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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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809696 No.809696 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone else been watching this one?
I just found out about her stream couple days ago and only today I watched some video about her ‘‘backstory‘‘, and now I am kinda conflicted.
Basically she went to Leddit and made a post in english about how her rent is 50k yen or whatever and her income is not enough to pay it, so she asked for help in the post.
Usually its normal for vtubers to beg for subscribers, but straight up begging for money like that? I am not hating or anything but it aint surprising to me that a lot of paypigs rushed to give her their money of course, and this shit could be the start of even more scummy vtubers who comes up with tearjerking stories to drain these naive idiots money.

>> No.809780

I still think it is a massive group scam to get a loyal following out of fear of losing her or she getting evicted for lack of payments.

Reddit simps stop donating = Neneka gets outed

They cannot stop, and the most fearful will not stop sending money.

>> No.810226

I dont know if its a group but from the post she definitely sounds like a scammer.
If her rent is that much higher than her normal income then she should just move out. She must have found out that westerns are all over vtubers now and is using this chance to scam.
Even if she speaks the truth its still setting a bad example for other vtubers.
At the end of the day its not my money but still sucks to see.

>> No.810267

this girl earned 50k subs and 5k cash in less than 2 weeks. and any inquiry as to why this particular low effort vtuber instead of literally any other choice, is met with open hostility

>> No.810304

>Has anyone else been watching this one?
nothing personal, I just don't find minutes and minutes of straight silence entertaining

>> No.810434

"give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime" they say, the question is how long we'll they simp for her until things get out of hand?

>> No.810478

>why this particular low effort vtuber instead of literally any other choice

Most probably because of the money begging on Reddit. I guess thats literally all it takes now.
And of course, some youtube channels making videos titled THIS VTUBER NEEDS OUR HELP.

>> No.810684

feel like it's a concentrated effort, but also pre-planned

>> No.810740

I watched her before this boom. She would always mention that she isn't mentally and/or physically able to go out to do basic things like shopping and stuff. From what I gathered when I used to watch her a true hikki with mental issues that refuses to change and banks at attempting it to hit it big doing vtubing.

>> No.810815

i found it from a translator youtube post, seemed like too tragic of a story and wasn't aware that reddit had gotten involved and she went there first asking for donations
if it's a scam that's a shame, if it isn't and she ends up putting more effort into streaming now that she's got a financial cushion then great

however i did find a channel through one of the collabs which seems to be far more legit, engaging and entertaining
a bit hesitant to post it here because it appears she's very young and this place is full of weirdos

>> No.810818

Subscriber here before all this hype happened. She was always in need of money. Some translator groups started telling others about her money problems and some people tried to help. Personally, I just hope her life gets better with all of this support.

>> No.810847

>and made a post in english
she doesn't speak english?

>> No.810915

Do you really need to find the negative in everything?

>> No.810946

>If her rent is that much higher than her normal income then she should just move out.
sounds about white

>> No.810976

being skeptical isn't being negative

>> No.811022

I just dont like pretending to be dumb.
Not a big fan of scammers either.

>> No.811067

Every small vtuber is in need of money though. This is actually the first that I see begging for it on a forum instead of just creating content and opening a fanbox if youtube money isnt enough.

>> No.811411

gullible anon, a vtuber begging for money for her rent money sounds sus then she might be the first vbegger if your asking me

>> No.811621

Yeah, she's pretty weird and seems lazy. She just plays the same game for ages and is completely inactive compared to her mesugaki sister who can sing forever and puts out tons of effort.

>> No.812425

and weirdly, it went to my feed almost immediately after i saw another thread about her yesterday. i don't know how they did it, but its kinda creepy.

>> No.812875

Cross-origin tracking. Do you OpSec reps anon

>> No.812964

So she doesnt even work? Its literally a NEET vtuber?!
Damn. Normally I would like that and maybe even support such lifestyle, but when she is begging for money and not really delivering content for it it just rubs me the wrong way.
Would love if she used the NEET time to play games all day with viewers, sing and just generally be there online to interact with people.

