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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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8246737 No.8246737 [Reply] [Original]

Mother F'n USA memes!!!!!!!

>> No.8246810

Really spreading her wings with this insane creativity. Never before seen.

>> No.8246840 [DELETED] 

Literally nobody cares. This is like the shark devolving back into Sen. She has no appeal anymore.

>> No.8246852

>complained about lack of creative freedom in Hololive
>still doing the exact same shit she did there after graduating

>> No.8246922

SEETHING jerseyites

>> No.8246973 [DELETED] 

Wow, now that she has creative freedom she sure is showing everyone how creative she is... oh wait

Guess she'll be back as soon as everyone realizes that her literal best content was always in collabs and her solo content is pretty damn bad

>> No.8247022

This is kind of sad. I get she makes just as much being an indie, but all those rrats about creative freedom...

>> No.8247035

The main appeal of AsaCoco was the other girls participating on it
Its over Ksonbros...

>> No.8247050

afghan memes doko?

>> No.8247074

Glad we had this thread because I completely forgot.

>> No.8247084 [DELETED] 

>telling the truth
Nah we're just in awe of how much creative freedom she has. She's revolutionizing the platform with these meme reviews that has never been done before.

>> No.8247085

This cope died today.

>> No.8247100

they are going to exploit that narrative to the end eh?
you guys are not very creative either

>> No.8247105

atleast when shark devolves into sen, it is more interesting and enjoyable.

>> No.8247127

New Jersey is the greatest goddamn state in the Union and don't you forget it, Cletus.

>> No.8247159

The more I see Haachama glorious comeback and this, the more I realize she quit because she's a greedy bitch.

>> No.8247169

Why do we need a Coco thread and 2 Kson threads?

>> No.8247170

I don't blame her for not knowing where connecticut lol

>> No.8247178

Name one other streamer who used a "find the state on the map" game as an excuse to show USA memes.

>> No.8247190

Dumps tree or of New York. Even your basketball team fled. I cant wait for the Albany devils soon too

>> No.8247217 [DELETED] 

What? Sen as a streamer was just a more socially awkward drunk shark. Not seeing where you got that idea from.

>> No.8247246

Sen is absolutely kino, fuck all haters

>> No.8247272

Dragon friends really on maximum cope. It's okay to admit shes in it for the money. Shes a trendsetting mixed lesbo.

>> No.8247285

Not everyone can be as creative as Ame

>> No.8247318

Why are chumbuds like this?

>> No.8247333

Cant believe i'm watching another review and on top of that a meme review of a 3rd world country

>> No.8247421

the "thing, but hololive" soijack meme really isn't a meme at all, is it? holobronies are pathetic fucks who like a company more than the talent. they are worse than marvel capeshit funs.
Also the stream has been great so far. She really never left.

>> No.8247438
File: 53 KB, 992x744, abc_bug_sprays_hack_jc_160624_4x3t_992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*tsssssss* 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 *tssssssss* Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 *tssssssss* *tsssssss* 天安門大屠殺 *tssssssss* The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 *tssssssss* The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 *tssssssss* The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 *tssssssss* The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization *tssssssss* 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.8247459

>Jersey btfo
>Delaware BTFO
>Connecticut BTFO
>Maine based
>Colorado South Park bros

>> No.8247499

If it makes you feel better, I hated her stupid voice and Reddit memes when she was still in Hololive too.

>> No.8247510

Just as creative as your oshi I see!

>> No.8247566

this stream might get yabai

>> No.8247571

Whens asakson??

>> No.8247585

this is the anti thread

>> No.8247588

I wonder if she'll even remember where her home state is

>> No.8247793

Don't care, when is she showing her tits and ass?

>> No.8247834

Maybe if tatsunokos admitted in the first place that it was because of zhangs and her being weak mentally instead of blaming it all on "restrictions" then this wouldn't get spammed, now it's too late so anons will complain about her uncreative streams until she gets forgotten

>> No.8247894 [DELETED] 

I don't care if you're reading this 30 times a thread, I've only written this once, and I'm not the one that complained about creative freedom then proceeded to do exactly the same shit only with IRL panty shots in hopes of keeping the coomers attention

>> No.8247933

>uncreative streams
So many creative streams, I can't choose.

