. Struggling with Japanese sentence composition and stringing ideas together.

>> No.75579556

Happy and fluffy thoughts. Watching the fluffy streams from this week while leveling in wow classic.

>> No.75579616

>Stop whining and be happy your oshis are progressing.

>> No.75579654

It would be their first with or without you. The fact that this part matters with regards to whether or not you're happy for them just shows that you're your own oshi and the "them" part is completely irrelevant.

>> No.75579740

I find it cute how baby ruffians are having their first discord vs /here/ war.

>> No.75579830

>because of recent events

>> No.75579832

I've been /here/ long before Discord existed, zoomer. Stop acting as if this is the mark of a true oldfag.

>> No.75579861


>> No.75579899
File: 115 KB, 600x446, quick ruffdown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he wants the quick ruffdown
Haha, guess it's time to not hold my bark back...
>orphaned and adopted into a Noble demon dog litter
>final students of a legendary guard dogs
>secret daughters of the mysterious big BAUd who's actually good
>such stacies that they not only add every Holo to their ever-expanding harem but also the Nijis
>her genmates and her friend (who is a literal rock)'s vaginas becomes waterfalls at the sheer sound of their BAU BAUs
>chosen to become the new oshi of the holofan-refugees
>masters and can fully control their *psh nothin personell kid" demonic guard dog powers
>wields shredder's steel claws (an anime-like and cooler Wolverine claws) and can teleport behind you
>beats one of the most powerful fairies in history that's hyped up by all the Nijisisters
>grows up to become full grown puppies, can make all the ruffians, rufferans, wuffians parasocial
>just saying "BAU BAU" makes everybody drop their pants for them
>uses the power of friendship to defeat the true antagonist interdimensional yab that appears at the last second
>is technically royalty, their biological father is the reincarnation of the founder of the Northwest Passage
>breaks up budding romances between other Holos that were developing before Advent because everybody sucks thei dicks in the 4th gen onward
>even the protagonists of previous gens hype them up
>can get with and utterly dick down any Holo of their choosing
>Mococo kills herself in a noble self sacrifice with her fujobait sister to commit the final yab but not really because the even bigger bigger yab comes along to get the true Fuwamoco ending
>becomes some of the strongest chuubas on the continent
>has the option to cuck Nerissa away from Kiara, Biboo away from Kaela, Pekora away from Miko, etc.
>now a future 3D version of theirselves from an alternate timeline is trying to kill them because they're too stacy
>tops Japanese official popularity polls, brought their franchise to the spotlight,
>made it so that the majority of the franchise's clips are about them
>is Yagoo's favorite Hololive chuuba, he even goes on to call the previous generations embarrassing

>> No.75579911

The fact that you even bothered to post this means you're still a newfag

>> No.75579959

Yes, indeed.

>> No.75580042

Retard, almost ever split has had a fight with its discord fancord counterpart on the basis of anonymity vs namefagging (clout chasers/grifters/paypigs).
Seeing you have a meltdown over it is cute.

>> No.75580103


>> No.75580143
File: 21 KB, 267x223, mococo stare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

part of me IS glad I didn't successfully resist checking out the new generation

>> No.75580200


>> No.75580284

Just wish this general wasn't extremely susceptible to raidniggers. I occasionally come here to look for FWMC event pics or secret illegal recordings because I'm poor and all I see are bloody diarrhea and shitters eating their own shits.

>> No.75580341

tbf everyone that isn't new would call threads like this a split because back then only the main thread existed, before this whole board even

>> No.75580387

I came here for an illegal recording and had the same experience, and here i thought ruffians had it pretty locked down compared to my /ggg/ home.

>> No.75580441

We are all splits from the main thread, never forget your origins.

>> No.75580456

The fact that a lot of anon's here bite the bait so willingly is proof that we either have a lot of newfags, or it's clique fags who are already seething about the drama and are wanting to lash out somewhere.

>> No.75580518

It's a bit of everything. Newfags, tourists, raiders and shitposters, people who aren't in the clique and who hate them, people who are in the clique and who hate other clique members but who need to still keep up their facade in public so they vent here.

>> No.75580611

So if that one guy is to believed, 8 songs with Moco-chan's fucked voice singing constantly and talking because they probably wanted to make it really count, how fucked is Moco-chan and how many more weeks of Fluffy are we gonna have?

>> No.75580633

The whole board IS new. General culture itself is new. Don't go around starting "real oldfag" shit only to then show your ass as someone who thinks this is a vtuber website.

>> No.75580653

>bragging about it in baucord
FWMC is always second

>> No.75580670

i am so glad i am a ruffian. i only hope the girls never have a mental breakdown like mike the cat. jesus.