>> No.813111

meta tags.

You've been watching too much gay sex with hats on that she was recommended to you

>> No.813264

Also as of half hour ago
She is also graduating soon from Shower Girls she is going to reincarnate


She'll be streaming nothing until graduating

>> No.813288

Putting aside whether or not she's grifting, I really dislike this entire angle of selling yourself as a pitiable charity case and shamelessly making that the focal point of your stream. Pretty much disguising a gofundme as a livestream.

The vtuber reddit people seem to have this creepy paternal fixation toward the people they watch. They use language like "please support x" "please look after x" or "let's all contribute to x". Bitch I'm here for entertainment. I don't know you and I don't owe you shit for existing in "the community". I'm a bit worried that after how successful this stunt was this type of thing will become more common.

>> No.813453

fucking good news, wish her the best

>> No.813919

Well shes introduced me to a bunch of indies some I plan to watch so I owe her at least that much.

>> No.814024

wtf so she makes 16,000 dollars in four streams after e-begging and then suddenly announces a graduation?

>> No.814056

seethe more lmao

>> No.814172

What the fuck? She didn't even get her model yet. Why? Especially after doing so well and trending? Why go out with a boom?

>> No.814214

This just makes it look even more suspicious if anything. Shes a NEET and is a vtuber for a living and now is suddenly going to reincarnate. She already has the equipment but where would she get a new model? Unless she gets to keep her old one, makes her own or is donated one where will the money come from if she really did need it to pay rent?

>> No.814290

she's obviously made enough money that she's not under financial stresses right now. just off rough estimates, she's got several month's worth of rent, food, water, and power paid for. that's plenty of time to get an upgrade to her pc and get a new identity.

>> No.814339

EZ money EZ life

>> No.814500

Absolutely based. Women weren't born with intellectual or physical prowess like men but have other ways to make up for it. The sooner you realize nobody is born deserving anything and you have to fight your way into life, you'll begin to appreciate moments of genius like these.

>> No.814574

i mean not long ago people on this board pretty much did the same to that ms paint girl. of course its a different circumstance, but parasocial relationships tend to rot people's brains and make them feel more responsible for contributing to the people they watch. this whole vtuber nonsense involves an insane amount of psychological manipulation that goes beyond entertainment at a face value

>> No.814653

which ones

>> No.815881


>> No.815901

>this type of thing will become more common.
Thats what I am thinking too.
But there are already vtubers that play the pity game on stream, blatantly asking for money.
For me its always a turn off, especially when they already get donations. Also a lot use websites like fantia or fanbox to get support, tho they mostly give content back so dont really feel like begging.

>> No.816119

I didnt know she was part of a group.
If thats the case then she isnt even getting all the money from the superchats, and that might be way she is choosing to graduate, so she can get all the money as a indie.
Kinda suspicious to be honest but if she is a nice person then I wish her good luck.

>> No.816231
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So out of nowhere, a random half-assed Vtuber girl gets the horn blown to help her because she can't afford rent. Add in some story about being an Ultra-NEET
She gets 50k subs, some 15k dollars in less than a month
Now she's graduating from a team she never mentioned she was from, and will come back at some other time

The only thing to sweeten this pot is how much shilling plebbit did to "save" her

>> No.816609

Fuck that bitch, if you can't pay your rent move

>> No.816614
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i can't hate her. white knighting paypigs deserve to be wrung dry.
the only harm this'll do is when her scam is inevitably outted, and she'll "poison the well" for indie vtubers with integrity.

>> No.816637

It's like Ahoge.

People sent rice and food to her after they found out she's using food money for karaoke funds for her streams.

>> No.816767

Marika is pretty cute when you get past the puppets, the elf girl Iris she had on was pretty funny during the LoL stream

>> No.816853

she's been around on reddit for a while you know https://www.reddit.com/r/VirtualYoutubers/comments/kfhstn/help_me/gg8jmps/
this past week was unusual but it's not as if it came out of nowhere

>> No.816872

Even when this shit started blowing up I had a gut feeling to avoid this shit.