>> No.8247957 [DELETED] 

Not a zhang though, so tough luck ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.8247982

none of them left because their "creativity" was being restricted though

>> No.8247991

This is the creative freedom she's been craving for ?

>> No.8248036

What at jannetty state

>> No.8248060


>> No.8248074

>creative differences
It's not the same thing, are you retarded?

>> No.8248108

its a corporate-dicksucking, butthurt holobronie. it's very retarded.

>> No.8248130

Gee anon it's almost like we're talking about the holo who left because of management restricting her creativity (the official reason at least)

>> No.8248148

Yeah I'm sure cover was really against her meme reviews and eating pizza.

>> No.8248158


>> No.8248186

> weak mentally
Anon...if any of the other holos were put in her place they'd graduate in 2 weeks or even 2 days, she's one of the strongest when it comes to mental strength

>> No.8248251

none of the holos are strong mentally. She may be stronger than most holos but she's still mentally weak.

>> No.8248252

>>creative differences
what's different?

>> No.8248268

>All the "memes" are weather related and were probably made by boomers 10 years ago
Kson please...

>> No.8248275


>> No.8248295

the same 5 queers jumping from one thread to the other doing ctrl+c ctrl+v

>> No.8248330

The Reddit memes were bad, these Facebook uncle memes are actual rectal cancer

>> No.8248342

So this is the power of Georgia's public education...

>> No.8248365

I don't get this bridge meme

>> No.8248377

Better than redditor memes to be quite desu.

>> No.8248394

>All these boomer memes

She's really showing her age lmao.

>> No.8248425 [DELETED] 

Well, make it 6 this thread then

>> No.8248428

Still good feat for a woman

>> No.8248458

If there was snow they would step into the ditch.

>> No.8248568

shes a hag what do yoy expect

>> No.8248750

Kson's boyfriend got her pregnant late 2020. She made up her mind to graduate after finding out. The graduation live was pre recorded so she could give birth and recover in the hospital a few weeks before graduation. The stream she did a week before graduation was her first stream after getting back from the hospital. Kanata's break was so she could take care of her friend's baby while she was making arrangements to have a baby sitter while she streams. She will soon move in with her fiance.

>> No.8248882

I hope she shows baby on stream
Babies are cute

>> No.8248904

I hope she streams her wedding

>> No.8248923

>She's never heard of rhode island
I'm starting to doubt she grew up in the USA

>> No.8248965

ctrl+c ctrl+v

creativity doko?

>> No.8248974

Small state humiliation

>> No.8248996

If she grew up in Georgia, I'm surprised she knows anything that's not the South

>> No.8249014


>> No.8249018

No tier lists, this is heaven

>> No.8249020

I'm not trying to be creative, I'm trying to inform people

>> No.8249075

>African American are stu-
>Tryone roll'n above the floods

>> No.8249077

Thats the education system at work there.

>> No.8249083
File: 3 KB, 112x112, alex_valle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most hilarious about thing about these hate posters is the fact that they always keep on the look out for kson stuff, it's like kson lives rent free in their head or something and the other thing is about these retards expecting Coco content from an indie who doesn't have to prove anything anymore because she's done it all in the past.

>> No.8249123

Why I never learned about this in school...

>> No.8249149

You can't even speak proper english, did you even go to school?

>> No.8249208

about you being a retard?
you are doing well :)

>> No.8249211

I'll never get used to how weird she sounds when speaking english. It's like she changes her voice to talk to a retard because of that inflection. It's funny but unnerving

>> No.8249233 [DELETED] 

Bitch, at least try to watch streamers that actually have kids before doing rrats this bad

>> No.8249240

The American school system is full of nerds who hate fun, that's why they don't teach you this
If anything it proves they came out of American schools

>> No.8249259


>> No.8249264

>biggers make multiple threads and keep em bumped
>lmao they search us out bro
you're as creatively bankrupt as your reddit whore.

>> No.8249280

It's not a rrat, it's confirmed 100%

>> No.8249334

Keep barking on that moon, retard. It's pretty funny.

>> No.8249345

Yeah, me.

