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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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[ERROR] No.8070289 [Reply] [Original]

So why does Indonesia get so much attention?
I just found it odd that's a market they're going after.
Hololive doesn't even have a Korean branch, and they've had two ID branches already.

>> No.8070418

Population reps anonchama...

>> No.8070536
File: 16 KB, 600x351, i dont even speak in english.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have a large youtube channel? If you had, you would know that 60% of your views are from fucking indonesia. SEAmonkeys do nothing all but watch youtube. There's SO MUCH seas on youtube, everywhere i look i see monke

>> No.8070559

Indonesia has big population and deep weeb culture penetration. JKT48 is AKB's first international branch in case you don't know. It's also cheaper to expand to but I doubt money is a problem.

>> No.8070603

PH branch when?
But really though.
Even if they have lots of numbers, do they have the bucks?
Do they rely on ad revenue in those cases?
Also isn't there a huge Spanish market for streaming? ES branch soon?

>> No.8070630
File: 1.04 MB, 3076x2075, __kureiji_ollie_anya_melfissa_and_pavolia_reine_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_astraea_atelierastraea__c026ff6f0733d7cc02d870670660e228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ID is close to Japan geographically and Japanese media is pretty popular there overall so it's a logical safe choice for babby's first foreign expansion to gauge interest for that sort of thing.

>> No.8070721

Cheap to maintain. You can buy 0.5 coca-cola for 30 cents. If someone donates in USD or Yen it is quite a lot I guess.

>> No.8070836

I've found that Americans tend to be completely ignorant of Indonesia in general. The population is enormous, at 4th most populous in the world. The island chain spans an area longer than the continental U.S. Indonesia isn't just rain forest, Java in particular has huge urban areas. Japanese culture and language have permeated the country. Why the hell would they choose to make a Korean branch before an Indonesian one, when the market is so much bigger in ID?

>> No.8070898

I have yet to see ID Vtuber with more than 10k viewers. Guess most of them want to watch american or japanese channels

>> No.8071009

Simple. Indonesians love Japan, while Koreans hate them

>> No.8071073

I just wished they spoke more actual Indonesian. It's sexy when Reine or Ollie go slrrp botok rrpkk hrrp.

>> No.8071202

I laughed at this harder than I should have

>> No.8071928

>PH branch when?
Majority of them know English already, so they're serviced by HoloEN technically.

>> No.8072068
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>> No.8072235

>Why the hell would they choose to make a Korean branch before an Indonesian one
Sure ID is bigger in population but you don't even watch your own ID streamers despite wave after wave of vtubers. Meanwhile korea has a much bigger online presence where korean streamers are seeing high numbers. It's like saying why no hololive india since they have like a billiom people.

>> No.8073021

I didn't even know Indonesia was big on weebshit desu

>> No.8073836

Most of India is piss poor, so fewer people with access to computers, internet, or disposable income. Indonesia is actually doing alright for itself. Also, again, Japanese language and culture have permeated Indonesia. This is not the case in India. Korea also has Japanese cultural influence, but with a much smaller population than Indonesia.

>> No.8074223

Testing out the waters for discount english with the first branch, would be rude to leave them with just one branch so here we are.

>> No.8074281

I dunno but the Indo tubers are tend to be pretty based

>> No.8074414

Korea has no interest in Vtubers. They don't even like regular streamers who don't use facecam

>> No.8076958

>korea has a much bigger online presence where korean streamers are seeing high numbers

Indonesia online presence is way bigger than Korean but only appeal to local market. There are a tons of Indonesian streamer with 5 digits viewer spreading across YouTube and other local steaming platforms playing mobile game and moba. One of them even reach 1 million live view on YouTube just from streaming a fucking chess match. And yes the also got a ton of donations, some of them got 100k just form doing nothing on stream.

The reason why holoid failed to take local market is because indog somehow doesn't interested with 2d streamer. Most of them only watch male streamer and booba streamer. We have similar case with Indian market but Indonesia have bigger weeb communities than India, that's why holoid still can find a small success and didn't get doomed immediately.

>> No.8077082

You can notice that some middle asians and russians watch ID vtubers too. They don't know japanese, and timezones screw them over so they can't watch EN.