>> No.817150

yea a lot of those who showed up on the stream seem to put a lot more effort and have a more professional setup
matchka is another one who puts in effort from what i've seen, even though her design is a bit goofy
she seems to understand english pretty well, which i fear might not be that great if/when she gets more popular due to her young age and what i've seen SEA and SA monkeys post in streams

>> No.823195

Adults should be responsible for their own money, even if it means wasting in worthless shit or potentially giving to scum.
Stop worry mongering, anon.
About this Vtuber in particular, I don't like her content.
I gave her a chance and she isn't entertaining.
She also slept while streaming. I find it disrespectful towards the viewers and it's wasting bandwidth.

>> No.823232

I heard she was guilting redditfags into giving her money so I made a concious effort to tell youtube to fuck right off when I saw her on my feed. I don't care for the sob story of some rando I've never watched before

>> No.823367

So did she buy a new model with donation money or something?

>> No.823525

Her chat is probably the most EOP chat I ever seen so far. Everytime I check it theres only english comments.
Now I am curious if she will keep pandering to english speakers once she reincarnates. She could very well just ditch them all to have more japanese viewers.

>> No.823864
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whats wrong with her lip?

>> No.826391

>quiet, boring
lol at her subs getting scammed

>> No.826687 [DELETED] 
File: 116 KB, 842x754, Neneka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New developments! Apparently she's planning on rebranding after this, and updating her channel and taking on a new vtube persona. Seems legit, both sarcastically and not, we will see.

https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/cute-little-fang You seriously don't know this?

>> No.827184

no refunds

>> No.827236

>made 16k within a week
>retires as soon as momentum begins to slow

You faggots are too gullible when it comes to women making up sad stories.

>> No.827300

It's just the Uto antis finding a new target after their pathetic attempts to cancel the tenshi failed miserably.

>> No.827372 [DELETED] 

Dude, if she's resuming activity under a new vtube rig, that's not 'retirement' or a problem at all... As long as she'll actually do that.

>> No.827484

Oh it's already happening. Just days after this story picked up a different vtuber made a post about how he has cancer and those fucking retards ate it up zero questions asked. Hilarious. It was really that easy.

>> No.827579

And if she doesn’t? You guys gonna dox her? Lmao.

>> No.828689

where is naruchad? we need him to expose the beggers.

>> No.828694

lmao you get what you deserve you fucking idiots.

>> No.828810

She lost half her audience and was out for a couple of months. Her image pretty tarnished
Fairly successful from the antis desu

>> No.828876

careful not to overdose on the copium

>> No.829797
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i was subbed to her before she blew up, this is a pic(13.02) from her stream where she showed her old house. make of this what you will

>> No.830077

her house burned down, that's why she's in the shit financially

>> No.830164

yeah, when i listened to the backstory video, i remember something about sexual harrasment from her boss and that's why she quit .

>> No.830185

damn that sucks, I hope now she can pay this months rent and stuff that she can find a stable job and keep vtubing as a hobby

>> No.830254

i pray for that as well

>> No.831524

Yeah, I guess she was expecting to get another month or two worth of donos, but this time it blew up, I guess, because of 14-days marathon she's doing (although she sleeps like 10-12h every day, just with the stream on, so it's kinda fake marathon in my opinion). I'm a bit worried about her graduation, because it looks like she wasn't planning to graduate when she started her marathon, so it is probably a rushed decision she made while being high on people's attention.

>> No.831813

Sometimes I tune on ANN news or some other local jap news agency and there is always a house that burnt down, seens like a constant threat for people over there

>> No.832139

She's made enough that she can pay rent for nearly two years

>> No.832299

That's the unique spirit of our site. Freedom of negativity is why I can feel at home here

>> No.832918

That's because Japanese houses are made out of wood and paper
how did you come up with that?