>> No.75580674

Fluffy week/month/year won’t help if she’s still doing Morning retardation

>> No.75580690

Ok but I'm not him, just wanted to explain why "split" gets used.

>> No.75580727
File: 160 KB, 850x600, b1896bf08caa142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon, but fuwawa didn't sound much better. The karaoke tonight might be ruff unless her voice is healed overnight. It could be just gentle songs

>> No.75580729

Many times they are even lower then 2nd, those fags post whores there more than the fags here

>> No.75580745
File: 23 KB, 390x407, GHyUbvIWIAAtpoH.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75580777

They deserved better fans.

>> No.75580824
File: 104 KB, 1024x1024, 1714197846232598m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pathetic. You would think as a community leader you'd include the community but they're full mask off now. Especially with the "slip up" of
>The basket that I sent to FUWAMOCO
>edited to We

>> No.75580845

As an ex fandead myself, I'm aware of today's events and I'm just baffled. I mean I was over it already but nonetheless, just... I can't believe I ever trusted her or cared about her.
I'm really glad I'm here now.

>> No.75580891
File: 107 KB, 850x1092, 917c47fcb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>75580727 (me)
What the fuck why did that image attach? I swear I am not schizophrenic. Sorry I am exhausted after today.

Extra fluffy fuwawa as an apology.

>> No.75580897

Mike had those regularly before vtubers existed. Hololive acted as a limiter, she's just herself now.
One of her most common clips you'll find is her stripping during a video call with men on Skype.
It's sad to see, but I'm beyond pitying anyone sticking around, they have to know what they're getting themselves into at this point. If they have no self respect, why would I care?

>> No.75580936

Kek, it's Moom so it's okay.

>> No.75580955

Shit, I didn't even think about that.
I hope she ices the RNR to let her voice rest a little too. I'm being semi-serious, both for her and because I'd wanna see the seethe here if the Tai Pei event knocked it off the schedule for the third time.

>> No.75580977

>never forget your origins.
That's why I refuse to use the term.

>> No.75580982
File: 292 KB, 559x656, 1689026175274384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I get at 7/11

>> No.75580991

>his auto-pilot self is a whore
be careful to not suck dicks while half asleep

>> No.75581009

Fair enough, understandable.

>> No.75581042

the clique is okay with it, specially stickboy, how did FWMC ended up with this kind of fan?

>> No.75581063
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>> No.75581065

a part-time job

>> No.75581107

I'd rather work at a nearby farm desu

>> No.75581131
File: 528 KB, 2048x1536, shrine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FWMC shrine at Taiwan's misodo.

>> No.75581190

We're in need of plushies

>> No.75581194

>employees who don't know thinking "the fuck is going on now" while cleaning nearby tables

>> No.75581255
File: 561 KB, 1006x1086, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orca is still hanging around...

>> No.75581361

Why are so many ruffians former fandead

>> No.75581388 [SPOILER] 
File: 92 KB, 1232x992, 20230415_101232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an outsider my view on fwmc and their attraction towards well meaning wholesome fans is a double edge sword because dark triad types see it as a goldmine to abuse for their purposes whichever they might be.
The dogs attract sheep and between the sheep there's wolves.

Still waiting for the recording.

>> No.75581420

good morning

>> No.75581487
File: 1.87 MB, 1280x720, I GOT A GLOCK IN MY RARI [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fpfbknj.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75581535

I swear that lad is a tragedy waiting to happen, both really are made for eachother.

>> No.75581586

The hope is they get bigger and eventually lose those type of fans.

>> No.75581647
File: 2.23 MB, 518x640, korone-what.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paw prints in username
It's unrelated I know but still scary

>> No.75581760
File: 3.83 MB, 2566x3285, ruswim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not former fandead but I have been watching since before Gen 3. Rushia was used as THE litmus test for parasocial GFE. There were so many stories about the things she did, that I never once doubted her or her fans. Sure there were always rumors, but you have to remember now that the majority of the board are newfags with the benefit of hindsight. At the time, Rushia was unimpeachable and everything was dismissed as Anti rats. I guess that's why I sometimes feel it's hard to trust anyone, because if she could fall, anyone could fall. She was really committed to the bit. She was needier than Lamy, a better Twitter stalker than Nerissa, remembered more details about her fans than Kiara, she did almost everything right. People swore up and down her emotions and tears were real, not just EOPs but JPs who could understand her and members. And it was all an act. She was lying the whole time and in the worst ways about the worst things.