>> No.8249348
File: 643 KB, 1022x731, 1418724407259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol it's hot

Is that all there is to my state?

>> No.8249384

What else do you have?

>> No.8249390

I live in Arizona too and yeah, that's about it

>> No.8249391

I beleb

>> No.8249418

You know it's true. Look within you. There's NOTHING Muahaha.

>> No.8249423

Hot, Injuns, McCain

>> No.8249447

Do you want her to say there's a lot of Mormons as well?

>> No.8249451

Not anymore they don't

>> No.8249453

The best gun laws or lack thereof.

>> No.8249481

He seems to be a SEAnigge, their English is not very good

>> No.8249550

>see thread on catalog
>spend 30 seconds making a shitpost
>get a (you)
>continue posting in other threads

>> No.8249551

You guys have a sea life aquarium.
It was ogey when i visited.

>> No.8249568

How did a person who lived in America not know where any of the states are...

>> No.8249602

Burger education isn't that good, you know.

>> No.8249613

I have been here all my life and I don't either. Why should I bother learning?

>> No.8249627


>> No.8249652

I always forget where Mount Rushmore is located

>> No.8249688

Waste of air whore

>> No.8249735

Don't you have some rubber dogshit to package Zhang? Get back to work.

>> No.8249825
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It's a sad little part of a huge mountain!

>> No.8249891


>> No.8249923

What does this Washington meme even mean

>> No.8249947

>none o

>> No.8249967
File: 124 KB, 463x453, 1621223587524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Nebraska 5G one actually made me laugh.

>> No.8249975


That Seattle is not indicative of the entire state, I guess? I mean... it's a bad meme.

wa gang

>> No.8249991

She should do this with the world next and make fun of every country.

>> No.8250020
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I missed her so much (doing stuff like this).

>> No.8250053
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Not a bad idea actually

>> No.8250065
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>WA after you get over the Cascades

It's like the SJV of CA, full of muricans and desperation

>> No.8250077

And this is NIGER

>> No.8250096

My state has one relevant city and the rest is farmland.

>> No.8250173


>> No.8250179
File: 131 KB, 463x453, 1620475345737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She gets to China

>> No.8250226

I've watched her mildom stuff and RL stuff but this is really nice to see again. I hope it's a weekly thing again.

>> No.8250229

These "what I mean when I say I'm from X" feel pretentious to me especially when they cut to some fucking forest

>> No.8250252

>sad little part
Hello, democrat voter.

>> No.8250255
File: 200 KB, 741x723, 1619589903280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I didn't know Wyoming was a state

>> No.8250291

Doesn't even make sense for NY

>> No.8250300

These memes seem to imply that most of burgerland is a barred wasteland.

>> No.8250338

Most of the US is completely empty

>> No.8250347

It would make more sense to show the ghettos. Even I didn't know that upstate was like that until I saw that meme...

>> No.8250348
File: 44 KB, 274x370, doog bat transparent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8250353

it is

>> No.8250358

Most of the west is mountain chains and rain shadowed high desert.

>> No.8250362

>barred wasteland
Depends on your skin color and accent.

>> No.8250420


The US is fucking huge, and outside of the big cities there is a lot of empty space. Kson literally has several hundred thousand more subs than the entire state of Wyoming has people.

>> No.8250421

2/3 of the country's population live on coast side states

>> No.8250436
File: 55 KB, 567x547, EoL9dtlWMAgHUW-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my California Meme...

>> No.8250454
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>> No.8250468

>barren wasteland
Fertile farmland and mountains

>> No.8250503

The northeast is forest, farmland and cities
The south is swamp, forests and hillbillies and cities
The midwest is farmland and tornadoes
The west is desert, California(fire), and mountains
There's a lot of the US that nobody has the time, money or patience to settle

>> No.8250509

North Dakota should have been a rushia meme

>> No.8250543

>i-it must be the zhangs!

>> No.8250571

Montana is based and big skypilled

>> No.8250580

American's penis

>> No.8250624

Too bad is going to be ruined by california refugees

>> No.8250636
File: 141 KB, 298x252, 1623797619579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What will Alabama's meme be?