>> No.833655

I don't donate for charity. I simply put my money where my mouth is. This was sus from the start.

>> No.833710

This. I don't mind long-ass streams but keeping it on while you sleep to get donations? Its one thing to have a free chat, but that's another level.

>> No.833750


>> No.837438
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>> No.837656

that's just herpes she's gonna die soon.

>> No.838002

she has a fang made of flesh?

>> No.838048

who cares

>> No.838113

>how did you come up with that?

She's made about 16 grand in youtube superchats and probably a comparable amount in streamlabs

>> No.838159
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Somewhere around this many, minus one to account for rebels like yourself who post in threads they don't care about

>> No.838259
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>> No.838290

>She only has 2 frames
Closes tab

>> No.838677
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please watch matchka instead

>> No.839520

You wouldn't even have heard about any of these people if Neneka didn't miraculously blow up.
Matchka is nice tho.

>> No.839627

4, actually

>> No.839644

And now she’s retiring, you did it Reddit!

>> No.839678

literally says she's going full indie in the announcement, anon

>> No.839874

that's why i don't really care if she was scamming or not
she still brought attention to others like matchka, who i wish has a good amount of success for someone so young

>> No.840177

I know it's normal to think she's just a scammer but as a fellow hikkiNEET she's achieved the dream of having people who care about her on the internet and building a career out of it without needing to interact with normies.
Why shouldn't we be praising that?
Maybe /vt/ is different but back in the day on /jp/ being a hikkiNEET was pretty normal and anons would often discuss ways to survive that lifestyle, because it's hard and depressing.
Unlike most western streamers she also has a verifiable sob story of hardship and bullying. The kind that you get help for by being a cute girl, whether 2D or 3D. If vtubers can encourage people to be more empathetic towards the poor and mentally ill without needing to be pretty then it's a good thing, probably.

>> No.840214

Given the wording I think it's more likely that she's stupidly decided to go all in and buy a full rig

>> No.840222

Nips should learn that people never read past headline.

>> No.840252

>without needing to be pretty
You'd be amaze

>> No.840273

>more empathetic towards the poor and mentally ill without needing to be pretty
anon, the only reason this worked is because it triggered the white savior complex in redditors for a kawaii 2D female presenting anime character

>> No.840298 [DELETED] 

Is it stupid though? That sounds like an easy way to cement a lot of saviorfags into permasimps, instead of having them move on, by making a big display of gratitude by upgrading to a proper rig so she can do proper high effort streams? She's not going to sustain the level of income she's got not even a month from now, but if she got a vtube rig she might retain some of it. If I was in this position, I'd go all in with the money afforded to me too.

>> No.840344

it;s probably not sustainable and she will have to get a real job
if she truly needs the money then an expensive illustration and rigged model don't sound like good investments

>> No.840510

People say that it's unsustainable but it's not hard to retain viewers once you've already got them. Transitioning from retirement into a live2D debut and promoting herself on reddit again would work quite well. She'll likely at least get enough donations to make up the cost for the live2d. After that it's just whether she can improve her personality to be more engaging as hikkiNEETs are really bad at that and redditors are repelled by people who are actually social retards or withdrawn.

>> No.840931

Did her japanese fans leave her?

>> No.841274

Perhaps she paid all that clip channels some penny to get things going. Reddit posts were just premise.

>> No.843747

She never really had any...

>> No.844498

She cashed in on all of the gullible simps on Reddit who wanted to be a father figure supporting a young girl. I don't hate it since I couldn't care less what others do with their money. I hope she graduates into a vtuber with talent and they get a return on their investment but looking at her previous content or lack thereof, it's not likely.

>> No.844690

She did like a 10 hour talk show with fan calls in before.

>> No.844838

Someone explain the mspaint kano

>> No.844985

desu asking for money is fine because at the end of the day it's up to the guys blowing money on her in the first place

>> No.845166

should start her eigo reps then

>> No.845329

Good for her, I guess she'll use the extra cash to get an avatar of her own

>> No.847968

This is how I feel in all honesty, even if she was a pos scam artist she did bring a ton of traffic to other indies. I only hope the best for her and when she does return she grows as an entertainer.