Again people now will say shit like "Oh it's so obvious" or "I never trusted her to begin with" and I'm telling you they are fucking lying through their teeth. Either newfags or people looking on with 2 years hindsight and all the self destruction she's done then. If Fuwamoco ever implode, and here's hoping they won't, there will be tons of people too who say "Oh I saw it coming" but really nobody doubts them now. Side note, her design was fucking incredible and it's a crime it's gone now. I spilled so much seed to her.

>> No.75581819

I admit I came to her a lot, great design

>> No.75581851

I was going to help pay for it but I think those with their names credited were the only ones that paid

>> No.75581855

I don't think it's too surprising. While she's mostly known for being a menhera trainwreck nowadays(and yes back then too but not quite like this), Rushia was very loving towards her fans, and was extremely cute and entertaining. FWMC love you guys and they're extremely cute and entertaining.
t. ourist who walked in looking for the recording that apparently ain't here, oh well.

>> No.75582033


>> No.75582043
File: 12 KB, 400x400, iB6Yl5mi_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Et Tu, Anon

>> No.75582045

FUWAMOCO is menhera too anon…

>> No.75582109

A bunch of JPs are menheras. They didnt self-destruct like rushia. Hers is on a different scale of crazy.

>> No.75582216

Unironically though, there's zero chance we'll ever see shit go down that way again with FuwaMoco.
I'd sooner get hit by lightning seven times in a year while also winning the powerball.

>> No.75582327

Her pink version made me diamonds as well.
It's so weird to think that I've been following Hololive for 5 years and so many things have changed in that time that newfags just have no clue about. Vtubing isn't even 10 years old. Every time I talk about something that used to be, people have no idea or don't believe it because they only started watching when EN debuted or even fucking later.

>NoelXFlare was THE fucking ship of ships, they were super gay for each other.
>Aqua and Marine were stream monsters.
>The impact Coco had on the English Vtubing scene was fucking immense.
>The reason perms are such a bitch now is because Hololive is worth going after legally and we found this out the hard way when Mio's manager dropped the ball and caused the Holocaust.
>Suisei used to have a different voice and was just some dorky retard who was one of the less popular Holos instead of the PRIDE OF HOLOLIVE.
>Erolive, all the girls used to have panties, ASMR was GFE and erotic and public, not locked behind membership.
>Rushia was the gold standard for parasocial vtubing.

>> No.75582353

Get a hot dog and some sour patch kids

>> No.75582419
File: 291 KB, 1024x721, no one could possibly see this coming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where there is smoke, there is fire. She's always been like this. The real rewriting history is pretending it came out of nowhere.

>> No.75582510

>Migo being absolute bottom in popularity. Now she is considered as the protagonist.
>Lots of male collabs before sankisei. Even Miko was involved in some.

>> No.75582528

Right like we haven't had similar loops with Fuwamoco.

>> No.75582533

People don't usually care about preholo stuff anon

>> No.75582601
File: 132 KB, 683x1024, 1714800734541996m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't fucking care

>> No.75582624

Remember when Okayu was just the comfy gamer cat and not the maximum sex "fap to me" ASMR girl

>> No.75582639

They never did anything anywhere near what Mike did even when they were literal nobodies. Scrapping the archives gives you nothing. Despite being enthusiastic about their love of porn, you'll never find them stripping on camera. You don't need to believe that they're changed women to buy into the fantasy. Quite the opposite, really. The more you dig, the better it gets, because it just shows that they're being themselves.

>> No.75582654

>Lots of male collabs
They were still rare as fuck, don't lie. Not sure what the obsession is with painting Hololive pre fantasy as some super male collab place. Subaru would have the occasional collab with her brother from the same mother, Fubuki was Fubuki, and Miko did the occasional male collab but it was nowhere near as common as people want to make you think.

>> No.75582692

She also had low self-esteem about her voice and didnt wana sing. Nowadays she has a cover/orisong out every month or two.

>> No.75582714

Yeah, although she's become a splendid woman and it's what she wants so I'll accept it.

>> No.75582718

Larping unicorns who fell in love with holoENs with boyfriends cope by saying this, but it's artificial "vtuber culture" pushed around the time of Council's debut.
If anything non-Holo doesn't count, then there's nothing to freak out, Rushia was perfect from start to finish. Mike is Mike pre and post Holo.

>> No.75582739

This is nigh-impossible to understand, ruffian!

>> No.75582773

You dont think there was a huge difference compared to then and now?

>> No.75582834

>Rushia was perfect from start to finish
How? She ousted herself by running off to a dramafag.

>> No.75582837

Ive always though that not knowing this was strange, to say the least. It made waves even outside of the vtubing sphere and literally everyone here was running like headless chicken trying to make backups and organizing them because of the amount of data and the limited time to do it

>> No.75582847

Well I made the thread because I thought it would be better, won't make that mistake again. Just borderline doxx discussion and shitposting everywhere. I recommend everyone just let it die, we don't need a thread up all the time, maybe make one for Fuwawa karaoke though.