>> No.8250643

Would it be worthwhile for America to get sex reassignment surgery just to remove it?

>> No.8250656

>LvL 5 inmate

>> No.8250673


>> No.8250692

It'll rot off by itself, don't worry
As long we save Disnet, it'll be good

>> No.8250702

Absolutely redneck and football shit

>> No.8250711

The rest of the states are already feeling the California self-inflicted purge. They're like locusts or tumblr refugees.

>> No.8250737

I feel like every state says this...
and then you find the people who said it were CA refugees from 5+ years ago

>> No.8250760


>> No.8250766
File: 43 KB, 476x508, 50944010-3990-4878-99E0-BD5E2874CBEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do americans really?

>> No.8250801

Adirondacks. Upstate NY is basically innawoods

>> No.8250803

The answer is always "yes."

>> No.8250822

The absolute state of landwhales

>> No.8250826


>> No.8250829

/sp/chads, is our time.

>> No.8250841
File: 26 KB, 494x370, ffffff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SEC shade from a Georgian

>> No.8250844

It's been an entire year and they are still butthurt. When are you going to invade Taiwan, you pissskinned, bucktoothed manlets?

>> No.8250854


>> No.8250859


>> No.8250876

As someone who lived in NY for 25 years, I still have no idea where 'upstate' begins. I was in central NY

>> No.8250881

it's nice to hear that laugh again, she's still good as always.

>> No.8250886


>> No.8250934

NOOO i wanted an incest meme

>> No.8250935

you also got your battleship mogged

>> No.8250938
File: 58 KB, 600x832, 1563303586623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alabama memes are 90% incest.

>> No.8250941

>She can't even use the Alabama memes
fucking hell

>> No.8250948

Apparently a high usage of the word "faggot"

>> No.8250955

Irys, don't look

>> No.8250988

Hawaii is a place where no one told them WW2 ended and they can stop eating Spam and other MRE rations as real food

>> No.8250992
File: 7 KB, 240x240, 1485654573221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I can name like 40+ states and tell you where they're located, and I'm not even a burger. Everything I know about the US I learned against my will.

>> No.8251003

Upstate is when you can't see the city anymore.

>> No.8251022

I’ve only ever driven the I-10 in Alabama to get to Florida for the beaches whats the rest of the state like?

>> No.8251042

90% of Alabamans have fucked their sisters, mothers, aunts, cousins, and got diddled by that one creepy uncle of theirs.

>> No.8251080

It's also racist af against whites. It's really hard to get elected in Hawaii to state office without having native and/or Japanese ancestry. Japs run the state and treat it like it's a Nip colony.

>> No.8251133


Truly Axis powers won in Hawaii

>> No.8251179
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anime makes incest seem hotter than what it really is

>> No.8251293
File: 565 KB, 1980x3567, 1609420574390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She said today she has merch coming and was offered to be in a big event this year

>> No.8251346

It's okay when Japan and medieval Europe does it.

>> No.8251395

The local cops here have a guy on their payroll whose only job is specifically to go capture gators that have gotten into people pools/backyards/houses.

T. Louisianafag

>> No.8251402

Hapsburg's chins would beg to differ

>> No.8251404

On the topic of pronunciations whoever decided that Kansas and Arkansas should be pronounced differently was retarded beyond all belief

>> No.8251429

This is nothing but americlap bullying

>> No.8251430

This is more fun than it has any right to be

>> No.8251437

I had a student tell me he remembers Massachusetts because it looks like a gat


>> No.8251468

Pretty sure thats some native american tribe shit to blame for that

>> No.8251519

Damn, you foretold the future, good job anon

>> No.8251532
File: 37 KB, 700x372, alabama man cosplays as George Washington.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ladies dig a strong chin. Just ask /his/

>> No.8251534


>> No.8251544

>shaped like a gun
Sasuga americans...

>> No.8251547

It's ok to fuck your cousins if you use protection and nobody else knows.