>> No.848906

Have you thought of the possibility that maybe, just maybe, she is showing some random photo she picked off the internet?
I swear, some of you are newborn babies.

>> No.849597

Checked her stream a couple times and damn she somehow got a lot of paypigs and poorfags acting like they are her parents, actively saying to donate more money. And of course all comments in english, cuz of course EOPs are this fucking stupid.
I been checking indie vtubers for a while now and I never seen paypigs being this bad. Whoever this girl is she lucked the fuck out with her begging, and certainly other vtubers will try the same as well.

>> No.852603

If a vtuber actively lie and scammed people on the net, does it count as a criminal offence in japan? If nope, real life scammers should just debut as vtubers and come up with their sob stories, less risk and easy money.

>> No.852639

nothing's stopping you, anon

>> No.853756

Don't think those simps are victims tho. They just want to feed their own need of self validation

>> No.853920

>They just want to feed their own need of self validation
Donating food to a homeless shelter would probably be more effective.

>> No.854107

But Oren-chan didn't ask money
She might get pity subs from it, but she was already on Reddit for months without begging

>> No.854447

If she decides to Vtube, I hope she works on being more entertaining. If she confused this pity party for people actually enjoying her content, she'll be in for a surprise

>> No.854493

i have. im not a retard. but she's been doing this shit for half a year now and i havent seen a single person donate to her
also also if youre watching any of the people she's collabed with - block all eop/els. your chat experience will skyrocket (i wish yt had an option to block by region)

>> No.854631

I still uphold the fact that it might be a scam, if not, we are presencing the birth of a fucking juggernaut of the indie community.

If she does communicate back with the community and fanbase she just amassed/gathered, we might have found a chuuba which can be MOLDED, she didn't even understand the fucking ARA ARA meme, that's how green she is to all this otaku thing.

Reddit normies have NO IDEA what they got on their hands, they quite literally could shape her tastes if she opens more to this thing, and considering she just realized this VTubing thing is easier than sucking Japanese salaryman dick for a raise or have sex with her boss for a promotion, she might as well stay here for a LONG time.

This is it /vt/, we quite literally have a "ground zero" chuuba on our hands.

Do your best if she is gonna be your Oshi, you people might have gotten yourselves an unpolished diamond, and if the reddit support dies after the 14 days thing ends, we can pretty much step in and shape her future.

Let's see what happens, if this turns out to be nothing, then at least my rant can be used for memes or forgotten.

I would prefer the latter NGL.

>> No.854659


>> No.854667

She just realized how profitable this is.

Smart girl, other hungry chuuba would have ran out with the money and then comeback with a modified voice and another pity party only to get smacked in the face.

>> No.854698

If she kept her poor as shit living standart, obviously, she ain't gonna do that, she is gonna pour some effort here to make it work for long.

>> No.854760

Take your meds
Do you realize how cringe and insane is to talk about molding someone through chat?

>> No.858093

jesus FUCK this thread is just redditfags pretending. why not just go back you cretin?

>> No.859193

Nah, you don't get to see the homeless person cry in front of a crowd while thanking you by name.
I'm not sure if it's narcissism exactly, but the payoff for donating like this (or getting scammed) is emotionally bigger because it's personalized.

>> No.859247

fucking cringe

>> No.860110

It looks kinda sus, not gonna lie.

>> No.860332

I wish a chuuba would beg here for a change

>> No.861300

There are a lot of VTubers who put a huge amount of effort into what they do but are basically overshadowed by those signed with larger companies. Watching Amai Hiyo right now who has a nice model and is cute but less than 40 viewers on a livestream is a real shame as she's no worse than anyone in Hololive. It's no wonder some of them are reduced to begging when sheer work ethic alone can't foot the bills.

>> No.861943

why? her thread would only get spammed with "sent ;)" before getting jannie'd

and that's a good thing