>> No.8077155

Indonesia is a good market for Japan. Geographically nearby. Japanese culture is well received. Indos learn English to seem cultured or for business purposes. Some even learn japanese. This allows for exploratory expansion into ID and EN markets at bargain bin prices.

For the west, indonesia is a nonstarter because poisonous water and tons of people across the world know English. Japanese fluency isn't as prevelant in ID so it doesn't work the other way around with English interest. EN expansin into ID would be tapping the ID market and not really any others.

The only hidden vtuber gems you could possibly find in Indonesia that'd tap multiple secondary markets would presumably be any Chinese indos who speak bahasan, English and Chinese. But at that point you might as well hire geographically more accessible Chinese Canadians like Selen who can do English, at least one Chinese dialect, and french.

That's not to say ID isn't worth America's attention. It's just not the most immediately relevant, notable or accessible market compared to Latin America, europe, and the big 3 (economic powerhouse China, strategic ally South Korea, and former enemy Japan who was befreinded after the second world war arc).

>> No.8077219

Pinoy are much worse than indog

>> No.8077261

HololiveLA fucking when

>> No.8077262

Indonesia is paradise for any businesses that involve weeb culture. It just happens that westerners are generally ignorant to SEA, despite the fact that PH was colonised by the USA.

>> No.8077294

The number of Indonesian weebs is enormous. I don't think many people understand that.

>> No.8077464


>> No.8077875

Don't take it personally. We usually don't think about Guam or Puerto Rico either except when a hurricane passes through and we have to bail the corrupt Ricans out instead of lettng them be murdered n the streets by the people they're withholding emergency supplies from.

To be fair, America could be doing more to foster integration and advancement among it's various territories. It's just that Americans are so sick of and bankrupted by world wars and global adventurism that most Americans just want to be isolationist. Even if you do decide come out and sing the praises of an exanaive, globally integrated American empire, that's when all the self-loathing anti-american marxists would come out and whine about white supremacy and exploiting indigenous populations. It would be a political headache that our weak, feckless, shortsighted rulers don't want to deal with while they juggle corporate cronyism and insider trading.

I don't think any average American would be opposed to a well kept global empire with cultural and economic ties spanning various hemispheres (including cultural products like streamers). It's just that "the system" doesn't afford us any great visionaries who can make a good, honest, and propagandistically beneficial case for unironic, unabashed imperialism in genunely cooperative territories (or not the middle east) as part of modern American nationalism.

This is usually why inefficiencies in global commerce among American friendly or neutral territories occur. It's mostly due to a lack of awareness and leadership. Our president is literally demented. Our politicians are elected via popularity contest. Nobody can get into office if their reputation isn't spotless because the American people are judgmental children. So tldr it's far easier and quicker for niche obsessed venture capitalists to use private enterprise to form those connections and develop emerging markets than waiting for any sort of overall trend. There just needs to be money, intent, and proper cost benefit analysis for expansion into southeast asia to ensure.

Intent is important, because otherwise a general investor who's going not interested in money rather than market expiration will inevitably default to more surefire arenas ie China. With that said, this isn't financial advice and I don't really know anything about business so take all that with a grain of salt.

>> No.8078985

why would i watch holoID when most of them speak little to no Indonesian? I know it's because of money etc etc. I always preferred JP anyway

>> No.8079285
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their online presence are pretty big for example they hold the record of most watched chess match ever.

>> No.8079620

HoloIN anonchama

>> No.8080928

I think it's like this
En and Ind don't watch their own region's chuubas because they find them cringe
Japan watches their own Chuubas because Japan is the only country with more blind nationlism than America.

>> No.8085435

They don't get that much attention, least popular branch.

>> No.8085542

Damn what made Japanese go to Peru

>> No.8085957

ID has the the largest weeb population outside japan

>PH branch when?
Don't even joke about this

>> No.8086077

Language is also an issue. An EOP has much wider access to other chuubas and media since lingua franca. JOPs have no shortage of native chuubas but can't associate well with foreign chuubas both from the language barrier and cultural barriers.

>> No.8086202