>> No.8251560
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>> No.8251574
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Texas here.
Fuck you liberals

>> No.8251597
File: 194 KB, 503x503, 1613394839004 [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F2k4owq.mp3] .gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Texas is just empty space and DFW airport that sprawls into the horizon

And I guess a space center

>> No.8251603
File: 11 KB, 495x369, 1598410224088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I love Texas

>> No.8251615

No it's not us, we're used to our state being shit on so we've long since stopped being defensive about it
t. born and raised Middlesex county

>> No.8251617

Texas likes to forgot that Austin exists when liberals are brought up

>> No.8251661

this is already better than any meme review before it.

>> No.8251669
File: 154 KB, 274x333, 1616626365769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Former Texan here

Enjoy your record-breaking 'Rona deaths

>> No.8251677

Wheres Buccees?

>> No.8251712

Because redditors couldn't really make fun of hololive members in a mean way with memes, this is better because nobody cares about the feelings of people who live in irrelevant states

>> No.8251723

>gets every southern state right
>laughs at liberal states during the Texas meme
Is Kson, dare I say, redpilled?!

>> No.8251735

>Blown the fuck out by Santa Anna
>Blown the fuck out by everyone in the NFL
>Blown the fuck out by Greg Abbott grifting the state for political points


>> No.8251745

Remember NOT to get vaccinated or wear a mask. Stop your friends and family from doing it too!

>> No.8251754

We do. We like to forget Austin constantly.

I do remember reading an article about a liberal group that moved to Austin and thought it was too conservative... that's frightening.

only pussies die from drinking Corona

Check Pearland. There's one somewhere there.

>> No.8251765

More like Americans in general can take bants better than most other countries. They take after their former colonizers.

>> No.8251775

Fuck Old bay

>> No.8251778

>someone says "maryland is based" in the comments

Fuck you you fucking maryloid subhuman.

>> No.8251790


>> No.8251792

Free speech son. Your average American will rag on 49 states.
Not really we don't make fun of literal who states because we forget they exist

>> No.8251795

>high murder rate

>> No.8251804

Texan here, where the fuck I can move out from here?

>> No.8251807

She's a griller anon. Always been.

>> No.8251811

I feel that way when Oliver switches from JP to EN but instead he makes himself sound like a massive fruit

>> No.8251819
File: 521 KB, 532x340, FlakyBlackandwhiteDassierat-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love this redpilled bitch

>> No.8251821

>Old Bay is Ajinomoto

>> No.8251822

>this post

Yikes, it's a redditor.>>8251669

>> No.8251848

Hey guys want to go to baltimore?

>> No.8251859

Texas is nice and all the libs are contained in Austin, it's fine.

>> No.8251865
File: 52 KB, 654x512, 1546749794610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try a peaceful and homey place like Wyoming.

>> No.8251872

Vermont and New Hampshire are the only states I get mixed up

>> No.8251883

For now... but they'll propagate and spread...

>> No.8251891

Did they rebuild it since the last race riot?

>> No.8251903


God you guys are more pathetic than the ones who actually defend the CN members

I mean she's the best at milking her fanbase even back in the AsaCoco days. she just had to say the product was XXXX yen and she'd get a wall of supers for that value. She really trained her community well.
I mean they actually are brainlessly following a literal camgirl who put on a low effort Live2d to ensure those literal simps will keep giving her money.

>> No.8251919

I think Vermont is the one that borders Canada

>> No.8251933
File: 184 KB, 500x500, 1607705522783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on the cursed city, but I don't feel safe
I wish, but also thinking on Kansas (K-State fan).

>> No.8251942

not gonna breed faster than the guy with a ranch and 12 kids

>> No.8251957

New Mexico: Come for driving through it, stay for the turquoise bolo ties

>> No.8251958

Trying too hard, no (You) for you, cope

>> No.8251963

Nah son, Florida has the bester NASA

>> No.8251965

>who put on a low effort Live2d
It's a literal fucking koikatsu model

>> No.8251970


>> No.8251983

They both border Canada, it's just that more of Vermont does.

>> No.8252006

Does she understand what this meme is implying?

>> No.8252013
File: 880 KB, 789x772, 1619684899113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahahaha illegal immigration lmao

>> No.8252018

Vermont is the one that looks like a V

>> No.8252031


If you want to breed faster than liberals you should probably stop sending your retard children into COVID den schools

>> No.8252046
File: 1.35 MB, 1920x1080, 1620422111502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not bad!