>> No.75582862

You can't call anyone a newfag unless you come from the eilene times.

>> No.75582867

There's a lot more male collabs now.

>> No.75582879

I see, they're those kind of faggots who like to cancel.

>> No.75582908

I was there for Kizuna Ai's debut newfag.

>> No.75582924

I kind of agree. /baubau/ is too fast for it's own good. I come in here and see fucking rushia shit like what is going on. Other generals aren't like this

>> No.75582996

Let's not mix up preholo and nonholo. Personally I don't care about preholo or postholo, but during their time as a holo I have certain standards and expectations.

>> No.75582999

>thread literally starts with namefagging and male talk
>but this is what makes you regret making it
maybe you're part of the problem yourself

>> No.75583014

Yeah you're new

>> No.75583024
File: 47 KB, 768x768, GKNJf0ZacAAFJFv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why, so some anti can make the thread instead?

>> No.75583052

To be fair a lot of it was in the context of "Rushia was the GFE gold standard, FuwaMoco are also pretty GFE". I don't think having such discussions is a bad thing, certainly beats the usual JPschizos and cl*queshit.

>> No.75583061

During her time as a Holo she was not revealed to be married to anyone, enjoy your fantasy, then.

>> No.75583103

There was a time /HiRyS/ used to be like this, the second half of her first year to be precise. You guys are going through the same process.

>> No.75583114

Are they really more GFE compared to say Koyori and Lamy?

>> No.75583154

I did, back then. Now it was retroactively ruined for me and the good memories tarnished. I don't think that's unreasonable.

>> No.75583170

GFE is when the woman I'm attracted to wants to pursue her dreams and I try to stop her

>> No.75583184

It will die down when EN4 comes. All the tourists and attentionwhores will migrate there.

>> No.75583244

I mean, saplings managed to remain dormant for days by not engaging in threads made by antis, whats stopping you?

>> No.75583248

I would say they're about equal to Koyori in how their relationship with their fans is.
Can't say with Lamy, not membered to her. I heard from Yukimin that she changed a bit throughout the years but I wouldn't want to make a definitive statement there as an outsider.

>> No.75583290

Too bad it's going to be long while until EN4

>> No.75583303

We don't speak Japanese so we don't know.

>> No.75583305

I'm not saying it's unreasonable, I'm arguing against people pretending "it's all newfags with hindsight." This is a delusion. She was better as Rushia, but this behavior isn't new. If you admit to enjoy plugging your ears and pretending everything is ok, more power to you.
I personally would like to know if the woman I have as my surrogate wife has a man, not really interested in the cuck experience.

>> No.75583337

I don't think we will have a EN 4 any time soon unless some girls graduate or go the gura route of not streaming regularly.

>> No.75583343

saplings hide in /#/.

>> No.75583380

No sure, I agree. Like I said, during their time as a holo I'd want them to only be here for us (the fans).

>> No.75583384

Ruffians die if they're not given attention

>> No.75583429

Yeah, my sense is they are pretty similar to koyori in many regards.

>> No.75583459

Nowhere close. FUWAMOCO hardly do any GFE stuff.

>> No.75583478

She always gave me bad vibes and I instantly knew there's no point in following her (other than sex design) but I don't try to pretend it was something obvious, I was always different from most people in terms of perception. That's why on one hand I never understood her popularity (based on personal impression) but on the other hand understood her popularity (based on observing other people).
FuwaMoco don't give me such vibes and I fully believe they can be trusted. Doing research only confirms said intuitions.

>> No.75583513

I was referring to them a year ago a few months after her debut. Council had a lot of baggage to be peddled by antis and shitposters, specially fauna so saplings unilaterally decided to not make threads unless something was going on like a stream or an event.
If a large volume of posts in this thread are not dedicated to baubau then you're already engaging in an anti thread.

>> No.75583516

Good bait, concise.

>> No.75583587

I think it's pointless to compare between JP and EN anyway. The culture is different
They're light years more gfe than anyone else in EN and that's what matters.

>> No.75583727

Rushia as a character isn't ruined for me, at least I still have fond memories of those banshee screams. People can't grasp the fact that there are vtuber fans who can separate vtuber avatar from whoever is behind them. Isn't that a good thing? To keep them safe from being stalked and you don't have to be bothered caring about whatever they're doing in their private lives? Unless, of course, they want to implicitly let their vtuber fans know about their RM stuffs which I find it kinda disappointing in my opinion but more power to them, I guess.