>> No.8252050

she thinks it means USA people think they need a passport to go to new mexico.

>> No.8252057

I want to headpat this bitch so bad.

>> No.8252058

It's implying that people think that New Mexico is part of Mexico. Stop mainlining /pol/.

>> No.8252064

>I do remember reading an article about a liberal group that moved to Austin and thought it was too conservative... that's frightening.
>I'm on the cursed city, but I don't feel safe
Afraid you'll catch communism and socialized medicine if the libs breathe near you? Wear a facemask to protect yourself!

>> No.8252068

Is there a card of her model? Asking for a friend

>> No.8252071

It's great, all the Jap pussy I could ever want without having to leave the country.

>> No.8252119

it's Guam 1.0

>> No.8252159
File: 184 KB, 2047x1418, 0-89769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate Teacher Kson teaching about America stream

>> No.8252177

America is Texas and Florida/10

>> No.8252178

I've always known New Mexico was an actual state, so my mind jumped to the other thing that states that border Mexico are known for

>> No.8252188
File: 1.89 MB, 1920x1080, 1614857207029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8252228

That's your taxpayer dollars at work.

>> No.8252231

amazing terrible memes/10

>> No.8252236

wish I had alcohol to enjoy it more/10

>> No.8252277

Duchess/Ulster/Sullivan county's southern border

>> No.8252279


>> No.8252299

Was a different, yet familiar taste.
Needed more fuck florida and california though

>> No.8252318

The east coast and midwest do not matter, perfect score.

>> No.8252352

Texas has the rockets that matter now that SpaceX has moved down here.

>> No.8252361

Florida's too easy and fun. California on the other hand feels like it needs hollywood excess memes.

>> No.8252509

Florida is a fun place to meme on mostly thanks to sunshine laws which allow unhindered journalism on unusual crimes. California is properly evil and healthy to hate.

>> No.8252563

If you're a europoor think of it this way. America is the size of the entirety of Europe, but has only half the population. That gives a lot of fucking space you guys wouldn't have.

>> No.8252590

Best part of Hawaii racism is the vast majority of "Proud Natives" being decedents of foreign labourers brought to the island.

>> No.8252602

How can you forgot the alcohol

>> No.8252764

can confirm i'm her baby

>> No.8254603

Kson is off-topic.

>> No.8255367


>> No.8255404


>> No.8260825

you shitting me? Are you like straight up fucking with me?
More proof she's milking her viewers with lowest possible effort.

>> No.8263663

Shitty 10 year old image macros/10

>> No.8263736

kson needs a new model with coco tier tits

>> No.8263939

What does Nyanners have to do with it?

>> No.8263966
File: 1.45 MB, 592x722, 1614341982731.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand you're very new and also a bit braindead from what i can tell but she started vtubing at a time where many people made their own avatars from scratch, she's a vtuber veteran.
If anything i'd say making your own avatar instead of just paying someone to make it for you shows more commitment.
I also find the idea of a girl using a porn character creator hot, she should share her koikatsu card.

>> No.8264038

Hey Joe!

>> No.8264112
File: 77 KB, 692x1024, 20210821_142123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kson sit on me onegai

>> No.8264344

Based Hawaii

>> No.8264507


>> No.8264663
File: 52 KB, 1080x607, 1628678405066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now tell me, who is more deranged / delusional / schizophrenic.
>the one who don't give a fuck if his oshi streams as avatar or herself (3dp stream) and value her as a person.
>or the one who strokes his pp to l2d avatar and spergs, seethe cause all he want to see is 2d, without consideration of his oshi as a human being, not to mention that slight character break makes him uncontrollably convulsing.
Im not gonna judge, i will simply enjoy Nier stream.

>> No.8264847

You're a simpcuck and your oshi is fuckmeat (and that's how I like it)

>> No.8265402
File: 296 KB, 480x480, c964ec0644d4b7abb9af9927a984fd4cd5a0707b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not him, but that's pretty ironic, when you call someone a simp for watching 3dp streams of physically present person that ultimately exist in the real world,
while you simp for literal drawing
